Published May 27, 2024 ⦁ 15 min read

Top Free Software and Resources for App Development

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Free Software and Tools to Build Mobile Apps

To develop mobile apps, you'll need an integrated development environment (IDE) and software development kit (SDK). Fortunately, there are free options available to get started.

Android Studio

For building Android apps, Android Studio is the official IDE. It comes with the Android SDK, emulators, and everything you need to code and test apps. With a simple and intuitive interface, it's great for beginners and professionals alike.


For iOS development, Xcode is Apple's IDE. It includes the iOS SDK, interface builder, and simulators so you can build and test apps for iPhone and iPad. Xcode uses the Swift or Objective-C languages and is only available for Mac.

Visual Studio Code

A popular, free code editor for mobile development is Visual Studio Code. While not a full IDE, it has extensions for Android, iOS, and web development. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux and integrates with various SDKs and emulators. The clean interface and customization options suit many dev styles.

React Native and Ionic

To build for both Android and iOS using web technologies, look at React Native and Ionic. They use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create native apps, with access to device APIs. These hybrid frameworks are a great way to get started with less to learn.

With the software and tools available today at no cost, anyone can start building mobile apps. Combine that with numerous free courses and tutorials online, and you'll be coding in no time! The key is to start simple by learning the basics, then progress as you build experience through practice projects.

Top Open Source Frameworks for Cross-Platform App Development

There are several reputable open source frameworks for building mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS. These cross-platform development tools allow you to code once and deploy everywhere, significantly speeding up development time and reducing costs.

React Native

React Native is a popular framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. It was created by Facebook and Instagram and has become a widely used tool for cross-platform development. Apps built with React Native look and feel native since the framework uses native UI components. Some well-known apps built with React Native include Facebook, Instagram, Walmart, and Bloomberg.


Flutter is an open source framework from Google for building beautiful native mobile apps using a single codebase. Flutter uses Google’s own programming language called Dart, which was created to be easy to learn and optimize for developer productivity. Flutter renders everything using its own high-performance rendering engine, delivering apps that look and feel native on both platforms. Popular apps built with Flutter include Google Ads, Google Pay, and Alibaba.


Xamarin is a Microsoft-created open source framework for building native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using .NET and C#. Xamarin uses a single shared C# codebase, allowing you to ship mobile apps faster with fewer resources. Xamarin is tightly integrated into Visual Studio, providing a familiar environment for C# developers to build mobile apps. Major apps built with Xamarin include Microsoft Outlook, World Bank, Alaska Airlines, and Honeywell.

In summary, React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin are reputable open source frameworks for efficiently building cross-platform mobile apps. By using a single codebase, these tools can help reduce development time and costs, allowing you to deploy high-quality native apps on both Android and iOS.

What software do app developers use?

Image from Hubspire

As an aspiring app developer, you have many free resources and tools at your disposal to build mobile or web applications. Some of the most popular software used by professional developers include:

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)

IDEs provide an interface to write, compile, and debug code. Popular options for app development include:

  • Visual Studio Code: A free, open-source IDE from Microsoft suitable for web and mobile app development. It has IntelliSense code completion, debugging, and Git integration.

  • Android Studio: The official IDE for Android app development. It includes an emulator, code templates, and a flexible build system.

  • Xcode: Apple's IDE for developing iOS and macOS apps. It provides an interface builder, testing framework, and simulators for different Apple devices.

Source Code Editors

If you prefer a lightweight text editor over a full IDE, options like Atom, Sublime Text, and Brackets are popular for coding apps. They have basic features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and themes but lack some IDE functionality.

Version Control with Git

Git is the most widely used version control system for software development. It lets you track changes to your code over time and collaborate with others. Many IDEs and code editors have built-in Git support, or you can use a standalone app like GitKraken, GitTower, or GitHub Desktop.

