Published Dec 23, 2023 ⦁ 16 min read
Insomnia REST Client Best Practices

Insomnia REST Client Best Practices

Developers would agree that effective use of tools like Insomnia REST Client is critical for productivity.

This guide provides best practices for maximizing efficiency with Insomnia, including strategies for organization, automation, collaboration, and more.

You'll learn how to structure requests in workspaces and collections, reuse elements for faster development, integrate plugins to enhance capabilities, leverage built-in keyboard shortcuts, implement version control through Git synchronization, and fully utilize Insomnia's features to boost your API testing and development workflow.

Introduction to Insomnia REST Client Best Practices

Insomnia is a popular open source REST client that makes it easy to test APIs and HTTP requests. With its intuitive interface and powerful features like environment variables, code generation, and plugin ecosystem, Insomnia aims to maximize developer productivity and efficiency when working with APIs.

This article provides best practices and expert advice to help you get the most out of Insomnia. We'll cover how to organize requests, leverage built-in features, and boost productivity so you can focus on building rather than debugging.

Understanding Insomnia as a Top HTTP Client

Insomnia is one of the most fully-featured REST clients available today. Here's a quick rundown of some of its key advantages:

  • Open source and free for unlimited use
  • Supports REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, and other protocols
  • Easy to create and organize requests in workspaces
  • Supports environment variables for dynamic testing
  • Generate code snippets in many languages
  • Broad plugin ecosystem to extend functionality
  • Collaborative features like shareable workspaces

With these capabilities, it's no wonder Insomnia is many developers' HTTP client of choice for API testing.

Goals and Structure of the Article

Our goal is to help you maximize productivity with Insomnia through best practices around:

  • Organizing requests and workspaces
  • Leveraging built-in features like environments
  • Debugging efficiently
  • Extending functionality with plugins

We'll also cover how Insomnia compares to Postman for API testing.

Let's dive in!

Is insomnia a rest client?

Insomnia REST Client is indeed a REST client that can be used to test and interact with REST APIs. Here are some key things to know about Insomnia:

Key Features

  • Store API requests in a clean interface
  • Organize requests into folders and environments
  • Support for various authentication mechanisms like OAuth and API keys
  • Generate code snippets to integrate APIs into your apps
  • Import and export requests to share and collaborate
  • Plugin ecosystem to extend functionality
  • Cross-platform desktop app - works on Windows, Mac, Linux

So in summary, yes Insomnia REST Client is a full-featured, cross-platform REST client that makes API testing fast and efficient. It helps organize requests for re-use across projects, enables collaboration, and integrates well into many development workflows.

While Postman is perhaps the most well-known API testing tool, many developers prefer Insomnia for its free and open-source nature, intuitive UX, broad platform support, and flexibility.

If you build applications that connect to REST APIs, Insomnia can streamline testing and development. It's a lightweight but powerful tool for interacting with web services.

What's the difference between postman and insomnia?

Although Postman and Insomnia are both popular API testing tools, there are some key differences between them:


  • Postman offers more enterprise-level features like team collaboration, API monitoring, and documentation generation. Insomnia is better suited for individual developers and smaller teams.

  • Insomnia is open source and available cross-platform, while Postman is proprietary software.

  • Insomnia has built-in support for environment variables, authentication, and code generation. Postman requires installing separate plugins for some features.


  • Insomnia offers a simple, intuitive interface that is easy for beginners to pick up. Postman has more configuration options which can be overwhelming initially.

  • Postman has more community support available in terms of tutorials, integrations, etc. Insomnia is still gaining traction among developers.


  • The Postman core app is free. Additional capabilities require a paid plan starting at $7 per month.

  • Insomnia is 100% free with no paid tiers. The open source model relies on community contributions and support.

So in summary, Postman is likely the better choice for larger development teams that need advanced functionality, while individual developers may appreciate Insomnia's simplicity and free usage.

What is the alternative to insomnia rest API?

Insomnia is a popular open-source REST API client with a clean interface and robust feature set for API testing and development. However, there are several alternative tools that developers can consider using instead of or in addition to Insomnia.


