Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 12 min read

How to Choose Web and App Developers in 2024

Hey there, fellow tech leader. Choosing the right web and app developers for your next big project can feel totally overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be! In this article, I'll be breaking down my best tips for pairing up with top-notch dev teams in 2024.

First, I'll share my hard-earned advice on defining your project goals and requirements. Next, we'll dive into the process of researching, vetting and interviewing potential developer partners. I'll even give you pro tips for comparing proposals and checking references to find the perfect match.

By the end, you'll have my proven step-by-step plan to confidently hire developers who can bring your digital vision to life. No more guessing games or wasted time and money on the wrong partnerships. Just the insider knowledge you need to nail it.

Let's get started!

Key Factors When Selecting Web and App Developers in 2024

Image from Linkedin

With tech advancing at breakneck speed, finding developers with the latest skills can be challenging. In 2024, focus on developers proficient in progressive web apps, automation, and AI.###Look for PWA expertise

Progressive web apps (PWAs) blend web and mobile apps. Developers skilled in PWAs can build fast, engaging apps that work offline. Ask developers about building PWAs with service workers, web app manifests, and IndexedDB.

Prioritize automation and AI knowledge

Automation and AI have transformed development. Developers fluent in tools like GitHub Actions, AWS Lambda, and TensorFlow will keep your projects cutting edge. Discuss how they stay up-to-date with automation and AI and their experience building automated systems or AI assistants.

Evaluate soft skills

Technical skills are important but soft skills matter too. Look for developers who communicate well, collaborate effectively, and have a growth mindset. Discuss how they give and receive feedback, share knowledge, and stay up-to-date with best practices.

With PWA, automation, and AI experience, plus strong soft skills, developers in 2024 will build robust, scalable web and mobile apps. Asking targeted questions about skills and experience will help you find the right developers for your needs. But also look for developers with a thirst for continuous learning - they'll keep your projects on the leading edge.

Understanding Project Scope and Technical Requirements

Before you start searching for web and app developers, you'll need to determine the scope and technical requirements of your project. Think about the primary goal and purpose of your web or mobile app. Do you want an ecommerce platform? A social network? Something else entirely?

Once you've outlined the core functions, consider any third-party integrations needed to support those features. For example, if payments or user authentication are required, decide on the APIs or services you want to use. The more complex your project, the more technical specs you'll need to provide to developers.

When scoping the project, be realistic about timelines and budgets. A basic 5-page website will require far less time and money than a full-scale app. Discuss options with a few developers to determine rough estimates for different features and integrations.

The technical requirements, APIs, integrations, and platforms you choose will determine the skills and experience level needed in a developer. For example, if building an Android app, you'll want to hire developers proficient in Java or Kotlin, while an iOS app requires Swift or Objective-C skills.

Web apps may require knowledge of JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular in combination with HTML, CSS, and backend languages like PHP, Ruby, or Python. Map out all the technologies you anticipate using to ensure you find developers with expertise in those areas.

With a well-defined scope and set of technical requirements in hand, you'll be in a great position to evaluate developers. Look for those with proven experience building similar web or mobile apps, so you end up with a high-quality product that meets your needs.

How do I choose a web app developer?

When looking for a web app developer, start by scoping out candidates with proven experience building the type of web app you need. Check their portfolio and client reviews to get a feel for their work. Once you have some promising options, schedule calls to discuss your project in detail.

Ask the right questions

In your calls, ask questions to determine if they’re the right fit. For example, ask about their familiarity with the languages, frameworks, and tools you want to use. Discuss timelines, budgets, and how they handle setbacks. You want someone passionate who will be transparent along the way.

Consider technical skills

For a web app, look for devs highly skilled in languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They should be up to date with modern frameworks like React or Vue.js and understand UX/UI design principles. Don’t forget to ask about version control, testing, and security best practices.

Look for a collaborative approach

The ideal web app developer will have a collaborative mindset, valuing your input and feedback. They should communicate clearly using project management tools to keep you updated on progress and roadblocks. When reviewing candidates, look for traits like responsibility, creativity, and flexibility. You want a partner who will build your vision.

Check references and reviews

Speaking with former clients is one of the best ways to get insight into what it’s like to work with a developer. Ask them about strengths, weaknesses, work quality, timeliness, and budget accuracy. Online reviews can also reveal a lot about their reputation and customer service. Look for mostly positive reviews mentioning valuable attributes like talent, dedication, and transparency.

