Published Oct 11, 2023 ⦁ 4 min read

Web Analytics 101: Essential Metrics to Track for Success


In today's digital landscape, leveraging data and analytics is crucial for any business looking to optimize their online presence. Proper tracking provides powerful insights that inform strategy across marketing, product, sales, and more.

In this post, we'll cover key website analytics categories to help you measure and improve results. Specifically, we'll explore traffic sources, user engagement metrics, and conversions. Regularly analyzing these web metrics will provide invaluable direction for your initiatives.

Let's start by looking at where your visitors come from.

Traffic Sources and Acquisition

Identifying key channels driving traffic and new users is essential. This visibility allows you to double down on what works while optimizing underperformers. Core sources to track include:

  • Monitor keyword rankings and landing page impact with tools like Google Search Console.
  • Focus on growing visibility for high-traffic keywords through relevant, optimized content.
  • For example, analyze search terms to inform metadata and blog topics.

Social Media

  • Track performance metrics like clicks and engagements by network and post format.
  • Tailor content to resonate on each platform. Videos and visuals tend to perform well on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Tools like Buffer simplify social media analytics and scheduling.

Email Marketing

  • Analyze open rate, CTR, and unsubscribes to optimize list quality and campaigns.
  • Craft compelling subject lines and test email content before sending.
  • Leverage behavioral data to re-engage inactive subscribers.


  • Identify influential sites driving traffic through branded and co-marketing campaigns.
  • Build relationships with key sites through relevant guest posts and social media engagement.
  • BuzzSumo helps expand referrals with influencer content discovery.

Direct Traffic

  • Add UTM tags to better attribute and understand direct visits.
  • Promote your brand through offline touchpoints to boost direct traffic.
  • Measure lift from print, TV, billboards, and other channels.

These sources provide a 360-degree view of your website traffic for optimization. Now let's explore engagement.

Engagement and Behavior

Beyond visitor numbers, user engagement metrics provide crucial insights. Key categories include:

Bounce Rate

  • High bounce rates may indicate content or landing page issues.
  • Test changes like adding videos, simplifying forms, and exit intent popups.
  • Instapage simplifies landing page optimization.


  • Highlight popular pages and topics engaging your audience.
  • Encourage more page views through compelling related content links.

Scroll Depth

  • Identify poorly performing pages with low scroll depth.
  • Improve content formatting and layout to encourage scrolling.
  • Analyze search queries to identify user intent and improve information architecture.
  • Consider adding an FAQ page to address common questions.

Clickstream Analysis

  • Identify common user flows and pain points through clickstream visualization.
  • Hotjar maps customer journeys to reduce friction.

Segmenting based on behavior provides more relevant experiences. Now let's analyze conversions.

Conversions and Goals

Conversions tie activity back to business goals. Be sure to track:


  • Optimize prominent CTAs through A/B testing of design, placement and messaging.


  • Identify and fix form drop-offs through field-level analysis.
  • Reduce friction with shorter, simpler forms.

Shopping Cart

  • Analyze purchases and abandoned carts to reduce missed revenue.
  • Offer discounts or free shipping to incentivize purchase.

Negative Events

  • Track errors and issues to improve performance.
  • Add live chat to quickly resolve customer pain points.


  • Small interactions like scroll depth indicate engagement.
  • Track custom events like newsletter signups, downloads, and video plays.

Proper goal tracking is key for maximizing value from traffic.

In Conclusion

Implementing a comprehensive analytics framework across digital properties provides data-driven direction. Consistently tracking and analyzing traffic sources, user engagement, and conversions will optimize your strategy.

The right metrics inform enhancements across marketing campaigns, website optimization, product development, and customer experience. With an analytics foundation in place, you can better attribute results to the initiatives moving your business forward.

To recap, focus on these core categories:

  • Traffic source and acquisition
  • Engagement behaviors
  • Conversions and goals

Armed with actionable analytics insights, you'll be positioned to boost performance. Be sure to focus on key metrics and actually apply what you learn!

Looking to optimize your analytics tracking? Check out DevHunt's powerful web analytics capabilities to take your insights to the next level.