Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 15 min read

Top App Development Platforms: Which Should You Use?

As a developer, selecting the ideal app development platform is a pivotal decision that can make or break your mobile application. With the mobile app industry more competitive than ever, thoroughly researching your options to determine the optimal framework for your needs and budget is essential. In this article, we provide an in-depth analysis of the top app development platforms available today. Leveraging our team's extensive expertise building successful apps across various platforms, we highlight the key capabilities, strengths, and limitations of each option so you can confidently choose the best one to bring your app idea to life. Whether you're building a simple utility app or a complex enterprise solution, this evaluation will empower you to pick the ideal platform to match your goals and resources.

Native Platforms: iOS and Android

If you want to build apps specifically for iPhones and iPads or Android devices, native development platforms are your best option. Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for creating iOS apps. It allows you to code in Swift or Objective-C and design user interfaces. For Android, the official IDE is Android Studio, which lets you write in Java or Kotlin and create layouts.

Cross-Platform Mobile Frameworks

Cross-platform frameworks allow you to code once and deploy to both iOS and Android. Some popular options are:

  • React Native: Uses React to build native mobile apps. Supported by Facebook.

  • Flutter: Google’s open-source SDK for building beautiful native apps with a single codebase. Uses the Dart programming language.

  • Xamarin: Developed by Microsoft, uses C# and .NET. Can also target Windows devices.

These frameworks are appealing because they significantly reduce development time. However, the end result may not look and feel 100% native. For some, a native feel is very important.

Hybrid App Frameworks

Hybrid app frameworks use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build mobile apps. The code is then wrapped in a native shell. Some options are:

  • Ionic: Open source SDK for building mobile apps with web tech and deploying to app stores.

  • Cordova: Also open source, allows you to use front-end web tech with a native wrapper. Owned by Adobe.

  • PhoneGap: Similar to Cordova, built on open web standards. Owned by Adobe.

The benefit of hybrid frameworks is quick development and a web developer skillset. The downside is limited access to native device features and sometimes poor performance.

In summary, consider your priorities and needs to determine the best platform for your mobile app development project. With the wealth of options available today, you can build high quality apps with the tools and skills you prefer.

Native App Development With Xcode and Android Studio

As a developer, you have two powerful IDEs at your disposal for building native iOS and Android apps: Xcode and Android Studio.

Xcode for iOS

To develop iOS apps, you'll use Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment (IDE). Xcode provides everything you need to design, develop, and debug apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Using the Swift programming language, you can build apps with Xcode that harness advanced capabilities like Face ID, augmented reality, and machine learning.

Android Studio for Android

For Android app development, Google's Android Studio is the official IDE. It is based on IntelliJ IDEA and includes everything you need to build apps for Android, including the Android SDK tools and Kotlin and Java languages support. Android Studio simplifies the development process, enabling features like code completion, on-device debugging, and emulator. It also includes tools for app performance analysis, a flexible build system, and integrated version control.

Cross-Platform Options

While native development produces apps with the best performance and user experience, you may want to consider cross-platform tools like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin to maximize efficiency. These allow you to reuse code across platforms and build for both iOS and Android simultaneously. However, there are some limitations around accessing all native device capabilities.

In the end, the right choice comes down to your priorities and resources. Native IDEs provide the most robust development experience for each platform, but cross-platform tools have their place, especially if building for both iOS and Android with a small team. With the wealth of options, you can build high-quality mobile apps faster and smarter than ever before.

What is best for mobile app development?

Image from Idea Usher

Native Mobile App Development

Native mobile apps provide the best user experience (UX) since they are built specifically for a mobile platform (either iOS or Android). If you want an app with highly responsive interfaces, 3D graphics, or access to device features like the camera or GPS, native development is your best choice. However, developing native apps requires knowledge of programming languages like Objective-C or Swift (for iOS) and Java or Kotlin (for Android). This can be time-consuming and expensive.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Cross-platform app development tools like React Native and Flutter allow you to build mobile apps using web languages like JavaScript and HTML5 or a single codebase. These apps can be deployed to both Android and iOS, reducing development time and cost. However, cross-platform apps may have performance and UX issues compared to native apps. They also cannot access some device features. For many simple apps, though, cross-platform tools work great.

