Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 15 min read

Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Development Platforms

As an app creator, selecting the right development platform is crucial to your project's success. This comprehensive guide examines the top mobile app development platforms of 2024, giving you the insights needed to determine the best service for your needs. Weigh the pros and cons of each as we explore features, usability, and overall value. You'll learn which platforms excel for Android and iOS apps, how to get started with market leaders like React Native, and find the perfect platform to turn your app idea into reality. Let's begin the journey of deciding on the best development solution to launch your mobile masterpiece.

Overview of Mobile App Development Platforms

Native App Development Platforms

Native app development platforms allow you to build apps specifically for a single mobile OS like iOS or Android. Some popular options for native development include:

  • Xcode: Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for creating iOS and macOS apps. If you want to build an iPhone app, Xcode is the tool you need. It provides an interface for designing, coding, testing, and debugging apps.

  • Android Studio: Android Studio is the official IDE for Android development. It includes an editor, debugger, emulator, and all the necessary tools to build Android apps. Android Studio uses the Java programming language and also supports Kotlin. It's a robust, full-featured IDE that provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.

Cross-Platform App Development Platforms

Cross-platform app development platforms allow you to build a single app that runs on multiple mobile operating systems like iOS and Android. Some of the major cross-platform options include:

  • React Native: React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React for web apps. You build a native mobile app and React Native compiles it to native app components. It has a large developer community and extensive list of open source libraries.

  • Flutter: Flutter is Google’s cross-platform app development framework. It uses the Dart programming language and compiles apps to native code for multiple platforms. Flutter offers a rich set of pre-built widgets and renders everything using its own high-performance rendering engine. It’s a robust framework for building native mobile apps on iOS and Android.

  • Xamarin: Xamarin is a Microsoft tool for building native mobile apps. It uses the C# programming language and the .NET framework. Xamarin apps compile into fully native iOS and Android apps. It has a visual designer and supports accessing native APIs for each platform. Xamarin is a mature, enterprise-ready option for cross-platform mobile development.

What is a complete guide to mobile app development in 2024?

Choosing a Development Platform

The first step to building a mobile app is selecting top app development platform. The major options are native app development (using languages like Swift for iOS and Java for Android), hybrid app development (using HTML, CSS and JavaScript), and progressive web apps (PWAs).

Native apps provide the best user experience and performance but require developing separately for iOS and Android. Hybrid and PWAs are cross-platform but may lack some native functionality. Evaluate your needs and technical skills to determine the best approach.

Designing the App

With the platform selected, you can start designing the app. Map out the screens, user flows, and wireframes to outline how the app will work. Use a tool like Sketch, Adobe XD or Figma to create mockups of each screen. Get feedback from potential users and iterate on the designs.

Developing and Testing

Next, you'll use a development platform like Xcode (for iOS), Android Studio (for Android) or a hybrid framework to build the actual app. Develop each feature and component, constantly testing on both emulators and physical devices. Fix any bugs and optimize performance and user experience before releasing.

Deploying and Marketing

Once the app is ready, you can deploy it to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. But your work isn't done - you need to market your app to drive downloads and user growth. Use social media, search engine optimization, and advertising to increase visibility and get more people using your mobile app.

Maintaining and Updating

Regular maintenance and updates are required to keep your app performing well and providing value to users. Monitor reviews and feedback, and release updates to fix issues, improve features, and enhance the overall experience. Staying up-to-date with new OS releases and development best practices will help keep your app relevant in an ever-changing market.

With the right platform, design, development process, and ongoing maintenance, you'll be well on your way to building a successful mobile app. But remember, it requires continuous effort and improvement to thrive long-term. Keep optimizing and enhancing your app to keep users happy and meet their changing needs.

Native vs Cross-Platform Development

As an app developer, you have two main options for building a mobile app: native development or cross-platform development. With native development, you build apps specifically for iOS or Android, using tools and languages like Swift or Java, respectively. Alternatively, cross-platform development involves building a single app that can run on multiple mobile operating systems, often using a framework like React Native or Flutter.

