Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

React DevTools for React Native: Debug Faster with these Must-Have Tools


Building mobile apps with React Native is incredibly powerful, enabling you to leverage your existing React skills to ship cross-platform iOS and Android apps. However, debugging React Native apps brings its own challenges compared to traditional web development. Without the right tools, tracking down bugs and issues in your React Native codebase can be tedious and time-consuming.

Console logging and basic alerts only get you so far. To develop React Native apps efficiently, you need access to Chrome DevTools-like capabilities specifically tailored for React Native. Tools like React Native Debugger and Recoilize provide exactly this - powerful React DevTools that make debugging React Native a breeze.

With features like component inspection, network monitoring, and Redux/Recoil state management visualization, these React DevTools help you find and fix bugs much faster. You can build React Native apps with confidence and speed when equipped with these must-have debugging tools.

In this article, we'll explore two of the most popular React DevTools purpose-built for debugging React Native apps:

  • React Native Debugger - Robust general purpose React Native debugging
  • Recoilize - Visual debugging for Recoil state management

We'll cover the key capabilities, benefits, and limitations of each tool. You'll learn how leveraging these React DevTools can help accelerate your React Native development. Let's dive in!

Overview of React Native Debugger

React Native Debugger is an open source debugging app created specifically for React Native. It provides a powerful Chrome DevTools-like debugging experience tailored for React Native 0.49 and higher.

React Native Debugger is used by industry leaders like Facebook, Microsoft, and Shopify to develop performant React Native apps. With over 5.4 million downloads on GitHub, it has proven itself as one of the most robust React Native debugging tools available.

It enables Chrome DevTools-like capabilities directly within your React Native app:

  • Component inspection - Visualize React component hierarchies complete with props and state.
  • Redux monitoring - View dispatched Redux actions and visualize Redux state changes.
  • Network inspection - Monitor network requests within the app just like the Chrome Network tab.
  • JavaScript debugging - Debug JavaScript code with breakpoints like in Chrome DevTools.
  • Time travel - Go back to previous app states by "time travelling" through saved JS execution moments.

These features provide a smooth debugging experience on par with debugging web apps. No more cluttering your code with console.logs and alerts!

Key Benefits of React Native Debugger

  • Debug React Native apps like you would web apps with Chrome DevTools
  • Visual component inspection makes tracking down UI issues quick
  • Monitor network requests to fix network-related bugs
  • Set JavaScript breakpoints for advanced code debugging
  • "Time travelling" through previous app states enables unique debugging

Potential Limitations to Consider

  • Only officially supports React Native 0.49 and above
  • Can feel overwhelming for React Native beginners used to basic console.logs
  • Requires running a standalone app instead of a browser extension
  • May need extra setup for integration with some editors/IDEs
  • Lacks some advanced capabilities like layout inspection

Overview of Recoilize

Recoilize is an open source visual debugging tool specifically designed for React apps using the Recoil state management library.

Recoil provides a fast and robust way to manage state in React apps. It lets you divide state into individual "atoms" and then compose them together to derive new state using "selectors". Recoilize makes debugging Recoil apps easy by visually surfacing how all your atoms and selectors are connected.

The key capabilities Recoilize provides are:

  • Atom network graph - See all your Recoil atoms and selectors visualized in a graph/network view.
  • Atom subscriptions - View which React components subscribe to which atoms.
  • Transaction tracing - Trace Recoil atom state changes and transactions over time.
  • Component inspection - Inspect React components in a tree view like Chrome DevTools.
  • Time travel debugging - Go back to previous atom states to "time travel" during debugging.

This makes it easy to debug issues related to Recoil state management in your React apps. And Recoilize works seamlessly for React Native and Expo development right out of the box!

Key Benefits of Recoilize

  • Visualize all your Recoil atoms and selectors in a connected graph
  • Debug atom subscription issues easily
  • Trace every atom state change during transactions
  • "Time travel" debugging lets you replay previous atom states
  • Fully open source and free to use

Potential Limitations to Note

  • Only works with React apps using Recoil state management
  • Requires installing the Recoilize npm package
  • Limited to debugging just Recoil state atoms and selectors
  • For non-Recoil debugging, still need React Native Debugger
  • Lacks some React Native Debugger features like network inspection

How to Choose the Right Tool

React Native Debugger provides a full-featured Chrome DevTools-like debugging experience for React Native apps. In contrast, Recoilize focuses specifically on visualizing and debugging Recoil state atoms and selectors.

Here is a comparison summary of their key features:


React Native Debugger


Component inspection



Network inspection



Redux monitoring



Recoil atom visualization



Time travel debugging



In general, you'll want to use React Native Debugger for its more robust set of debugging capabilities beyond just state management. It is great for overall app debugging needs.

Recoilize shines when you specifically need to debug issues related to Recoil atoms and selectors. Its unique graph network view and time travel make tracing atom state changes much easier.

For the most comprehensive debugging experience, it is recommended to use both React Native Debugger and Recoilize together. React Native Debugger can handle general app debugging, while Recoilize focuses on visualizing Recoil state management.

Here are some examples of when each tool is most useful:

  • Debugging network requests - React Native Debugger
  • Inspecting UI component tree - React Native Debugger
  • Tracing Recoil atom state changes - Recoilize
  • Debugging Recoil atom initialization issues - Recoilize
  • Generic JavaScript breakpoints - React Native Debugger
  • Replaying previous Recoil atom states - Recoilize


React DevTools like React Native Debugger and Recoilize are must-have tools for debugging React Native apps efficiently. They provide Chrome DevTools-like capabilities tailored specifically for React Native development.

React Native Debugger delivers robust overall debugging, while Recoilize focuses on visual Recoil state management debugging. Using both together enables comprehensive React Native debugging.

Leveraging these purpose-built React DevTools allows you to find and fix issues much faster. You can spend less time cluttering your code with console.logs and more time building awesome React Native apps!

Check out React Native Debugger and Recoilize to take your React Native debugging to the next level. And for more React Native app development tips, explore the DevHunt platform showcasing a wide range of innovative developer tools and solutions.