Prototyping and Design Tools

Tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch allow you to prototype the user interface and experience of your app before you start coding. They make it easy to create wireframes, design interfaces, and collaborate with others.

In summary, professional app developers leverage both free and paid resources to build, collaborate, and deploy mobile or web applications. With the wealth of high-quality, open-source software available today, you can get started building an app at no cost. The key is finding tools that suit your needs and flow of work.

Learn to Code Online for Free With These Resources


Codecademy is one of the most popular free resources for learning how to code. It offers interactive coding exercises and courses in 12 different programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and SQL. The lessons are project-based and tailored for all skill levels. You can start from scratch and learn the fundamentals of a language, or brush up on more advanced topics. All courses are available through your web browser, with no software downloads required.


Coursera partners with over 200 leading universities and companies to offer free online courses, specializations, and degrees in a wide range of topics, including app development. You can take free courses to learn skills such as Android development, iOS development, and web development. Courses are taught by professors and industry experts, and you have the option to earn a Course Certificate for a small fee.


Udacity focuses on teaching skills that are in high demand in the tech industry. They offer free courses and nanodegree programs in popular areas like machine learning, digital marketing, and app development. The app development curriculum includes courses on Android, iOS, and web development fundamentals. Udacity's project-based learning approach helps you build real apps and webpages as you learn. You can connect with mentors and a global community of students for support.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers free online coding courses for all ages. Their computing curriculum includes intro courses in web development, animation, game development, and app development using JavaScript and Python. The lessons include short videos, examples, exercises, and interactive coding environments so you can practice the skills you're learning. Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization, so all of their resources are available for free.

In summary, there are several free, high-quality resources for learning app development online. Codecademy, Coursera, Udacity, and Khan Academy all offer interactive courses and projects to help you build real coding skills. Whether you're just getting started or looking to advance your knowledge, these free software and online courses can help you achieve your goals.

Create a Website and Turn It Into a Progressive Web App

Image from Openreplay

Choose a Website Builder

To build a basic website, utilize a free website builder like Wix, Weebly, or WordPress. These tools provide drag and drop website templates that require no coding knowledge. Select a template that suits your needs and customize it by adding images, text, and other elements. For a progressive web app, choose a responsive template that displays well on mobile devices.

Register a Domain Name

Once you have built your site, purchase an inexpensive domain name to give it a professional appearance. Domain names typically cost between $10 to $20 per year. Options like Namecheap, Google Domains, and Bluehost offer domain name registration. Select a domain name that is short, memorable, and relates to your site content or business.

Make Your Site Installable

To transform your website into a progressive web app, you need to make it installable. This means allowing users to “save” your web app to their mobile home screen. To do this, add a web app manifest file which provides information like the app name, icon, and splash screen. You will also need to enable service workers which cache website files for offline use. Many website builders offer the option to easily create a web app manifest and service workers.

Test and Launch Your Web App

Once you have built and optimized your site, test how it displays on multiple mobile devices to ensure there are no issues. Make any final tweaks to the design or content before officially launching your web app. To launch, simply publish your site and spread the word on social media and elsewhere. Let people know they can “install” your web app by saving it to their mobile home screen.

Continuously Improve

Keep improving your web app by updating content, fixing any bugs, and enhancing the user experience. Monitor analytics to see how people are using the app and make changes based on the results. Stay up to date with the latest web technologies and apply them to your app when appropriate. Regular improvements and updates will keep users engaged with your progressive web app.

Leverage GitHub to Host and Deploy Your App for Free

Store Your Code and Track Changes

As a developer, GitHub should be your first choice for hosting code. This popular service offers free open source repositories to store your app’s codebase and track changes over time using Git. With a simple git push, you can upload code from your local environment directly to GitHub. Their intuitive interface also makes it easy to view commits, resolve issues, and collaborate with teammates.

