Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 17 min read

Best Tools to Create and Build Mobile Apps in 2024

As a developer, you know that having the right tools can make or break your next mobile app project. With new innovations in low-code and no-code solutions, there are more options than ever when it comes to building and launching your mobile apps efficiently in 2024. In this article, we will explore some of the most promising tools and platforms that allow you to go from concept to deployed app with ease. Whether you are a solo developer or part of a larger team, you will find tips on how to choose the best tools for your needs from design to dev ops. We will look at offerings from both well-established players as well as newcomers to the space that show promise in streamlining workflows. Our goal is to provide actionable recommendations so you can pick the solutions that will save you time and money when bringing your next mobile app idea to life. With the right tools, you can build higher quality apps faster than ever before.

Overview of the Mobile App Development Process

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To build a mobile app, you'll need to follow a comprehensive process from concept to deployment. First, determine the goal and scope of your app to outline the features and user experience required. ###Defining the App Concept and Scope

Next, create wireframes and prototypes to map out how users will navigate your app. Wireframing tools like Balsamiq and InVision allow you to build low-fidelity prototypes to gather feedback before development.

Designing the User Experience

With a solid UX design in place, you can begin development. For native apps, learn programming languages like Swift (for iOS) and Java (for Android). Cross-platform tools such as React Native and Flutter also allow you to build for both platforms using JavaScript and Dart respectively.

Choosing a Development Framework

During development, use emulators to build and test your app on virtual devices. Once ready, submit your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for review and approval before users can download it.

Testing, Review and Deployment

After launch, monitor reviews and analytics to gain insights into how people are using your app. Keep improving by updating features and fixing bugs to provide the best user experience. Building a mobile app requires continuous dedication to stay on the cutting edge of new technologies and user expectations.

Gathering Feedback and Optimizing

In summary, developing a mobile app involves multiple stages: concept, design, development, testing, deployment and optimization. While challenging, the rewards of building a successful app that provides real value to users makes it a worthwhile endeavor. Keep learning, stay determined, and never stop improving your craft.

How to build an app in 2024?

Building an app in 2024 will require leveraging the latest tools and technologies. To streamline development, you should focus on low-code and no-code solutions. ###Low-code development platforms Low-code development platforms provide a visual development environment to build applications with minimal hand-coding. They include pre-built components like forms, data models, flows, and logic that you can assemble through a drag and drop interface. Platforms like Appian, OutSystems, and Mendix are popular for building web and mobile apps. They reduce complexity so you can build apps faster with fewer developers.

No-code development tools

No-code tools allow you to build apps without any coding at all. They are even more visual than low-code platforms and include tools for designing the interface, defining the data model, setting up business logic, and more. Platforms like Bubble, Glide, and Zapier let you build web and mobile apps through their visual editors. Some also connect to various data sources and third-party services to provide extra functionality.

While low-code and no-code platforms simplify app development, for complex apps you'll still need developers to handle custom coding and integration. These platforms are best suited for apps that can benefit from visual development and minimal coding, such as business process automation, CRMs, mobile apps, and web portals. By combining low-code or no-code platforms with traditional development for any custom needs, you'll be able to build apps faster and more efficiently in 2024.

Top Low Code Development Tools in 2024

Low-code development tools have revolutionized the process of building mobile apps. Rather than writing thousands of lines of code, developers can now leverage visual interfaces and drag-and-drop features to quickly develop and deploy custom apps. Some of the top low-code tools in 2024 include:


Appian is a leading low-code platform for building enterprise apps. It features an intuitive visual interface, robust security, and AI-powered recommendations to accelerate development. Appian is ideal for creating complex apps that integrate with legacy systems. With Appian, developers can build apps up to 20 times faster than traditional coding.


Mendix is a popular low-code platform for rapidly developing web and mobile apps. It provides pre-built components, visual modeling, and collaborative features for streamlining team development. Mendix also integrates with various data sources and APIs to allow developers to quickly build apps that connect information across systems. The Mendix platform is trusted by over 4,000 companies around the world.


