Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

Top 10 DevOps Tools To Accelerate Delivery in 2023


The pace of software delivery has accelerated dramatically over the past decade, driven by the rising popularity of DevOps methodologies. By breaking down silos between developers and operations teams, DevOps enables faster iteration cycles and continuous delivery of new features. However, successfully adopting DevOps requires changing processes, culture, and most importantly, tools across the entire organization.

Leveraging the right DevOps tools is crucial for automating workflows, facilitating collaboration, and providing end-to-end visibility across the software delivery lifecycle. The increased focus on infrastructure-as-code, shift-left security practices, and multi-cloud deployments further underscores the need for purpose-built solutions. With so many options now available, selecting the right dev ops tools for your tech stack, team size, and project goals can be challenging.

That's where this post comes in! After extensive research and evaluations, we've compiled a ranked list of the top 10 most popular and effective DevOps tools to integrate into your workflows in 2023. For each option, we'll highlight key capabilities, ideal use cases, limitations to note, and other factors to help you determine the best fit for your needs. Whether you're just beginning your DevOps journey or optimizing existing pipelines, these solutions will accelerate your delivery cadence and time-to-market. Let's dive in!

What is DevOps?

Before highlighting the tools, it's worth summarizing the core concepts and goals of DevOps:

  • DevOps combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to enable faster releases of new features and improvements. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, integration, and automation between developers and ops teams.

  • Key goals are to increase deployment frequency, improve system reliability through resilient architectures, and shorten time-to-market for customers.

  • DevOps contrasts with traditional siloed Dev and Ops teams where handoffs are manual. It eliminates these inefficiencies by having cross-functional teams and integrated workflows.

  • Adopting DevOps requires changing processes, culture, and tools across the entire organization - from code commit to monitoring.

Benefits of Using DevOps Tools

Here are some of the main benefits teams can realize by incorporating DevOps tools and automation:

  • Automate build, test, release, deployment, and monitoring processes.

  • Enable continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

  • Provide version control, code review and collaboration capabilities.

  • Offer visibility via analytics and monitoring across environments.

  • Improve collaboration through project management and communication features.

Ranking Methodology

With so many DevOps tools now available, how did we arrive at this list of top recommendations for 2023? Here are the key criteria we used to evaluate and rank the options:

  • Popularity: How widely used is the tool based on surveys, adoption rates, and community size? More popular tools tend to have more resources available.

  • Reviews: What do users and experts say about their experience with the tool? Higher satisfaction typically indicates a more intuitive and useful tool.

  • Adoptability: How easy is it for teams to get started with and integrate the tool into existing workflows? Quick onboarding means faster time-to-value.

  • Ease of use: Is the tool easy to learn and use efficiently on a daily basis? Complexity leads to friction for practitioners.

  • Impact: How much does the tool improve cycle times, increase efficiency, and accelerate delivery? The highest impact tools enable much faster development.

  • End-to-end capabilities: Does the tool provide automation and visibility across the entire pipeline? Broad coverage is preferred over niche point solutions.

  • Support for modern practices: Does the tool embrace infrastructure-as-code, GitOps, cloud-native architectures, and other emerging trends? Forward-looking solutions will support future needs.

  • Team size: Some tools may be better suited for smaller teams, while others can scale up to large enterprises. Ideal team fit improves ROI.

Tool Capabilities Considered

For a DevOps toolchain, we evaluated capabilities across these key categories:

  • Code repositories and version control for source code.

  • Build and dependency management for compiling, packaging, and validating code deployments.

  • Automated testing like unit, integration, and UI testing.

  • Infrastructure provisioning for spin-up and configuration management.

  • Deployment automation for push-button releases and rollbacks.

  • Release orchestration for managing pipelines and environments.

  • Monitoring and analytics for insights into uptime, performance, errors.

Some exciting developments to watch closely which informed our evaluations:

  • Rise of GitOps workflows and declarative infrastructure-as-code for cloud environments.

  • Increasing adoption of Kubernetes for container orchestration and management at scale.

  • Shift left on security with DevSecOps practices like scanning earlier in the pipeline.

  • Expanding use of cloud and multi-cloud environments by development teams.

  • Growth in DevOps automation through ML and AI capabilities.

The Top 10 DevOps Tools for 2023

Now, let's reveal and discuss the top 10 DevOps tools that teams should consider adopting in 2023 for accelerating delivery:

#1. GitLab

GitLab offers an open source end-to-end DevOps platform delivering a complete toolchain for the software development lifecycle. Key strengths include:

  • Supports version control, code review, CI/CD, monitoring, and more within a single application. Reduces context switching between tools.

  • Ideal for development teams looking to implement modern GitOps workflows and practices.

  • Provides comprehensive visibility and traceability across the entire pipeline. Improves debugging capabilities.

  • Some learnability curve for new users to leverage the full capabilities. Patience required.

#2. Jenkins

Jenkins is a leading open source automation server used by millions globally for CI/CD. Key aspects include:

  • Highly flexible and extensible to fit diverse use cases beyond just CI/CD like infrastructure management.

  • Massive plugin ecosystem with over 1500 plugins available to extend functionality.

  • Steep learning curve due to high complexity and configuration needs. Expertise required.

  • Best suited for experienced teams with deep Jenkins expertise already in place.

