Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 16 min read

Top Android and Custom App Developers for 2024

Welcome to our guide spotlighting the premier Android and custom application developers to know in 2024. In an increasingly crowded mobile landscape, standing out requires partnering with innovative developers capable of bringing your vision to life across platforms. Our goal is to connect you with studios excelling in both native Android and multi-platform app development, ensuring your product shines on both Google Play and alternative markets.

Through extensive research and testimonials, we've curated a list of top app creators adept at UI/UX design, fluid cross-platform experiences, dynamic database integration, and implementing unique features like AI, AR and more. Whether you need a stunning Android-exclusive app or full-stack solution running seamlessly across iOS, Android and web, you'll discover the perfect partner here. From sole proprietors to full-scale development houses, these diverse recommendations represent the future of mobile innovation.

Join us as we unveil our picks for the top Android and custom app developers to watch entering 2024. Discover the ideal partner to elevate your mobile presence and exceed user expectations however you choose to deploy.

Finding the Right Android App Developer in 2024

When searching for an Android app developer, you'll want to consider several factors to find a suitable candidate for your project. First, examine their experience developing Android apps, especially ones similar to what you have in mind. An experienced developer will have a solid understanding of the Android SDK and be up to date with the latest features. They should also show proficiency in Java or Kotlin, the programming languages for building Android apps.

It's also important to assess their design skills. While some developers focus primarily on back-end coding, you'll want someone who can create an intuitive user experience and attractive interface. Review examples of previous apps they've built to ensure a high-quality design.

You'll also want to consider soft skills like communication. Building an app requires collaboration, so seek out developers who ask good questions, listen well, and provide clear explanations of technical concepts. They should be receptive to feedback and willing to make revisions.

Price and availability are other key factors. Discuss rates, timelines, and payment terms upfront to settle on an arrangement that suits your budget and schedule. You may find lower costs by hiring freelance developers or firms in other countries. However, also weigh the benefits of working with a local agency that you can meet in person.

With some research, you can find an Android developer offering the ideal combination of technical skills, design talent, and soft skills for your needs. Be prepared to provide detailed specifications for your app idea to help candidates determine if they're the right fit for your project. By evaluating how well they meet the criteria above, you'll find a developer poised to build a high-quality Android app for your business.

Top Custom Mobile App Developers to Watch This Year

Image from Linkedin

As mobile devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the demand for custom mobile applications continues to rise. If you have an idea for an app, you'll want to find a developer that can build a high-quality product tailored to your specific needs.

Look for Experience Building Complex Apps

When evaluating developers, look for those with experience building complex apps, not just simple tools. Building a robust, secure app requires knowledge of backend systems, APIs, and mobile frameworks. Experienced developers will have a proven track record of successful, feature-rich apps. They will also have a wider range of technical skills to solve issues that may come up during development.

Check Their Design and UI/UX Skills

For consumer-facing apps, an attractive yet intuitive interface is essential. Look for developers or teams that also have design experience and expertise in UI/UX. They will understand how to lay out screens, choose visual assets and fonts, and create a smooth user experience. They can provide mockups and prototypes to ensure the final design meets your vision.

Consider Their Tech Stack

The programming languages, frameworks, and tools a developer uses, known as their "tech stack," also matter. Make sure their stack is up-to-date with current mobile trends and standards. For example, experience with Kotlin, Swift, and React Native are good signs. An innovative tech stack means they can build an app with the latest features while maximizing performance, security and scalability.

Evaluate Their Communication and Project Management

Finally, evaluate how well the developer communicates and manages the project timeline and milestones. They should set clear expectations upfront, provide frequent updates, address issues promptly, and deliver on promised features. Strong project management means the final app will be completed on schedule and within budget according to your specifications.

In summary, to find a top custom mobile app developer, look for experience, design skills, a modern tech stack, and solid communication. By evaluating developers based on these attributes, you'll choose a team equipped to build an impactful, high-quality mobile solution tailored to your needs. The end result will be an app that engages your users and achieves your business goals.

What is the best custom mobile app development company?

When searching for a reputable custom mobile app developer, several factors should be considered. A company’s experience, expertise, and dedication to quality are integral to delivering an exceptional final product. ###Relevant Experience An ideal developer will have extensive experience creating custom apps similar to your vision. Examine their portfolio of past work and client testimonials to determine if they have a proven track record of success building innovative, user-friendly apps. Companies with more experience will likely have encountered and overcome unforeseen challenges, enabling them to expertly guide you through the development process.