OutSystems is a low-code development platform focused on building and deploying enterprise web and mobile apps. It offers advanced functionality for integrating with existing systems, ensuring high performance, and enabling collaborative development environments. OutSystems also provides AI-assisted coding and automation tools to help developers build apps more efficiently. Over 1,000 companies rely on the OutSystems platform to develop and deploy critical apps.

In summary, low-code development tools have enabled a new generation of “citizen developers” - business users with little to no coding experience who can now build custom apps to solve problems. As these tools continue to advance, low-code will transform how organizations develop software and gain a competitive advantage through technology innovation. The top low-code platforms are enabling developers of all skill levels to create complex web and mobile apps faster and more efficiently than ever before.

What is the best app builder for 2024?

Low-Code Development Platforms

Low-code development platforms enable developers to build mobile apps with minimal hand-coding. Instead, these platforms provide visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality to design apps. Some of the leading low-code platforms for building mobile apps in 2024 are:

Appian is a low-code platform for building enterprise mobile apps. It offers pre-built components and templates to accelerate development. Appian also has robust security and integration features to connect mobile apps with back-end systems.

Mendix is another popular low-code platform with a visual app builder, pre-built widgets, and templates for building mobile apps. It can deploy apps to both iOS and Android and offers pre-built connectors to various data sources. Mendix is a flexible and scalable platform for enterprises.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Frameworks

Cross-platform mobile app frameworks allow you to build apps using web languages like JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and then deploy them as native apps on both Android and iOS. Some of the leading options for 2024 include:

React Native is an open-source framework from Facebook that lets you build mobile apps using React. It renders to native components, so your apps will look and feel like native Android and iOS apps. React Native has a large community and ecosystem of libraries and tools.

Flutter is Google’s open-source framework for building beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase. Flutter uses Dart, Google’s programming language optimized for client-side development. Flutter compiles to native code, so your apps will have native performance.

Cloud App Builders

Some cloud providers offer visual app builders and services for building mobile apps. For example:

Google App Maker is a low-code environment for building mobile apps on Google Cloud Platform. You can build apps with a visual drag-and-drop interface and Google's Material Design components. Apps can connect to a variety of Google Cloud services like Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery.

AWS Amplify is Amazon Web Services' set of tools and services for building mobile apps. It includes a CLI toolchain, UI library, API Gateway, and other features to build full-stack iOS and Android apps. You can build apps with various frontend frameworks like React Native, Flutter, Vue.js, and use Amplify to connect to AWS backends.

In summary, there are many high-quality tools and platforms for building mobile apps in 2024. Low-code development platforms, cross-platform frameworks, and cloud app builders from major providers are all great options, depending on your needs and technical skill levels. With these solutions, you can build and deploy native iOS and Android apps faster and with less coding.

Top Frameworks for Native iOS and Android Development

Modern mobile app development requires robust and versatile frameworks to build native iOS and Android apps. The top frameworks provide components and tools to accelerate the development process while producing high-quality results.

React Native

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that enables you to build native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript. It renders UI components using native platform APIs, allowing you to build native mobile apps with React. React Native apps have a native feel and provide fast performance.


Flutter is Google’s open-source framework for building native iOS and Android apps with a single codebase. Using the Dart programming language, Flutter renders graphics through its own high-performance rendering engine. Flutter provides a rich set of pre-built widgets and tools, allowing you to build and deploy visually appealing, fast mobile apps.


Xamarin is a popular framework developed by Microsoft for building native iOS and Android apps with .NET and C#. Using Xamarin, you can reuse business logic layers and data access across platforms. Xamarin also provides access to native platform APIs, enabling you to build apps with native UI and performance. Xamarin is used by many enterprises to build and deploy mobile apps at scale.


NativeScript is an open-source framework for building truly native iOS and Android mobile apps using JavaScript, XML, and CSS. NativeScript renders UIs using native platform components, providing a native look and feel and high performance. The NativeScript CLI and build process are simple to set up and use, allowing you to get started quickly. NativeScript is backed by Progress, providing long-term support and updates.