Apidog is a cloud-based API testing tool that allows you to import API specifications, generate collections from them, and run tests. Some key features include:

  • Import OpenAPI/Swagger specs to create collections automatically
  • Generate code snippets in various languages
  • Test APIs and visualize responses
  • Team collaboration capabilities

Compared to Insomnia, Apidog is lighter weight and fully cloud-based, while Insomnia offers more customization options since it is an installable desktop app.


Paw is a full-featured API development environment for MacOS with support for testing HTTP requests, WebSocket and GraphQL APIs. Key features:

  • Robust HTTP client with code generation and export capabilities
  • Graphical interface to build requests and inspect responses
  • Support for OAuth 2 authentication
  • Code samples for iOS, Android, Curl, JavaScript and more
  • Team collaboration features

Paw offers native MacOS integration and may appeal more to mobile developers. Insomnia has better cross-platform support.

Restlet Client

Restlet is a simple and free REST API testing client for desktop operating systems. It is open-source and lightweight. Some highlights:

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Support for common authentication mechanisms
  • Code generation for requests in multiple languages
  • Export requests to Postman collections

Compared to Insomnia, Restlet lacks advanced features but is easy to use for basic API testing needs.

In summary, leading alternatives like Apidog, Paw and Restlet have their own strengths but none match Insomnia in terms of cross-platform support, customization and community. For advanced API testing and development needs, Insomnia remains a top choice.

What is the insomnia tool used for?

Insomnia is an open-source desktop application designed to simplify interacting with and testing APIs. Here are some of the key things Insomnia can be used for:

  • Designing and prototyping APIs: Easily design APIs with Insomnia's intuitive GUI before actually building them. This allows you to experiment with different endpoints and flows.

  • Debugging APIs: Use Insomnia to test APIs and debug issues quickly during development. Features like environment variables and authentication helpers streamline testing.

  • Testing APIs: Comprehensively test APIs with dynamic variables, scripts, assertions, and automated tests. Fully validate that an API meets requirements.

  • Documenting APIs: Automatically generate API documentation from requests in Insomnia. Keep docs in sync by importing from existing API specs.

  • Improving productivity: Insomnia offers many features to help developers and testers work faster like code generation, workspaces to organize requests, plugin ecosystem, and more.

In summary, Insomnia aims to remove friction from common API tasks like designing, testing, debugging, documenting and overall improving efficiency. Its main value proposition is increasing developer productivity.


Setting Up for Success: Organization of Requests in Insomnia

Creating and Managing Workspaces

Workspaces in Insomnia allow you to organize your API testing into separate projects or areas. For example, you may want to create one workspace for testing the GitHub API and another for testing a custom internal API.

To create a new workspace, click the "+" button at the top and select "New Workspace". You can give the workspace a name and change the color theme.

Within each workspace, you can create collections of requests to further organize your API testing. Workspaces are useful for separating concerns and allowing different team members to focus on particular projects.

Compared to Postman, Insomnia's workspace feature provides more flexibility in structuring and sharing your API testing environments. Postman also has workspaces, but Insomnia's implementation is a bit more user-friendly.

Strategies for Organizing Requests in Collections

Within an Insomnia workspace, it's best practice to group related requests into collections. For example, you may have a "Users" collection containing all user management endpoints.

Some tips for organizing collections:

  • Structure collections by resource or area of functionality
  • Create separate collections for different API versions
  • Use nested collections to further categorize requests
  • Name collections clearly so their purpose is obvious

Organizing requests into logical collections allows you to easily find what you need while API testing and contributes to an efficient workflow. It also helps new team members ramp up quickly.

Effective Tagging of Requests for Quick Access

In addition to collections, Insomnia's tagging feature lets you mark requests for easy searching and filtering. Tags allow you to flag requests based on attributes like:

  • Module or feature
  • Developer who works on endpoint
  • Status (in progress, needs update, etc)
  • Type of request (auth, CRUD, etc)

To develop an effective tagging strategy:

  • Use consistent tag names across requests
  • Color code tags for visual organization
  • Tag requests liberally to capture multiple attributes

Tagging requests this way makes them easy to search for and can supplement how you organize via workspaces and collections.

