Published Oct 11, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

Build Custom Forms Without Code

Introduction to Building Custom Forms Without Code

Custom forms are useful tools for gathering information from users in a structured way. They allow you to create customized data collection for contact pages, surveys, newsletter signups, event registrations, and more. Traditionally, building custom forms required coding skills to develop the forms from scratch. However, today there are many user-friendly form building platforms that allow anyone to create powerful forms without writing a single line of code.

In this post, we'll explore the key benefits of using a no-code form builder and walk through the process of choosing, designing, and integrating effective forms for different needs. You'll learn the essential features to look for in form building tools, form design best practices, how to collect and manage data securely, and tips for embedding forms on websites.

By the end, you'll have actionable guidance to start building custom forms tailored to your goals without technical expertise. Whether you need a simple contact form, multi-page survey, or ecommerce checkout flow, the right form builder makes it easy to create exactly what you want in minutes. Let's dive in!

Choosing the Right Form Builder

With so many form building platforms to choose from, it can be tricky to select the right one for your needs. Here are the most important factors to consider when comparing your options:

Key Form Building Features

The form builder you choose should have these essential features to enable creating professional, high-converting forms:

  • Drag and drop editor: Look for an intuitive, visual editor that lets you add fields, customize design, and rearrange sections easily without coding.

  • Mobile responsiveness: Forms should adapt smoothly across mobile, tablet, and desktop without losing functionality.

  • Custom branding and themes: Match forms to your brand identity with custom colors, fonts, and design elements.

  • Multi-page forms: Break long surveys or sequences into multiple pages with progress bars.

  • Conditional logic: Show or hide fields based on previous responses to personalize forms.

  • Email notifications: Get submissions delivered to your inbox automatically.

  • Data storage and management: Store, export, and integrate form data with other apps.

  • Built-in payments: Accept payments directly through forms with integrated gateways.

  • 3rd party integrations: Connect to marketing, sales, and email tools via Zapier and APIs.

  • Analytics and reporting: Track form views, submissions, drop-offs, and conversion rates.

Top Form Building Platforms

When comparing form builders, some top options to consider include:

  • Google Forms: Free with basic features but limited compared to paid platforms. Better for simple internal use cases.

  • JotForm: Full-featured popular form builder with hundreds of templates. Pricing based on number of forms and submissions.

  • Typeform: Stylish, engaging forms but more limited conditional logic capabilities.

  • SurveyMonkey: Specialized in survey building with analysis and reporting.

  • Wufoo: Well-known forms focused on contact pages, newsletters, and surveys.

  • DevHunt Form Builder: Robust form creation features like drag and drop editor, themes, conditional logic, payments, and analytics. Ideal for developers promoting tools.

  • Formstack: Enterprise-level forms with advanced features and integrations. Higher pricing tiers.

Consider pricing models carefully, as some platforms offer free plans with limited features while paid tiers unlock additional capabilities. Focus on aligning standout platform strengths with your specific form building needs.

Designing Effective Forms

Once you've selected the right form building platform, it's time to start creating your forms. Follow these best practices for high-converting forms optimized for usability:

Structuring Sections Logically

  • Group related fields into clearly labeled sections. Ex: Contact Info, Company Details, Event Questions.

  • Use page breaks for long, multi-step forms. Show progress bar.

  • Funnel from general to specific. Get broad details first before diving deeper.

Crafting User-Friendly Fields

  • Prioritize key questions at the top. Additional info goes at end.

  • Limit choices to 3-5 options for radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdowns.

  • Use input masks to format fields for phone, email, dates, etc.

  • Minimize required fields to reduce abandonment.

  • Add helper text with examples for desired formats.

Optimizing Form Copy

  • Use casual, conversational language. Avoid overly formal text.

  • State the purpose upfront. "Sign up below to get our newsletter."

  • Use clear, descriptive field labels. "Email Address" not just "Email".

  • Give suggestions or examples for desired response formats.

  • Confirm email opt-in is optional, not required.

  • Review from your target users' perspective. Refine confusing areas.

When designing forms, always preview on mobile to ensure responsive design adapts well across devices. Confirming submissions with a "Thank you" message improves user experience.

Thoughtful form design optimized for clarity, sequencing, and conversion is crucial for getting the data you need from users.

Collecting and Managing Form Data

Once your form is live and collecting submissions, you need to decide how to best store, analyze, and leverage the incoming data.

  • Store submissions - Form builders save entry details like names, emails, and responses.

  • Export data - Download form data as CSV/Excel files for further analysis.

  • Email notifications - Set up automatic emails when forms are submitted.

  • Analyze in spreadsheets - Review data, create charts, calculate metrics.

  • Segment contacts - Organize form signups into lists based on responses.

  • Integrate with CRM - Sync submissions with Salesforce for follow-up.

  • Connect to email services - Send data to Mailchimp, Constant Contact to add contacts.

  • Automate workflows - Trigger actions like emails based on form events with Zapier.

Using Form Data

Carefully collected form data provides valuable customer insights:

  • Segment leads and contacts by demographics, interests, behaviors.

  • Personalize follow-up messages matched to user responses.

  • Understand pain points and needs indicated in submissions.

  • Improve products/services based on ratings and feedback.

  • Track form performance over time - submissions, conversions, drop-offs.

Data Security

When handling submissions, keep privacy and permissions in mind:

  • Comply with regulations like GDPR for personal data collection.

  • Use access controls to limit employee form access.

  • Encrypt stored and transmitted data via HTTPS.

  • Post clear privacy policies explaining data usage.

  • Allow opt-in only email communications.

  • Anonymize data before statistical analysis and reporting.

  • Vet form platforms to ensure adequate security provisions.

Reputable form builders employ robust measures to protect your data and prevent unauthorized access. Transparency builds user trust - explain in your privacy policy how submissions will be handled.

Integrating and Embedding Forms

Once your form is designed, configured, and tested, it's time to publish and start collecting submissions. Quality form builders make embedding forms easy:

  • Get embed code - Platforms provide custom snippets to integrate forms anywhere.

  • Embed on your site - Add forms to landing pages, posts, contact pages.

  • Style forms - Use CSS to match form design to your website.

  • Promote forms - Encourage signups via popups, sticky bars, social posts.

  • Test thoroughly - Confirm forms function properly on all devices and browsers.

  • Monitor performance - Track conversion rates, drop-offs, usability issues.

  • Refine continually - Use feedback to optimize forms over time.

With strategic placement, promotion, and ongoing improvement, forms become invaluable for leads, subscribers, feedback, and insights.

Start Building Your Own Forms Easily

We've covered the key steps - choosing a trusted form builder like DevHunt, optimizing design, managing data securely, and integrating forms seamlessly.

Now you have the actionable guidance needed to create custom forms tailored to your goals without coding. Whether you need a simple contact form or complex multi-page survey, the right no-code form platform makes it easy to build exactly what you want.

Focus on structuring logical forms, creating great experiences for users, and embedding forms elegantly on your site. In no time, you'll be collecting quality leads and gaining insights to help drive business success.

Key Takeaways for Building Forms Without Code

  • Form building platforms allow anyone to create custom forms without coding.

  • Opt for builders with robust features - drag and drop editor, themes, logic, payments, analytics.

  • Follow UX best practices for effective form design and optimized conversions.

  • Manage and analyze data carefully to gain customer insights.

  • Embed forms on your site and promote them across channels.

  • Continually refine forms based on performance data for better results over time.