Published Oct 21, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Must-Have Chrome DevTools for Web Developers


Chrome DevTools are an indispensable part of every web developer's toolkit. They provide a powerful suite of capabilities for debugging, profiling, and optimizing web applications and websites directly within the browser. With built-in tools like the Elements panel, Console, Sources, Network, and Audits, developers can inspect, monitor, analyze and improve nearly every aspect of a webpage.

DevTools help developers build higher quality, faster loading websites and web apps by providing insight into page loading performance, DOM structure, network requests, JavaScript execution, accessibility issues, and more. Some of the key capabilities offered by the default DevTools include:

  • Debugging - Set breakpoints, step through code, inspect call stacks and exceptions
  • Network analysis - Monitor requests/responses, inspect headers, filter requests by type
  • Performance tuning - Profile load times, JS execution, CPU usage to optimize bottlenecks
  • Accessibility auditing - Identify ARIA roles issues, color contrast problems, keyboard support
  • Application inspection - View storage, resources, service workers, manifest details
  • Console - Log diagnostics, evaluate expressions, inspect JavaScript objects

Additionally, DevTools can be augmented and expanded with a wide selection of powerful extensions that add advanced functionality beyond the built-in tools. These extensions provide specialized capabilities to boost productivity, efficiency, and optimize workflows.

Must-Have Debugging Extensions

Specialized Chrome DevTools extensions enable adding framework and library-specific debugging tailored for React, Vue, Angular and more. These extensions integrate seamlessly into the DevTools interface for unified workflows.

React Developer Tools

The React Developer Tools extension is invaluable for debugging complex React component hierarchies in large applications. It allows developers to:

  • Inspect the React component tree and view component props, state, hooks
  • Visualize component render order and confirmation of updates
  • Debug React context providers and consumers
  • Highlight re-renders during state changes for performance tuning
  • Leverage React-specific capabilities like inspection of Fiber implementation

For example, when debugging a React e-commerce site with a complex product grid component displaying thousands of items, this extension enables tracing props and state across the entire component tree to track down bugs. The specialized React dev tools integration makes debugging even large React-based sites much easier compared to the default Elements tab. For any developer using React, this extension is essential.

Redux DevTools

Similar to the React extension, the Redux DevTools provides tailored debugging workflows specifically for Redux apps:

  • View history of dispatched Redux actions over time
  • Visualize changes to the Redux store state with "time-travel" debugging
  • Replay specific sequences of actions to reconstruct app state
  • Track down bugs by pinpointing when/why/how app state changed
  • Redux-aware hot reloading to instantly reflect state changes

For example, when debugging an ordering workflow in a Redux e-commerce app, developers can use the time-travel debugging to jump back and forth between dispatched actions to understand exactly how a bug was introduced. The Redux-specific features make tracking down state management issues much simpler.

Advanced Network Analysis

The Network tab provides comprehensive network request analysis, but these extensions take it even further with additional network debugging capabilities:

NetWork Panel

The Network Panel extension enables advanced network filtering:

  • Filter requests by domain, file type, size, duration
  • Search within network requests and filter on string matches
  • Visualize overall network usage graphed over time
  • Group requests based on initiating document or domain

For example, developers can filter to only CSS requests over 500kb to identity large stylesheet assets. The granular filtering makes isolating specific types of requests quicker.

Ultra Network Panel

The Ultra Network Panel extension adds powerful network instrumentation:

  • Filmstrip view visualizes resource loading chronologically
  • Measure page events like DNS lookup time, bandwidth usage
  • Simulate slow network connections like 2G, 3G for testing
  • Mock requests and override responses during development
  • Inspect browser WebSocket connections

The filmstrip visualization offers a unique debugging perspective for understanding how the network requests and page resources load over time. This uncovers optimization opportunities not visible in the default Network tab.

UX and Prototyping Extensions

The Elements panel provides basic DOM inspection, but specialized UI/UX extensions like VisBug enable next-level rapid prototyping:


VisBug powers lightning fast UI iteration and troubleshooting:

  • Live edit UI elements visually with instant CSS/HTML changes
  • Drag, drop, resize, reorder elements on the fly
  • Test responsiveness across browser viewports
  • Visualize UI behavior by interacting with elements
  • Rapidly build prototypes by iteratively modifying UIs

For example, when building a complex data dashboard UI with charts, grids, and filters - VisBug enables quickly resizing elements, tweaking CSS, and validating UI behavior simply by directly editing the page. This real-time UI modification accelerates development workflows.

Code Quality and Metrics

The Audits panel provides basic quality checks, but these extensions analyze pages even deeper:


Lighthouse identifies best practices and optimization opportunities:

  • Audit performance on mobile and desktop
  • Check for accessibility issues and offer corrective guidance
  • Detect unused CSS/JS to reduce code bloat
  • Evaluate SEO elements like meta tags, content, page speed
  • Suggest compression, caching, defer unused JS, and more


Chromelens focuses on front-end code quality and security:

  • Scan for deprecated, unsafe HTML tags and attributes
  • Check for vulnerabilities like XSS, clickjacking, CSRF
  • Highlight missing semantics like labels, ARIA roles
  • Analyze SEO factors like meta tags, robots.txt
  • Flag issues with caching, compression, browser support

Together, these provide comprehensive auditing and analysis required to optimize front-end apps and sites.


While Chrome DevTools provide a stellar foundation for web development, the extensions highlighted in this article expand the capabilities even further. Specialized React, Redux, network, UI/UX, and code quality extensions boost productivity, efficiency, and optimize workflows. For modern web developers, fully utilizing Chrome's extensible DevTools ecosystem is essential to build robust, high-quality sites and apps efficiently.

To learn more about how DevHunt can help you find and showcase developer tools, visit the DevHunt website today.