With some diligent research, you can find web app developers passionate about building a quality product that exceeds your expectations. Focus on technical skills, communication, and a proven track record of collaboration and success. The right developer will turn your idea into a powerful web app that takes your business to the next level.

Evaluating Developers' Skills and Experience

When searching for web or app developers, evaluating their skills and experience should be a top priority. Look for developers with a proven track record of successful projects similar to yours. Check their portfolios and client testimonials to get a sense of their work quality and communication style.

See what programming languages and frameworks they specialize in. For web developers, skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are essential. For mobile apps, look for developers proficient in iOS and Android. Developers with expertise in frameworks like React, Vue.js or Ruby on Rails are also appealing, as these technologies can build robust web apps efficiently.

Consider developers’ soft skills too. Strong communication abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills are vital. Schedule intro calls to assess how well they understand your needs and share your vision. Gauge their passion for building great digital experiences. Enthusiasm and positivity can make a big difference in the development process.

For larger projects, look for developers with experience leading teams or working with product managers. They’ll understand how to break down complex features into milestones and keep development on schedule. They can also mentor less experienced developers, which leads to higher quality work.

In the end, the perfect developer for your needs depends on your project’s complexity and budget. Don’t be afraid to ask candidates probing questions to determine if they’re the right fit. Finding developers with the ideal mix of technical and soft skills will give your web or mobile app the best chance of success.

How to choose an app developer?

Choosing a developer to build your web or mobile app is a big decision. With so many options out there, how do you find the right one for your project? Here are some tips to help you in the selection process:

Review their portfolio and experience

Check out the developer's website to see examples of apps they've built and read reviews from their clients. Ideally, you want a developer with experience building apps similar to yours. For example, if you need an enterprise app, choose a developer with a proven track record in that space.

Consider their technical skills

For web apps, look for developers skilled in languages like JavaScript, PHP, and CSS. For mobile apps, Objective-C, Swift, and Java are good for iOS and Android respectively. Newer frameworks like React Native allow for cross-platform mobile development. Make sure the developer keeps their skills up to date with new languages and frameworks.

Get multiple quotes

Contact a few developers to discuss your project and get quotes. Compare the quotes based on price, estimated timelines, and app features. Be wary of quotes that seem too good to be true. Building a quality app takes time, so very low quotes could indicate an inexperienced developer.

Ask about their process

A good developer will have a structured process for building and launching your app. They should start with a requirements analysis to determine your needs, then provide wireframes and a project plan with clear timelines and milestones. They'll also test the app thoroughly before launching to ensure high quality.

Consider a local developer

While offshoring development to save money may seem appealing, a local developer has significant benefits. They can meet with you in person, understand your needs better, and be available during your time zone. Local developers are also more invested in building a quality product to establish a good local reputation.

In summary, take your time to find an experienced developer with the right skills and process to build your vision. While price is a factor, quality and experience are most important for an app's success. With the right developer partnership, you'll end up with an app you can be proud of.

The Importance of Communication and Collaboration

You're searching for the right developer partners for your project, so strong communication and collaboration skills should be at the top of your list. When interviewing candidates, ask how they approach teamwork and sharing information. Look for developers who value transparency and open dialogue. ###Clear communication The ability to clearly communicate complex ideas and listen to feedback is essential. Ask developers about their communication strategies and see if they have experience conveying technical concepts to non-technical teams and clients. Strong communicators will translate complicated topics into easy to understand language and share progress reports regularly.

A collaborative mindset

A collaborative mindset is key. Look for developers who enjoy working with others, listening to different perspectives and compromising when needed. Question candidates on how they handle disagreements with colleagues and try to determine if they are open to considering alternative solutions. The most effective developers find ways to build on each other’s ideas instead of rigidly sticking to their own approaches.

Shared goals

Developers should be focused on achieving your key business goals and objectives, not just checking off tasks. Discuss your vision for the project and see how candidates respond. Do they ask clarifying questions to fully understand your needs and priorities? Are they enthusiastic about the work and able to tie specific development milestones back to your overall targets? Shared goals and motivation will lead to the best outcomes.

When you find developers who exhibit strong communication, a collaborative spirit and a shared sense of purpose, you’ll have a winning team that can work through challenges together. With openness, cooperation and a focus on your key goals, they'll build web and mobile solutions that truly serve your business and customers.

