Published Jul 17, 2024 ⦁ 16 min read

Top Open Source Web App Builders for 2024

Greetings fellow developers! As you know, building robust web applications requires having the right tools. That's why we're excited to introduce you to DevHunt - a community-driven platform designed by developers for discovering the best open source web app builders.

Through DevHunt, you can showcase innovative web dev tools and gain exposure among an audience of like-minded creators and users. We implement unique approaches like requiring GitHub authentication and valuing reputable user contributions to ensure only genuine developers have influence.

By participating in our open source community, you can help shape an inclusive launch pad tailored specifically for web development tools. Join us by contributing to the platform on GitHub, spreading the word, and launching your own projects! Together, we can build an invaluable resource that empowers devs to find the ideal frameworks for crafting exceptional web apps.

Introduction to Open Source Web App Builders

Image from Targetso


Bubble is an open-source web app builder with a visual programming interface, allowing you to build web applications without code. It includes pre-built elements for building apps like marketplaces, social networks, dashboards, and CRMs. With Bubble, you simply drag and drop to build your app, then deploy directly to the web.


Red Hat's OpenShift is an open source platform as a service (PaaS) that allows developers to quickly develop, deploy, and manage applications in a cloud environment. It is built on Kubernetes and Docker, with a focus on enabling rapid application development, easy deployment and scaling, and long-term lifecycle maintenance for small and large teams.


Meteor is an open-source web framework for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript. It simplifies web development by bundling front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and back-end technologies like Node.js and MongoDB. Meteor allows you to build apps that automatically update in real time, without complicated setup.


Firebase is Google's mobile and web development platform, providing tools and services to build and operate apps. Firebase includes cloud services for database, storage, authentication, crash reporting, messaging, and more. The platform offers real-time database, cloud storage, authentication, hosting, cloud functions, and crash reporting.


Appcelerator Titanium is an open source platform for creating native cross-platform mobile and desktop apps using JavaScript. It allows you to leverage web skills (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to build native iOS, Android, and Desktop apps. Titanium wraps native UI components, allowing you to create platform appropriate apps that still maintain a single codebase.

In summary, open source web app builders provide a flexible and powerful means for developing robust web applications. With a variety of options available, developers have the freedom to choose a platform that suits their needs and skills.

Why Use an Open Source Web App Builder?

Open source web app builders offer several benefits over proprietary options.

Cost Savings

Open source tools are free to use, saving thousands in licensing fees. For startups and small teams, this can make a big difference in budget. You have access to a powerful platform to build and deploy web apps at no cost.


The open-source nature means you have full control and access to the source code. You can customize the platform to suit your needs. If there are features missing, you have the freedom to build and integrate them yourself or with the help of the open-source community.


Open source code is transparent, so vulnerabilities can be identified and fixed quickly by the community. The collaborative nature of open source development leads to more robust, secure software. You can also audit the code yourself for any issues.

Community Support

With open source software, you tap into a vast community of users and developers. There are opportunities to get help, report issues, request features, and more. You can also contribute back to the project by providing feedback, documentation, bug fixes, and features.

No Vendor Lock-in

Proprietary software locks you into a single vendor. If they go out of business or make unwanted changes, you have no choice but to go along with it. Open source web app builders give you full control and ownership over your platform. You are free to self-host the software and not tied to the fortunes of a single company.

In summary, open source web app builders offer an affordable, customizable, and secure way to build web applications without vendor lock-in. The transparency and community support provide additional benefits not found in closed-source alternatives. For startups, open source is an excellent choice to get a product off the ground without heavy initial investment. Overall, the open source model leads to more robust, innovative software that benefits both individuals and businesses alike.

Top 5 Open Source Web App Builders for 2024


Meteor is a popular full-stack JavaScript framework ideal for building web applications. It integrates seamlessly with React and Angular, enabling developers to build robust apps quickly. Meteor utilizes JavaScript on the frontend and backend, and simplifies many development tasks with its reactive data system. With over 170,000 developers, Meteor has a strong open-source community and many libraries to speed up development.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building interactive web interfaces. It is versatile, flexible, and relatively easy to learn, making it a great choice for open-source web app development. Vue integrates well with modern tooling and libraries, and has over 1.2 million developers worldwide. The Vue ecosystem includes tools like Vue CLI, Vue Router, and Vuex, which work together to enable the creation of advanced web applications.