In summary, these leading frameworks allow you to build high-performance, native iOS and Android mobile apps more efficiently using web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. With a robust set of tools and components, any of these options can streamline your mobile app development process.

Efficient Prototyping Tools to Test Mobile App Concepts

To efficiently develop a mobile app, testing various concepts and user experience (UX) flows early on is essential. Prototyping tools allow you to quickly mock up app ideas, gather feedback, and make changes before investing in full development. Some of the most popular options for mobile prototyping include:


Figma is a collaborative UI/UX design tool with built-in prototyping capabilities. You can design mobile app screens, link them together, and create interactive prototypes to share with stakeholders. Figma offers vector graphics, component libraries, and auto-layout tools to speed up the design process. Prototypes can be viewed on actual mobile devices or using the Figma app.

InVision Studio

InVision Studio is another design and prototyping tool focused on collaboration and creativity. It provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to build interactive mobile prototypes with gestures, transitions, and animations. You can also import designs from tools like Sketch and Photoshop to turn into working prototypes in InVision Studio. Share your prototypes via links or the InVision Studio app for live mobile previewing and feedback.


Marvel is a simple yet powerful prototyping platform for mobile apps. Snap photos of hand-drawn concepts, choose from pre-made UI kits, or design screens directly in the editor. Link your screens together, add hotspots, and gestures to create an interactive mobile prototype. The Marvel app allows you to preview how the prototype will function on an actual iOS or Android device by scanning a QR code. Team members can also collaborate on designs and leave comments right in the Marvel web app.

Framer X

For developers interested in highly interactive mobile app prototypes, Framer X is an excellent choice. It uses a visual coding editor to give you full control over animations, data, and logic in your prototypes. You can import designs from Sketch, Figma or Adobe XD and turn them into working prototypes with custom interactions and dynamic components. Framer X prototypes function just like real mobile apps, so you can share them with testers on actual iOS and Android devices to get feedback before writing a single line of code.

In summary, these prototyping tools offer efficient ways for teams to collaborate on mobile app concepts and get interactive prototypes in front of users quickly. By testing ideas early and often, you’ll build better user experiences and minimize wasted effort. Select a tool that matches your team’s skills and needs to start prototyping your next mobile app today.

Useful Tools for App Testing and Debugging


Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid apps on iOS and Android. It allows you to test your apps without a SDK, which is perfect for testing cross-platform apps. With Appium, you can write tests in languages like Python, Java, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP. It has a simple API and it uses the WebDriver protocol to interact with native apps in a platform-agnostic fashion.


Charles is a web proxy tool that allows you to view HTTP and HTTPS requests from your mobile apps. It's useful for debugging network requests from your apps to detect any issues. You can inspect request and response headers, URLs, POST data, SSL certificates, and more. Charles also allows you to throttle your network speed to simulate slow connections, which is helpful for testing how your app performs under poor network conditions.

Android Studio

The Android Studio IDE provides an advanced debugger for Android apps. You can set breakpoints, step through code line by line, inspect variables and evaluate expressions. The Android Studio debugger works for both Java and Kotlin code. It allows you to debug apps running on physical Android devices as well as the Android Emulator. Debugging with Android Studio is a key tool for any Android developer to master.


For iOS developers, Xcode provides a full-featured debugger for testing and debugging apps. You can set breakpoints, step through code, and analyze variables and threads. The Xcode debugger works for both Swift and Objective-C code. It allows you to debug apps running on physical iOS devices as well as the iOS Simulator. Xcode's debugger is essential for any iOS developer to learn.

In summary, tools like Appium, Charles, Android Studio, and Xcode provide helpful means for testing, inspecting and debugging your mobile apps. Utilizing them at different stages of development will ensure you build high quality, well-functioning apps. Constant testing and improvement is key to success in today's competitive app market.

Top DevOps Tools for Streamlined App Deployment

To deploy mobile apps efficiently, developers require robust DevOps tools. These tools facilitate a streamlined workflow from development to deployment.