Specialized Expertise

The company should employ developers, designers, and project managers with expertise in your app’s platform and features. For example, if building an Android app, work with a developer proficient in Java and the Android SDK. For a gaming app, choose a company skilled in Unity, C#, or C++. Niche expertise will ensure your app’s functionality and user experience are optimized.

A Focus on Quality

A reputable developer will value high-quality, well-tested code over quick turnarounds. They should follow best practices for mobile app development, thoroughly testing for functionality, security, and usability issues before launching. Post-launch support like monitoring reviews and updating apps regularly also demonstrate a commitment to excellence.

When evaluating companies, consider scheduling consultations to discuss your vision, their approach, and any concerns. Be wary of developers lacking transparency or pushing for overly ambitious timelines. A reputable company will thoughtfully manage expectations while delivering an innovative, high-quality app that meets your needs.

With the right developer, you can bring your mobile app vision to life. Conduct thorough research, check references, and don’t compromise quality for cost - your users will thank you. Building a custom app is an investment, so choose a company that will get it right the first time.

Background on Android Application Developers

Image from Digitronsoftwares

What is an Android App Developer?

An Android application developer is a software engineer who specializes in building mobile apps for the Android operating system. They utilize programming languages such as Java and Kotlin to develop apps that can run on Android smartphones and tablets. Their role involves designing, testing and deploying mobile apps through the Google Play store.

Key Responsibilities and Skills

The core responsibilities of an Android developer include:

  • Designing and developing new Android mobile applications.

  • Testing and debugging apps to ensure high quality and seamless user experience.

  • Staying up-to-date with Android SDK releases and ensuring apps work with the latest versions.

  • Publishing apps on the Google Play store and managing updates.

  • Providing maintenance and support for released Android applications.

Key technical skills for this role include:

  • Proficiency in Java and Kotlin programming languages.

  • Strong knowledge of the Android SDK, Android Studio IDE and Material Design.

  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs to integrate with web services.

  • Understanding of Agile methodologies and version control systems like Git.

  • Knowledge of UI and UX design principles for mobile interfaces.

Finding the Right Developer

When looking to hire an Android developer, consider the following:

  • Review their portfolio of published Android apps to assess their skills and experience.

  • Check their reviews and ratings on freelancing platforms or their company website.

  • Discuss their expertise in Java or Kotlin and knowledge of the latest Android technologies.

  • Determine if they follow best practices for app security, performance optimization, and API integrations.

  • Negotiate timelines and budgets that meet your specific project needs. For complex apps, hire developers with 3-5 years of experience.

  • Consider full-time or part-time Android developers, as well as freelance or contract options through reputable tech companies.

In summary, Android application developers play an integral role in building and maintaining the mobile apps that run on Android devices. Finding a skilled developer is key to creating a high-quality app experience for your users. With their technical expertise and knowledge of the Android platform, they can build the custom mobile solutions your business needs.

Understanding the Custom App Development Process

The process of custom mobile application development typically involves several phases to ensure your app is built to specification. As the client, your active participation throughout each phase is crucial to the success of your project.


During the initial discovery phase, you will work closely with your selected developer to determine the scope, features, and functionality of your app. It is important to provide as much detail as possible about your vision, target audience, and business goals. The developer will review this information to gain a clear understanding of your needs and provide an estimate for the time and cost required to complete the project.


In the design phase, the developer will create wireframes, storyboards, and prototypes to represent how the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) will function. Multiple iterations are often required to finalize the layout, navigation flow, and aesthetic elements. Your feedback and sign-off on the designs are necessary before coding begins.


The development phase involves the actual coding and programming required to build your custom app. Your developer will use an agreed upon tech stack, likely involving a mixture of coding languages and frameworks to create the front end interface and back end database integration. Regular updates and milestone reviews will allow you to preview the in-progress work and suggest any changes.


Rigorous testing is performed to identify and fix any bugs, errors or performance issues within the app. Both manual and automated tests will be conducted to evaluate the functionality, security, and user experience under real-world conditions. Your input on the beta version of the app is valuable for a final round of refinements and optimizations before launch.

Deployment and Maintenance

Once testing is complete, your app will be deployed to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for users to download. However, the work does not stop there. Your developer should provide ongoing maintenance and support to issue updates, make improvements, and monitor reviews and feedback. Closing the loop with users is key to the long term success of your custom mobile app.

