Published Oct 12, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Craft Web Forms That Capture Leads

Introduction: Capturing Leads with Strategic Web Form Design

Lead generation is the lifeblood of business growth. Without capturing prospects who may eventually convert into customers, companies struggle to increase revenue over time. Web forms provide a convenient way for businesses to gather contact information and gauge interest from potential leads. But simply sticking a generic contact form on your site won't cut it anymore. Companies need to be strategic with form design and optimization to maximize lead capture.

In this guide, we'll cover key tactics for crafting compelling web forms that engage users and convert visitors into high-quality leads. You'll learn how to optimize calls-to-action, prioritize form fields, enhance user experience, confirm submissions, reduce friction, boost conversions, and continually improve forms through analytics and testing. Follow these research-backed best practices to capture more leads through your website forms.

Crafting Compelling Calls-to-Action

Your form's call-to-action (CTA) often makes the first impression and can heavily influence conversion rates. Follow these tips to create CTAs that motivate users to take action:

  • Use urgent, benefit-driven language like "Get Your Free Trial" instead of passive phrases like "Submit Your Email". Trigger emotion with words like "Join" or "Become".

  • Spark curiosity and interest with CTA headlines like "See Your Custom Price" or "Get Early Access". Ask questions to engage users.

  • Test different button copy, sizes, colors, and placement on the page using tools like DevHunt which provides built-in A/B testing capabilities. Track conversions to find the optimal variant.

  • Ensure your CTA matches the desired user action and form purpose. "Start My Free Trial" works for gated content; "Schedule a Demo" for sales inquiries.

  • Consider embeddable forms with custom styling options like those available from DevHunt to optimize placement.

Prioritizing Key Form Fields

Don't overburden users with unnecessary fields. Stick to essential info needed to qualify leads:

  • Name, email address, phone number are critical. Additional fields depend on your goals.

  • Too many fields increase abandonment. Limit forms to 5-8 key fields.

  • Put the most important fields first. Make less vital info like company name optional.

  • DevHunt allows creating customized lead profiles with tailored form fields for capturing relevant info.

Formatting for Completion and Conversion

Optimize form layout and UX to boost completion rates:

  • Use a simple single-column format for easy skimming and completion on all devices.

  • Employ only minimal required validation. Overzealous blocking hurts conversions.

  • Present field labels clearly above each field vs. placeholder text. Use simple labels.

  • Add helpful text below fields to guide users on proper inputs.

  • DevHunt's drag-and-drop form builder incorporates UX best practices for conversions.

Enhancing User Experience and Accessibility

Don't neglect mobile users and those with disabilities:

  • Ensure forms are responsive on mobile with touch-friendly design.

  • Allow auto-fill and leverage browser smart field detection.

  • Follow standards like ARIA labels, color contrast ratios of at least 4.5:1, and keyboard navigation.

  • Enable password visibility toggle and logical tab order for accessibility.

  • DevHunt forms are mobile-responsive and built for WCAG compliance.

Confirming Submissions and Following Up

Guide users after form submission and continue nurturing leads:

  • Provide confirmation messages or redirect to a thank you page.

  • Include links to download requested content in confirmations.

  • Follow up via emails or calls using the captured lead data.

  • Offer new incentives post-submission to re-engage users like discounts or content unlocks.

  • DevHunt integrates with platforms like Mailchimp for automating lead nurturing.

Optimizing Performance and Analytics

Continually improve forms through analytics, testing, and performance best practices:

  • Minimize page load times by optimizing images, scripts, etc.

  • Leverage caching, compression, and other optimizations.

  • Track form analytics like submissions, conversions, and drop-off rates using DevHunt's built-in tracking.

  • Run A/B tests on design, incentivization, flows using DevHunt's split testing capabilities.

  • DevHunt provides built-in conversion and performance tracking tools to identify bottlenecks.

Reducing Bounce Rates

Lower high bounce rates with these techniques:

  • Use progress trackers on multi-step forms to reinforce progress.

  • Employ micro-copy and messaging to emphasize the value proposition.

  • Allow saving and returning later to complete lengthy forms.

  • Send reminder emails if abandoned carts or forms are detected.

  • DevHunt enables multi-step forms and saved drafts to minimize drops.

Increasing Conversions

Boost form conversion rates with these strategies:

  • Offer incentives like discounts, content previews, or free trial eligibility.

  • Build trust with testimonials, security seals, satisfaction guarantees.

  • Highlight social proof elements like sign-up numbers or site visitor counters.

  • Reduce friction through smart field detection, prefill, and saved entries.

  • DevHunt provides built-in tools for conversion rate optimization like A/B testing.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Well-designed forms are indispensable for capturing high-quality leads. By crafting compelling CTAs, prioritizing fields, enhancing UX, confirming submissions, reducing friction, incentivizing users, and continually optimizing through analytics and testing, you can maximize lead generation from your website forms. Solutions like DevHunt provide advanced capabilities to help you create high-converting forms that capture and nurture more leads.