Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Discover the Top 5 Open Source Web Frameworks for Developers in 2023


Open source web frameworks have become essential tools for developers building modern web applications. As demand grows for powerful yet flexible frameworks, developers today have more great options to choose from than ever before. With so many open source frameworks now available, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your next project.

The popularity of open source web frameworks over proprietary, closed-source options stems from the flexibility, customization, and community support they provide. Open source communities empower developers to shape frameworks to perfectly suit their needs. Issues can be debugged quicker thanks to crowdsourced wisdom, and new features contributed by fellow developers. This collaborative process results in robust frameworks tailored for developers, by developers.

This article will compare the top 5 most widely used open source web app frameworks as of 2023. We'll look at key factors like programming languages supported, learning curves, features, community backing, and performance. Our goal is to provide an overview of each framework's strengths and ideal use cases. With this information, you'll be equipped to evaluate and select the right open source framework for your next web development project.

Comparing React, Angular, and Vue

Before diving into all 5 frameworks, it's worth comparing the current big 3 players - React, Angular, and Vue. These 3 frameworks make up the majority of open source web development today.

React stands out for its component architecture and use of a virtual DOM for optimal performance. It has a steep learning curve but powerful capabilities for complex UIs. With React Native, it can build web and mobile apps.

Angular provides a full MVC framework and extensive tooling like routing, testing, and state management out of the box. It offers great data binding and backend integrations. The learning curve is high but so is the payoff for large enterprise apps.

Vue strikes a nice balance of approachable for beginners yet feature-rich for professionals. It makes it easy to integrate into existing projects without a complex setup. The community and ecosystem around Vue continues to grow rapidly.

Overview of Key Evaluation Criteria

When assessing open source web frameworks, some important criteria to consider include:

  • Programming languages and tech stacks supported - What languages can you use the framework with? What other technologies does it integrate well with?

  • Learning curve and ease of use - How difficult is the framework to learn and start building with?

  • Performance and scalability - Does the framework enable building web apps that are fast and can scale to many users?

  • Documentation and community support - Is high-quality documentation available? How big and active is the user community?

  • Available modules and extensions - What plugins, pre-built components, and other extensions exist to extend the framework's capabilities?

  • Mobile app development capabilities - Can the framework be used to also build mobile apps, or is a separate mobile framework required?

  • SEO optimization capabilities - Does the framework support server-side rendering and other features that optimize web apps for search engine discoverability?

  • Security and regular updates - How quickly are bugs fixed and new versions released? How secure is the code base?

1. React

Created and open sourced by Facebook in 2013, React has quickly become one of the most widely used frameworks for building interactive user interfaces.

  • React utilizes a JavaScript library along with JSX, an XML-like syntax extension. For mobile apps, React Native enables cross-platform iOS and Android development.

  • The learning curve for React is steep, but once mastered, the declarative component architecture and one-way data flow make it extremely flexible and powerful.

  • React has perhaps the largest open source community behind it, providing enormous support through forums, blogs, and open source React component libraries.

  • React is exceptionally well-suited for complex, data-driven web applications with dynamic, reusable UI components. However, its client-side rendering is suboptimal for SEO compared to server-side alternatives.

  • Facebook continues to actively maintain React with regular security patches and new feature releases, keeping it at the cutting edge.

2. Angular

Developed by Google and first released in 2016, Angular is a full MVC framework for building large-scale, data-driven web and mobile apps.

  • Angular uses TypeScript, giving access to optional static typing and future ECMAScript features.

  • With a steep learning curve, Angular offers a rich, baked-in toolset including routing, forms management, state management, testing utilities and more.

  • Extensive official documentation and active community support help ease the learning process.

  • Two-way data binding and built-in backends integration makes Angular a great fit for apps that handle lots of data and CRUD operations.

  • Support for server-side rendering improves Angular's SEO capabilities compared to purely client-side alternatives. However, it trails React in raw performance benchmarks.

3. Vue.js

First released in 2014 by Evan You, Vue.js has quickly gained popularity as a lightweight yet fully-capable framework for reactive web apps.

  • The core Vue library focuses on the "view" layer only, and integrates easily with other libraries or existing projects.

  • Vue offers a gentle learning curve for beginners, while remaining versatile and scalable for professional developers.

  • Robust routing, state management, and build tooling options exist, though not baked into the core framework.

  • Nuxt.js enables Vue to provide server-side rendering for improved SEO. A vibrant plugin ecosystem also expands possibilities.

  • Vue sees wide use in small to mid-sized web apps, though its community and job market traction still lags behind React and Angular.

4. Ember.js

Developed in 2011 and maintaining a small but active community, Ember takes a batteries-included approach as a full-stack opinionated MVC framework.

  • Ember uses JavaScript and Handlebars templating for a familiar syntax to most web developers.

  • Ember's convention over configuration approach enforces established best practices that make onboarding smoother for new developers.

  • The CLI tooling automates mundane project generation and build workflows. An integrated testing framework is also provided out-of-box.

  • Documentation is thorough and designed to onboard new developers quickly. However, the learning curve remains steep overall.

  • Ember shines when building traditional server-rendered MVC apps. It's overkill for simpler use cases compared to Vue and React.

5. Svelte

The new kid on the block, Svelte launched in 2016 takes a unique compiler-based approach to building web UIs.

  • Instead of interpreting code at runtime, Svelte compiles components into optimized vanilla JavaScript during the build process.

  • This results in exceptional performance, with no virtual DOM overhead. Minimal yet powerful features like reactivity and lifecycle events simplify coding.

  • SEO-friendly static site generation comes built-in, with easy integration for routing and state management if needed.

  • While promising, Svelte has yet to match the big three (React, Vue, Angular) in community size and jobs. The framework remains less battle-tested for now.

Key Differences and Use Cases

In summary, here are some key strengths and ideal use cases for each framework:

  • React - Best for complex, data-driven web apps with dynamic, reusable UI components. Especially strong for a component library approach. Companies like Facebook, Netflix, Uber, and Dropbox use React.

  • Angular - Full-featured for large enterprise web apps that require many built-in capabilities and strong data/backend integrations. Suited for e-commerce sites like Forbes and freelancing platforms like Upwork.

  • Vue - Great combination of approachability for beginners while remaining flexible and performant for professionals. Used by Nintendo, GitLab, and Grammarly.

  • Ember - Provides conventions and enforcements ideal for teams with many developers working on traditional MVC-style applications. Companies like LinkedIn and Chipotle use Ember.

  • Svelte - Blazing fast performance while staying simple and lightweight. Great for smaller apps prioritizing user experience. New York Times and Philips use Svelte.


This overview covers the key strengths of the top open source web frameworks as of 2023. Factors like language support, learning curve, features, community backing, and performance differentiate React, Angular, Vue, Ember, and Svelte.

Building a small prototype to try multiple options first-hand is recommended before deciding on a framework for your next project. DevHunt provides a platform to easily launch and promote open source developer tools like these frameworks. You can submit your own framework to get exposure and feedback from the DevHunt community.

We hope this guide provides a useful starting point for evaluating and choosing the best open source framework for your next web development project. Let us know if you have any other favorite frameworks we should cover!