Deploy Directly to GitHub Pages

For simple static websites and web apps, consider deploying directly through GitHub Pages. This free service hosts your code on GitHub’s servers and provides you with a live URL to share. To enable it, simply create a repository named, where username is your actual GitHub username. GitHub Pages will then build and deploy your app whenever you push changes to the master branch.

Customize Your Page with Jekyll

If building a static site, you can use Jekyll, an open source static site generator, to add dynamic content and custom themes. Jekyll integrates directly with GitHub Pages, allowing you to write posts in Markdown and markup languages, create custom themes, and more. With some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Liquid templates, you'll be building custom Jekyll sites in no time.

Connect a Custom Domain (Optional)

For a more professional look, you can connect a custom domain to your GitHub Pages site. Start by purchasing a domain from a registrar like Google Domains or Namecheap. Then, add the domain in the GitHub Pages section of your repository's settings and follow the instructions to update your domain's DNS records. This simple process will link your new domain to the GitHub Pages deployment.

In summary, GitHub provides an ideal platform for hosting an open source web app or static website. Between built-in features like GitHub Pages, Jekyll, and adding a custom domain, you have everything needed to build and share a site with the world for free. By leveraging these resources, you can focus on what matters most - creating an amazing experience for your users.

Test Mobile Apps Without Coding Using App Builders

To build a mobile app without coding, you can use app builder platforms. These tools allow you to drag and drop components to create an interface, connect features, and build a basic app without writing a single line of code. Some of the top free options for testing app ideas include:


AppSheet is a powerful no-code app builder trusted by over 10 million users. It has a simple drag-and-drop interface to connect data, design forms, and create workflows. You can build apps connected to Google Sheets, Excel, SQL, and other data sources in just minutes. It’s a great way to quickly build and test an app concept without coding.


Glide is a simple no-code app builder focused on building apps fast. You can create an interface by dragging and dropping items like images, videos, maps, and contact forms. It connects to Google Sheets, Google Calendar, Twitter, and more. Glide is ideal for building basic utility apps, prototypes, and MVPs to test with real users.

Appy Pie

Appy Pie is an easy to use no-code app builder with over 200 app templates to get you started. It has components to add features like chatbots, e-commerce, food delivery, ride sharing, and more. Appy Pie builds apps for both Android and iOS and lets you publish to app stores. It’s a simple way for beginners to build, test and launch mobile apps without any coding required.


Adalo is a powerful no-code app builder used to design, build and launch mobile apps visually. It has a simple drag-and-drop interface and connects to data sources like Airtable, Google Sheets, Typeform and more. Adalo builds apps for both iOS and Android and lets you publish to app stores. It’s ideal for building fully-functional mobile apps without writing any code.

In summary, testing mobile app ideas is easy with the help of these no-code app builder platforms. They provide simple ways to design interfaces, connect features, and build basic but fully-functioning mobile apps without coding required. Using these tools is a great way for beginners and non-technical founders to design, test and launch mobile apps.

Get Free Assets and Icons for Your App Design

To build an attractive app, you'll need various assets and icons to incorporate into your design. As a developer on a budget, you may be wondering where you can find these resources for free. There are several websites that offer open-source icons, illustrations, photos, and other design elements at no cost. By taking advantage of these free resources, you can create a beautiful, polished app without paying expensive subscription fees.

Icon sets are essential for any app, as they help convey information in a visual way. Websites like Iconfinder, Font Awesome, and Flaticon host thousands of free icon packs you can download and use. Icons come in a variety of styles, sizes, and formats so you can find options that suit your app's aesthetic. Similarly, sites like Undraw, DrawKit, and Ouch offer stylish free illustrations to help visually enhance your app.

Beyond icons and illustrations, you may want to include photos in your app design. Stock photo websites Pexels, Gratisography, and Picjumbo are wonderful resources for finding free high-quality photos. They feature diverse image categories like nature, business, technology, and more. Just be sure to check the licensing for any photos you use to ensure they permit commercial use.