Leveraging Environments for Different API Configurations

When testing APIs, you'll often need to switch between different configurations - like testing, staging, and production.

Environments allow you to define separate configuration profiles with custom:

  • Base URLs
  • HTTP Headers
  • Cookies
  • Environment Variables

You can quickly switch environments to target different API instances and avoid having to duplicate requests.

Environments streamline your Insomnia API testing by handling multiple target configurations. They allow you to test against different versions of an API without cluttering up your requests.

Maximizing Productivity with Insomnia Features

Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts in Insomnia

Keyboard shortcuts in Insomnia can save significant time when creating and editing requests. Here are some of the most useful shortcuts to learn:

  • Ctrl/Cmd + N: Create a new request
  • Ctrl/Cmd + S: Save changes to current request
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Enter: Send current request
  • Ctrl/Cmd + K: Clear response for current request
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + S: Duplicate current request
  • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E: Export current request

Mastering these basic shortcuts will boost productivity by facilitating rapid iteration on requests.

Reusing Elements: Saving Headers, Cookies, and Queries

Reusing common elements in Insomnia saves the effort of rewriting the same headers, cookies, and queries in every request.

  • Save Headers: Define default headers globally or per environment, then apply to requests.
  • Save Cookies: Persist cookies across requests by enabling cookie jar.
  • Save Queries: Create query groups to save and reuse GraphQL queries.

Saving these elements means you avoid repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus efforts on more value-added API testing.

Utilizing Code Generation for Quick Integration

Insomnia's code generation features allow exporting request collections directly into code. This facilitates integration into automated tests and other workflows.

Code can be generated in languages like:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Curl

For example, export an entire collection as a Postman collection for easy portability. Code generation cuts down on manual coding effort.

Enhancing Capabilities with Insomnia Plugin Hub

Insomnia Plugin Hub extends functionality through third-party plugins. Useful plugins include:

  • Swaggymnia: Import Swagger/OpenAPI specs to accelerate API specification-based testing.
  • Insomnia Documenter: Auto-generate API documentation from requests.
  • GitHub API Spec Importer: Directly import API specs from GitHub repositories.

Leveraging plugins enhances productivity by building on Insomnia's core functionality with additional capabilities.

Advanced Techniques: Automation and Documentation in Insomnia

Automating API Testing with Insomnia

Insomnia allows you to easily automate API testing by setting up test scripts. Here are some best practices:

  • Use the Tests tab in Insomnia to write JavaScript code that runs after requests. These tests can validate responses, extract data, set environment variables, etc.
  • Leverage Insomnia's built-in assertions like expect(responseCode).to.equal(200) to validate status codes, response bodies, headers, and more.
  • Chain requests together into a sequence using Insomnia's request groups. Define dynamic variables, conditional logic, loops, delays, etc.
  • Parameterize requests with environment variables so data can be reused across tests. Set variables from response data too.
  • Consider integrating a CI/CD pipeline so tests run on every code change to catch regressions.

Automating tests this way ensures API functionality remains intact over time.

Generating Documentation with Insomnia Documenter

Insomnia Documenter is a plugin that generates beautiful API documentation from your Insomnia requests and workspace:

  • Install Insomnia Documenter from the Plugin Hub.
  • Create a docs folder in Insomnia to organize documentation requests.
  • Add metadata like descriptions and response models using the plugin UI.
  • Run Documenter to output HTML docs, a Postman collection, or OpenAPI spec.
  • Host the docs on a static site or Git repository to share with others.
  • Set up automatic documentation updates on each code change by integrating Documenter with CI/CD pipelines.

This approach helps teams stay in sync on API contracts.

Importing API Specs with GitHub API Spec Importer

The GitHub API Spec Importer plugin allows importing OpenAPI/Swagger/Postman specifications into Insomnia:

  • Install the GitHub API Spec Importer plugin from the Plugin Hub.
  • Use the importer UI to enter a GitHub repo and file path pointing to an API spec (e.g. openapi.yaml).
  • The plugin automatically downloads the spec and converts it into Insomnia requests, environments, and folders.
  • This saves time by avoiding manual request creation when testing against existing specifications.
  • Keep the imported spec in sync by re-importing on every update.