#3. AWS

AWS offers a robust set of managed DevOps services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy that are central to many workflow automations.

  • Fully integrates with other AWS services for complete infrastructure provisioning and management at scale.

  • Tight vendor lock-in and solid AWS expertise required for more advanced deployments.

  • Ideal for teams already leveraging AWS and public cloud vs. on-prem data centers.

#4. GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions brings CI/CD automation directly integrated with GitHub's popular code hosting platform.

  • Easy workflow configuration via YAML files checked into the repo. Rapid ramp up.

  • Great for smaller teams starting with GitHub for source control. Leverage existing familiarity.

  • Limited release management and deployment capabilities compared to other tools.

  • Discounts available for teams and education use to lower total cost.

#5. CircleCI

CircleCI offers a SaaS CI/CD platform focused on automating software build, test and delivery.

  • Supports advanced workflows including canary releases and manual approvals for QA.

  • Orb package system extends functionality via community integrations. Expand via plugins.

  • Pricing tiers can get expensive for larger teams and high number of builds per month. Cost optimization needed.

  • Free trial available for getting started without commitment.

#6. Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is Microsoft's DevOps solution tightly integrated with Azure cloud.

  • Offers development collaboration tools in addition to CI/CD capabilities. Unified platform.

  • Provides full-lifecycle visibility from work tracking to monitoring. Improves traceability.

  • Flexibility to use either SaaS or self-hosted options. Choose your path.

  • Learning curve if your team lacks Microsoft stack experience. Expect a ramp up period.

#7. Travis CI

Travis CI is a popular hosted CI service for open source and public GitHub projects.

  • Easy YAML-based configuration integrated with GitHub. Get started quickly.

  • Supports Docker deployments and test parallelization for faster runs.

  • Limited release management capabilities compared to competitors. Use with other tools.

  • Free for open source, paid plans for private repos start at $69/month. Value tiering.

#8. Spinnaker

Spinnaker is an open source multi-cloud CD platform developed by Netflix.

  • Excellent support for canary deployments, rollbacks, and traffic routing. Safely manage prod.

  • Steep learning curve due to complexity. Significant time investment needed.

  • On-prem Kubernetes cluster required. Could be a blocker for some orgs.

  • Great choice for large enterprises deploying to the cloud at scale.

#9. Bamboo

Bamboo by Atlassian offers on-prem or SaaS CI/CD capabilities.

  • Integrates nicely with other Atlassian tools like Jira and Bitbucket. Unified stack.

  • Agent-based architecture provides deployment flexibility.

  • Configuration can be complex for advanced pipelines. Expertise helps.

  • Free trial available to test it out before committing long term.

#10. TeamCity

TeamCity from JetBrains is a commercial CI/CD server with robust functionality.

  • Agent-based distributed architecture enables scaling.

  • Strong support for .NET ecosystem and Microsoft platforms.

  • Pricey licensing model, especially for larger teams. Do the math.

  • Easy to setup for small teams needing quick time-to-value.

Key Evaluation Criteria

Beyond the factors already outlined, here are some other key criteria to keep in mind when evaluating DevOps tools:

  • Ease of use: How intuitive and easy is the tool to learn and use daily? Lower friction improves adoption.

  • Flexibility: Can the tool support diverse use cases and be customized as needed? Rigid tools create limitations.

  • Release management: Does it provide sufficient release orchestration capabilities? Automating releases accelerates delivery.

  • Deployment options: Support for deploying to various environments like VMs, containers, cloud? Broad targets expand use cases.

  • Security: How mature are the security protections and compliance features? Secure code is better code.

  • Community and support: Availability of documentation, guides, training and technical support. Better support improves productivity.

  • Cost: Consider any licensing fees, hidden charges, or pricing tiers. The total cost of ownership affects ROI.

Other Important Considerations

Some other factors to evaluate when selecting your DevOps toolchain:

  • Existing tech stack: How well does the tool integrate and support your other platforms? Look for native integrations to avoid hacks.

  • Team skills: Does your team have the necessary expertise to run the tool efficiently? If not, training may be required.

  • Scalability: Can the tool grow over time with your organization's needs? Hard to replace down the road.

  • Cloud strategy: Is a cloud-based or self-hosted tool preferred? Cloud offers flexibility but some prefer on-prem.

  • On-prem needs: If you require on-prem options, cloud-only tools won't work. Be realistic about requirements upfront.


Transitioning to a DevOps culture is critical for accelerating release cycles and responding faster to customer needs. While people and processes are important, choosing the right dev ops tools for your organization can have an outsized impact on streamlining your workflows.

This list provides a starting point of top DevOps tools to evaluate based on key criteria like ease of use, end-to-end capabilities, scalability, and compatibility with your tech stack. By automating manual processes, facilitating collaboration, and providing visibility into your pipeline, these solutions will enable you to ship updates quickly and safely.

Keep in mind that each team and infrastructure stack is unique. Take time to realistically assess your needs before committing to a tool. With the right solution in place that fits your use case, you'll be positioned to deliver innovation faster and build competitive advantage.

For teams exploring their DevOps options, check out DevHunt to discover the latest developer tools and workflows for accelerating delivery from ideation to production. The community ratings help identify the highest quality launches that could be a great fit for your stack.