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Hybrid apps embed a mobile web view (like a browser) into a native app shell. They are built using web languages but installed on a device like a native app. Hybrid apps can be quickly developed and deployed to multiple platforms but often have poor UX, limited styling, and cannot access some device features. Performance depends a lot on the web view used.

In summary, if performance and access to device features are most important, choose native app development. For a simple app on a budget, cross-platform or hybrid tools may work. However, for the best UX, native is still king. The platform you choose depends on your priorities, resources, and technical skills. With the right approach, you can build a successful app on any of these platforms.

Cross-Platform Options: React Native vs Flutter

When developing a mobile app, choosing a cross-platform framework is appealing since you can reuse code across platforms. Two popular options are React Native and Flutter.

React Native

React Native allows you to build mobile apps using React, a popular JavaScript library. It renders components using native UI elements, so your app will look and feel like a native iOS or Android app. Some key benefits of React Native include:

  • Utilizes React, a widely used and liked frontend framework. Developers can leverage their existing React knowledge.

  • Large collection of open source components and libraries. It has a big community of developers building and sharing new libraries.

  • Code reuse. You can share most of your code between iOS and Android apps.

  • Fast development. You can build and deploy mobile apps quickly. Updates are instantly visible thanks to React Native's live reloading.


Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase. Some main benefits of Flutter include:

  • Stunning UI. Flutter provides a rich set of pre-built widgets and rendering components to build native interfaces. The results are visually stunning.

  • Fast development. Stateful hot reload allows you to quickly build UIs, add features, and fix bugs.

  • Native performance. Flutter compiles directly to native ARM code so your apps are fast and responsive.

  • Open source. Flutter is open source and backed by Google. The framework is constantly evolving and improving.

  • Code reuse. You can share most of your code between iOS and Android apps.

Overall, both React Native and Flutter are excellent cross-platform mobile development frameworks. For those already familiar with React, React Native may feel more familiar. Flutter on the other hand provides a steeper learning curve but compiles to truly native code, providing better performance and UI capabilities. The final choice comes down to your team’s skills, priorities, and app requirements.

Low-Code Platforms for Faster App Development

With the increasing demand for mobile apps, many companies are turning to low-code development platforms to build apps more quickly and efficiently. Low-code platforms provide a visual development environment with drag-and-drop features, minimizing the amount of traditional coding required. They allow you to build mobile apps faster at a lower cost.

Reduced Development Time

Low-code platforms significantly reduce the time required to develop mobile apps. Features like pre-built components, templates, and an intuitive visual interface eliminate the need to write complex code for basic functions and UI elements. This allows developers to focus on the app's core functionality and business logic. Studies show low-code platforms can decrease development time by up to 80%.

Lower Costs

Using a low-code platform also lowers the total cost of app development. With less time spent on coding repetitive tasks, development teams require fewer resources and less funding. Low-code platforms are also more affordable than hiring full-stack developers. The reduced complexity means that less technical and less expensive resources can build mobile apps.

Improved Collaboration

Low-code development fosters better collaboration between technical and non-technical teams. The visual and intuitive nature of low-code platforms allows business users and subject matter experts to participate directly in the development process. They can see their ideas come to life and provide feedback, enabling a truly iterative development process. This results in apps that closely match business needs.

While low-code platforms offer significant benefits, they may not suit complex enterprise applications or provide the flexibility of traditional coding. However, for many business apps, low-code platforms enable faster development at a lower cost while still producing high-quality results. Leveraging one of these platforms allows you to get your mobile app to market quickly and gain a competitive advantage.

Web Apps vs Native Apps: Key Differences

Image from Paddle Creative

When developing an app, determining whether to build a web app or native app is an important decision. There are significant differences between the two approaches that you must consider based on your needs and priorities.

Native Apps

Native apps are developed specifically for a mobile platform (iOS or Android) and installed directly onto a device. They utilize the device’s built-in capabilities and interface elements. While native apps typically offer better performance, functionality, and user experience, developing and maintaining separate apps for multiple platforms requires more time and resources.