Following these steps and maintaining open communication with your developer will help bring your vision to life through a high-quality custom mobile application. The end result will be an app that meets your needs, delights your users, and accomplishes your business goals.

Questions to Ask Potential Android and Custom Developers

When evaluating Android and custom app developers, several key questions can help determine if they will be the right fit for your project.

What is your experience developing Android apps?

Look for developers with expertise specifically building native Android apps. Ask about the types of apps they have created, including examples of custom functionality. Experienced developers will be able to speak about Android SDKs, system permissions, and common pitfalls. They should also be up-to-date with the latest Android versions and how to support them.

Do you have experience with custom app development?

Custom app development requires going beyond pre-built frameworks and components. Inquire about the developer’s experience creating fully custom UI/UX, integrating with third-party APIs, and building complex backend infrastructure. They should be comfortable working with a variety of programming languages, databases, and development tools to build a custom solution from scratch based on your needs.

What is your design and testing process?

High-quality developers will have a rigorous design, development, and testing process. Ask about their prototyping and wireframing methods to ensure an intuitive user experience. They should write clean, modular code with comments, conduct thorough testing on real Android devices, and have a plan for fixing any issues that arise. Inquire about their debugging and quality assurance procedures to guarantee a polished final product.

How will you communicate during the project?

Ongoing communication and transparency are crucial to the success of any app development project. Discuss how the team will provide updates, share progress, address feedback, and keep you informed. They should utilize project management tools, status reports, and regular meetings or calls. Ask about their response time for any questions or concerns to ensure they will be highly responsive during your collaboration.

Using these questions as guidance, you can have an insightful discussion with potential developers about their relevant experience, technical skills, and communication approach. Selecting a partner that aligns well in these areas will increase the likelihood of a smooth development process and high-quality end result for your Android or custom mobile app.

Rise of Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web applications that use emerging web browser APIs and features to deliver an app-like experience to users. PWAs will allow developers in 2024 to build web experiences that behave like native apps on mobile devices. PWAs offer benefits like offline functionality, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally limited to native apps. As PWAs become more capable and widely adopted, some basic utility apps may be better suited as PWAs rather than native Android apps.

Growth of Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language used to develop Android apps. Kotlin aims to increase productivity, safety, and code quality. As Kotlin skills become more widespread in 2024, an increasing number of custom app developers will use Kotlin to build Android apps. Kotlin allows developers to write more concise and readable code, reducing the likelihood of errors. Apps built with Kotlin may require lower maintenance costs and be easier to scale over time.

5G and Faster Networks

Faster 5G wireless networks and improved connectivity will significantly impact Android apps and custom app development in 2024. 5G networks will enable new capabilities like enhanced mobile broadband, mission-critical communications, and massive IoT connectivity. Custom app developers can leverage 5G to build innovative apps utilizing high bandwidth, low latency connectivity and edge computing. 5G may also enhance existing apps with features like real-time video collaboration, precise location tracking, and multi-player AR gaming.

Expansion of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play an increasingly significant role in custom Android app development in 2024. AI can help developers build smarter apps that learn and adapt to users over time. For example, AI powers virtual assistants, personalized recommendations, predictive text keyboards, and more. As more powerful AI tools and services become available to developers, AI integration in Android apps will accelerate rapidly. AI may eventually transform some utility apps into intelligent digital assistants.

In summary, trends like the growth of PWAs, Kotlin, 5G networks, and AI will shape Android app development in 2024. Developers should stay up to date with these emerging technologies to build innovative and compelling apps that match the pace of progress. Keeping a pulse on trends impacting the industry will help ensure apps meet users’ needs and expectations.

Which software is best for app development?

When choosing an integrated development environment (IDE) to build your Android or iOS app, there are a few highly-rated options to consider:

Eclipse is a popular open-source IDE for Java, and is a great choice if you're developing Android apps. It has built-in emulator support, allowing you to test your app on virtual devices. Eclipse also integrates with the Android SDK, and has a large collection of plugins to extend its functionality. However, Eclipse can be difficult for beginners to learn and may seem outdated compared to newer IDEs.

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development, created by Google. It provides a visual editor, code templates, and time-saving tools tailored for Android. Android Studio has a simple, intuitive interface and integrates seamlessly with the Android SDK. It receives regular updates to keep up with the latest Android platform changes. Android Studio is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced Android developers.

