Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 16 min read

Best No-Code and Low-Code Platforms for Web and Mobile Apps

As a developer, you know the value of leveraging the right tools to build quality web and mobile apps efficiently. But sifting through the myriad of no-code and low-code platforms can feel daunting. You want to focus on creating, not on constantly evaluating newfangled tools.

That's where this guide comes in. Consider it your personal launch pad for identifying the top no-code and low-code platforms worth your time. With the proliferation of these code-optional tools, it's tough to know which ones live up to their promises. We've done the research for you, benchmarking the capabilities, limitations, and overall user experience of the leading options.

Whether you're new to no-code/low-code or a seasoned pro, you'll discover the platforms best aligned with your needs. We'll look at factors like flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. You want to build apps, not fight against rigid frameworks. This guide equips you with everything required to pick the right no-code/low-code solution and start creating web and mobile apps the easy way. Let's get building!

What Are No-Code and Low-Code Platforms?

Image from Itnext

No-code and low-code platforms allow you to build web and mobile apps with little to no coding required. No-code platforms are designed for non-technical users and typically require no programming experience. Low-code platforms still simplify development but may require some coding.

Benefits of No-Code and Low-Code Platforms

No-code and low-code platforms offer several benefits:

  • Reduced development time. With drag and drop interfaces and pre-built components, no-code and low-code platforms can radically speed up development. Projects that would take months of custom coding can often be built in days or weeks.

  • Lower costs. By simplifying and accelerating development, no-code and low-code platforms can significantly lower costs. Less time spent on development means lower costs for resources and overhead.

  • Improved agility. No-code and low-code platforms make it easy to quickly build and iterate on applications. New features can be rolled out faster to meet changing needs. This results in greater business agility and responsiveness.

  • Democratized development. No-code and low-code platforms open up development to non-technical users. Business users and subject matter experts can build the applications they need without relying on technical resources.

  • Standardized and secure. No-code and low-code platforms often provide standardized components, security features, and governance to ensure compliance and risk management. This can reduce vulnerabilities that come with custom development.

Types of No-Code and Low-Code Platforms

There are no-code and low-code platforms for:

  • Web applications - Build web apps, portals, and websites. Examples: Bubble, Webflow.

  • Mobile applications - Create native iOS and Android mobile apps. Examples: AppSheet, Thunkable.

  • Databases and workflows - Develop databases, workflows, and business process automation. Examples: Airtable, Zapier.

  • Chatbots - Design conversational chatbots and voice assistants. Examples: Anthropic, Gupshup.

  • And more - There are also no-code and low-code platforms for AR/VR, smart devices, and other areas. The options continue to expand as these platforms gain popularity.

In summary, no-code and low-code platforms provide an easy way to build custom software solutions without the need for complex and time-consuming coding. They continue to mature and enable a growing range of applications for users of all technical abilities. For many businesses, they are becoming an important part of an efficient development process.

How to build a web app with no-code?

In today's digital landscape, building a web app has never been easier thanks to no-code platforms. No-code platforms allow you to create web apps without writing a single line of code.

Choose a no-code platform

The first step is to choose a no-code platform that meets your needs. Some of the popular options are Bubble, Webflow, and Zapier. These platforms offer drag-and-drop interfaces to build web apps, set up automations, and integrate with other services. They have a range of pricing plans for individuals and businesses.

Design your web app

Next, use the visual editor to design how your web app will look. Add pages, images, buttons, forms, and other elements. You can choose from pre-built templates or design something from scratch. Style different elements by setting colors, fonts, and spacing. The editor allows you to see how the web app will appear on different screen sizes.

Set up functionality

With the design in place, it's time to add functionality. Connect database and storage options to store data. Set up logic flows and automations with the platform's visual workflow builder. Integrate with other services like email marketing, payment processing, and customer support software. The no-code platform will generate the necessary code in the background.

Test and deploy

Conduct testing to identify any issues with the user experience or functionality. Get feedback from real users and make improvements. When you're ready, deploy your web app by publishing it to the platform's app store or your own domain. You can update the web app at any time with the visual editor.

No-code platforms provide an easy way for anyone to build and launch a web app without coding skills. Take advantage of these tools to turn your web app ideas into reality. With a little time and patience, you can build a fully functional web app through a no-code platform.

Top 5 No-Code Platforms for Building Web Apps


Bubble is a visual programming platform that allows you to build web and mobile apps without code. It uses a drag and drop interface to connect pre-built elements such as buttons, text inputs, and logic elements. You can build anything from an e-commerce store to a social network on Bubble.


