Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

Top open source projects for web developers in 2023


Open source software has become an indispensable part of modern web development. As developers, having access to high-quality open source libraries, frameworks, and tools can significantly improve our productivity and enable us to build better websites and applications faster. But with new projects launching all the time, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest and greatest open source has to offer.

That's why in this post, we'll highlight some of the most popular and promising open source projects for web developers in 2023. We'll look at innovative JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue.js, design-focused CSS libraries like Bootstrap and Bulma, essential development tools like Git and Webpack, and more. Our goal is to showcase the diversity of the open source ecosystem and the benefits these community-driven projects can provide.

Defining Open Source for Web Development

But first, what exactly do we mean by "open source" when it comes to software development? Open source projects have source code that is publicly accessible, able to be freely used and modified, and often developed collaboratively. This is in contrast to proprietary or "closed source" software with code that cannot be studied or changed by the public.

Popular open source licenses like MIT, GPL, and Apache allow the code to be studied, modified, and redistributed by other developers. The open and collaborative nature of these projects fosters innovation, as developers can build on existing code rather than always having to reinvent the wheel. For web developers, being able to tap into a thriving ecosystem of high-quality open source code can boost productivity tremendously.

Why Open Source Matters for Web Devs

There are many advantages to using open source tools and libraries as a web developer:

  • Accessibility: Open source projects are free to use, allowing developers to access high-quality tools without high costs.

  • Customization: The publicly available code can be tweaked and tailored to fit specific needs.

  • Transparency: Developers can learn from studying the open codebase.

  • Interoperability: Open standards promote compatibility between different tools.

  • Community: Participating in open source development builds valuable development skills and experience.

  • Security: The public codebase allows security experts to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

  • Speed: Open source projects enable faster development by allowing developers to build on existing code.

  • Cost Savings: The free availability of open source software eliminates licensing expenses.

With these benefits in mind, let's look at some of the leading open source projects that are powering the web today.

Top Open Source JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript has firmly established itself as the language of the web. Robust frameworks for structuring and building JavaScript applications have played a huge role in its rise to prominence. For front-end web development, using a JavaScript framework can greatly accelerate development and modularize code to make it more maintainable.

When assessing the top open source JavaScript frameworks available today, criteria like popularity, capabilities, documentation quality, and community support all come into play. Here we'll explore 5 of the most widely-used options for building modern web apps.


Created and open sourced by Facebook in 2013, React has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for building interactive user interfaces. Key features include:

  • Uses a virtual DOM for lightning-fast rendering speeds.

  • Component-based architecture facilitates code reuse and encapsulation.

  • Huge ecosystem of open source React libraries for routing, state management, etc.

  • React Native powers cross-platform mobile apps like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

  • Steep learning curve, but extremely capable for complex, data-driven web apps.

With over 169k GitHub stars, React has been adopted by many large companies and startups alike to create robust web and mobile apps.


First released in 2014, Vue has grown rapidly to become a top contender alongside React. It aims to be approachable, versatile, and high-performant.

  • Uses virtual DOM like React but with a simpler, less steep learning curve.

  • Progressive framework that can be integrated into pages and projects incrementally.

  • Rapid growth and strong community support behind Vue.

  • Great for quick prototyping and integrating into existing projects.

  • Capable of powering large, complex apps like GitLab, Grammarly, Nintendo.

With over 192k stars on GitHub, Vue is beloved for its balance of ease-of-use and powerful capabilities.


Originally created by Google in 2010, Angular provides an opinionated framework well-suited for building large, enterprise web apps.

  • Strongly TypeScript-based for improved code quality and tooling.

  • Steeper learning curve but excellent official documentation.

  • Two-way data binding for responsive UIs.

  • Sophisticated CLI tooling for building and scaffolding apps.

  • Used by Google, Forbes, Upwork and other enterprises.

With over 71k GitHub stars, Angular offers helpful structure and patterns for developers building robust web applications.


Created in 2011, Ember takes an opinionated, "batteries-included" approach to give developers a powerful framework right out of the box.

  • Strong conventions and project structure built-in.

  • Excellent for developer productivity with experienced teams.

  • Emphasis on stability and backward-compatibility of releases.

  • Notable for usage in large codebases like LinkedIn, Vine, Groupon.

  • Steeper learning curve but very capable for ambitious applications.

With over 23k stars on GitHub, Ember appeals most to experienced teams building large, complex web apps.

Comparing Top JavaScript Frameworks

When evaluating these popular open source frameworks, React and Vue tend to be easier to learn but require more tooling. Angular and Ember provide more built-in capabilities but have a steeper initial learning curve. For larger enterprises, Angular or Ember may be preferable. Startups and smaller teams tend to gravitate towards React and Vue for their flexibility.

Leading Open Source CSS Frameworks

In addition to JavaScript frameworks, CSS frameworks have become essential tools for rapid front-end development and responsive web design. They provide pre-built UI components, responsive grid systems, stylesheet collections, and themes to help streamline styling and layouts across projects.

