Published Nov 12, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Easy Web Forms

Introduction to Easy Web Forms

Web forms are a critical component of many websites and web applications today. They allow site owners to easily collect structured data directly from users for various purposes. In this post, we'll provide an overview of web forms and discuss their key benefits, popular builders, design best practices, integration methods, and common use cases. We'll also highlight how services like DevHunt Forms can help developers quickly add robust forms to their projects.

Some key points we'll cover:

  • What are web forms and why are they useful?
  • The main benefits of using web forms for lead generation and conversions
  • A comparison of popular web form builder options like Wufoo, JotForm, and DevHunt Forms
  • Tips for designing effective web forms to improve completion rates
  • How to integrate and process submitted form data with Zapier, databases, etc.
  • Common use case examples like contact forms, user registration, and customer surveys

Web forms facilitate user interaction and data collection for many important business goals. Let's dive in and learn more about getting started with easy web forms!

What Are Web Forms?

Web forms allow users to input and submit data which is sent to a server for processing. They are typically created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front-end.

Some common examples of web forms include:

  • Contact forms for submitting questions and inquiries (e.g. Typeform)
  • Newsletter signup forms (e.g. Mailchimp)
  • User registration and account creation forms (e.g. HubSpot)
  • Online order forms for products or services (e.g. Shopify)
  • Customer surveys and feedback forms (e.g. SurveyMonkey)

Web forms enable the collection of structured user data without requiring manual data entry. They are essential building blocks for interactive websites and web applications.

Common Web Form Elements

Web forms are comprised of various form elements and input fields, including:

  • Text input fields for entering single line text
  • Textareas for multi-line or long form text
  • Radio buttons and checkboxes for selecting options
  • Dropdown menus and select lists for choosing from pre-defined options
  • Submit buttons allowing users to send the form data

Front-end vs Back-end

When creating a web form, developers need to work on both the front-end and back-end:

  • The front-end focuses on the form UI and validation using HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • The back-end handles receiving and processing the submitted data with languages like PHP, Python, Node.js etc.

The front-end validates and collects the form data, while the back-end manages saving submissions and using the data.

Benefits of Using Web Forms

Some key benefits of using web forms include:

  • Collecting structured user data like names, emails, addresses etc.
  • Allowing users to directly input and submit information through text fields, dropdowns etc.
  • Simplifying the lead capture and data collection process compared to manual methods
  • Reducing manual data entry and associated errors through instant form submissions
  • Enabling customization with advanced conditional logic to adapt forms based on user inputs
  • Providing interactive user experiences with instant validation and responses
  • Generating more leads and conversions for businesses by making it easy to collect user information

For example, ecommerce sites use web forms to capture customer data during purchases, which allows personalized follow-up and marketing. Web forms are a convenient way to gather information from site visitors for many purposes like lead generation, email list growth, surveys, support tickets and more.

There are many user-friendly tools available for building web forms today, including:

  • DevHunt Forms - Advanced web form builder for developers with conditional logic, multi-page flows etc.
  • Wufoo - Fully hosted web form builder with templates
  • Typeform - Beautiful, engaging web form template designer
  • JotForm - Feature-rich web form builder with free and paid plans
  • Google Forms - Free simple web forms with Google integration

These tools help create customized forms without needing extensive programming knowledge. They offer options for basic contact forms to advanced forms with conditional logic, multi-page flows, and integrations.

Designing Effective Web Forms

Here are some tips for designing better web forms:

  • Only request necessary information to reduce friction
  • Use radio buttons for fewer than 6 options rather than dropdowns
  • Validate inputs to catch and prevent errors before submission
  • Allow users to save progress on longer forms
  • Ensure forms are mobile-friendly with responsive design
  • Include clear calls-to-action to encourage form completion

Careful form design improves completion rates and the quality of submitted data.

Integrating and Processing Form Data

There are a few approaches for integrating and processing web form data:

  • Server-side processing with languages like PHP, Python, Node.js etc.
  • Third-party integration services like Zapier
  • Saving submissions to databases like MySQL, MongoDB
  • Sending email notifications through SMTP or services like Mailgun
  • Integration with CRM, analytics, marketing platforms etc.
  • Custom programming logic to handle form data

For example, DevHunt Forms offers integrations with databases, email services, Zapier, and webhooks to flexibly manage form data.

Choose an integration method suitable for your use case and stack.

Common Web Form Use Cases

Some typical examples of using web forms include:

  • Contact forms for questions and support inquiries
  • Newsletter and email list signup forms
  • User registration and account creation
  • Online order forms for products or services
  • Booking forms for appointments or reservations
  • Customer surveys and feedback collection
  • Job and employment application forms
  • Lead generation and sales conversion forms

Web forms provide the building blocks for all kinds of interactive experiences and workflows.


Web forms are a critical component of most modern websites and web applications. They allow site owners to easily collect user data for many important business goals like lead generation, conversions, account signups, support, and more.

With the many user-friendly form builders available today like DevHunt Forms, it's easy to add custom web forms without needing advanced programming skills. Careful form design and choosing the right integration approach enables efficiently collecting and processing quality user data.

By understanding web form best practices, developers can create forms that engage users and get results. Robust tools like DevHunt Forms provide the speed, flexibility, and advanced features to make powerful web forms accessible to any developer.

Check out DevHunt Forms today to start building the perfect web forms for your projects and goals.