Published Nov 4, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

"Best REST Client" Tools for Seamless API Testing

Developing quality applications often requires integrating with third-party APIs. Thoroughly testing these web services is crucial for identifying issues before deployment. Choosing the right REST API testing tool can make this process more efficient.

This guide compares the top REST clients across key criteria to help you pick the best one for your needs. We'll examine popular tools like Postman, Insomnia, and SoapUI. By the end, you'll understand which is the ideal REST API testing client based on your use case.

Why Comprehensive API Testing Matters

With the prevalence of APIs in modern development, flaws in backend services can easily break frontend applications. Rigorous API testing is essential for finding bugs before they impact end users.

Automated tests give you confidence that integrations continue working as APIs evolve. Validating responses helps ensure your application handles all edge cases properly. Modern tools make API testing easier and more seamless.

Thorough API testing results in more robust integrations and higher quality code deployments. Choosing a capable tool lays the foundation for developing resilient applications.

Overview of Top REST API Testing Tools

Here's a quick introduction to some of the leading options:

  • Postman - Very popular client with a user-friendly GUI and many built-in features.

  • Insomnia - Open source tool that's easy to get started with. Great for debugging APIs.

  • Katalon Studio - Provides end-to-end testing including APIs, web, mobile, and desktop apps.

  • REST Assured - Java library that integrates with JUnit, TestNG, etc. Concise DSL for tests.

  • SoapUI - Mature open source solution. Supports functional, security, and load testing.

  • Swagger Inspector - Inspects APIs defined with OpenAPI Specification. Cloud-based.

  • Karate - Open source API testing framework. Integrates with CI tools.

  • ReadyAPI - Graphical functional testing without coding.

  • Runscope - Monitor API traffic and get alerted on errors.

  • API Fortress - Automated tests with built-in mocking and collaboration.

Next we'll do a deep dive on features.

Key Evaluation Criteria

We compared the top REST API testing tools across these factors:

  • Authorization - Handling OAuth, API keys, etc.
  • Validation - Checking status codes, headers, response bodies.
  • Mocking - Simulating API responses and endpoints.
  • CI/CD Integration - Embedding into dev pipelines.
  • Reporting - Tracking test results over time.
  • Debugging - Inspecting requests and responses.
  • Pricing - Free tiers and paid plans.
  • Support - Documentation, forums, help resources.
  • Ease of Use - Learning curve and UX.

Below we break down how the leaders stack up across these criteria.

Detailed Comparison of Features

Authorization Methods

Properly handling OAuth, API keys, and other access methods is table stakes.

  • Postman, Insomnia, and SoapUI natively support OAuth, OpenID, etc.
  • Katalon Studio requires custom code for full API auth capabilities.
  • REST Assured and Karate integrate with external libraries.
  • Swagger Inspector parses auth from OpenAPI docs.

Postman and SoapUI have the most robust API authorization support built-in.

Mocking Capabilities

Simulating real API responses accelerates development.

  • Postman, Insomnia, and SoapUI have embedded mock servers. Postman offers dynamic mocking via scripts.
  • Katalon Studio needs a plugin for mocking.
  • REST Assured and Karate integrate with tools like WireMock.
  • API Fortress has advanced mocking functionality.

Postman, Insomnia, and API Fortress provide the strongest mocking tools.

CI/CD Integrations

Linking tests into your pipelines is must-have.

  • Postman, Katalon, and SoapUI have native Jenkins, CircleCI integrations.
  • Insomnia, Swagger Inspector, Runscope offer plugins.
  • As code libraries, REST Assured and Karate easily embed into pipelines.

REST Assured, Karate, and Katalon Studio make CI/CD integration seamless.

Test Reports

Detailed test reporting allows tracking quality over time.

  • Katalon Studio generates full interactive reports. Postman and SoapUI also have robust reporting built-in.
  • API Fortress, Runscope, and Insomnia have basic reporting capabilities.
  • REST Assured and Karate integrate with frameworks like JUnit.

Katalon Studio and Postman offer the most powerful test reporting functions.

Debugging Features

Debugging using GUIs accelerates troubleshooting issues.

  • Postman, Insomnia, and SoapUI allow debugging via graphical interfaces.
  • Swagger Inspector enables debugging through its browser UI.
  • REST Assured, Karate, and Katalon Studio take code-centric debugging approaches.

For GUI-based debugging, Postman and Insomnia stand out.


Based on our comparison, Postman emerges as the leading complete API testing solution for most teams.

It combines an easy-to-use interface with strong mocking, authorization, CI/CD, and reporting. Postman simplifies API testing for both beginners and experts.

Katalon Studio is a top choice for teams needing end-to-end testing for APIs, web, and mobile apps. It offers seamless CI/CD integration and comprehensive reports.

Insomnia deserves mention as a free open source tool great for debugging during development.

For Java developers, REST Assured provides the best integrated solution alongside test frameworks.

Ready to choose the best REST client for you?

If you're looking for a full-featured API testing solution **check out DevHunt's listings** to explore these and other top tools. Their catalog of developer products makes it easy to research and compare options for your specific needs. You can also **submit your own tools** to get them seen by the developer community.

Key Takeaways

Choosing the right REST API testing tool results in more robust integration testing and higher quality deployments. This guide compared leading clients across authorization, mocking, reporting, debugging, and other key criteria.

For most developers, Postman provides the best blend of usability and built-in capabilities. Katalon Studio is optimal for end-to-end testing beyond APIs. Insomnia shines as a free debugging tool. And REST Assured offers tight integration for Java test frameworks.

Thoroughly testing web services before launch prevents tricky bugs and breaks in application functionality. A capable API testing tool makes validating integrations faster and more seamless. Use this comparison to pick the best REST client for your organization's needs.