Importing from spec allows starting API testing from well-defined contracts.

Integration with Swagger using Swaggymnia

Swaggymnia is a plugin for integrating Insomnia with Swagger UI for beautiful documentation:

  • Install Swaggymnia from the Plugin Hub and configure Swagger UI options.
  • Create an Insomnia environment defining the Swagger host/scheme.
  • Add Swagger annotations in Insomnia using JSDoc syntax.
  • Run Swaggymnia to generate a Swagger spec from Insomnia requests.
  • Swagger UI is updated interactively with a live preview as requests change.
  • The spec can also be exported to integrate with other Swagger tooling.

Swaggymnia bridges Insomnia and Swagger for a streamlined API testing and documentation workflow.

Collaborative Workflows and Version Control Integration

Synchronizing with Git for Team Collaboration

The Git Sync feature in Insomnia allows seamless integration with Git and version control. When enabled, any changes made to Insomnia workspaces are automatically committed and pushed to the connected Git repository. This makes it easy to collaborate with a team by having a single source of truth for API collections that multiple developers can access.

To enable Git Sync, simply connect your Insomnia instance to a Git provider like GitHub or GitLab in the app preferences. Then choose the repositories you want to sync your Insomnia workspaces with. Any commits and changes will be visible in the Git history so you can track revisions.

Overall, Git Sync eliminates manual syncing and chances for conflicts. It's a huge productivity boost for collaborative API testing workflows.

Best Practices for Sharing Collections on GitHub

Here are some tips for effectively sharing Insomnia collections on GitHub:

  • Use a dedicated repository - Maintain a single repo for your team's shared Insomnia collections rather than mixing with other project code. This keeps things organized.

  • Add README docs - Include a README file explaining the purpose of the repository, how to import the collections into Insomnia, and best practices around committing changes.

  • Use Git Flow branching model - Leverage a Git branching model like Git Flow to maintain a production branch along with development branches for new features and fixes.

  • Limit direct commits to main branch - Set rules to only allow merging pull requests rather than direct commits to the main production branch. This enables code reviews.

  • Comment commits clearly - Use descriptive commit messages summarizing any changes to the collections and new requests added or endpoints updated.

Overall, these practices improve version control, change tracking, and collaboration when sharing Insomnia workspaces on GitHub. The process is far superior to sharing JSON exports or Postman collections.

Resolving Merge Conflicts in Shared Workspaces

Occasionally merge conflicts can happen when syncing an Insomnia workspace between multiple developers via Git. Here are some tips to resolve conflicts smoothly:

  • Communicate before overwriting - If you see a merge conflict, discuss with your team before deciding which changes to keep vs overwrite.

  • Review diffs carefully - Use source control diff tools to inspect the exact differences leading to the conflict so you understand what was changed.

  • Leverage workspace roles - Workspace owners and admins can revert conflicting changes if needed, while editors may need to request approvals before getting changes merged.

  • Add comments explaining resolutions - After resolving a merge conflict, use Insomnia comments to leave notes explaining how it was fixed to inform future developers.

Overall, with good communication and Git best practices, merge conflicts can be managed without too much overhead or disruption to team workflows.

Conclusion: Embracing Insomnia REST Client for API Excellence

Insomnia REST Client is a leading tool for API testing and development. This article has covered best practices for optimizing workflows in Insomnia, including:

Recap of Insomnia REST Client Best Practices

  • Organize requests into workspaces and folders to keep things tidy
  • Use environment variables for easy reuse of common values
  • Import API specs from Swagger/OpenAPI to accelerate setup
  • Install plugins like Insomnia Documenter to generate documentation
  • Leverage built-in features like code generation and autocomplete

Following these tips will help you maximize productivity with Insomnia.

Further Learning and Insomnia Documentation

Insomnia has excellent documentation covering all product capabilities. The Insomnia Blog also provides helpful tutorials and guides.

For further API testing advice, check out these external resources:

Adopting Insomnia and applying the best practices outlined here will lead to improved API workflows. Insomnia delivers an intuitive interface and robust feature set for API excellence.