Native App Development

Native app development results in apps that have a high-quality UI and tight integration with device features. Building native iOS and Android apps requires learning two different programming languages and SDKs. This can mean higher development costs and longer time-to-market. However, native apps typically provide the best user experience and can utilize all of the device capabilities. They are also the only option if you want to distribute your app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-platform frameworks allow you to reuse code across platforms, significantly reducing development time and costs. You only have to build a single app, and the framework handles adapting it to different operating systems. However, cross-platform apps may provide a slightly lower native UI experience and more limited access to device features. Popular options for cross-platform mobile development include:

  • React Native - Uses JavaScript and React to build native iOS and Android apps

  • Flutter - Google's open-source framework for building beautiful native apps with a single codebase in Dart

  • Xamarin - Microsoft's .NET-based framework for building native apps with C#

The choice between native and cross-platform development depends on your priorities and resources. If you want the best user experience and access to the latest device features, native development is the way to go. For fast development and code reuse across platforms, cross-platform frameworks are very compelling. Many companies also use a hybrid approach, building some features with native code and others with cross-platform tools.

Top Platforms for iOS App Development

Image from Netsmartz

If you want to develop iOS apps, you have two main options: Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE), or third-party app development platforms. Xcode is free but has a steep learning curve, while third-party platforms are more user-friendly but often charge monthly subscription fees.


Apple’s Xcode IDE allows you to build iOS apps using the Swift or Objective-C programming languages. Xcode is free to download but has a steep learning curve and is best for experienced developers. To use Xcode, you need a Mac computer and an Apple Developer account.


Appian is a low-code app development platform with drag-and-drop tools to build iOS and Android apps. It has pre-built components, templates, and an intuitive interface so you can develop apps without coding experience. Appian charges a monthly subscription fee but can significantly speed up development time. It is a good option for businesses that want to build their own mobile apps without relying on developers.


Outsystems is another low-code development platform for building iOS and Android apps. It uses visual modeling and pre-built components so you can develop apps without manually writing code. Outsystems charges an annual platform fee as well as additional fees for deployment and hosting. It is targeted at large enterprises that want to empower their development teams to build mobile apps quickly without needing to hire more developers.

In summary, if you want to minimize costs and have coding experience, Xcode is a good option. However, if you want to speed up development without relying on coders, a low-code platform like Appian or Outsystems is worth considering despite the subscription fees. The choice ultimately comes down to your needs, resources, and level of technical expertise. With the right tools and approach, you can build high-quality iOS apps that provide great value to your users.

What is the tool used for Android development?

Image from Applover

Android development requires the use of Android Studio, Google’s official integrated development environment (IDE) for building Android apps. Android Studio provides a code editor, debugger, emulator, and tools to build apps for Android. It is the preferred tool for developing Android applications.

Installation and Setup

To get started with Android development, you will first need to download and install Android Studio. The installation process involves downloading the Android Studio .dmg or .exe file and following the installation instructions. Once installed, you will need to install various SDKs and create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) to run your apps. The AVD functions as an emulator to test your apps.

Building Your First App

After setting up Android Studio, you can build your first Android app. This involves:

  1. Creating a new project. Select “Start a new Android Studio project” to begin.

  2. Selecting a template. Choose between “Empty Activity”, “Basic Activity”, and “Tabbed Activity”. For your first app, “Empty Activity” is a good choice.

  3. Naming your app and project. Enter details like application name, company domain, and project location.

  4. Customizing the app. Add elements like buttons, text views, images, etc. using the XML code or Android Studio’s visual editor.

  5. Running your app. Click the “Run” button to build your app on the AVD and see it in action.

  6. Debugging and testing. Use the Android Studio tools to debug and fix any issues with your app. Repeat building and testing until your app is working properly.

With practice, you will get comfortable developing more complex Android apps. The key is familiarizing yourself with the Android Studio interface and various options available for building Android apps. If you follow the guidelines and tutorials, you will be building custom Android apps in no time.

How to use Android Studio for beginners?

To build Android apps, you need to download and install Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development.

Set up the development environment

Once you have installed Android Studio, you need to launch it to start a new project. Select "Start a new Android Studio project" to create your first app. You will have to name the app and choose options like the minimum SDK version you want to support. The higher the SDK version, the more features you have access to, but the fewer devices can run your app.

