Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 16 min read

Best Tools for Mobile Application Development in 2024

As you embark on mobile application development in 2024, having the right tools in your toolbox is essential. With new frameworks and libraries launching regularly, it can be challenging to discern which solutions best suit your needs. Carefully evaluate your options as you outline your project plans. Consider factors like performance, community support, and ease of use as you research frameworks like Flutter and React Native. Though the future remains dynamic, certain technologies have demonstrated their staying power. Focus on resources with proven track records, extensive documentation, and capabilities optimized for mobile. With an informed, strategic approach, you can build smooth, responsive applications that delight users across devices. Equip yourself with knowledge by analyzing comparative data and trends. Then make judicious choices to craft mobile products with broad appeal and utility. The tools you choose now can empower your development and growth through 2024 and beyond.

Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2024

Image from Clariontech


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. In 2024, Flutter is expected to dominate the cross-platform mobile app development market.

React Native

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS. React Native allows you to build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React, allowing you to compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components.


Xamarin is an open-source mobile application platform created by Microsoft. It allows you to build native iOS, Android, and Windows apps with .NET and C#. Xamarin uses the same C# codebase for iOS, Android, and Windows mobile apps. It provides access to the full spectrum of functionality exposed by the underlying platform. Xamarin is expected to continue gaining popularity for enterprise mobile app development in 2024.

Native App Development

For the highest performance and platform specific experience, native app development will always remain an option. For iOS, Swift and Objective-C are the preferred languages. For Android, Java and Kotlin are recommended. Native app development provides the most functionality and performance benefits. However, it requires developing and maintaining separate codebases for each platform.

In summary, whether you choose a cross-platform framework like Flutter or React Native or prefer native development, the future is bright for mobile app developers in 2024. The key is choosing tools and resources that match your needs and skill level.

Best IDEs and Code Editors for Mobile Development

Android Studio

As an official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android, Android Studio is a natural choice for building mobile apps. It provides a flexible Gradle-based build system, emulator, and tools for debugging, testing, and profiling your app. The intuitive UI, live templates, and code completion help you code faster. Android Studio supports Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages. It's free to download and use.


For developing iOS apps, Xcode is Apple’s official IDE. It offers tools for designing, developing, and debugging apps for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Xcode uses Swift and Objective-C languages and includes features like an adaptive editor, visual design canvas, integrated source control, and support for submitting apps to the App Store. Xcode is only available for Mac computers and is free to use.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a popular lightweight but powerful source code editor from Microsoft. It supports extensions for mobile development with Flutter, React Native, Cordova, and Ionic frameworks. VS Code has built-in Git support, IntelliSense code completion, and debugging tools. It works with many programming languages including C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, and Go. Visual Studio Code is free and open-source, available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform code editor beloved by many developers for its speed, customizability, and large collection of plugins. Although not a fully featured IDE, Sublime Text works well for mobile development when coupled with the right plugins for linting, autocompletion, and building mobile apps. It supports many programming languages and markup languages. Sublime Text has a free trial, but a license must be purchased for continued use.

Emulators and Simulators to Test Mobile Apps

To build and test mobile apps, you'll need emulators or simulators to recreate how the app will run on a physical device. Emulators mimic the software and hardware environments of mobile devices, while simulators only simulate the software.

Android Emulator (AVD)

The Android Emulator is an official emulator for testing Android apps. It emulates the software and hardware environments of physical Android devices. You can test apps on a variety of virtual devices with different screen sizes, SDK versions, and other configurations. The emulator is integrated into Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development.

iOS Simulator

The iOS Simulator allows you to test iOS apps on your Mac without a physical device. It simulates the software environment of iOS devices like iPhones and iPads. You can choose from a variety of virtual iOS devices to test your app on different screen sizes and iOS versions. The iOS Simulator is built into Xcode, Apple's IDE for iOS development.

Third-Party Emulators

In addition to the official emulators from Google and Apple, there are third-party emulators like Visual Studio Emulator for Android, BlueStacks, and Nox Emulator. These provide some additional features like:

  • Testing on a wider range of virtual devices.

  • Faster performance. The official emulators can be slow at times.

  • Additional hardware emulation like GPS, Bluetooth, and cameras.

  • Support for automated and live testing.

Using emulators and simulators, you can build and test mobile apps without needing physical devices. They provide environments that closely match real mobile devices so you can identify issues early on and build high-quality apps. With a variety of options available, you can choose emulators and simulators that suit your specific needs.

What is best for mobile app development?