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. Django integrates many libraries and has a large collection of add-ons. With a huge open-source community, Django is a mature, secure, and scalable framework for building web apps.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular open-source framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Rails helps developers build apps by making many common tasks easy, such as scaffolding models, forms, filters, and CRUD interfaces. The Rails framework encourages the use of web standards like REST, JSON, XML, and HTML5. With over 1.2 million developers, Rails has a very active open-source community and many plugins available.

In summary, Meteor, Vue.js, Django, and Ruby on Rails are robust, open-source frameworks with large communities ideal for building web-based applications. Their flexibility, scalability, and available tooling allow developers to create complex apps efficiently. Whichever framework you choose, you'll be in good company with many resources and fellow developers to help you along the way.

What is the best app builder for 2024?

If you are a developer looking to build web applications in 2024, open source app builders are ideal tools that offer flexibility and power at no cost. Some of the best open source web app builders for 2024 are:


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It lets you build dynamic websites quickly and cleanly. Django focuses on automating as much as possible and adhering to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. It aims to take care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It's free and open source.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a popular open source web framework that provides a solid foundation to build dynamic websites and web applications. It lets you create apps that generate HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on the web server. Rails follows the MVC pattern closely and has a lightweight syntax that helps you build new applications very quickly. It has a lot of built-in functionality like scaffolding, migrations, etc. that helps reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks.


Laravel is a popular open source PHP web framework. It has an elegant syntax and comes with powerful features like a strong ORM, migrations, a robust security system, and a lot more. Laravel aims to make common web development tasks simple and enjoyable while remaining flexible. It has a lot of built-in functionality that helps you build complete web applications with authentication, databases, queues, caching, and more.

In summary, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel are three of the best open source web app builders for 2024 that provide robust features to build web applications. They each have a strong community and ecosystem around them, with many open source packages and learning resources available. For any developer, they would be ideal tools to consider for web-based application development.

Key Features to Look for in an Open Source Web App Builder

Image from AppUp

Flexibility and Customization

The ideal open source web app builder should provide flexibility and customization options for developers. Seek a tool with an extendable architecture, plugin capabilities, and a variety of themes and templates to choose from. An open source solution enables full access to the source code, allowing developers to tweak and improve the tool to suit their specific needs.

Robust Feature Set

Look for a web app builder with a robust set of built-in features, such as user management, analytics, eCommerce functionality and content management capabilities. While open source tools are designed to be customizable, a solid feature foundation enables developers to build web apps quickly without having to develop many components from scratch.

Integration Options

For enhanced functionality, integration with third-party services is essential. The top open source web app builders offer easy integration with tools such as payment gateways, email services, cloud storage solutions and more. APIs and SDKs allow developers to connect their web apps to other platforms and services.

Active Community Support

A large, active community surrounding the web app builder is tremendously valuable. Look for projects with ongoing development, frequent updates, and a community forum where developers can ask questions, report issues and contribute code. Community support helps ensure the longevity and improvement of the open source tool.


In today's world, web apps must provide good user experiences across devices. Look for an open source web app builder that generates responsive designs and supports the development of web apps optimized for both desktop and mobile. Some tools offer the ability to convert web apps into native mobile apps for an even better experience on smartphones and tablets.

In summary, the ideal open source web app builder provides flexibility, features, integration options, community support, and mobile-friendliness. With the right tool, developers can efficiently build powerful, user-friendly web applications. By leveraging community support and the open source model, developers gain more control and influence over the platforms they choose to build with.

How to Get Started Building Web-Based Apps

Learn the Fundamentals

To build web-based applications, you’ll first need to learn the basics of web development. This includes HTML for structuring web pages, CSS for styling content, and JavaScript for adding interactivity. You should study the latest web standards and become familiar with responsive design techniques to make your app accessible on any device.

Choose a Framework

Web frameworks handle mundane tasks like routing and state management, allowing you to focus on building your app. Popular JavaScript frameworks for web-based apps include React, Vue.js, and Angular. React is a popular, flexible library for building user interfaces. Vue.js is an easy-to-use progressive framework with strong tooling support. Angular is a full-featured framework suited for large, complex applications. Evaluate the options to determine which best fits your needs.

Design Your App

Map out your app’s structure, interfaces, and user flows. Determine the views, components, routes, and state your app will need. Sketch wireframes to outline the layouts. Think through how users will interact with your app and any edge cases that could arise. A well-designed web app should have a seamless user experience across devices.

