Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 3 min read

iOS Dev Tools Now Available on Chrome

Chrome's latest update brings a game-changing new capability - native iOS developer tools. Developers can now build, test and debug iOS apps directly within Chrome, no Mac required.

Why iOS Dev Tools in Chrome is a Big Deal

Previously, developing iOS apps necessitated owning Apple hardware and using Xcode on MacOS. The need for proprietary Apple devices made iOS development less accessible.

Now, by enabling iOS tools natively in Chrome, developers gain new levels of flexibility and convenience.

For example, Windows and Linux users can build iOS apps without purchasing a Mac. The ability to develop iOS apps on any machine helps lower barriers to entry and empowers more developers to target Apple's ecosystem.

Additionally, Chrome provides a streamlined centralized environment for coding, testing, and debugging iOS apps. Developers can write Swift code in Chrome using Xcode, then immediately try it out right inside the built-in iOS simulator.

Leveraging Chrome's powerful developer tools for tasks like inspecting elements or debugging brings iOS development capabilities to a familiar interface used by millions of devs daily.

While not yet equivalent to the full feature set in native Xcode, Chrome's iOS tools allow building basic apps, prototypes, and more - no Mac needed.

Developing an iOS App Prototype in Chrome

To demonstrate Chrome's iOS capabilities, let's walk through building a simple prototype iOS weather app using nothing but the dev tools in Chrome.

First, we'll enable the "Apple Developer Tools" experiment in Chrome settings to activate the iOS features. Next, in Chrome's DevTools we can start writing SwiftUI code for the app's interface.

A Text element can display the current temperature, while a Button lets us update the weather. An icon image adds some flair.

We'll use sample hardcoded data for now. But once the UI is built, we can tap the iOS simulator button to launch it and interact with the prototype.

After verifying it works as expected, we could integrate a real weather API to fetch live data. The ability to seamlessly go from coding to testing in Chrome speeds up iteration.

While basic, this proof of concept shows how complete iOS prototypes can be built in Chrome without ever leaving the browser.

Unlocking New Possibilities with Chrome iOS Development

Empowering iOS dev workflows in Chrome aligns with DevHunt's goal of promoting innovative developer tools.

To highlight the groundbreaking capabilities unlocked, DevHunt could feature a dedicated Chrome iOS section.

For example, showcasing iOS apps prototyped fully in Chrome would demonstrate creative ways developers are leveraging the technology. The community could upvote their favorite implementations.

Additionally, DevHunt awards categories that celebrate improvements to accessibility could recognize Chrome's iOS support for lowering barriers.

Beyond iOS, Chrome also enables building Android and web apps natively. Showcasing these capabilities on DevHunt provides developers more visibility into available options.

By consolidating workflows into a familiar browser-based environment, Chrome delivers convenience while expanding what's possible. The future looks bright as more platforms add native dev tools.

Try out Chrome's cutting-edge iOS capabilities yourself on DevHunt today!