When looking at popular open source CSS frameworks, important factors include ease of use, customization capabilities, responsiveness, documentation quality, and community support. Here we'll highlight 5 of the most widely used options today.


Created by Twitter developers, Bootstrap is by far the most popular front-end framework used today, powering millions of sites.

  • Includes extensive prebuilt components, JavaScript plugins, docs.

  • Responsive 12-column grid system, CSS buttons, navbars, and more.

  • Customizable with LESS/Sass, huge ecosystem around it.

  • Quickly build polished, mobile-friendly interfaces.

With 152k GitHub stars, Bootstrap is beloved for its comprehensive set of web UI tools and capabilities.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind takes a utility-first approach to CSS, providing low-level classes for rapid styling and custom designs.

  • Classes like flex, pt-4, text-center are composed to build designs.

  • Unopinionated - customize look and feel completely.

  • Steep learning curve but flexible.

  • Great when heavy customization is needed.

With 50k+ stars on GitHub, Tailwind offers a unique twist on traditional CSS frameworks.


Bulma is an elegant open source CSS framework alternative to Bootstrap gaining popularity.

  • Flexbox-based responsive layout system.

  • Includes responsive modifiers and helpers.

  • Inspired by Material Design principles.

  • Lightweight and customizable with Sass.

With 35k+ GitHub stars, Bulma provides a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap.


Created by ZURB, Foundation is mobile-first framework well-suited for responsive web design.

  • Components like typography, forms, navigation, accordion.

  • Responsive grid and CSS building blocks.

  • Sass/JS build tools available but not required.

  • Used by eBay, Mozilla, National Geographic, TED.

Foundation's 19k+ stars on GitHub make it a viable Bootstrap alternative.

Comparing Top CSS Frameworks

When comparing these popular CSS frameworks, Bootstrap is the most widely used and has the most third-party integrations. For large enterprises, Tailwind's customization capabilities stand out. Bulma offers a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap, while Foundation is ideal for responsive sites.

Top Open Source Web Development Tools

Beyond just UI frameworks, many essential non-visual web development tools are also open source. Version control systems, build tools, package managers, linters, and more originate from open source communities. Their quality and popularity can be assessed by metrics like GitHub stars, contributors, and adoption by major projects.


Created by Linus Torvalds in 2005, Git is the most widely used open source distributed version control system today.

  • Enables collaborative software development and tracking of changes.

  • GitHub relies on Git to power its code hosting abilities.

  • Developers can work on local branches before merging code.

  • Essential for open source projects with many distributed contributors.

With over 103k stars on GitHub, Git is a fundamental tool for all developers.


Webpack is an extremely popular open source module bundler for modern JavaScript applications.

  • Bundles JavaScript, CSS, images, fonts, and other assets for the browser.

  • Incredibly configurable with rules and plugins.

  • Integrates well with major frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular.

  • Key build tool for many complex web apps today.

With 69k GitHub stars, Webpack is the go-to choice for bundling modular JavaScript apps.


Released by Facebook in 2016, Yarn is a fast and reliable open source package manager for JavaScript.

  • Quicker dependency installation and version locking than npm.

  • Alternative CLI client that still works with the npm registry.

  • Used by Facebook, Google, Airbnb, and other major companies.

  • Seamless integration with Node.js development workflows.

With 43k+ stars on GitHub, Yarn makes managing JavaScript dependencies faster and more reliable.


ESLint is an extremely popular JavaScript linting utility used to identify code issues and inconsistencies.

  • Highly pluggable with support for latest JavaScript versions.

  • Rules are customizable to match project guidelines.

  • Integrates with most editors and build tools.

  • Critical for JavaScript project maintainability and consistency.

With over 27k GitHub stars, ESLint is the go-to choice for JavaScript linting today.

Comparing Top Web Development Tools

When comparing these essential web development tools, Git is the undisputed leader for version control. For bundling assets, Webpack is the most fully-featured. Yarn offers faster installs than npm for dependencies. ESLint stands out for configurable JavaScript linting and error checking.


The open source ecosystem provides web developers with an incredible variety of high-quality tools and libraries for building great sites and applications. In this post, we explored some of today's most popular open source projects across essential categories like JavaScript frameworks, CSS frameworks, and web development tools.

Criteria like popularity on GitHub, community support, documentation quality, capabilities, and more allow us to identify leaders like React, Bootstrap, Git, and Webpack in their domains. The publicly accessible codebase of open source projects enables valuable customization, collaboration, and innovation between developers.

By taking advantage of these thriving open source projects, web developers can work more efficiently, avoid reinventing the wheel, and push the boundaries of what's possible on the modern web. The projects highlighted here represent just a fraction of the open source ecosystem. Hopefully this post has provided some helpful insights into the top technologies available today.

Ready to start building something amazing? Check out DevHunt to explore and launch your own open source projects! Their platform makes it easy to showcase your work to the developer community.