Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

DevOps Tools to Streamline Development in 2023


The pace of innovation in software development continues to accelerate, driven by emerging technologies and new methodologies. DevOps has become an essential philosophy embraced by leading teams to improve velocity, quality, and collaboration.

However, implementing DevOps comes with challenges. Developers still face issues like inefficient testing, unstable environments, lack of observability, disjointed processes, and poor teamwork. This is where specialized DevOps tools come into play.

New solutions provide capabilities to automate testing, provision infrastructure as code, monitor systems holistically, and streamline deployments. With the right tools that align to their needs, DevOps teams can achieve:

  • Improved communication and transparency between team members
  • Faster testing cycles through test automation
  • Consistent environment provisioning via infrastructure as code
  • Holistic system observability and proactive monitoring
  • Streamlined deployments using GitOps workflows

In this article, we'll highlight some of the top new DevOps tools that have emerged over the past year across key categories. Both open source and commercial options will be covered to showcase the latest innovations in this space.

Collaboration Tools

Effective collaboration is foundational to DevOps, as developers, ops engineers, QA, security and others must cooperate across the delivery lifecycle. Newer solutions like Backlog and Asana provide not just task tracking, but also real-time chat and video conferencing to enable this cross-functional teamwork. Integrations with code, pipelines, and monitoring also unite data into central hubs.

GitLab offers one of the most expansive DevOps platforms, combining repos, CI/CD, monitoring, and collaboration features teams need to work together effectively. Its Auto DevOps capabilities further automate deployment pipelines for faster cycles.

Automated Testing Tools

Test automation is imperative for achieving continuous testing in DevOps. AI and ML advances are being applied to optimize and accelerate testing.

Applitools utilizes visual AI algorithms to auto-generate test scripts from screenshots. Tests run across 2000+ browser and device combinations. Cloud testing platforms like BrowserStack offer parallel testing across multiple environments to reduce execution time.

Smart test recorders like LambdaTest can track user journeys to autogenerate test cases. Integrations with repos and CI/CD systems incorporate testing into delivery pipelines.

Infrastructure Provisioning Tools

Infrastructure as code has become a best practice for managing environments reliably and efficiently. New tools like Terraform and Pulumi fully automate provisioning of servers, networks, databases and other infrastructure elements.

Terraform utilizes a declarative language to define desired infrastructure state. Execution plans incrementally update real environments to match this definition. Pulumi takes a similar approach but with the added benefit of using familiar programming languages like JavaScript and Python.

For AWS environments, the CDK defines infrastructure through code APIs and templates. This provides abstraction compared to raw CloudFormation, while still deploying native AWS infrastructure.

Monitoring and Observability Tools

Robust monitoring provides visibility into systems to run them successfully in production. Logging, metrics, and tracing must be correlated to gain holistic observability.

Open source Grafana allows visualizing and analyzing time-series metrics from various sources through its customizable dashboards. Its Grafana Cloud offering adds enterprise capabilities like anomalies detection.

Leading APM solutions like New Relic track application performance via distributed tracing. Logging tools like LogDNA ingest log data for centralized analysis. ML is applied to surface insights from monitoring data.

Deployment Automation Tools

Automating deployments via pipelines is essential for continuous delivery. GitOps solutions like Flux CD and Argo CD sync Kubernetes apps defined in Git to clusters, supporting fast iteration.

Octopus Deploy models infrastructure and release processes to orchestrate deployments, approvals, and validations through pipelines. Integrations with CI/CD systems provide end-to-end automation.

Rollbacks, canary testing, and approval gates ensure safety and auditability. Optimizing Kubernetes deployments and GitOps workflows accelerates delivery cycles.

Security Tools

Shifting security practices left is crucial for DevOps teams. SAST tools like SonarQube analyze source code for vulnerabilities early in the lifecycle. DAST tools scan infrastructure and running apps for risks.

Solutions like Snyk and Black Duck also scan containers and open source dependencies for CVEs. Integrating security scanning into CI/CD pipelines catches issues proactively before reaching production.

Containerization Tools

Containers enable building, deploying and running applications consistently across environments. Docker provides a standard container runtime and image building tools. Kubernetes has become the de facto orchestration platform for running containers at scale.

Open source tools like Helm simplify packaging apps on Kubernetes through templatized charts. Container registries from cloud providers offer secure storage and distribution of images. Investing in containerization and Kubernetes expertise allows teams to modernize deployments.


Implementing DevOps brings immense benefits but requires the right tools. The latest solutions apply advances in AI, infrastructure as code, analytics and GitOps to overcome adoption hurdles. With robust tools aligned to their needs, teams can achieve improved collaboration, testing velocity, environment stability, end-to-end observability, and streamlined deployments.

The open source and commercial options highlighted here showcase some of the top innovations across key DevOps tool categories. As organizations look to maximize their DevOps success, evaluating these cutting-edge solutions tailored to their requirements is a worthwhile exercise. The new generation of DevOps tools profiled can help pave a smoother path to DevOps maturity.