Appian is a low-code automation platform used by large enterprises to build custom web and mobile apps. It allows business users and IT to collaborate on building apps through a drag and drop interface and visual data modeling. Appian is ideal for companies looking to build custom enterprise apps with minimal coding.

Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is a low-code platform for building custom web and mobile apps. It uses a drag and drop form builder and workflow automation to create apps without coding. Zoho Creator integrates with other Zoho products like CRM, Analytics, and Invoice, making it a good option for businesses already using Zoho services.


Airtable is a low-code database platform that can also be used to build simple web apps. It uses a spreadsheet-like interface to organize data, which can then be turned into basic apps and automations with no code. Airtable is good for non-technical users looking to build simple workflow solutions and applications.


Retool is a low-code platform focused on integrating with existing APIs to build internal tools. It connects to services like Google Sheets, Stripe, and GitHub to create dashboards, forms, calendars, and more with a drag and drop interface. Retool is ideal for developers and companies looking to build internal tools leveraging the APIs they already use.

In summary, these platforms provide intuitive interfaces to build web and mobile applications with minimal technical skills required. By selecting a platform tailored to your needs, both technical and non-technical users can develop solutions to improve workflows and better serve customers. With continual advancement in this space, no-code and low-code tools have become increasingly powerful and versatile.

What is the best low-code no-code platform?

As a developer, determining the ideal low-code or no-code platform for your needs depends on several factors. The options range widely, so evaluating based on your priorities will help narrow down the choices.

Ease of Use

For those newer to development, ease of use is key. Platforms like Appian, Mendix, and OutSystems provide drag-and-drop interfaces, requiring no coding experience. They abstract much of the complexity, allowing you to focus on the app logic and user experience.


If you want more control over the final product, consider platforms offering greater flexibility. Bubble lets you adjust CSS and add custom JavaScript, appealing to those with some coding skills. Webflow also provides flexibility, with a steeper learning curve. These options work for complex web or mobile apps.


For maximum control and customization, opt for an open platform like Retool or Internal. These provide the scaffolding but allow you to write all the code, using the languages and frameworks you choose. The trade-off is a higher barrier to entry. You'll need experience with software engineering concepts and coding.


Pricing varies widely based on the platform and features. Some offer free tiers for small teams building simple apps. Enterprise-level platforms can cost tens of thousands per year. Evaluate your budget and how much you're willing to invest for the functionality you need.

Community and Support

Consider the level of community support for each platform. Those with active user communities offer more opportunities to learn from others and get questions answered. Some providers also offer paid support packages for guaranteed response times and service level agreements.

In summary, selecting a low-code or no-code platform involves determining what combination of ease of use, flexibility, openness, and support matches your skills, priorities, and resources. With options at every level, developers of all experience levels can find tools to build customized web and mobile applications more efficiently.

Key Benefits of Using No-Code and Low-Code Tools

Image from Swing2app

No-code and low-code platforms provide several advantages for developers and businesses alike.

Increased Efficiency and Reduced Costs

These tools eliminate the need to write thousands of lines of code, thereby speeding up development and cutting costs. With a traditional hand-coding approach, building web or mobile applications can take months and require large teams of developers. No-code platforms allow a single developer to build apps in days or weeks. The time and cost savings are substantial.

Faster Time to Market

The accelerated development process enables companies to launch products and services more quickly. Being first to market with an innovative new offering can translate into a significant competitive advantage. No-code and low-code platforms empower organizations to keep up with today's rapid pace of change.

Focus on Business Logic

Rather than worrying about syntax and coding languages, developers can focus on the business logic and user experience. The visual, drag-and-drop interfaces of no-code platforms allow you to design applications by thinking about workflow, data models, and interface design. You can spend your time on what really matters to your business and customers rather than coding details.

Easier Collaboration

No-code and low-code tools facilitate collaboration between business and IT teams. Non-technical colleagues can easily understand and provide feedback on applications built with simple, visual components. This collaborative, iterative process leads to solutions that more accurately address business needs. IT maintains oversight and control while benefiting from the domain expertise that business teams contribute.

Future-Proof Your Tech Stack

Applications created with no-code platforms are flexible and adaptable. As new technologies emerge or business needs change, the apps can be easily modified or extended without complex rewrites of code. This flexibility future-proofs your tech stack by reducing dependency on any single platform or coding language. No-code tools provide an abstraction layer that protects the underlying application from changes in technology.

In summary, no-code and low-code platforms offer faster development times, lower costs, easier collaboration, and more adaptable applications. For these reasons, every business should consider harnessing the power of these tools in their tech stack. Visual development platforms are the future of building software.

Which is the best app for making app without coding?


