Published Apr 16, 2024 ⦁ 10 min read
Create Web Forms as Easy as Drag and Drop

Create Web Forms as Easy as Drag and Drop

Looking to create web forms without diving into coding? Discover the ease of using drag and drop web form builders! These tools allow you to visually assemble forms, offering a plethora of features such as various field types, customizable designs, spam protection, and mobile responsiveness. With options like DevHunt Forms and Wufoo, you have access to free and paid plans, ready-to-use templates, and integration capabilities. This article guides you through selecting the right builder, designing your form, configuring settings, and tips for maximizing conversion rates.

  • Choose the Best Web Form Builder: Consider features, ease of use, templates, analytics, and budget.
  • Design with Ease: Use the visual editor to drag and drop fields, customize appearances, and preview on mobile.
  • Configure and Publish: Set up confirmation messages, email notifications, access control, and spam filtering. Embed your form on your site and analyze submissions.
  • Maximize Conversions: Ensure your form is visible, keep it short, use easy inputs, and have a clear call-to-action.

Quick Comparison

Builder Works on Phones Ready-to-use Designs Can Track How It's Doing Cost
DevHunt Forms Yes Lots Custom reports Free - $29/mo
Wufoo Yes Over 100 Basic info $15 - $199/mo

Whether you're a novice or a seasoned web developer, these drag and drop builders provide a straightforward path to creating functional and aesthetically pleasing web forms.

Benefits Over Coding Forms

Here are some reasons why using these builders can be better than writing code for forms:

  • It's quicker to make forms, and you don't need to know how to code
  • The visual editor makes it easy to design even complicated forms
  • Features like stopping spam and checking data are included
  • Your forms will automatically work well on phones
  • You can start with lots of ready-to-use templates

For a lot of situations, these builders can help you make forms for your website more quickly and easily than if you tried to code them yourself. They take care of the hard parts, so you can focus on getting your form just right.

Comparing Top Drag and Drop Builders

Builder Works on Phones Ready-to-use Designs Can Track How It's Doing Cost
DevHunt Forms Yes Lots You can make custom reports Free - $29/mo
Wufoo Yes Over 100 Basic info $15 - $199/mo

DevHunt Forms

DevHunt Forms is really good for people who make websites. Here's why:

  • You can easily move things around to make forms without needing to code
  • It's friendly for developers because it can work with other tools easily
  • You can connect it to over 1000 other apps using Zapier
  • The forms look good on phones
  • You can check how your form is doing with special reports
  • It doesn't cost anything to start, but there are more options if you pay

Overall, DevHunt Forms is great if you're into making websites because it lets you do a lot without needing to dive into code. It's also got some neat ways to see how your forms are doing.


Wufoo is a tool that helps you make forms online and has a big library of designs to start with. Here's what it offers:

  • A big collection of designs that are ready to go
  • You can accept money or donations directly through your forms
  • It works with tools like MailChimp and Zendesk
  • It gives you basic info on how your form is doing
  • The price ranges from $15 to $199 each month

In short, Wufoo makes it easy to get started with web forms because it has a lot of designs and can do some cool things with other marketing tools. But if you want to really customize things, DevHunt Forms might be a better fit.

Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the Right Builder

When you're picking a form builder, think about what you need:

  • Features Needed: Figure out what your form should do. Do you need to collect payments, limit how many people can fill it out, or send the data somewhere? Choose a builder that can do all that.
  • Ease of Use: The tool should be easy to use, letting you put together forms without needing to know how to code.
  • Template Library: A good selection of templates can help you get started faster.
  • Analytics: Go for a builder that shows you how many people are looking at and filling out your form.
  • Budget: Builders can be free or cost money for extra features. Pick one that fits what you're willing to spend.

Looking at these things will help you find the best builder for your needs.

Using the Visual Editor

Here's how to make a form with most builders:

  1. Start with a template or a blank form
  2. Add fields like text boxes, checkboxes, or images by dragging them onto the form
  3. Change the names, choices, and look of your fields
  4. See how your form looks on phones
  5. Adjust until you're happy with how it looks

You're basically putting together your form like a puzzle, using pieces that the builder gives you.