Web Apps

Web apps run in a mobile web browser and do not need to be downloaded or installed. They are accessed via a web URL and built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web apps are often cheaper and faster to develop than native apps, as they only need to be built once to function on any device. However, web apps may have limited access to device features and typically offer an inferior user experience compared to a well-designed native app.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps attempt to combine the benefits of native and web apps. They are installed onto a device like a native app but built using web technologies. Hybrid apps can access device features through embedded web views and native APIs, allowing them to provide more functionality than a typical web app. However, hybrid apps may still have performance and user experience limitations compared to native apps.

In summary, you must weigh factors like cost, functionality, user experience, and time-to-market when determining if a web, native or hybrid approach is right for your needs. With diligent planning and by leveraging the strengths of each platform, you can build an app that succeeds in today’s competitive marketplace.

Which platform is best for app development?

Native Development Platforms

If you want to build an app with native functionality and the best performance, native development platforms are your best choice.

iOS (Swift and Objective-C)

For iOS apps, Apple’s Xcode IDE and programming languages Swift and Objective-C are the native options. These provide the most control over the iOS system and hardware. Swift is Apple’s newer, more modern language, while Objective-C is more traditional. Either can be used to build powerful native iOS apps.

Android (Java and Kotlin)

For Android, the native languages are Java and Kotlin, used in Android Studio. Like Xcode, Android Studio provides the most access to Android device capabilities. Kotlin is Google’s preferred language for building Android apps.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Platforms

Cross-platform tools allow you to build mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS, maximizing your reach. Popular options include:

React Native

React Native lets you build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It’s open source and used by major companies like Facebook, Tesla, and Walmart.


Flutter is Google’s open source framework for building native mobile apps with a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language, also created by Google.


Xamarin, now owned by Microsoft, is a popular commercial cross-platform mobile development tool. It allows you to build native iOS and Android apps using C# and .NET.

In summary, for the highest performance native apps, choose Xcode and Swift or Android Studio and Kotlin. For maximum reach across platforms, consider a cross-platform tool like React Native or Flutter. The choice ultimately comes down to your priorities, resources, and technical skills. With any of these platforms, you can build a great mobile app experience for your users.

Devhunt - A launchpad for dev tools, built by developers for developers, open source, and fair.

When determining which mobile app development platform is right for your needs, there are several factors to consider. As an open-source option built by developers for developers, Devhunt provides an appealing alternative to mainstream app stores.

Devhunt is an open-source launchpad focused on developer tools and resources. It aims to be an inclusive community and marketplace for developers to share and discover new developer products. All projects are open source so that developers can explore how tools are built and even contribute to them.

Some of the key benefits of using the Devhunt platform include:

  • Open-source and transparent. All projects are open source so developers can see how they work under the hood. This allows for customization and the ability to submit improvements to projects.

  • Fair policies. Devhunt has policies in place to prevent abuse and ensure a fair platform for all. They aim to give all developer tools an equal chance to gain exposure.

  • Active community. Devhunt has an active community of developers who discuss new tools, provide feedback, and help improve projects. Developers can engage with the community to get opinions and advice.

  • Free to use. As an open-source platform, all of Devhunt's features are free for developers to use. Developers can create profiles, submit new projects, and download tools at no cost.

  • Customizable platform. For developers who want more customization, Devhunt's open-source code base allows you to create your own version of the platform tailored to your needs. You have full control and ownership of any custom platform you build.

In summary, Devhunt provides an open, transparent, and fair environment for discovering and sharing developer tools and resources. For developers looking for an open-source option with an active community, Devhunt presents an appealing platform to consider for your next mobile app development project. Evaluate your priorities and needs to determine if the benefits of Devhunt's platform match and meet your requirements.

How to choose the right app development platform?

When determining the optimal app development platform for your needs, there are several factors to consider:

The programming languages supported. The top platforms offer a range of languages, such as Java, Swift, HTML5, and C#. Choose a platform that supports the languages you want to build your app in. Some platforms are better suited for certain languages. For example, Android Studio is ideal for Java and Kotlin, while Xcode is best for Swift.

The features and capabilities. Analyze what features are most important for your app like geolocation, payment processing, analytics, and push notifications. Then evaluate which platforms offer the features you need. Some platforms are better equipped for building certain types of apps. For instance, Xamarin and React Native are great for cross-platform apps, while Android Studio and Xcode are better for native apps.