An additional option is to look for free UI kits and wireframe kits. Websites such as Uplabs, Behance, and Dribble are design communities where creators share resources like UI kits. You may find full kits or individual elements like buttons, avatars, or input fields that you can incorporate into your own app design. Many of these resources are open-source and available to download for free.

Using a combination of these free design assets and icons, you can craft an engaging user experience for your app without spending a cent. While paid resources may offer some advantages, as an indie developer, leveraging free and open-source options can help get your app off the ground. With a little digging, you can find high-quality, versatile resources to suit all your design needs.

Promote Your App Launch for Free on Devhunt

Devhunt is a community-driven platform designed specifically for showcasing developer tools and resources. As an open-source initiative built by developers for developers, Devhunt aims to provide an accessible space where creators can launch their projects for free.

Rather than the broad focus of mainstream product launch platforms, Devhunt caters solely to developer tools. By specializing in this niche, the platform ensures maximum visibility and relevance for your app among the target developer audience. Devhunt implements a transparent open-source model where users can submit pull requests to list new projects. Creators benefit from the collaborative nature of contributions from like-minded developers.

Devhunt values reputable members of the developer community. The platform requires user authentication via GitHub to vote and comment, reducing the influence of fake accounts. Devhunt is also considering methods to weigh votes and comments from reputable GitHub users more heavily. These measures make it difficult for anyone to game the system.

As an open-source initiative, Devhunt invites you to shape an inclusive launch pad tailored to developer tools. By joining as a contributor or supporter, you can gain better exposure for your own developer projects, connect within the development community, and help build a resource for developers worldwide.

To get started, visit the Devhunt GitHub repository and submit a pull request to list your developer tool project. Spread the word about Devhunt to fellow developers who may be interested in this collaborative journey. Devhunt aims to empower developers by providing a transparent platform for developer tools to thrive. Join us to help create an invaluable resource for the global development community.

Which is the best free app development software?

When getting started with app development, using free software and resources is an excellent way to learn coding skills without the financial investment. Two of the best free options for building mobile apps are MIT App Inventor and Glide.

MIT App Inventor is an innovative tool for creating software applications for Android devices. Novices can build fully functional apps by simply dragging and dropping visual objects onto a screen and then specifying their behavior and interactions. The software uses a block-based programming language, so you do not need extensive coding experience to build an app. MIT App Inventor is completely free and open source.

Glide is another free app creation platform that allows you to develop mobile apps for both Android and iOS operating systems without writing any code. You create the layout and design of your app using a simple drag and drop interface and integrate features like chatbots, e-commerce, blog feeds, and more using third-party APIs. Glide uses a “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) editor, so no programming knowledge is required. However, for more complex apps, you can add custom code using JavaScript.

Other free resources for learning to code and build apps include Codecademy, Udacity, and Coursera. These massive open online course (MOOC) platforms offer interactive coding classes in various programming languages like Python, Java, C++, and Swift. You can learn at your own pace for free and even earn certifications to add to your resume.

In summary, with free app development software like MIT App Inventor and Glide combined with coding courses on Codecademy, Udacity, and Coursera, you have everything you need to start building mobile apps today without cost. The key is simply diving in, practicing regularly, and leveraging the many free resources available online. Before you know it, you will be developing your own apps and well on your way to becoming a proficient programmer.


Through careful research and evaluation, you now have a robust list of free software and resources to begin your app development journey, all accessible online. With options ranging from full IDEs to specialized tools for UI design, testing, databases, and more, you can find the perfect starting point no matter your specific needs. While paid options exist, the free tools highlighted empower you to start coding and building apps immediately, without cost being a barrier. With a motivated mindset and these resources within reach, you have everything required to start bringing your app ideas to life. Consider joining forums and online communities surrounding these tools to accelerate your learning. By taking that first step and leveraging these resources, you position yourself to become a proficient app developer over time. The opportunity awaits - now go build something amazing.