When determining the optimal framework for developing your mobile application, several factors should be considered. ###Cross-platform functionality. Some of the most popular options like React Native and Flutter provide cross-platform functionality, allowing you to build apps for both iOS and Android. This can save significant time and resources. However, there may be some limitations in achieving a fully native experience on each platform with these frameworks.

Native functionality. If achieving a seamless native user experience is a top priority, developing separate native apps using Swift/Objective-C for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android may be your best option. While more time-consuming, native apps can provide the highest performance and tightest integration with device features.

###Popularity and community support. The popularity and community surrounding a framework are important to consider. More popular frameworks like React Native have a larger talent pool, more open-source libraries and tools available, and typically release updates more frequently. However, newer frameworks like Flutter are gaining momentum quickly.

Learning curve. Some frameworks like React Native build upon skills that web developers already have, like JavaScript and React. Others, like Flutter, require learning a new programming language (Dart). Consider your team’s existing skills and time available to learn new technologies.

Integration with current tech stack. If your engineering team already has experience with a particular framework or language, choosing a mobile framework that leverages those same skills may allow for easier adoption. For example, a team experienced in React could get up to speed more quickly with React Native.

In summary, there are many capable options for developing mobile apps in 2024 and beyond. Evaluating your priorities around native functionality, cross-platform needs, and your team’s skills will help determine the best choice for your next mobile project. With constant evolution in this space, re-evaluating options with each new project is advisable to leverage the latest advancements in mobile development.

Automated Testing Tools for Mobile

To ensure high quality and robustness, mobile applications require comprehensive testing. Automated testing tools can help streamline the testing process for mobile apps. Some of the leading options in 2024 include:


Appium is an open-source test automation framework for native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It allows you to test apps on iOS and Android platforms using the same API. Appium utilizes WebDriver protocol to drive native apps and mobile web apps in the same way. It supports many languages like Java, Objective-C, JavaScript with Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, C# and Perl.


Espresso is Google’s open source UI test framework for Android. It allows you to write automated UI tests for your native Android app. Espresso tests run on actual devices and emulators, and assert on the state of the UI after performing actions. Espresso integrates with the Android Studio IDE and can be used with the AndroidJUnitRunner to run tests.

Xamarin Test Cloud

Xamarin Test Cloud is a cloud-based, automated mobile app testing service. It allows you to test iOS and Android apps on a large number of real devices hosted in the Azure cloud. You can automate UI testing on hundreds of device configurations to get fast, comprehensive test coverage. Xamarin Test Cloud works with Xamarin apps built in C# and .NET, as well as native Android and iOS apps.


MonkeyTalk is an automated testing tool for native and hybrid mobile apps. It allows you to record and playback interactions with your Android and iOS apps. You can create tests without programming using its recorder and then export the tests to languages like Java, Python, Ruby and C# to customize and add logic. MonkeyTalk's cloud-based test lab provides access to hundreds of real mobile devices to run your tests on.

In summary, there are various automated testing tools available for mobile app development. The options range from open source to commercial solutions, and offer ways to test on both emulators and real mobile devices. Selecting the right set of tools for your needs can help ensure maximum test coverage and app quality.

Crash and Bug Reporting Tools

To build high quality mobile applications, developers require tools to log, track and fix software issues efficiently. Crash and bug reporting tools are essential for monitoring app performance, detecting and diagnosing problems. Some of the best options in 2024 are:


Sentry is an open source crash reporting and aggregation platform. It integrates with all major languages and frameworks, including React Native and Flutter. Sentry captures app crashes in real-time, alerts you, and gives you the context to fix them fast. Its clean interface displays crash data, from count to trends over time, helping developers prioritize and debug efficiently.


Bugsnag is a comprehensive crash reporting and bug fixing platform for mobile apps. It detects crashes in real-time, captures diagnostic data and alerts developers immediately. Its dashboard provides an overview of crash data with filters to pinpoint issues quickly. Bugsnag integrates with Git, Jira and Slack, streamlining workflows for development teams. Pricing is based on monthly active users, with a free starter plan up to 5,000 MAU.


Owned by Google, Crashlytics is a popular crash reporting kit integrated into Firebase. It detects fatal issues, captures stack traces and device data, and alerts developers in real-time. Its clean dashboard displays crash trends, events and user impact, with filtering to identify high priority problems. Crashlytics is free to use and deeply integrated with Firebase, suitable for both Android and iOS apps.