One prominent tool is Jenkins, an open source automation server that integrates with version control systems like Git. Jenkins enables continuous integration of code changes and automates the build and deploy process. It is highly extensible and integrates with various testing and deployment technologies.

Docker is a popular containerization platform that packages software into standardized units for development, shipment, and deployment. Docker streamlines the deployment of mobile apps by bundling all necessary components into a container. These containers can then be deployed across environments without compatibility issues.

Kubernetes, an open source container orchestration platform, simplifies the management of Docker containers at scale. It automates deployment, provides self-healing capabilities, and facilitates horizontal scaling. Kubernetes is a powerful tool for deploying mobile apps, especially those with fluctuating workloads.

Terraform, an infrastructure as code tool, enables developers to define and provision the infrastructure for mobile apps using a high-level configuration language. This includes elements like virtual networks, load balancers, and compute instances. Terraform supports a variety of cloud providers and services, allowing for a consistent workflow across environments.

Continuous deployment tools like Spinnaker automate the software delivery process. They monitor code repositories for changes, trigger builds and tests, and deploy the latest version to target environments. For mobile apps, Spinnaker can facilitate deployments to app stores and beta testing services.

In summary, a robust set of DevOps tools is indispensable for simplifying the mobile app deployment process. Leveraging these tools enables a streamlined workflow, faster release cycles, and higher quality software. With their help, developers can deploy updates quickly and reliably to end users.

Automated Tools to Monitor and Analyze App Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your mobile application, employing automated tools for monitoring and analysis is essential. These tools provide insightful data on metrics like user engagement, retention, and conversion to help improve your app.

App analytics tools track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as daily active users, user retention rates, and conversion funnels. Leading options like Mixpanel, Amplitude, and App Annie offer robust analytics to gain actionable insights. They provide real-time data visualization through dashboards and reports. Many are equipped with predictive analytics and machine learning capabilities to uncover trends and behaviors.

Performance monitoring tools like New Relic and AppDynamics detect performance issues to minimize downtime. They monitor metrics like application response times, throughput, and error rates. When thresholds are exceeded, alerts are triggered to notify developers. These tools help identify bottlenecks and optimize speed, scalability, and reliability.

Crash reporting tools like Crashlytics, Instabug, and Bugsnag detect and log app crashes, freezes or JavaScript errors. Post-mortem reports provide details to fix issues and the tools often integrate with development tools for streamlined bug-fixing workflow. They improve app stability by detecting the root causes of errors.

Beta testing tools such as TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution, and HockeyApp aid in pre-release testing. Invited or open beta testers can install beta versions to uncover issues before the public release. Beta testing maximizes the quality and user experience of your apps.

By leveraging a combination of these automated tools, mobile teams can gain full visibility into their app's performance, usage, and quality. Continuous monitoring and analysis ultimately results in data-driven product improvements, reduced churn, higher user satisfaction, and business growth. Employing a comprehensive suite of tools for your mobile app is essential to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Which tool is best for mobile app development?

With a plethora of tools available for mobile app development, determining which solution is optimal for your needs can be challenging. When evaluating the options, consider factors such as:

Target platform(s): Do you want to build apps for iOS, Android, or both? Some tools are platform-specific while others allow for cross-platform development. For beginners, cross-platform tools can be easier to get started with.

Coding requirements: Are you looking for a low-code or no-code solution? Low-code and no-code tools require little to no programming knowledge and can help you prototype and launch an app quickly. For complex apps, you may still need to do some coding.

Features: Think about what features you need to include in your app like social media integration, geolocation, or push notifications. Choose a tool that makes it easy to implement the features you require.

Budget: Prices for mobile app development tools range from free to enterprise-level paid plans. Consider your budget and how much you can invest in the technology to build and maintain your app.

In summary, evaluating factors such as target platform(s), coding requirements, features, and budget will help determine the optimal tool for your mobile app development needs. Solutions like AppGyver, Adalo, and Thunkable are popular for building simple cross-platform apps with minimal coding. For more complex native iOS and Android apps, Xcode, Android Studio, and React Native are highly capable options. The key is finding a tool that matches your knowledge level, resources, and app requirements. With the multitude of choices available today, there are solutions for building mobile apps at any skill level.