Xcode is Apple’s IDE for developing iOS and macOS apps. It includes everything you need to build apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Xcode provides an interface builder, code snippets, debugging tools, and simulator to test your apps. However, Xcode only runs on macOS, so you’ll need a Mac to use it. Xcode also has a steeper learning curve compared to the other IDEs mentioned here. But for native iOS development, Xcode is unparalleled.

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor from Microsoft, available on Windows, macOS and Linux. It has built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js, but also works well for other languages like C++, C#, Python, PHP, and Go. While not strictly an IDE, Visual Studio Code has a simple interface, embedded Git control, intelligent code completion, snippets, and debugging tools. It has a shallow learning curve, so it’s easy to get started with. Visual Studio Code is a great, flexible option for both web and mobile app development.

In summary, for Android app development, Android Studio is highly recommended. For iOS, Xcode is the best choice. And Visual Studio Code is a great lightweight editor for building apps with a variety of web technologies and languages. The IDE you choose ultimately comes down to your target platform, programming language preferences, and level of experience. With so many high-quality options available, you can't go wrong.

Is there a future for Android developers?

As an Android developer, you may wonder whether pursuing a career in this field is worthwhile given the rapid pace of change in the tech industry. The good news is that the demand for skilled Android developers remains strong and is projected to grow over the coming years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers, including those who develop mobile applications, is expected to increase by over 20% between 2020 to 2030, much faster than average.

With over 3 billion active Android devices worldwide, companies continue seeking developers proficient in building and optimizing apps for this massive platform. However, to stay competitive, Android developers must constantly expand their skill sets to keep up with updates to the Android SDK, popular frameworks, and languages like Kotlin. Developers should also diversify into related fields like UI/UX design, cloud computing, and machine learning which increasingly interact with mobile apps.

An encouraging trend is that more enterprises are investing in custom Android apps for their businesses. This shift presents opportunities for developers to work on large-scale, complex projects with ample resources and competitive compensation. Demand is also growing for Android developers specializing in emerging technologies such as foldable devices, 5G, and augmented reality. Overall, while the role of an Android developer is changing rapidly, it remains a rewarding career with many possibilities for growth.

To succeed as an Android developer in the coming years, continual learning and improving your craft is key. Stay up-to-date with Google’s Android Developer blog and courses to master the latest Android features and best practices. Contribute to open-source Android projects to build your skills and reputation. Consider cross-training in related areas of software engineering as well. With hard work and perseverance, Android developers can achieve an exciting long-term career helping to shape the future of mobile technology.

The future continues to look bright for dedicated and passionate Android developers. While the road ahead may require adaptation, the opportunities for creating innovative Android apps are endless. Android developers who love learning new technologies and desire to push the boundaries of mobile computing will find this field most rewarding. Overall, Android development offers a sustainable career path for building the apps that power and connect our digital lives.

Custom Mobile App Development Tools on DevHunt

As a developer, building a custom mobile application requires sophisticated tools to streamline your workflow. The open-source DevHunt platform provides a tailored selection of resources for creating Android and iOS apps.

When developing an Android app, utilizing the appropriate framework can accelerate the process. Popular options on DevHunt include Flutter, a UI toolkit for building native mobile apps with a single codebase, and React Native, which uses React to create native mobile apps. For those seeking full customization, the Android Studio IDE enables you to code in Kotlin or Java and build apps for any Android device.

For iOS development, DevHunt recommends Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE). Xcode provides a graphical user interface for building apps with the latest version of the Swift or Objective-C programming languages. It includes everything needed to design, develop, and debug an app.

In addition to frameworks and IDEs, DevHunt offers developer tools for creating custom interfaces, integrating APIs, and testing apps. Libraries like Material Design and Cupertino provide customizable user interface elements, while software like Postman and Paw help connect apps to REST APIs. For quality assurance, consider adding JUnit, Nimble, or KIF to simulate user actions and validate in-app functionality.

By leveraging the mobile development tools on DevHunt, you can build a custom Android or iOS app efficiently while benefiting from an active open-source community. The platform empowers creators by providing a tailored set of resources for crafting a mobile user experience, backed by a reputable network of contributors. Join DevHunt today to discover more ways of enhancing your custom mobile app development process.


As we move into 2024, the demand for skilled Android and custom application developers will only continue to grow. With the right partner, companies and entrepreneurs can bring their app visions to life and succeed in the competitive mobile space. Consider both the expertise and approach of the developers on our list as you make plans to build, iterate or scale an Android or custom app. Focus on finding a developer that aligns with your goals, timeline and communication style. With an experienced developer that understands your needs, you'll be set up for mobile app success in the coming year.