Choose Additional Tools

You'll want to select additional tools to speed up your development process. A package manager like npm or Yarn handles dependencies. A bundler like webpack bundles your code and assets. A linter enforces style rules. Bootstrap or Material Design provide responsive UI components. Firebase or AWS offer backend services.

Keep Learning

Technology powering web-based apps is always evolving. Stay up-to-date with the latest web standards, frameworks, and tools to build robust, secure web applications. Continue honing your skills through practice and by building side projects. The field of web development has an active, supportive community with many resources for continuous learning.

With the fundamentals in place and the right tools and frameworks selected, you'll be building powerful web-based applications in no time! Keep practicing and stay passionate about crafting great user experiences.

Comparing Proprietary vs Open Source Web App Builders

When choosing a web app builder, an important decision is whether to use a proprietary or open source solution. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to consider with each approach.

Proprietary Web App Builders

Proprietary builders like Wix and Squarespace offer simple, code-free web development. Their drag and drop interfaces allow you to quickly build an attractive site without technical expertise. However, proprietary platforms also have significant downsides:

  • Limited customization. You are constrained by the templates and options provided by the builder. If you want to add unique features, you’ll need to know how to code.

  • Vendor lock-in. Your site will only work with that specific builder’s platform. If you decide to switch to another builder or want to export your site, it may be difficult.

  • Cost. While some proprietary builders have free plans, advanced features usually require a monthly subscription fee.

Open Source Web App Builders

Open source builders like WordPress and Drupal are flexible, powerful platforms for creating complex web applications. They offer:

  • Full customization. You have access to the source code and can modify anything. Add any features or design elements you want.

  • Avoidance of vendor lock-in. You can export your site and move it to another platform easily without losing functionality.

  • Typically free. Most open source builders are free to use, with optional paid themes and plugins.

However, open source builders also have some downsides:

  • Steeper learning curve. They are more technically complex to set up and may require coding to fully customize.

  • More hands-on management. You are responsible for installing updates, security patches, and troubleshooting any issues.

  • Less attractive out-of-the-box. Default designs tend to be basic, requiring customization for an eye-catching site.

In summary, the choice between proprietary and open source web app builders depends on your priorities and technical skills. Proprietary builders are easy to use but limited, while open source builders are powerful but complex. Evaluate your options carefully based on your needs and abilities.

Open Source Communities for Web App Development

Open source web app builders allow developers to create robust web applications with flexibility and power. Two popular open source options are Meteor and React Native.

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications. It offers a seamless experience from development through deployment, with built-in security and database options. Meteor has a large open source community that contributes free and open packages to extend functionality. It is beginner-friendly but also used by many startups and enterprises.

React Native is an open source framework created by Facebook that enables you to build native iOS and Android mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It renders React components to native platform UI elements. This means your app uses the same UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. React Native has a very active developer community and is used by companies like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and more.

Developers should consider joining the open source communities behind web app builders like Meteor and React Native. By contributing to these projects, developers can help improve the tools, gain valuable experience, and expand their professional networks.

Benefits of Contributing

Contributing to open source web app communities provides several benefits:

  • Improve the tools you use. Submit pull requests to fix bugs, add features, or improve documentation.

  • Gain experience. Contributing to large open source projects is a great way for developers to gain real-world experience.

  • Build your reputation. High quality contributions to popular projects can help build a developer's reputation and credibility within the community.

  • Networking. Interacting with other contributors and maintainers can lead to new connections and opportunities.

  • Job opportunities. Contributing to open source projects used by companies you're interested in can lead to job opportunities. The companies get exposure to your skills and work.

Overall, open source web app communities offer valuable opportunities for developers to improve their skills, gain experience, build connections, and contribute to useful projects. Participating in these communities is a worthwhile endeavor for any developer looking to advance their career or support open source software.

How to create an app in 2024?

In 2024, several approaches will exist for developing web applications. As an open-source web app builder, you have various options to consider.

One method is to use a JavaScript framework like React, Vue.js or Angular in combination with a backend framework such as Express (JavaScript), Django/Flask (Python), or Ruby on Rails (Ruby). These provide a full stack for building web applications but require knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and a backend language.

Another approach is to use a low-code or no-code tool like Bubble, Adalo or AppSheet. These allow you to build web (and mobile) apps with little to no coding experience. You can drag and drop components to design interfaces, connect to data sources, add logic with a visual editor and more. However, they may be limiting for complex applications.