In summary, crash reporting tools like Sentry, Bugsnag and Crashlytics are essential for building and maintaining high quality mobile applications in 2024. They provide visibility into software issues, helping development teams release mobile apps that are robust, user-friendly and built to last. With the right tools, developers can achieve their goal of crafting five-star user experiences.

Mobile Analytics and Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring is essential to ensuring your mobile application is functioning as intended and providing an optimal user experience. As a developer, you have access to tools that provide insight into how your app is performing in the real world.

Mobile App Analytics

Mobile analytics tools like Mixpanel,Amplitude and Google Analytics help you understand how users are interacting with your app. You can see metrics like active users, retention rates, conversion funnels and user engagement scores. Analyzing trends in the data can help you make improvements to drive key business metrics like increased signups or sales.

Crash Reporting

Nothing frustrates users more than apps that crash frequently. Crash reporting tools like Crashlytics, Instabug and Bugsnag detect crashes in your app and provide you details to diagnose and fix the issues. They track the device model, OS version and other details to help you reproduce the crash. Some also allow you to communicate directly with users to request more information.

Performance Monitoring

As your app scales to more users and devices, it’s important to monitor metrics like load times, memory usage, network requests and CPU usage. Performance monitoring tools like New Relic, AppDynamics and Dynatrace provide visibility into the technical performance of your app. They can detect issues like memory leaks, slow database queries or network bottlenecks so you can optimize your app and infrastructure to ensure a smooth experience at any scale.

Keeping a close eye on analytics, crashes and performance is key to building and maintaining a successful mobile app. The insights gained from these tools will help you make data-driven product decisions and address technical issues to keep your users happy. Choose tools that integrate with your development platforms and processes for the most seamless experience as a developer.

Top Prototyping and Mockup Tools

When developing mobile applications, prototyping and mockup tools allow you to design the user interface and experience before coding. These tools facilitate collaboration between designers and developers, enabling you to get feedback, make changes easily, and ensure high quality results. Some of the top options in 2024 include:

  • Figma: This collaborative design tool is free to use and allows you to create interactive prototypes. Figma works on both Mac and Windows and has robust design features like auto-layout, variants, and components to help you design faster. You can share prototypes and gather feedback straight from the tool.

  • Adobe XD: Another popular choice, Adobe XD is a vector-based design tool for creating and sharing interactive prototypes. It offers features like co-editing, auto-animate, responsive resize, and voice prototyping. Adobe XD integrates with other Creative Cloud apps and has a large collection of UI kits, plugins, and integrations with tools like Slack and Jira.

  • Framer: For a more code-focused option, Framer allows you to create interactive prototypes using JavaScript and React. It has a simple drag-and-drop interface but also supports advanced customization and logic. Framer prototypes look and feel like real apps, so you can test complex interactions and animations. It does have a steeper learning curve, however, so may not suit designers without coding experience.

  • InVision Studio: InVision Studio provides an all-in-one platform for digital product design. It allows you to create interactive prototypes, gather feedback, and design entire product ecosystems. InVision Studio offers animation tools, responsive resize, and design systems features to keep your work consistent and scalable. The InVision design community also provides additional resources like UI kits, tutorials, and inspiration.

With many options available, you can choose a prototyping tool that suits your needs and skill level. These tools empower designers and developers to collaborate, innovate, and build better user experiences. The future of mobile application development in 2024 and beyond will depend heavily on the creative use of these essential resources.

Useful Plugins and Extensions for Mobile Development

To enhance your mobile development experience, several useful plugins and extensions are available. These tools integrate into your IDE or editor of choice and provide additional functionality to streamline your workflow.

For React Native development, the React Native Tools extension pack for Visual Studio Code includes essential debugging and linting tools. The React Native Snippet extension provides handy code snippets to speed up development. Expo Client helps preview your React Native apps on iOS and Android simulators directly from Visual Studio Code.

For native iOS development in Swift, the SwiftLint plugin detects and corrects style and syntax issues in your code. The Xcode Project Manager extension helps manage dependencies and build settings. To debug your apps, Xcode itself includes a full suite of debugging tools.

For native Android development in Java or Kotlin, the Android Studio IDE has built-in linting, debugging and profiling tools. However, the Checkstyle, FindBugs, and PMD plugins add extra static analysis to detect bugs and style issues. The ADB Wifi extension allows wireless debugging of your Android apps.

Flutter developers can utilize the Flutter and Dart plugin with IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code. It offers project creation, code completion, linting, debugging, and Flutter-specific refactoring. The Flutter Inspector extension helps inspect and debug your Flutter UI.