Dev Hunt – The best new Dev Tools every day.

When exploring options to create and build mobile applications, developers today have access to a variety of tools to streamline the development process. These tools range from low-code development platforms to open-source frameworks and commercial integrated development environments (IDEs).

Low-code development tools allow developers to build applications with minimal hand-coding. These tools use visual components and logic to build apps, requiring less technical expertise. Examples of low-code tools include Appian, Mendix, and OutSystems. These platforms can reduce development time but may limit flexibility.

Open-source frameworks like React Native and Flutter allow developers to build native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. With a framework like React Native, developers can leverage their knowledge of web languages like JavaScript to build mobile apps. However, there is a learning curve to gain proficiency with these frameworks.

Commercial IDEs, such as Xcode and Android Studio, provide integrated tools for designing, developing, and testing mobile apps. These IDEs have a gentle learning curve but can require platform-specific knowledge to build iOS apps in Xcode or Android apps in Android Studio.

When determining the appropriate tools, developers should consider their level of technical expertise, target platforms, and development timeline. Low-code platforms and open-source frameworks can accelerate development but may lack the flexibility of a native IDE. Overall, the range of options provides developers with the ability to choose tools tailored to their needs. With the growth of the mobile app market, these tools will continue enabling developers to build innovative mobile experiences.

FAQs: Answering Common Questions on Tools to Create an App

What are the tools to build mobile apps? There are several options for developing mobile apps without coding, known as low-code or no-code development platforms. Some of the top tools are:

  • AppSheet: A low-code platform to build mobile and web apps. It has a simple drag-and-drop interface to create apps that connect to data sources like Excel, Google Sheets, SQL databases, and more.

  • Appy Pie: A popular no-code platform to create Android and iOS apps. It has a visual app builder with various features like GPS, push notifications, social login and more. You can build apps for business, education, gaming and more.

  • Bubble: A powerful no-code platform to build web and mobile apps. It lets you create complex apps without coding through a visual programming interface. You have access to features like user authentication, geolocation, payments, and an API to integrate with external services.

  • Glide: A no-code platform focused on building mobile apps. It has a simple editor to create apps that work on Android and iOS. You can build apps for internal business use, customer engagement, or publish to app stores. It connects to data in Google Sheets, Excel, and databases.

  • Thunkable: A popular no-code platform for building Android and iOS apps. It has a drag and drop interface to create apps with features like GPS, social login, push notifications and an API to connect to external services. You can build apps for personal or business use and publish to app stores.

What are the benefits of these no-code and low-code platforms? These tools allow you to create complex apps without learning how to code. Some key benefits are:

  • Fast development: You can build apps much faster compared to traditional coding. No need to manage complex programming languages and frameworks.

  • Easy to use: The visual interfaces are designed to be simple and intuitive. No technical skills required.

  • Cost effective: These platforms are very affordable compared to hiring mobile app developers. Some even have free plans to get started.

  • Quick iteration: It's easy to make changes to your app. No need to revise thousands of lines of code. Just drag and drop new features.

  • Connect to data: Easily integrate your app with data from spreadsheets, databases, and external APIs.

  • Publish to app stores: Many of these platforms allow you to publish your apps to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store to reach millions of users.

In summary, no-code and low-code platforms provide an easy way for anyone to build powerful mobile apps. Give one of these tools a try and you'll be building your own app in no time!


In summary, there are many excellent tools available in 2024 to help you create and build high-quality mobile apps efficiently. Whether you need assistance with design, development, testing, or deployment, this article has highlighted some of the top options to consider. With the right tools, you can streamline your workflow, collaborate effectively, and deliver an exceptional final product. Carefully evaluate your needs, do thorough research, and invest in tools that will provide long-term value. The development landscape will continue advancing rapidly, so stay informed about new and emerging solutions. With the help of these robust resources, you can build the next great mobile app and bring your vision to life.