Published Oct 10, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Write Smarter, Not Harder: Next-Gen AI Assistants to Supplement ChatGPT


ChatGPT took the world by storm when it was publicly launched by Anthropic in November 2022. This powerful large language model, trained on massive datasets, can generate remarkably human-like text capable of conversing, answering questions, and summarizing content. Users have been blown away by its ability to provide coherent responses within seconds. However, ChatGPT still has some key limitations around accuracy, factuality, and original content generation.

As innovative as ChatGPT is, there is always room for improvement when it comes to accuracy, speed, affordability, and mitigating biases. The goal now is to find the right blend of AI tools that can complement ChatGPT's strengths while overcoming its weaknesses. Exciting new AI assistants like Anthropic's Claude, Cohere, and are emerging that build on the breakthrough of ChatGPT while aiming to take language AI to the next level.

This article will explore some of the top new AI writing assistants that have the potential to supplement ChatGPT and advance AI-generated text. We'll compare their distinctive features like accuracy, speed, and customization options to identify which tools excel at specific tasks like drafting, editing, and ideation. With the right combination of complementary AI writing assistants, we can supercharge productivity and write smarter, not harder.

ChatGPT Overview

  • Created by Anthropic as a general purpose large language model trained on massive datasets
  • Capable of remarkably human-like conversational abilities and text generation
  • Provides coherent responses to questions within seconds
  • Significant limitations around accuracy, fact checking, and content creation

ChatGPT Hype and Limitations

  • Blew up immediately after public release in November 2022
  • Impressed users with conversational tone and text generation
  • Still prone to hallucination, factual mistakes, and bias
  • Slowed rollout due to high compute costs of running model
  • Clear room for improvement in accuracy and capabilities

Supplementing ChatGPT

  • Set a new standard for language AI, but has weaknesses
  • Many new models aim to build on it and address limitations
  • Goal is to blend AI tools to complement each other
  • Discover assistants that are faster, more accurate, and affordable
  • Explore top new options like Claude, Cohere, and to supercharge writing

AI Writing Assistants

With ChatGPT setting the benchmark, the race is on to develop AI assistants that push the boundaries even further. Accuracy, speed, affordability, and bias mitigation are key criteria to evaluate these rapidly evolving tools. Integration with existing workflows and customizability are also important considerations. Let's explore some of the top contenders aiming to supplement ChatGPT's capabilities.

Key Evaluation Criteria

  • Accuracy - Produces valid factual information without hallucinating or being verifiably wrong
  • Speed - Provides fast response times comparable to ChatGPT
  • Affordability - Balances capabilities with reasonable cost of use
  • Bias mitigation - Reduces issues stemming from problematic training data
  • Customization - Allows user fine-tuning and custom model creation
  • Integration - Interoperates well with other tools and workflows

Top New AI Assistants

  • Anthropic Claude - Focused on accuracy through self-correction and transparency
  • Cohere - Fast and affordable API access ideal for teams
  • - Allows training of custom models with unique personalities
  • WriteSonic - Browser integration and writing templates
  • QuillBot AI - Specializes in paraphrasing and text summarization
  • Jasper - Open source model optimized for low cost at scale
  •, PaLM, GPT-4 - Major models anticipated to arrive soon

Key Features and Use Cases

These new AI writing assistants have distinctive capabilities making them ideal for certain use cases. Let's break down their strengths and weaknesses for tasks like drafting, editing, ideation, and more.

Distinctive Features

  • Claude - Accuracy focus through self-correction and transparency
  • Cohere - Speedy API access great for collaborative teams
  • - Custom models with unique personalities and voices
  • WriteSonic - Browser integration and templates for structured drafting
  • QuillBot - Strengths in paraphrasing and text summarization
  • Jasper - Open source model optimized for low cost

Ideal Use Cases

  • Claude - Editing and finalizing with accuracy checks
  • Cohere - Rapid prototyping and team collaboration
  • - Unique customizable personas and voices
  • WriteSonic - Structured drafting with templates
  • QuillBot - Paraphrasing research and summarizing
  • Jasper - High volume content generation on a budget

Combining Complementary Tools

For example, a content team could use:

  • ChatGPT for creative outlines and ideation
  • WriteSonic for drafting blog posts from templates
  • Claude for final accuracy checks and editing
  • QuillBot for paraphrasing research
  • Cohere for rapid team feedback and reviews

This allows them to leverage the strengths of each tool at the right stage of the content creation process.

Implementation Tips and Strategies

To truly maximize these powerful AI writing assistants, let's cover some pro tips for prompt formulation, customization, and seamless integration into workflows.

Prompt Formulation

  • Use clear, direct prompts in plain language
  • Include examples like "Write a 300 word article in an enthusiastic tone about topic X"
  • Specify desired tone, length, formatting up front
  • Experiment iteratively to improve prompts over time

Fine-Tuning and Customization

  • Upload relevant data to improve domain accuracy
  • Create custom models tailored to your needs
  • Adjust settings like creativity vs. accuracy
  • Define personalities for consistent voice
  • Safelist trusted sources to build on

Workflow Integration

  • Use AI for suitable tasks, not everything
  • Combine tools to augment creativity
  • Automate repetitive writing tasks when possible
  • Develop iterative feedback loops and revisions
  • Maintain human oversight for editing and fact checking

Avoiding Pitfalls

  • Don't become overreliant on AI for all writing
  • Verify facts and claims made by AI assistants
  • Use judgment to filter weak ideas or arguments
  • Ensure transparency around AI-generated content
  • Continuously improve prompts to prevent biases

The Future of AI Writing

These rapid advances in AI writing assistants have opened up intriguing possibilities to augment human creativity. But we must continue addressing concerns around misinformation, biases, and transparency.

Technical Improvements and Specialization

  • Accuracy, speed, and capabilities improving rapidly
  • Specialization for different use cases emerging
  • Progress in bias mitigation but more work needed
  • More efficient training approaches like transfer learning

Societal Impacts and Risk Mitigation

  • Raises concerns around misinformation and job displacement
  • Regulation likely needed, but balanced approaches debated
  • Transparency and accountability important
  • Ongoing training data audits and human oversight key
  • Focus on complementing human creativity rather than fully automating

The Enduring Role of Human Judgment

  • AI can enhance but not replace human creativity
  • The spark still comes from people
  • AI best leveraged to complement strengths
  • Crafting narratives and arguments still human skill
  • Partnership of human creativity and AI capability

Exciting times lie ahead as AI writing tools grow ever more advanced! With the right blend of human creativity directing these AI capabilities, the future looks bright for generating high-quality content easier than ever before. But maintaining human oversight and judgment will be key to writing smarter, not harder.