Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

Top 10 JS APIs to Supercharge Your Projects

JavaScript has absolutely exploded in popularity over the last decade. Thanks to its dynamic nature, async capabilities, and ubiquity across platforms, it has become the language of choice for building modern web applications. The result is that developers can now build incredibly powerful and complex apps and experiences using JavaScript.

One of the best parts about JavaScript is the massive ecosystem of libraries and APIs available to help you build things faster and better. JS APIs provide pre-built functionality so you don't have to reinvent the wheel for common tasks like DOM manipulation, data visualization, mapping, animation, and more.

In this post, we'll highlight 10 of the most popular and useful JS APIs available today. For each API, we'll provide a quick overview of its purpose and capabilities along with code examples to demonstrate how you can implement them in your own projects.

Whether you're building a web app, site, game, or utility, these APIs can help supercharge your development and allow you to build awesome features faster. Let's dive in!

General Purpose APIs

These libraries provide utility functions and tools applicable across projects and use cases. They come in handy for tasks like working with dates, making API calls, manipulating data structures, and more.


The OG of JavaScript libraries, jQuery simplifies DOM traversal, events, effects, and Ajax requests. It revolutionized front-end development, and still remains useful today for:

  • Selecting/modifying page elements
  • Binding events and effects to DOM nodes
  • Animations, toggles, and fades
  • Sending Ajax requests

For example, you can easily make a GET request with jQuery's $.get() method:

$.get('api/users', function(response) {
  // handle response

While many newer frameworks like React have superseded jQuery, it can still be handy for sprinkling some interactivity into vanilla JS apps without a heavy build setup.


Lodash is a Swiss army knife of handy JS utilities for working with arrays, objects, strings, and more. Need to flatten an array, debounce a function, or clone a deeply nested object? Lodash has you covered.

It has over 100 methods available like:

  • groupBy() - Group array elements by criteria
  • uniq() - Remove duplicates from array
  • flatten() - Flatten nested arrays
  • debounce() - Limit function execution rate

For example, to limit API call frequency, you can debounce the request:

import { debounce } from 'lodash';

const debouncedRequest = debounce(ajaxRequest, 500);

input.addEventListener('keyup', debouncedRequest);

Lodash is great for smoothing out common data manipulation operations in functional programming style. It's been used in projects like Slack, Mailchimp, and more.


Working with dates and times in JavaScript can be a pain - just think of all the Date parsing and formatting logic you've written.

Moment.js makes it dead simple with an intuitive API:

const now = moment();
const birthday = moment('2000-10-25');

now.diff(birthday, 'years'); // 23

It handles validation, manipulation, formatting, i18n support, and more out of the box. Any time you need to work with dates or times, Moment.js will save you headaches. Popular apps using it include Uber, Twitter, and Forbes.


For making HTTP requests to APIs directly from the browser, Axios is a great option. It exposes both promise-based and async/await interfaces for calling REST endpoints using get, post, put, delete and other methods.

For example:

const response = await axios.get('/users');
const users =;

Axios also lets you easily set request headers, data, timeout limits, and response transformations. It simplifies client-side HTTP communication. Companies using Axios include Uber, Airbnb, and Walmart.

Front-End APIs

These libraries are focused on UI capabilities - think data visualization, animation, maps, and interactive widgets.


When you need to visualize data on a webpage, Chart.js is the prime option. It uses canvas to render highly customizable charts supporting line, bar, pie, radar, and more.

For example, to display a time series:

const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'line',
  data: data,
  options: options

With robust styling, animations, and tooltip options - Chart.js makes it easy to integrate beautiful charts and graphs into your app. It's used by Apple, Mastercard, Microsoft, and more.


For building web-based mapping applications, Leaflet is the leading open source JS library. It supports essential mapping capabilities like:

  • Tile layers
  • Markers, popups, and overlays
  • GeoJSON loading/rendering
  • Routing, geocoding, and spatial analysis

And has a lightweight footprint compared to Google or Bing Maps. For example:

const map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);

L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  attribution: '© [OpenStreetMap]( contributors'  

L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(map).bindPopup('Hi there!');

Leaflet makes interactive, mobile-friendly maps easy to build. It's used by ISPs, energy companies, weather services and more to visualize location data.


For snazzy animations and transitions, Animate.css is a great option. It contains dozens of ready-made CSS animations you can activate by adding classes:

<h1 class="animate__animated animate__bounce">Welcome!</h1> 

Customize the duration, delay, and iteration count to fit your needs. Much easier than writing keyframe animations from scratch! Used by Microsoft, Tencent, and more.


To enable kinetic dragging and physics-based interactions, Draggable.js is lightweight and powerful. It enables smooth drag gestures with momentum, snapping, collision detection and more.

For example:

const draggable = new Draggable(document.querySelector('.box'));

It brings natural dragging physics without dependencies - awesome for sliders, timelines, movable UI elements, and games. Used by Chrome DevTools, Statamic, and Webflow.

Backend & DevOps APIs

These libraries provide server-side and DevOps capabilities - think database access, security, logging, and more.


For elegant MongoDB integration in Node.js, Mongoose is the go-to ODM library. It enables you to:

  • Define schemas and models for data validation
  • Manage relationships between documents
  • Query, update, delete records and more
  • Hooks, middleware, aggregation, population, etc.

For example:

const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);

User.findById(id).then(user => {
  // ...  

If you're building a MongoDB-backed Node app, Mongoose will make your life easier. Used by Mailchimp, Sentry, Clearbit, and more.


Securing user passwords and data is crucial for any web app. Bcrypt makes handling passwords a breeze with built-in salting and hashing functions:

const hash = await bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, saltRounds)

It allows tuning computational expense to deter brute force attacks. Never store unsecured passwords again! Bcrypt is trusted by LinkedIn, Microsoft, and more.


Robust logging is crucial for diagnosing issues in production Node applications. Winston provides flexible logging capabilities including:

  • Multiple transports - file, console, cloud, etc.
  • Log levels - error, warn, info, debug
  • Custom formatting and metadata
  • Transports for exception handling

For example:

const logger = winston.createLogger({
  level: 'debug',
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'combined.log' })

logger.debug('Debug message');

Winston has you covered for production-ready Node.js logging. It's used by AWS, GitHub, PayPal, and more.


JavaScript APIs help accelerate development by providing robust, community-driven solutions for common tasks. Whether it's data visualization, utility functions, maps, animations, security, databases, or logging - there's an API available to level up your projects.

The APIs discussed in this post represent some of the most popular, flexible, and useful options as of 2023. But new and innovative JS libraries are constantly emerging as well. If you're looking to discover cutting-edge tools, DevHunt is a great place to explore launches and innovations from the JS community.

The benefit of leveraging APIs is that you can build powerful apps faster while standing on the shoulders of passionate open source contributors. So next time you're starting a new project, browse JS API options to see if you can give your productivity and capabilities a boost! The community-driven ecosystem is one of JavaScript's greatest strengths.