Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Vue Dev Tools Help Debug Your Code Faster


Vue Devtools is an invaluable browser extension for debugging Vue.js applications. It allows developers to visually inspect and debug their Vue components, state management, events, performance, and more. The open source devtools come in extensions for both Chrome and Firefox, providing a huge productivity boost for Vue developers.

Some of the key features include:

  • Viewing the component hierarchy and layout
  • Inspecting component data, props, state and events
  • Debugging Vuex store and state changes
  • Time-travel state debugging by reverting mutations
  • Tracking component render performance and optimizations
  • Live event debugging and payload inspection

By consolidating so many debugging and profiling capabilities into a dedicated Vue devtools extension, it streamlines the development workflow for anyone using Vue, Nuxt, Gridsome, or any other Vue framework. The enhanced visibility and diagnostics allows developers to build Vue apps faster and with more confidence.

Inspecting the Component Hierarchy

The Components tab gives an interactive visualization of the nested component structure in your Vue app. It shows how components are nested, along with info like names, props, state, events and more.

Key Features

  • View the full component tree to understand complex hierarchies
  • Inspect specific component instances in the layout
  • See where data lives - local state, props, store state
  • Filter and search for components by name or props


  • Find a specific component instance causing issues
  • Understand how components relate and communicate
  • Identify where data resides within the architecture
  • Debug layout, styling, and responsiveness visually

The component inspector is invaluable for understanding complex UI structures in Vue. You can quickly find components by name and isolate them for debugging. Their size and position in the page layout is also visible to diagnose visual issues.

Compared to the React Devtools component inspector, Vue Devtools provides additional filtering and search capabilities to easily isolate components. It's optimized specifically for Vue's component model.

Debugging State Changes

The Vuex tab gives you full inspection powers over your application's state management. All state, getters, mutations, and actions are visible for debugging Vuex, Pinia, or any other Vue state management solution.

Key Capabilities

  • View entire Vuex state and dig into specific state values
  • Inspect every mutation and action dispatched
  • See a chronological timeline of all state changes
  • Time travel by reverting state to previous points
  • Import/export Vuex state snapshots to replicate issues

Use Cases

  • Understand how state evolves over time
  • Trace a state mutation to the associated action
  • Reproduce bugs by replaying state changes
  • Reset state to cleanly test different scenarios
  • Share minimal repro case state exports with other devs

For example, I once tracked down a bug caused by a Vuex mutation that corrupted some state values over time. By using the timeline view and time-travel debugging, I could pinpoint exactly when the bad state was introduced and trace it back to the problematic mutation.

The state debugger is perfect for tracking down bugs caused by state changes. You can literally time travel back to previous application states to understand when issues occur. Compared to Redux Devtools, Vue DevTools provides comparable capabilities tailored specifically for Vuex and other Vue state management solutions.

Monitoring Performance

The Performance tab shows render times for Vue components to identify optimization opportunities. It reports render duration in milliseconds to pinpoint slow or long-running components that could be improved.

Measuring Render Times

  • View component render duration in milliseconds
  • Find components causing lag or jank due to long render times
  • Filter and search components by name
  • Compare render times across instances of the same component

Identifying Optimization Opportunities

  • Profile route/component changes to optimize page load
  • Diagnose lag when interacting with certain components
  • Detect unnecessary re-renders wasting resources
  • Improve perceived performance by fixing slow areas

For example, I noticed a particular dropdown component was taking over 300ms to render when opened, causing noticeable lag. By optimizing the component to only re-render the visible content, I reduced the time to under 50ms.

The performance profiler integrates directly into Vue's reactivity system. It helps diagnose jank caused by specific components during route changes, interactions, and component updates. This tab complements browser profiling tools like Lighthouse by providing Vue-specific tracing. It works with any Vue framework like Nuxt or Gridsome.

Event Debugging

The Events tab shows all component events emitted in your Vue app for debugging event flow and payloads. You can inspect event names, replay past events, and even listen programmatically during development.

Key Capabilities

  • View all emitted component events
  • Inspect event names and payloads
  • Filter and search events
  • Replay past events for debugging
  • Listen to specific events programatically

Use Cases

  • Understand event flow through components
  • Inspect event payload data being passed
  • Replay interactions like clicks to recreate issues
  • Listen to form input events during development
  • Trace API data fetches and route changes

For example, I can add a listener in the devtools to track a button click event during development. This allows me to see exactly what data is being passed through the event payload.

The event debugging complements the browser's native devtools Event Listeners tab. It gives you a Vue-centric view tailored to tracing how events flow across components. This is invaluable for debugging complex forms, interactions, and data loading.

Comparing Vue Devtools to Alternatives

While Vue Devtools consolidates many debugging features into one Vue-centric extension, there are other tools that provide overlapping capabilities:

React Devtools

  • Also allows inspecting component hierarchy
  • More focused on React component profiling
  • Does not support Vue frameworks
  • Useful for React and React Native apps

Redux Devtools

  • Specialized for Redux state management
  • Similar time-travel debugging features
  • Chrome-only, no Firefox support
  • Integrates nicely with React Devtools

Chrome Devtools

  • Powerful native JS debugging
  • Network request inspection
  • Memory and CPU profiling
  • General purpose, not Vue-specific

While alternatives exist, Vue Devtools provides the most integrated debugging experience optimized specifically for Vue. It's an indispensable tool for any project using Vue.


Vue Devtools unlocks invaluable visibility into your Vue apps. It enables inspecting components, debugging state changes, optimizing performance, and tracing events directly within your Vue projects.

The detailed component inspector, Vuex time-travel debugger, performance profiler, and event tracer consolidate many critical debugging capabilities into one browser extension. This makes Vue development more efficient, allowing you to build apps faster with more confidence.

Given the broad functionality covered, Vue Devtools is a must-have for any Vue developer. Both the Chrome and Firefox extensions provide a smoother debugging workflow tailored specifically for Vue, Nuxt, Gridsome, and any other Vue-based frameworks.

If you want to debug your Vue apps faster, be sure to check out the Vue Devtools browser extensions and integrate them into your workflow today!