Bubble is one of the most popular no-code platforms for building web and mobile apps. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to build apps without writing a single line of code. With Bubble, you have access to a wide range of plugins and integrations that can enhance your app's functionality. However, while Bubble is very easy to use, the functionality and customization options are more limited than traditional coding. Bubble is ideal for simple app projects, but likely won’t suit extremely complex apps.


Adalo is another highly-rated no-code platform for creating mobile apps. It offers a simple drag-and-drop editor with various templates and components to choose from. Adalo allows you to build native iOS and Android apps, with features like push notifications, chatbots, e-commerce, and analytics built-in. While Adalo may have a steeper learning curve than some other no-code platforms, it provides more customization options and greater functionality for complex apps.


Appian is a popular low-code platform for both web and mobile apps. It allows for fast app development with minimal coding required. Appian provides various templates, an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, and options to integrate with third-party services. While Appian isn’t technically a “no-code” platform, the required coding is relatively minimal. Appian may suit more complex app projects, with greater customization options than some no-code platforms. However, the learning curve is steeper, and Appian can be more expensive.

In summary, the best no-code or low-code platform for you depends on your needs, technical skills, and budget. Options like Bubble and Adalo are ideal for simple apps with minimal coding required. Low-code platforms such as Appian provide greater functionality for more complex projects, with some additional coding needed. Evaluate each platform based on the features and customization you need for your particular app.

When to Use No-Code vs Low-Code vs Traditional Coding

No-Code Platforms

No-code platforms allow you to build web and mobile applications without writing any code. They offer an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components to create apps for various use cases. No-code is ideal if you want to quickly build and deploy an app with limited technical skills. However, they typically lack advanced customization options and integration capabilities compared to low-code or traditional coding. Some popular no-code platforms are AppSheet, Airtable, and Bubble.

Low-Code Platforms

Low-code platforms also provide a visual interface to build apps rapidly but allow for more flexibility and customization. They give you the option to edit the automatically generated code and write your own code when needed for greater control and complexity. Low-code is a good middle ground if you want to develop apps faster but require more custom features and integrations. Some well-known low-code platforms are Appian, Mendix, and OutSystems.

Traditional Coding

Traditional coding involves manually writing the source code for your web or mobile app. It provides the most flexibility and control but requires solid programming skills and is the most time-consuming approach. Traditional coding is suitable if you need to build a highly complex app with very specific requirements that cannot be achieved through no-code or low-code platforms. Languages like Java, C++, and Python are commonly used for traditional coding.

In summary, the approach you choose depends on your technical skills, available resources, and app requirements. No-code and low-code platforms can accelerate development for simple to moderately complex apps. Still, for highly customized enterprise solutions, traditional coding may be necessary. The option that aligns best with your priorities and constraints will allow you to build apps most productively.

No-Code Platform Comparison: Features and Pricing

When comparing no-code platforms, you'll want to evaluate them based on essential features as well as pricing. Some of the key features to consider include:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface: The platform should have an intuitive visual editor that allows you to build apps by dragging and dropping components, without coding. This makes the platform accessible to non-technical users.

  • Pre-built components: The platform should provide a variety of pre-built components like forms, buttons, containers, and workflow automations that you can drag and drop to build apps. This speeds up development.

  • Integration capabilities: The ability to integrate with third-party services is important. Look for platforms that offer pre-built integrations with services like email, file storage, e-commerce, and CRM platforms. This allows you to build more powerful apps.

  • Publishing options: You'll want options to publish your apps on the web, iOS, and Android. Some platforms also allow you to build native desktop apps. More publishing options mean your apps can reach wider audiences.

  • Scalability: For enterprise usage, the platform must be able to handle large amounts of data and traffic. It should also have features like role-based access control, versioning, and workflow automation.

  • Pricing: No-code platform pricing varies significantly based on the features and publishing options offered. Web and mobile platforms are often free to build and test but charge monthly subscription fees to deploy apps. Enterprise-level platforms typically charge higher upfront costs.

Comparing the features and pricing of platforms like Appian, Airtable, Zapier, Bubble, and Adalo can help you find an option tailored to your needs and budget. The key is determining what functionality is essential for building your desired apps. With the right no-code platform, you can create powerful solutions without needing to code.

Building a Minimum Viable Product With No-Code

To build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), no-code and low-code platforms offer an efficient solution without needing to code. An MVP is a basic first version of a product with just enough features to validate key assumptions and test the product’s viability. Using a no-code platform to create an MVP allows you to swiftly design and launch a simple product, gather feedback, and make iterations.

Some of the best no-code and low-code platforms for building an MVP include Bubble, Adalo, Glide, and Bravo Studio. These tools provide drag-and-drop interfaces to construct web and mobile apps without coding. You can connect data sources, add ecommerce functionality, build dashboards, and more. For an MVP, focus on core features that address your target users’ main needs. Keep the design simple and clean.

