Published Oct 10, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Level Up Your Coding Game with Free AI Assistants

Artificial intelligence coding assistants like ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and Tabnine are transforming the way developers work. These free tools can explain concepts, suggest code, and point out bugs to boost productivity. However, they should augment rather than replace your skills. Here's how to effectively utilize AI to level up your coding game without breaking the bank.


AI coding assistants leverage large language models to deliver conversational help and smart autocompletions. They can simplify development workflows and enable you to code faster. However, it's important to maintain your own coding skills and use AI responsibly. This article explores popular free tools, their capabilities and limitations, tips for effective use, and what the future may hold for AI in coding.

We'll be looking at ChatGPT for conversational assistance, GitHub Copilot for inline suggestions, and Tabnine for fast autocompletions. While these tools show promise, it's important to carefully review any generated code, use AI alongside existing skills and workflows, and avoid complacency or overreliance. DevHunt's human-centered curation and verification of code snippets provides a great complementary resource as AI continues to evolve.


ChatGPT from Anthropic is an conversational AI system that provides amazingly coherent explanations and suggestions. You can describe coding problems in natural language and it will do its best to provide relevant solutions.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

To use ChatGPT, simply sign up for a free OpenAI account to access the interface. The bot accepts text prompts and responds conversationally. Try asking it to explain coding concepts, suggest implementations for functionality, or walk through code snippets. Be responsible though - don't plagiarize its code! Check out the official docs for more tips.

Using ChatGPT for Code Help

Some examples of how to utilize ChatGPT for coding include:

  • Asking for help debugging issues by describing the problem in detail. However, ChatGPT may struggle with highly technical debugging scenarios.

  • Requesting examples of how to implement functionality in Python, JavaScript, etc. Though the code may need refinement before using.

  • Having it explain complex algorithms or data structures line-by-line. But be aware explanations could be incomplete or inaccurate.

  • Verifying any code it generates before using it in a project, as quality issues are common.

While ChatGPT provides surprisingly intelligent responses, it does have limitations. It lacks deep technical expertise, struggles with complex context, and may generate questionable code. Use its suggestions as inspiration rather than blindly copying.

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer that suggests code completions as you type directly in your editor. It's trained on public code so it can autocomplete boilerplate code and entire functions in hundreds of languages.

Enabling GitHub Copilot

To use GitHub Copilot:

  • Install the Copilot extension for compatible editors like VS Code

  • Connect to your GitHub account and select a paid plan or 60-day free trial

  • Allow Copilot access to private repos to improve suggestion relevance

  • Adjust settings like the suggestion trigger keybind

Using Copilot Effectively

When using GitHub Copilot:

  • Review each suggestion carefully before accepting, as inappropriate or copied code can occur

  • Reject any strange or suspicious completions rather than blindly accepting

  • Use completions to accelerate your workflow but stay focused and engaged

  • Don't rely on Copilot as a replacement for your own skills and oversight

Copilot can definitely speed up development, but still requires oversight. Completions may include copied code or need significant editing. Use it as an assistant, not as the driver.


Tabnine is a fast AI code completion tool that integrates with all major code editors. It makes intelligent suggestions for variable names, functions, and entire code blocks in a wide range of languages. The completions are powered by the GPT-3 language model.

Installing Tabnine

To install Tabnine:

  • Download the plugin for your code editor

  • Sign up for a free account or paid Pro access

  • Connect your Tabnine account in the plugin settings

  • Allow Tabnine permission to index your codebase

  • Customize the autocomplete trigger key if desired

Using Tabnine Efficiently

When using Tabnine's suggestions:

  • Accept useful autocompletions with the trigger key

  • Reject odd or inappropriate suggestions when they appear

  • Use the Pro features like local caching for faster performance

  • Stay focused and don't let it replace your coding skills

Tabnine can speed up development significantly once configured properly. Make sure to thoroughly review its suggestions before incorporating any code.

Comparison of Top Free Tools

Tool Key Capabilities Limitations
ChatGPT Conversational explanations, code suggestions Lacks deep expertise, code quality issues
GitHub Copilot Inline autocompletions of boilerplate and code May suggest copied or incomplete code
Tabnine Fast autocompletions for variable names, functions, and snippets Still requires oversight to avoid odd or incorrect suggestions

Additional Comparison Points:

  • ChatGPT has more natural language processing but lacks specifics
  • Copilot is embedded into coding workflows but can't explain logic
  • Tabnine is lightning fast but has no conversational ability

Overall, ChatGPT is more conversational, Copilot is integrated into coding workflows, and Tabnine offers blazing fast suggestions. But all require extensive human review to avoid risks like inappropriate or copied code. DevHunt's verified database provides additional quality assurance.

Tips for Using AI Assistants

When leveraging AI coding assistants:

  • Use tools alongside existing workflows rather than replacing skills

  • Thoroughly review and understand any generated code before using it

  • Take suggestions as inspiration but do the coding yourself

  • Report any bugs or issues to improve the AI's training

  • Refer to DevHunt's collection of human-reviewed code snippets

The goal should be augmenting your abilities through AI assistance, not replacing your knowledge. Stay engaged in the coding process and avoid complacency when utilizing these tools.

The Future of Coding

The field of AI coding assistants is progressing rapidly. We can expect more seamless integrations into code editors, expanded language and framework support, improvements to relevance and originality, and ideally responsible use that promotes creativity over copying.

Rather than replacing developers entirely, the true potential lies in AI augmenting human skills and workflows for a collaborative future. With responsible use and oversight, coded examples from DevHunt can help guarantee quality as these technologies continue evolving.

Emerging assistants like GitHub's New Copilot and Anthropic's Claude show promise through more context-aware suggestions and natural language interactions. As the technology matures, striking the right balance between automation and human oversight will be key.

Boost Productivity with AI

AI coding assistants like ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and Tabnine show immense promise in simplifying coding workflows. However, it's crucial to use them responsibly alongside your existing skills. Review their suggestions thoroughly, do the coding yourself, and avoid complacency. With the right human oversight, AI can help developers be more efficient, creative, and productive.

Ready to elevate your coding? Explore DevHunt's collection of AI-assisted snippets verified by experts for quality and originality.