A third option is to use a static site generator like Gatsby (React), Nuxt (Vue.js), or Gridsome (Vue.js) to build a web app. These generate static HTML files from data and components, offering fast performance and easy deployment. You're still required to know front-end frameworks and build an API separately though.

In summary, numerous methods will exist for developing web applications in 2024. Low-code/no-code tools provide an easy starting point, while frameworks offer more customization. Consider your technical skills and app requirements to determine the best approach. With an open-source web app builder, you have the flexibility to switch between options or even combine them as needed. The possibilities for building web applications in 2024 will be endless.

What is a low-code no-code tool?

Low-code no-code tools enable software development with little to no coding. They allow non-technical professionals to build and deploy applications through visual, intuitive interfaces rather than complex programming languages. These platforms may include drag-and-drop features, pre-built templates, and ready-made components that can be configured to create web or mobile apps.

Low-code no-code tools open up software engineering to “citizen developers” - business users with little to no coding experience. They speed up development by reducing the amount of manual coding required. With a low-code no-code tool, developers can focus on the application logic and user experience rather than syntax and infrastructure.

Popular low-code no-code tools include Appian, Mendix, OutSystems, and Webflow. These platforms make it possible to develop applications for internal business use (e.g. workflow automation) or external use (e.g. customer portals). They continue to gain popularity as organizations aim to accelerate digital transformation and meet the increasing demand for new software.

While low-code no-code tools abstract away much of the complexity involved in traditional software engineering, they may lack the flexibility and control of custom code. Developers are limited to the functionality and components provided by the platform. For some, this can feel too restrictive or like a "black box". However, for many basic applications, low-code no-code tools offer a fast and cost-effective development approach.

With the rise of low-code no-code tools, software development is becoming more accessible and collaborative. Technical and non-technical professionals can work together to build and improve applications. This democratization of technology stands to benefit both organizations and their customers through rapid delivery of software solutions. Low-code no-code tools have brought forth a new generation of “citizen developers” and made software engineering open to all.

DevHunt - A Community-Driven Launch Platform for Developer Tools

DevHunt is an open-source launch platform tailored specifically for developers to showcase their tools and creations. Our mission is to establish an inclusive space where developers can gain visibility for their projects.

The current challenge with popular all-purpose product launch platforms is that developer tools often fail to get the exposure they deserve among various other types of listings. DevHunt aims to remedy this issue by focusing solely on catering to developers and the tools they build.

We've implemented a unique approach to how developers can list their tools on DevHunt:

  • GitHub Pull Requests: Developers simply submit a pull request to add their tool to our platform. This transparent process facilitates collaboration among contributors.

  • User Authentication: Users are required to log in with their GitHub accounts before voting or commenting. This ensures that only genuine developers can influence rankings and reduces the creation of fake accounts.

  • Valuing Reputable Contributors: We are exploring ways to give more weight to votes and comments from reputable GitHub users over those without public commits or repositories. This makes it more difficult for anyone attempting to game the system.

The benefits of joining DevHunt as a contributor or supporter are:

  • Help shape an inclusive launch platform tailored specifically for developer tools.

  • Gain better exposure when launching your own developer tool projects.

  • Connect with like-minded developers and expand your network.

Developers can get involved with DevHunt by:

  • Visiting our GitHub repository and submitting pull requests for any improvements or changes.

  • Spreading the word about DevHunt to fellow developers who may be interested in joining the initiative.

In summary, DevHunt aims to establish a fair and transparent platform where developer tools can thrive. By working together as a community, we believe DevHunt can become an invaluable resource for developers around the world. Join us today!


As we look to the future, open source web app builders will only continue to evolve and empower developers. With the tools covered in this article, you now have several excellent options to consider for your next web project in 2024 and beyond. The open source nature grants you flexibility, while still providing professional-grade features.

Whether you value simplicity, customization potential, or strong out-of-the-box capabilities, there is likely a fitting builder here for your needs. Lean on the strengths of these communities behind each platform as you bring your app ideas to life. The right web builder, combined with your vision, can make building web apps quicker and more accessible than ever.

The world of web development moves fast, so revisit these open source builders as new versions and alternatives emerge. But for now, you are equipped with some of the top trending choices to facilitate your pursuit of creating the next big web application. So get out there, collaborate, build and launch using the power of open source. The web is yours to shape.