Once you have an MVP, launch it and start collecting feedback right away. Reach out to potential customers, set up user testing, monitor analytics, and review comments. Look for trends in the feedback and prioritize changes that will have the biggest impact. Release updates frequently based on the feedback. An agile, iterative approach is key.

As your MVP evolves and shows promise, you can expand its features and design. If needed, you can also transition the product to a more robust platform. The ultimate goal is to validate key assumptions, gain insight into customer needs, and determine a path to scale and monetize the product. Using a no-code platform to swiftly build and launch an MVP, then make frequent iterations based on feedback, allows you to achieve this goal without a major upfront investment of time and resources.

In summary, no-code and low-code platforms are ideal for constructing an MVP. They provide an easy way to build a simple first version of a web or mobile app and make quick changes based on user feedback. An iterative, feedback-driven approach is essential to developing and improving an MVP. With the right platform and process, you can launch an MVP, validate your ideas, and set the product up for success and scale.

Getting Started With Low-Code Development

To begin leveraging the power of low-code development, you must first choose a suitable platform. Many excellent options exist, ranging from free open-source tools to enterprise-level paid solutions. Consider your specific needs and technical capabilities to determine the optimal choice.

Once you have selected a platform, familiarize yourself with its features and interface. Most provide drag-and-drop components, pre-built templates, and intuitive visual designers to simplify building web or mobile applications. However, each platform operates differently, so invest time in learning the specifics of your chosen tool.

Next, outline the structure and logic of your application. Low-code platforms make development more accessible to non-technical users, but you still need to plan how components will interconnect to achieve your desired functionality. Map user flows, define data models, and sketch application wireframes to guide your building process.

With planning complete, you can begin constructing your app. Add components like forms, buttons, dropdowns, data tables, and more by dragging and dropping them onto your application page. Then, configure each element by setting properties like color, size, default values, and behavior triggers. Connect the logic between components using the platform’s built-in features.

Test and refine your application by previewing how it functions and making improvements. Once satisfied, most platforms allow you to easily deploy your app for others to access and use. You may need to configure hosting, security, and access settings depending on how and where you choose to deploy.

Low-code development enables creating applications with little manual coding, but you still need to invest in learning your platform of choice. With planning, practice, and persistence, non-technical users can build powerful software solutions to drive innovation. By starting simple and expanding your skills over time, you will soon be developing applications with confidence and efficiency.

No-Code and Low-Code Platforms On DevHunt

DevHunt aims to provide an open platform for developer tools, including no-code and low-code platforms. These platforms empower both technical and non-technical users to build web and mobile apps without coding.

No-code platforms allow users to create apps without any coding. They provide visual interfaces with building blocks, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionality to develop apps. Examples of popular no-code platforms are Bubble, Appy Pie, and Airtable.

Low-code platforms also have visual interfaces but may require some coding. They are more flexible and scalable than no-code platforms. Popular low-code platforms are Appian, Mendix, and OutSystems.

On DevHunt, no-code and low-code platforms can gain visibility and connect with their target users - developers seeking to build apps without coding. Creators of these platforms can submit a pull request to list their tool, which will then be reviewed and approved by the DevHunt community.

Once listed, the no-code or low-code platform can be upvoted and gain exposure. Developers can discover these platforms, evaluate them based on reviews and comments from other users, and choose one suitable for their needs.

No-code and low-code platforms revolutionize app development by providing easy-to-use visual interfaces. DevHunt aims to highlight the best of these platforms and help match the right tools with developers and business users. By focusing specifically on developer tools, DevHunt creates an ideal space for no-code and low-code platforms to reach their intended audience.

If you have built an innovative no-code or low-code platform, consider joining the DevHunt community. Submit a pull request to list your tool and gain valuable exposure and feedback. Together, we can empower more people to build apps and drive digital transformation.


As we have seen, no-code and low-code platforms open new possibilities for building web and mobile apps efficiently, without the need for extensive coding knowledge. With the rise of intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, configurable templates, and built-in automation, these tools allow virtually anyone to bring their ideas to life. Whether you are a business owner, marketer, designer, or other non-technical role, you now have the power to prototype and launch custom solutions tailored to your needs. Of course, these platforms still have limitations compared to traditional code-intensive development. But for many everyday business and productivity tasks, they provide a quick and easy way to digitize workflows without developer resources. As the no-code revolution continues to advance, we can expect these platforms to become even more capable and accessible over time. So if you have an app concept in mind but lack coding skills, explore the top no-code and low-code options covered here. With the right platform, you can start building your web or mobile app today.