Learn the basics

The Android Studio interface has many tools to help you build apps efficiently. Familiarize yourself with tools like the code editor, design editor, and debug tools. The code editor is where you'll write the code for your app. The design editor allows you to drag and drop UI elements to design your app's layouts. Debug tools like the Logcat monitor help you fix issues in your code.

Build your first app

Once you understand the basics, you can start building your first app. Create an app that displays "Hello World!" on the screen. You'll need an activity (the app screen that users interact with), layout (defines the structure and content of the activity), and string resource (stores text like "Hello World!"). Run your app to see your message display on a virtual or real Android device.

Learn by example

The best way to learn Android development is by example. Study sample apps to see examples of activities, layouts, adapters, fragments, and more in action. Some helpful samples are included in Android Studio. You can also find many open source Android apps on GitHub. Try modifying the samples by adding your own features to reinforce what you're learning.

With regular practice, you'll get the hang of Android development in no time. Keep building apps, take Android development courses, and stay up to date with the latest features to become an expert Android developer. Let me know if you have any other questions!

What is the best platform to develop mobile apps?

Native Mobile App Development Platforms

The two dominant native mobile app development platforms are Android and iOS. Native apps provide the best user experience since they are built specifically for a platform. However, developing native apps requires knowledge of programming languages like Java for Android and Swift for iOS, as well as their software development kits (SDKs) and other tools.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Platforms

Cross-platform mobile app development platforms allow you to build an app once and deploy it to multiple platforms. These platforms use technologies like React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter that allow you to code in languages like JavaScript, C#, and Dart respectively and deploy to both Android and iOS. While cross-platform apps may have some performance limitations compared to native apps, they can significantly reduce development time and costs.

Hybrid Mobile App Development Platforms

Hybrid mobile app development platforms use web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build mobile apps. Apps are then wrapped in a native container to access device features. These platforms, like Ionic, Onsen UI, and Framework7, allow for rapid development and easy updates. However, hybrid apps typically have performance and user experience issues compared to native and cross-platform apps.

In summary, the best mobile app development platform for you depends on your priorities and resources. If building the best user experience is most important, native platforms are your best choice. If reducing time to market and development costs are priorities, cross-platform and hybrid platforms are good options. Many companies use a combination of approaches for different apps. The key is choosing technologies that match your key requirements.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Platform

When selecting a mobile app development platform, several crucial elements merit your consideration. Analyzing these key factors systematically will enable you to determine which solution aligns most closely with your needs and priorities.

The functional capabilities and features offered by the platform should be carefully reviewed. Consider specifics like the ability to integrate with your existing systems and software, available third-party integrations, support for your target mobile operating systems, and options for monetization or in-app purchases. The platform’s interface and ease of use are also important to evaluate to ensure an optimal experience for your developers.

You must also consider the total cost of ownership and licensing model for each platform. Some provide open-source or freemium options, while others charge monthly or annual subscription fees. Analyze both short-term and long-term costs to find a financially sustainable solution.

The platform’s security and compliance mechanisms should be scrutinized as well. Robust security, authentication, and authorization features are essential, especially if you will be collecting or processing sensitive customer data. Compliance with industry standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS may also be a requirement, depending on your application.

Finally, examine the platform’s support resources and community. Comprehensive documentation, tutorials, customer service, and an active user community will aid your developers in leveraging the full functionality of the platform. They can also help troubleshoot any issues that arise during the development process.

Evaluating mobile app development platforms based on these key factors will lead you to identify a solution that fulfills your needs, aligns with your budget, and facilitates building a secure, high-quality mobile app experience for your users. Selecting the appropriate platform is a foundational step, so invest the necessary time to make a well-informed choice.

Platform Comparison Chart

When choosing a mobile app development platform, several factors should be considered to determine the solution that will best suit your needs. The following chart provides an overview of the major platforms available to help you evaluate and compare their key features and benefits.

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating system. It provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. Android Studio offers a flexible Gradle-based build system, a rich layout editor, instant run, and an emulator. It is free to download and is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

Xcode is Apple's IDE for developing software for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It provides tools for building user interfaces, writing code in Swift, Objective-C, and C++, testing, debugging, and submitting to the App Store. Xcode is available as a free download from the Mac App Store for all members of the Apple Developer Program.

