Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

New iOS Dev Tools for Chrome Released


Google has just released a new set of developer tools aimed at improving the iOS workflow in the Chrome browser. These tools provide iOS developers with a full suite of debugging, testing, and optimization features directly within Chrome DevTools. By allowing iOS devs to stay within a single browser, the new tools promise to increase productivity and accessibility for iOS development.

The key features include a remote debugger for iOS devices, an iOS device emulator, and React Native framework integration. With the debugger, developers can now set breakpoints and inspect iOS apps and Safari webviews right from their Chrome DevTools instance. The emulator lets you test iOS apps and websites on virtual iPhones and iPads without needing real hardware. There is also built-in support for React Native to streamline debugging React iOS apps. And since the tools are open source, the community can contribute as well.

These capabilities bring the entire iOS dev environment into Chrome for the first time. The tools are now available by installing the Chrome DevTools iOS extension or using the latest Chrome Canary release. By leveraging Chrome's existing devtools foundation, the new iOS tools enable developers to eliminate context switching and improve team collaboration. It's easier than ever for web developers familiar with Chrome to start building iOS apps. Let's take a closer look at what these powerful new tools can do.

Key Features of the New iOS Developer Tools

The iOS debugging and testing tools introduce many new capabilities for developers using Chrome. Here are some of the key features:

iOS Debugger

  • Allows remote debugging of iOS devices connected to your computer via USB.
  • Supports breakpoint setting, call stack inspection, and other debugging features.
  • Integrates iOS debugging right into the Chrome DevTools workflow.
  • Provides inspection of iOS webviews inside native apps like Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Lets you emulate device sensors like GPS, accelerometer, etc.

iOS Device Emulator

  • Lets you test iOS apps and sites without needing a real device.
  • Supports emulating various iPhone and iPad models like iPhone 14, iPad Pro, etc.
  • Emulates device features like screen size, resolution, touch events, etc.
  • Simulates device sensors and location to test geo features.
  • Integrates with developer workflow in Chrome DevTools.

React Native Framework Support

  • Provides integration for debugging React Native iOS apps.
  • Allows inspecting React Native views and touch events.
  • Supports debugging JS runtime errors in React Native.
  • Integrates React Native devtools extensions.
  • Enables seamless React Native dev workflow in Chrome.

These tools add powerful native iOS development capabilities to Chrome for the first time. Web developers can now use their existing Chrome DevTools skills to build iOS apps. And the open source nature of the tools allows the community to contribute features and improvements over time.

Comparing to Existing iOS Dev Tools

The new iOS tools in Chrome provide unique advantages over existing options like Xcode, AppCode, and React Native Debugger:

  • Fully integrated into Chrome DevTools, no context switching.
  • Available on Windows, unlike Xcode which requires a Mac.
  • Leverages Chrome's web dev features like network inspection.
  • Open source nature enables community innovation.
  • Easier collaboration by using the same tools remotely.
  • More lightweight than Xcode, faster iteration speeds.

While Xcode is the default IDE for native iOS development, it can be bloated and slow. The Chrome tools provide a faster and more lightweight environment focused just on debugging and testing. And React Native Debugger is limited to React Native apps, while the Chrome tools work for both native and React Native iOS apps.

Deeper Look at React Native Integration

The integration with React Native provides some powerful capabilities for debugging iOS apps built with React Native:

  • Inspect views and touch events within React components.
  • Set breakpoints in React Native JavaScript code.
  • Debug JavaScript runtime errors and exceptions.
  • Integration with React DevTools for Chrome.
  • Support for Hot Reloading to view changes instantly.
  • Use React Native console.log() statements in Chrome console.

This enables the standard React Native workflow but entirely within the Chrome DevTools environment. Things like Hot Reloading help speed up iteration and development. And access to the Chrome Web Store brings in React DevTools extensions for added functionality.

Getting Started with the iOS Developer Tools

Ready to give the new iOS devtools a try? Here is a quick guide to getting set up:

Installing the Tools

  • The tools are pre-installed in the latest Chrome Canary 105+ release.
  • Or install the Chrome DevTools iOS extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Requires Chrome 104+ for extension support.
  • After install, access tools via DevTools Main Menu > More Tools > iOS.

Debugging on Physical Devices

  • Connect your iPhone via USB and enable USB Debugging.
  • In Chrome DevTools, select your device from the target dropdown.
  • Select "inspect device" from the context menu.
  • Use DevTools as normal while debugging - set breakpoints, inspect elements, etc.
  • Can debug Safari webviews like those in the Facebook or Instagram apps.

Using the Emulator

  • Open the emulator tab in Chrome DevTools.
  • Select your desired iOS device model profile like iPhone 14 Pro.
  • Click start to launch the emulator instance.
  • Interact with the emulator like a real device.
  • Use the debugger tools to inspect emulator views, sensors, etc.

The documentation at provides more details on configuring and using the full capabilities of the new tools. With the power of Chrome DevTools now extended to iOS, web developers can start building iOS apps faster than ever before.

Benefits of the New Tools

The addition of iOS tools directly within Chrome DevTools brings some great benefits:

  • Speeds up developer workflow by enabling full iOS dev environment in Chrome.
  • Saves money on hardware costs by reducing need for real iOS devices.
  • Improves collaboration by letting teams debug remotely on the same tools.
  • Increases productivity by eliminating context switching.
  • Fosters innovation by making iOS development more accessible.
  • Better app quality through faster debugging and testing iterations.
  • Access to Chrome Web Store extensions and devtools.
  • Open source approach enables community contributions.

By staying within Chrome's robust dev environment, developers can maximize efficiency while building high quality iOS apps and websites. The new tools lower the barrier to entry for web developers looking to expand into iOS. And the remote debugging support makes it easy for teams to collaborate. Overall, the new iOS tools provide a major boost in productivity and innovation for iOS devs.

Future Evolution Possibilities

Because the iOS devtools are open source, there are exciting possibilities for the community to shape their future evolution:

  • Contribute more device emulation profiles for testing.
  • Build custom devtools extensions tailored for iOS debugging.
  • Add support for new iOS versions and features.
  • Expand React Native integration with more functionality.
  • Improve existing tools like the debugger and emulator.
  • Support for Swift and Objective-C debugging down the road.
  • Integrate with more iOS dev workflows and tools.

The open source approach allows developers to mold the tools to best fit their needs. And it enables a level of innovation and specialization difficult to achieve with proprietary tools. As more developers use the tools, we can look forward to seeing community contributions take them even further.


Google's new set of iOS developer tools represent a major step forward for iOS devs using Chrome. The highly anticipated features like remote debugging, device emulation, and React Native support vastly improve developer productivity. By providing iOS dev capabilities right within Chrome DevTools, the new tools streamline development workflows and encourage innovation. iOS developers should absolutely check out these tools on DevHunt and provide feedback to help shape their ongoing evolution. With the release of the iOS devtools, Chrome is now truly a one-stop development environment for building web, Android, and iOS apps faster and more collaboratively than ever before.