Published Oct 14, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Essential Metrics to Track with Web Analytics Software


In today's digital landscape, leveraging data and analytics is more vital than ever for business success. Studies show companies that utilize web analytics see revenue increases of over 20% on average. By tracking key metrics around traffic, engagement, conversions, and more, you gain invaluable visibility into what's working and what needs improvement on your site. Implementing a comprehensive web analytics strategy is crucial for optimizing your online presence and achieving your goals.

In this post, we'll explore some of the core web analytics metrics you should be monitoring. I'll provide an overview of what each metric indicates, realistic benchmarks to aim for, and actionable tips for fully leveraging the data to boost your website. We'll cover essentials like traffic sources, bounce rates, conversions, segmentation, and more. With the right web analytics foundation, you can take a truly data-driven approach to understanding your users and continuously improving their experience. Let's dive in!

Traffic Sources

Having a breakdown of where your website traffic originates is vital. Your traffic sources highlight which channels are driving visitors and referrals, so you can double down on what works. Key sources to track include:

  • Organic Search - Visitors referred from search engines via keywords. Aim for this to account for 30-60% of traffic.
  • Social Media - Traffic from social platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Benchmark around 10-30% of traffic.
  • Direct - Type-ins and bookmarks. Established sites should see 20-40% direct.
  • Referrals - Visitors from other sites linking to you. Make up 10-20% on average.
  • Email - Clicks from marketing emails and newsletters. Expect 5-10% typically.
  • Paid Ads - Visitors from paid search, display ads, etc. Around 5-10% for most sites.

Digging into the specifics of each traffic source is key. For example, our analytics dashboard at DevHunt provides real-time data on the top channels driving developers to our platform. We closely track trends across organic, social, email and paid to optimize our marketing.

Organic search is often the largest and most valuable source for established sites. High organic traffic signals strong SEO and brand authority.

  • Identify top pages and keywords driving organic visits to optimize content.
  • Produce SEO-friendly content focused on quality over quantity.
  • Invest in technical SEO when organic falls below 20% to maximize long-term growth.

Our comprehensive SEO services help sites improve organic search performance through technical audits, link building, and ongoing optimization.

Social Media

Social referral traffic demonstrates your ability to create shareable, engaging content tailored to each platform.

  • Promote your best performing content on relevant social channels.
  • Design visual social posts optimized for each platform's algorithm.
  • Facebook and YouTube are typically the top social referrers, followed by Instagram and Twitter.

We've grown DevHunt's social following to over 500K and help tools get discovered through our viral promotions.

User Behavior

Site metrics around visitor behavior reveal how engaging your content is. Pages per session, time on site, and bounce rates show whether you’re retaining visitor attention.

  • 2+ pages per session means visitors are likely finding relevant content.
  • Strive for 2-5 minute average session duration.
  • Research benchmarks for comparable sites to set realistic goals.
  • Minimize high bounce rates through A/B testing and speed optimizations.

We incorporate user feedback and behavior data at DevHunt to constantly improve navigation and on-site experience.

Bounce Rate

Your website's bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who enter and leave without viewing other pages.

  • Aim for under 40% bounce rate on your homepage.
  • High bounce rates often indicate issues with relevance, speed, or navigation.
  • Reduce bounces with clear CTAs, quality content, and exit popups.

DevHunt uses testing and personalization to minimize bounce rates across our developer content and tools.


Monitoring your website's ability to convert visitors into leads and customers is imperative for business success. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) focuses on maximizing value from each user interaction.

  • Set up goals in your analytics to track registrations, purchases, form fills, etc.
  • Typical conversion benchmarks range widely from 1-15%, depending on your industry.
  • Improve conversions through landing page optimization, usability testing, and data analysis.

We heavily focus on generating high-quality leads and engagement at DevHunt. Our embedded tool demos and exclusive promotions boost conversions.

Shopping Cart Abandonment

High abandonment means you're losing sales during checkout.

  • Seek to recover 60-80% of carts via exit popups and follow-up emails.
  • Identify friction points in your checkout process and optimize.
  • Reducing steps, offering guest checkout, and reinforcing security can help.

DevHunt provides partner discounts and seamless checkout to maximize conversion rates.


Divide website users into distinct segments for more targeted analysis and optimization. You can personalize experiences based on behavior, tech, geography and other factors.

  • Set goals and benchmarks for engagement, conversions, etc. per segment.
  • Tailor content and messaging to resonate with each audience.
  • Geographic data shows which regions to focus localization on.

We excel at creating tailored experiences for developers based on tech stack, company, location and behaviors.


Divide users by level of engagement, frequency, recency to boost conversions.

  • Targeting engaged visitors helps maximize conversion rates.
  • Build loyalty among top-tier segments via exclusive offers, early access, etc.

We personalize DevHunt's content recommendations using individual usage data and behaviors.

Key Takeaways

Implementing web analytics provides the crucial foundation for optimizing your online presence. Track core metrics around traffic sources, bounce rates and user segments. Set realistic goals based on your KPIs and industry benchmarks. Take an optimization approach to improve engagement and conversions.

Here at DevHunt, we're committed to empowering developers with the tools and actionable data to build thriving platforms. Learn more about our developer-focused services and let us know if you have any other analytics questions! We're always happy to help fellow developers.