Published Nov 6, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Vue Dev Tools Level Up Debugging For Vue.js Apps


Vue DevTools is an invaluable browser extension that supercharges debugging Vue.js applications. With its comprehensive component inspector, Vuex state time travel, performance profiling, and event tracing capabilities, DevTools enhances productivity and takes Vue development workflows to the next level.

Available as extensions for both Chrome and Firefox, integrating seamlessly with Vue CLI and Vue UI, Vue DevTools is an essential tool for building robust, complex Vue apps. It allows deep inspection into Vue component hierarchies, data properties, computed values, and associated DOM elements. The ability to live edit component state and track Vuex mutations is a game changer for Vue debugging.

For large Vue projects, DevTools provides unique insights into component relationships, event flows, routing, and tracked state history. The performance profiling features shine a light on rendering bottlenecks too. Let's explore the main capabilities of this amazing tool in detail.

Inspect Vue Components

The Component Inspector panel is the main debugging interface showing the nested component structure. Here components can be selected to view associated data properties, prop values, computed values, emitted events, and even modify data values live.

For example, when debugging a complex dropdown component, you can select it in the inspector and immediately view the reactive data driving the dropdown state. Live editing the open/closed state variables shows how data flows through child components.

Debugging with breakpoints and console output is enhanced by selecting components to focus console statements only to that component scope. The DOM panel shows the rendered DOM elements associated with the selected component for correlating backend representation with frontend rendering.

Editing data properties live within DevTools immediately propagates changes to the running app for rapid debugging of data flows. Inspecting computed properties reveals dependencies, while drilling into component events logs all event emissions.

Time Travel Vuex State

The Vuex tab provides debugging capabilities for global state management beyond the native browser tools. It records a history of every Vuex mutation allowing time travel debugging by navigating back through previous application states.

For example, when tracking down a bug related to data syncing, you can replay Vuex mutations to pinpoint where app state diverged from the backend. Vuex time travel is invaluable for diagnosing these discrepancies.

State can also be filtered to show only state associated with a specific component. This aids debugging by isolating only relevant state changes. The recorded mutations list provides additional context into state changes by showing the associated mutation methods and payloads.

Integrating Vuex ORM enables even richer querying of domain entity state including relationships, read and write timestamps, and data history. The DevTools Vuex integration is invaluable for debugging global state changes across large, complex apps.

Trace Component Event Flows

The Events tab captures and displays all component event emissions in the app. This allows tracing event flows between components to debug event handling and data propagation issues.

For example, when events are not bubbling as expected, the Events panel clearly shows where emissions are stopping. You can identify whether child components are failing to $emit or parent components have missing v-on handlers.

The event telemetry details the event name, associated component, callback, and payload data. This tab supplements debugging component event logic and data flows when used alongside console logging and breakpoints.

Comparing against console log debugging, the Events panel provides complete insight into all component event flows without needing to manually instrument console statements into every component. It's a top down perspective great for understanding app-wide event interactions.

Optimize Performance

The Performance tab provides advanced profiling capabilities for diagnosing Vue app performance issues. It records timings for component initialization, updates, and rendering to identify slow areas.

Once recorded, the component render flame graph highlights bottlenecks for optimization. For example, you can instantly see which components have costly computed properties or render methods hogging the main thread.

Performance profiles integrated with Vue CLI Service's analyze tool provide further low-level profiling to pinpoint exact culprits bloating app size, JS parse/compile time, or impacting runtime performance.

For smooth 60fps rendering, the Performance panel is indispensible for tracking down heavy operations blocking the main thread during component lifecycle hooks. This data complements native browser profiling tools with Vue specific context.

Debug Routing and Navigation

The Router tab displays all routes defined in Vue Router including path, name, params, and query strings. It also tracks navigation history enabling debugging backwards through previous routes.

This complements Vue Router's own programmatic navigation tracing by visually displaying full routing history. Deep inspection into route params, queries, and navigation events between routes is invaluable for debugging complex routing logic and data flows between routes.

For example, when route data is not propagating as expected, you can replay routing history and pinpoint exactly where params changed unexpectedly.

Time travel navigation through historic routes allows "undoing" route changes to go back to previous app states. This unique DevTools capability takes router debugging beyond console logging for complete visibility into routing state.


Vue DevTools takes debugging productivity to the next level. With unique insights into components, state, events, performance, and routing, DevTools is invaluable for building robust Vue applications.

Deep data inspection, live editing, time travel debugging, and performance profiling accelerate development by rapidly surfacing bugs. Integrating DevTools into your Vue workflow will level up your productivity building, testing, and maintaining Vue apps.

To explore integrating Vue DevTools into your debugging workflow, check out the official documentation for installation instructions, tutorials, tips and tricks. Supercharge your Vue debugging today!