What is the future of mobile app development in 2024?

In 2024, mobile app development will likely involve more advanced technologies to build innovative apps. Expect to see artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and voice assistants integrated into many mobile apps.

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a huge role in mobile app development. AI can help personalize user experiences, provide recommendations, analyze user behavior, and more. Many apps will use AI for facial recognition, predictive text, personalized health insights, and detecting spam.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality will transform the mobile app experience. Many apps will incorporate VR and AR to provide immersive experiences. Users can expect to see apps for virtual shopping, traveling, gaming, education, and productivity. The healthcare industry will also benefit from VR and AR apps for surgery simulations, diagnosing patients, and rehabilitation.

Voice Assistants

Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant will be widely integrated into mobile apps. Users will be able to use voice commands to navigate apps, ask questions, set reminders and timers, play music, and control smart home devices. Voice assistants can provide a hands-free, convenient experience for users. They will play an important role in the future of mobile app development.

In summary, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and voice assistants are technologies that will shape mobile app development in 2024 and beyond. These innovative technologies will transform how we interact with and experience mobile apps. App developers need to keep up with trends in AI, VR, voice assistants, and other emerging technologies to build the mobile apps of the future.

What is the future of web applications?

In 2024, web applications will be even more powerful, interactive and intelligent. Thanks to constant innovation, web apps will provide experiences comparable to native mobile apps.

WebAssembly (Wasm) will allow web apps to run code nearly as fast as native machine code. This means complex web apps with 3D graphics, video editing, and more will perform smoothly in the browser. The popularity of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) will also continue to grow, offering native app-like features on the web such as push notifications, offline functionality and app icons on the home screen.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will play an increasing role in web apps. Chatbots, predictive text, personalized recommendations and automated tasks will become commonplace. A new generation of low-code and no-code development tools will also empower more people to build web applications with little technical experience.

The lines between web and mobile will blur as new web standards emerge. Developers will build one base codebase that works across devices. Features like camera/microphone access, Bluetooth, NFC and more will be available in the browser, allowing web apps to access native device functionality.

To take advantage of these trends, businesses should invest in a strong web presence and high-quality web apps. Partner with innovative web developers and agencies pushing the boundaries of web technology. Keep your web apps up to date with the latest frameworks and web standards. By staying on the cutting edge, your web apps will provide the best possible experience for users in 2024 and beyond.

The future of web applications is bright. Web apps will become increasingly powerful, matched in capability only by human creativity. By embracing new web standards and partnering with forward-thinking developers, businesses can build web apps that shape the future.

How Developers Can Get Involved into DevHunt

DevHunt is an open-source community project, so we welcome all developers to join in and contribute. Getting involved is easy - just visit our GitHub repository and look for ways you can help.

A great way to start is by submitting pull requests for any improvements or changes you think would benefit the platform. These could include interface enhancements, bug fixes, or additional features that align with our goal of empowering developers. By contributing code, you'll help shape DevHunt into a valuable resource for the dev community.

You can also spread the word about DevHunt to fellow programmers who might be interested in joining. Tell them about our mission of creating an open and fair space for launching developer tools. Explain how they can contribute by submitting pull requests or simply voicing their opinions on new tools. The more developers join, the more robust a launching pad DevHunt becomes.

Lastly, consider starring our GitHub repo or following us on social media. Your support and feedback are invaluable for helping us build a platform that serves developers. By liking and sharing our updates, you raise awareness about DevHunt and help connect us with more contributors and users.

In summary, there are many ways developers can get involved with DevHunt, whether through contributing code, spreading the word, or showing your support. Together, we can create an amazing space where developer tools thrive. Join us and help shape the future of how devs build and share their creations!


So there you have it - our top tips for finding and selecting the perfect web and app developers for your needs in 2024. The key is taking the time to thoroughly research potential partners, checking references, and asking the right questions to gauge their skills. Don't just go with the first developer you find - carefully evaluate your options. And once you've found a good fit, be sure to communicate clearly and often to set your project up for success. The right developers, paired with your vision and passion, can bring amazing ideas to life through quality apps and websites. We hope these suggestions give you the confidence to start connecting with developers and take the first steps toward launching that innovative platform or feature you've been dreaming about. The future awaits - go build it!