Appcelerator Titanium is a cross-platform framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. It allows you to leverage your web development skills to build mobile apps for iOS and Android. Titanium Studio is the Eclipse-based IDE for developing Titanium apps. It is free to download and includes features like code completion, debugging, project management, and deployment tools.

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook that enables you to build native iOS and Android apps using React and JavaScript. It allows you to reuse code across platforms and build user interfaces that automatically adapt to the target platform. React Native has a large ecosystem of third-party components and tools. The framework is free to use and works with many IDEs, including Visual Studio Code, Atom, and others.

In summary, there are many high-quality, open-source mobile app development platforms to choose from, each with unique strengths and benefits. Evaluate your options based on factors such as your technical skills, target platforms, required features, and budget to select the solution that will work best for your needs. With the variety of options available, there are platforms suitable for both beginners as well as experienced mobile developers.

How to Get Started Publishing Your App on DevHunt

To publish your mobile application on DevHunt, you must first create a developer account. Visit and select “Sign Up” to begin the registration process. Provide details about yourself and your development team to establish your credentials as the app creator.

Once your account has been verified, you can publish your app on DevHunt. The initial step is to give your app a name and choose appropriate categories and tags to help users discover it. Provide screenshots and a video preview showcasing your app’s functionality and user experience. Write an informative app description highlighting key features and your app's value proposition for users.

Next, you must determine how you will distribute your app. The two primary options are making your app open source so anyone can download and use it for free, or charging a fee for downloads and in-app purchases. If choosing the latter, select a pricing model and monetization strategy that aligns with your app’s purpose and target audience.

You then need to choose the platforms where you want to release your app. The major options are Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, Linux, tvOS, and watchOS. Build and test versions of your app for each platform to ensure optimal performance across devices. Provide build files or links for users to download the app on their platform of choice.

Once your app profile has been completed and platform builds uploaded, submit your app for review. The DevHunt team will evaluate your app to confirm it meets their content policies and terms of service. If approved, your app will go live on DevHunt and become available for users to explore, download, and review. Be sure to monitor feedback and ratings to gain valuable insights into improving and updating your app over time.

With some work upfront in creating a polished app profile and distribution strategy, publishing on DevHunt can be an effective way to increase exposure and drive downloads of your mobile app. Best of luck in launching your app!

FAQs on Choosing the Best Mobile App Development Platform

When determining which mobile application development platform is optimal for your needs, several factors should be considered carefully. The following frequently asked questions can help guide you to the most suitable option.

What core features are offered? Examine what essential functionality each platform provides, e.g. UI elements, geolocation, payments, analytics, etc. Select one with features that align closely with your app requirements.

How easy is the platform to use? A platform’s usability and learning curve can significantly impact development time and costs. Options with an intuitive interface, drag and drop features, open SDKs, and good documentation tend to have a gentler learning curve.

What are the costs involved? Pricing models differ between platforms and include options like freemium, per app, per developer, and enterprise licensing. Consider both upfront and ongoing costs to find one that suits your budget.

How is the platform supported? Reliable customer support and an active developer community are invaluable. Look for a platform that offers resources like documentation, tutorials, forums, and live help when needed.

What apps have been built with the platform? Review example apps to determine if a platform can support your desired functionality and quality. More advanced platforms will have a wider range of high-quality apps published.

What are the platform’s limitations? Be aware of any constraints around features, extensibility, or publishing. For example, some platforms only build web apps or have limited access to native device functionality. Choose a platform without restrictions that would hinder your app.

By analyzing the options based on these key points of comparison, you can determine which platform is the optimal choice for your particular mobile application development needs. Selecting the solution that offers the best combination of features, usability, affordability and support will enable you to build high-quality, impactful mobile apps.


You now have the knowledge to make an informed decision when selecting a mobile top app development platform. Consider your target users, budget, and technical requirements. With an agile approach, you can build and iterate quickly to launch your app. The potential to reach millions of mobile users worldwide awaits. Forge ahead confidently, and may your app achieve great success.