With the right set of tools and plugins tailored to your needs, mobile development can be streamlined and efficient. Continually researching and testing new options will ensure you have the best toolkit for building innovative mobile applications. Overall, the future remains bright for mobile development, especially with the aid of these useful resources.

Should I learn Flutter or React Native in 2024?

When determining which framework to use for your mobile app development in 2024, two of the top choices are Flutter and React Native. Both offer the ability to build cross-platform apps - meaning you can create apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. This allows you to reach the widest range of users while maximizing your development resources.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It uses the Dart programming language, which was also created by Google, to build native apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. Flutter is a relatively new framework, initially released in 2018, but has seen rapid growth and adoption. With Flutter 2.2 released in 2021, the framework gained additional functionality and maturity.

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook for building native apps using React - a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Native allows you to build mobile apps for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. It has been used by companies like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and many others to build their mobile apps. As one of the most mature cross-platform frameworks, React Native is a solid, stable choice.

In summary, while both Flutter and React Native are excellent choices for cross-platform development in 2024, Flutter may have a slight edge due to strong support from Google, an easy to learn language (Dart) and hot reload functionality. However, you can’t go wrong with either framework, so I would recommend testing both and choosing the one you and your team prefer. The future is bright for cross-platform mobile development, and these frameworks will help you build high quality apps for years to come.

Is there a future for mobile app development?

Image from Quora

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. As technology continues to advance rapidly, the tools and frameworks used to develop mobile apps are evolving to match the pace. If you're looking to build a career in mobile development, rest assured - the demand for mobile developers is not slowing down anytime soon.

According to recent surveys, the majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. Businesses recognize the importance of having a mobile presence to reach their customers. They need mobile developers to build and maintain iOS and Android apps. Flutter, React Native, and native iOS/Android development skills are highly sought after.

Mobile development also intersects with emerging technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. Developers with experience building AR/VR and AI-powered mobile apps will be in particularly high demand. The possibilities for innovation in the mobile space are endless.

Some argue that the web will eventually overtake the need for mobile apps. However, mobile apps provide a superior user experience for certain use cases like gaming, shopping, and productivity. They can also tap into device capabilities not available to web apps like the camera, geolocation, and notifications. For the foreseeable future, mobile apps and the web will co-exist to serve users' needs.

The mobile industry is constantly changing, but for developers passionate about building innovative mobile user experiences, the future is bright. Keep your skills up to date with the latest technologies and frameworks, and you'll have opportunities for an exciting, fast-paced career in mobile development. The demand for your talent will not be diminishing anytime soon.

In summary, mobile application development has a robust future due to increasing web traffic from mobile devices, the need for businesses to reach customers via mobile apps, and the potential of emerging technologies like AR/VR and AI in the mobile space. Developers with in-demand skills will find many opportunities in this ever-evolving field.

DevHunt. A launchpad for Mobile Application Development Tools

In 2024, some of the top tools for developing mobile apps are Flutter, React Native, and native Android and iOS. As a developer looking to build mobile apps, you have several good options to choose from.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross platform applications for Android and iOS, as well as web applications. Flutter allows you to build beautiful native apps with a single codebase. Some benefits of Flutter are fast development, rich set of widgets, and native performance.

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook. It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative components. React Native allows you to build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. Some benefits of React Native are code reuse, large ecosystem of third party libraries, and ease of integration with native code.

The native Android and iOS frameworks from Google and Apple respectively remain solid options for mobile development. These allow you to build apps with 100% native UI and full access to device features. However, building the same app for both platforms requires maintaining two separate codebases.

Overall, Flutter and React Native are two of the top hybrid app frameworks, offering the benefits of cross-platform development with a single codebase. However, if maximizing native functionality and platform integration are priorities, the native Android and iOS frameworks may be better options. The choice ultimately comes down to factors like your team’s experience, app requirements, and timeline. With powerful tools and resources at your disposal, 2024 looks bright for mobile application development.


As we move into 2024, the future of mobile app development looks bright. With powerful open source tools like Flutter and React Native continuing to evolve, developers have an array of options to build high-quality apps efficiently. The key is choosing the right framework for your specific project and skill set. By leveraging communities like DevHunt, you can stay on top of the latest advancements and collaborate with other developers worldwide. The demand for mobile apps shows no signs of slowing, so now is the time to dive in. With the right approach, you can launch successful mobile apps and grow as a developer.