Configuring Form Settings

Once your form looks good, set it up to work right:

  • Confirmation Message: Decide what to say when someone submits the form.
  • Email Notifications: Set up emails to let you know when you get a new submission.
  • Access Control: You can make your form private or only let certain people see it.
  • Spam Filtering: Use things like captcha or limit how many times the form can be filled to stop spam.

Setting these up makes sure your form does what you need it to.

Publishing and Embedding

To share your form with the world:

  1. Get Embed Code: The builder will give you a piece of code.
  2. Add to Your Site: Put this code on your website where you want the form to show.
  3. Test Submissions: Make sure everything works and that you're getting the info you need.
  4. Check Analytics: See how many people are looking at and filling out your form.

After your form is up, keep an eye on how it's doing and make changes if you need to.


Tips for High Conversion Rates

Here are some simple ways to make sure more people fill out your forms:


  • Put your form where people can see it right away, like at the top of the page.
  • Make it pop with a different background color or borders.
  • Don't hide it down low where it might get overlooked.


  • Keep your form short. The more you ask, the less likely people will finish it.
  • Only ask for the must-have info. You can make extra questions optional.
  • Group similar questions together to make the form look less overwhelming.


  • Choose easy-to-fill options like radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns over blank spaces to write in.
  • Where you can, fill in answers for them ahead of time.
  • Check their answers as they go to cut down on mistakes and frustration.


  • Use simple, direct words for buttons, like "Sign Up Now" instead of just "Submit".
  • Make the main button stand out with a different color, size, or spot.
  • Stick to one main action you want people to take.

Following these simple tips when making your form can really help more people fill it out. Keep an eye on how it's doing after you put it up and change things as needed based on what works best.


Making web forms by just dragging and dropping stuff is really handy:

It's Quick and Doesn't Cost Much

  • You can make forms super fast without having to write code
  • You don't need to be a tech wizard, which means you can save money on hiring experts
  • If you want to change something later, you can easily do it yourself

Your Forms Look Good and Work Well

  • You get lots of design choices so your forms will look professional
  • Features that stop spam help you get better results
  • You can spend more time making your forms better instead of figuring out how to code them

Easy to Keep Up as You Grow

  • You can add new forms or change old ones anytime without needing a coder
  • If you want to start accepting payments or add new stuff, it's simple
  • Using tools that don't require code means you can handle more forms without getting swamped

In short, using drag and drop to make web forms is a smart choice. It's faster, costs less, and works better than the old way of coding everything. Now, anyone can create awesome web forms on their own. You don't need to depend only on developers anymore.

How do I create a simple drag and drop website?

To make a website by dragging and dropping things, you can use website builders that let you:

  1. Move items like pictures, text boxes, and buttons around on your page
  2. Click on what you've added to change how it looks or what it says
  3. Move things around again if you change your mind

You don't need to know how to code because you're just picking and placing things where you want them.

How do I create a simple web form?

To make a basic web form, you can:

  1. Use a text editor to start a new HTML file
  2. Write the basic HTML setup and add <form> tags
  3. Put in form parts like places to type, dropdown menus, and a submit button
  4. Make sure each part has the right settings like type and name
  5. Add labels and a button to send the form
  6. Open your file in a web browser to see if it works

Coding a form gives you more control, but using form builders can make it much easier.

How do I create a drag and drop form builder?

For a drag and drop form builder, you need:

  • Parts of the form that you can move around
  • The ability to click on what you've added to change it
  • Ways to change the size or combine parts
  • A simple way to manage everything
  • No need for coding

This makes making forms easy because you see what you're doing as you go.

How to drag and drop in asp net web form?

To use drag and drop in an ASP.NET web form:

  1. Change the UploadMode to Advanced on your upload part
  2. Turn on EnableDragAndDrop in the settings
  3. You can now drag files right onto the form

This lets you add files to your form without having to reload the page.