The learning curve. Consider how much time and effort will be required to learn the platform. Some platforms like Android Studio and Xcode have a steeper learning curve as they involve learning native languages like Java and Swift. Cross-platform and hybrid platforms typically have a shorter learning curve as you can leverage web languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that many developers already know.

The costs. The costs include licensing fees, developer tools, hosting, and publishing to app stores. Most platforms offer free and open source tools, but some charge licensing fees. Evaluate the total costs to build and maintain your app on each platform.

The ecosystem and community support. A strong ecosystem and community support system will help you build, launch, and optimize your app. Consider factors like the availability of plugins, templates, and tutorials as well as an active developer community. Popular platforms will typically have the strongest ecosystem and support.

By analyzing these key factors, you can determine which app development platform is the optimal choice for building your mobile app. The platform you select will depend on your priorities and needs for developing a successful app.

When determining the most popular mobile app building platform, there are a few major contenders to consider:

iOS, Android, and web platforms. iOS and Android currently dominate the mobile operating system market, so for most developers targeting mobile users, iOS and Android are the clear front-runners.

iOS is Apple's mobile operating system, used exclusively on iPhones and iPads. If you want to build an app for iPhone users, iOS is the only platform that will work. iOS is also known for having a higher spending user base. However, iOS development does require learning Apple's programming languages Swift or Objective-C, as well as their Xcode development environment.

Android is Google's open-source mobile operating system, used on a wide range of devices from various manufacturers. Android has the largest global market share of mobile operating systems, so if reaching the biggest potential audience is most important, Android is likely your best choice. Android apps are built using Java and the Android Studio IDE, so the learning curve may be easier for those with Java experience.

Web platforms like React Native, Flutter, and Ionic allow you to build mobile apps using web languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. These apps are then compiled into native iOS and Android apps, allowing you to reuse much of the same codebase for both platforms. While web platforms can be a good option to build apps quickly, the end results may not always match the quality and performance of native iOS or Android apps.

In summary, for the largest reach and most popular platform, Android is likely your top choice. For the highest revenue potential and most premium experience, iOS is a great option. And for maximum efficiency in building apps for both iOS and Android, web platforms are worth considering. The right platform for you ultimately depends on your priorities, technical experience, and resources for building a successful mobile app.

FAQs About the Best Platform for Building Mobile Apps

When determining which the best app development platform is right for your needs, there are several factors to consider:

The most popular mobile app development platforms are native app development tools, cross-platform tools, and hybrid app tools. Native app development platforms, like Xcode (for iOS) and Android Studio (for Android), allow you to build apps specifically for one platform or the other. Cross-platform tools, such as React Native and Flutter, use a single codebase to create apps for both iOS and Android. Hybrid tools like Ionic and Cordova use web technologies to build apps for multiple platforms.

For most developers, cross-platform or hybrid tools are the best option. They reduce development time by enabling you to reuse code across platforms. However, native tools may be better if you need highly optimized performance or want to leverage all of the native features of iOS and Android.

Other factors to weigh include:

  • Programming languages supported - Choose a platform that supports languages you are familiar with, such as JavaScript, C++, Java, etc.

  • Development environment - Consider options with robust, intuitive IDEs and emulators for previewing your app.

  • Third-party integrations - Look for a platform with a large selection of third-party libraries and tools to speed up development.

  • Cost - App development platforms range from free, open-source tools to paid commercial platforms and cloud services. Choose an option that fits your budget.

  • Learning curve - Consider how much time and effort will be required to become proficient in a particular platform. Some options have a steeper learning curve than others.

  • Community support - An active developer community indicates a mature, well-supported platform. Look for options with extensive documentation, tutorials, and a community forum.

By evaluating your priorities and needs, you can determine which mobile app development platform will be the best fit for building your app. The options are plentiful, so take your time exploring to find the right solution for you.


As you evaluate options for your app development project, carefully weigh the key factors of capabilities, flexibility, cost, and ease of use. Focus on identifying the platform that aligns closest with your goals, resources, and timeline. With an informed decision guided by your specific needs and priorities, you can confidently select the best app development platform to bring your app vision to life. By leveraging the right tools, you’ll be set up for efficiency, innovation and success.