Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Best REST client tools for smooth API testing


REST (REpresentational State Transfer) APIs have become ubiquitous in modern software development, enabling easy data exchange between applications. As adoption of REST APIs and microservices architectures continues to accelerate, having robust tools for testing and validating REST endpoints is crucial for developers.

Rather than relying on ad-hoc scripts or manual poking around in Postman, dedicated REST API testing clients provide important benefits like reusable test suites, automated workflows, mock servers, and integration with CI/CD pipelines. This makes the testing process smoother and more efficient.

In this comparison, we'll evaluate some of the top REST API testing tools and clients available today. We'll look at key features like usability, customization, core testing capabilities, authentication methods, mocking, CI/CD integration, pricing models, and community support.

The goal is to highlight the best options available to fit any use case or budget, whether you're an individual developer, a small team, or an enterprise. With the right REST client in your toolkit, you can improve your testing workflows and have confidence your APIs are working as expected. Let's dive in!

Overview of Top REST API Testing Tools

The REST API testing space has exploded with great options beyond just Postman. Here are some of the leading tools to consider:

Postman - Extremely popular with rich testing features. Offers a free tier and paid plans. Great for creating collections of pre-built requests and environments. Comes with built-in documentation and mock server capabilities. Integrates with CI/CD via Newman CLI.

Insomnia - Open source and free with unlimited usage. Intuitive interface optimized for long testing sessions. Robust request chaining and variables. Extensible via plugin ecosystem. Easy exporting and documentation.

REST Client - Visual Studio Code extension for fast in-editor testing. Free and open source. Smooth workflows via code snippets. Great for developers who want coding-centric experience.

Paw - Full-featured macOS client with beautiful UI. Free trial with paid Pro tier. Powerful mocking, testing, and documentation features. Integrates with CI tools.

HTTPie - Python-based command line tool. Free and open source. Simple syntax for quick testing. Great for CI pipelines and automation. Rich plugin ecosystem.

Postwoman - Web-based client with completely free usage. Collaborative features. Support for multiple languages. Mock servers and documentation. Lightweight alternative to Postman.

Hoppscotch - Open source, free, and full-featured. Intuitive editing and workflow. Mocking, snippets, collaboration. Available as web, mobile, and desktop apps.

And there are many more! Most clients offer free or freemium usage, which is great for individual developers. Paid plans typically add features like collaboration, additional integrations, and enterprise support.

If you're looking for even more best REST client options beyond this list, check out the discover section on DevHunt to explore their full directory of API testing tools.

Key Evaluation Criteria for REST API Testing Tools

When selecting a REST testing client, here are some of the most important criteria to consider:

Usability - How easy is the tool to use out-of-the-box? Is the interface intuitive with a short learning curve? Smooth workflows and responsiveness are key.

Customization - Can you customize the look, layout, themes, keyboard shortcuts? Or is it a rigid experience. Customizability helps optimize for your style.

Core Testing Features - Validation rules, scripts, variables, parameterization, etc. Powerful built-in testing capabilities like validating status codes and conditional chaining reduce need for custom code.

Authentication - Support for API keys, OAuth, bearer tokens, etc. Security standards compatibility is a must.

Mocking - Are mock servers and simulated responses available? Crucial for developing against unfinished APIs.

CI/CD Integration - Command line tools and IDE plugins for automation. Allows incorporating testing into pipelines.

Pricing - Free tiers, freemium, paid plans, and enterprise pricing. Cost can be a factor for some.

Support & Community - Quality documentation and discussions? An engaged community provides help.

Comparing the Top 5 REST Testing Tools

Now let's compare 5 of the most popular tools in-depth across these evaluation criteria:


  • Extremely full-featured with comprehensive testing capabilities like collections, environments, and scripts
  • GUI can feel a bit overwhelming initially with many panes
  • Powerful mocking via Postman Echo and external tools like Mockoon
  • Newman CLI essential for incorporating Postman into CI/CD automation
  • Paid plans get expensive for larger teams and enterprise use


  • Very intuitive and smooth workflows for long testing sessions
  • Excellent free offering with unlimited usage, great for individuals
  • Plugin ecosystem provides extensibility like middlewares
  • Documentation support weaker than other tools
  • Third-party tool integration required for mocking

REST Client

  • Speed and efficiency testing directly in VS Code editor
  • Free and open source, perfect for solo developers
  • Workflows via code snippets and variables
  • Limited to coding-centric experience compared to GUI tools
  • No built-in mocking features


  • Visually intuitive editing and workflows, available across devices
  • Free version has all key features like collections and mocking
  • First-party mocking support reduces need for other tools
  • More limited documentation capabilities than Postman
  • Collaborative functionality requires paid plans


  • Fully free with unlimited usage, great alternative to Postman
  • Built-in collaboration features
  • Customization a bit limited compared to Postman
  • Third-party integrations not as robust as Postman yet
  • Key functionality may require extensions

Recommendations for Selecting the Best REST API Testing Tool

When selecting a REST testing tool, first consider your budget and team size. For individuals, free tools like Insomnia, REST Client, and Postwoman are great choices to get started. Small teams may want to invest in Postman's affordable Pro plan for deeper collaboration. For larger enterprises, Postman's enterprise offering or Paw may justify the higher cost.

Focus on usability and learning curve, as you want to be productive quickly. Insomnia, Postwoman, and Hoppscotch stand out here with intuitive interfaces. Also assess the authentication, mocking, and CI/CD capabilities to ensure they align with your needs.

Tools like Postman and Paw provide a very robust overall feature set. But you may only need a subset, in which case a free tool could be sufficient. Having 2-3 best REST client tools in your repertoire can provide more flexibility across scenarios.

For mocking support, Postman is very full-featured while Insomnia relies on third-party integrations like Stoplight Prism. For efficient coding-focused workflows, REST Client is hard to beat. And for on-the-go testing, Postwoman's mobile app is quite handy.

Overall, Postman remains a leading choice given its strong reputation. But excellent free alternatives like Insomnia, REST Client, and Postwoman have emerged, providing great options for smoother testing workflows depending on your needs.

Browse the wide range of API testing tools on DevHunt to explore additional options and find the perfect fit.