Published Oct 11, 2023 ⦁ 9 min read

Say Goodbye to Coding with Form Creation Software


Creating online forms can be a tedious process for those without coding skills. Forms are essential for surveys, lead capture, event registrations, orders, and more. But coding a form from scratch takes time and development expertise. That's where form builders come in - they allow anyone to quickly build functional forms through drag and drop editors. No coding required!

In this post, we'll explore some of the best form creation tools for beginners. We'll look at their features, use cases, and benefits to your business. Form builders empower people to digitize workflows without relying on developers. Read on to discover options like Formidable Forms, Wufoo, JotForm, Google Forms, and more. You'll be gathering data and automating operations in no time!

Top Form Builders for Beginners

Here are some of the most user-friendly form creation platforms to get started with:

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is an intuitive drag and drop form builder for WordPress sites. It's one of the most popular and well-reviewed form plugins with over 40,000 active installs.

  • Intuitive drag and drop form builder: Easily add different field types with a click and customize their settings. For example, quickly build a contact form with name, email, phone number, and message fields.

  • Supports multiple field types: Build forms with radio buttons, checkboxes, images, website URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. Add rich media like videos and photos.

  • Form validation and conditional logic: Set up rules for valid entries and show/hide fields based on selections. Prevent empty form submissions with required fields.

  • Accept payments and file uploads: Integrate payment processors like Stripe to collect payments upon submission. Let users upload documents directly through forms.

  • Seamless WordPress integration: Quickly embed forms anywhere on your WordPress site and view submissions in the WP dashboard.

  • Free and paid plans available: The free version works for basic forms while paid plans starting at $99 per year add advanced features like email marketing integrations.


Wufoo offers gorgeous form templates and a straightforward editor to customize them. It's been around since 2006 and is trusted by over 500,000 businesses worldwide.

  • Library of custom form templates: Choose professional designs for contact forms, surveys, order forms, and more. Modify fonts, colors, and add branding.

  • Real-time form data collection: Wufoo instantly aggregates results and contacts as forms are submitted. Get alerts and webhook notifications.

  • Built-in form styling options: Change colors, fonts, and add your logo without writing CSS. Match forms to your brand.

  • Basic analytics and reporting: See page views, conversion rates, and response data over time without complex setup. Export results.

  • Free plan allows 100 submissions per month: The free tier is great for getting started and testing forms. Paid plans offer unlimited forms and responses.


JotForm is known for HIPAA compliant forms and native mobile responsiveness. Healthcare practices rely on JotForm to securely handle patient intake forms.

  • Mobile-optimized form builder: Forms work smoothly on all mobile devices without horizontal scrolling or zooming.

  • HIPAA and PCI compliance for sensitive data: JotForm employs encryption and privacy controls for medical forms, payments, and personal info.

  • Accept payments through forms: Set up Stripe, PayPal, and other processors to collect payments upon submission.

  • Embed forms on websites with iframes: iframe embed codes make it easy to add JotForm to your existing site pages.

  • Integrates with Zapier, MailChimp, Slack: Connect your favorite apps to send data and automate workflows.

  • Free plan limited to 100 submissions per month: Paid plans offer unlimited use, priority support, and extra customization.

Google Forms

Google Forms integrates directly with Google Workspace and is completely free. It's a simple option for basic data collection.

  • Create forms directly inside Google Drive: Build questionnaires and surveys within your Google Docs.

  • Easy to build basic forms with drag and drop: Quickly add text fields, multiple choice questions, dropdowns, and images.

  • Real-time form response collection: See results come in instantly through the Forms interface.

  • Basic analysis of results built-in: View summaries of answers as charts and graphs.

  • Free to use with Google account: As part of Google Workspace, Forms is free with unlimited responses.

  • Limited customization compared to dedicated form builders: Less control over design and advanced features like conditional logic.


Typeform specializes in gorgeous, interactive forms. It's the platform for creating high-converting forms with video backgrounds and smooth UX.

  • Build stunning, conversational forms: Engage users with an immersive, quiz-like experience.

  • Embed images, GIFs, and videos: Make forms visually engaging with rich media.

  • Smooth mobile experience: Forms adapt seamlessly across mobile, tablet, desktop.

  • Intuitive branching logic: Guide users through different paths based on responses.

  • Powerful analytics and integrations: Connect other apps and analyze data to optimize forms.

  • 14-day free trial, paid plans start at $30/mo: The Pro plan unlocks additional features like logic jumps and custom domains.

Key Form Builder Features

Beyond easy drag and drop form creation, here are some key features to look for in form builders:

Field Types

The best form builders support multiple question and response types:

  • Short text fields for names, emails, etc.

  • Paragraph text fields for longer responses

  • Multiple choice questions

  • Checkboxes and radio buttons

  • Dropdown menus and toggles

  • Date pickers and sliders

This allows you to customize forms for different uses like surveys, job applications, event registrations, and patient intake.

Style Customization

Customize the look and feel of forms:

  • Change form font styles and colors

  • Add logos, images and videos

  • Use custom CSS for full styling control

  • Mobile-friendly responsive layouts

  • Pre-built themes and templates

Matching forms to your brand helps increase conversions. For example, use your brand colors and fonts so forms stand out.

Data Collection

Manage and utilize the data from form submissions:

  • Store response data

  • Integrate with email and CRM systems like MailChimp, Salesforce, Slack

  • Export results to Excel or other formats

  • Query and filter submissions

  • Charts and graphs to visualize data

Smooth data workflows ensures no information slips through the cracks. Integrations automate sending data to the right apps.

Validation and Logic

Advanced form builders include rules engines:

  • Require fields to prevent empty submissions

  • Validate against incorrect formats like emails

  • Show/hide fields based on previous answers

  • Branch to different pages based on responses

  • Limit number of submissions allowed

Smart validation and conditional logic takes your forms to the next level. For example, require email address and validate format before allowing submission.

Payments and Security

Safely accept payments and protect user data:

  • Collect payments through Stripe, PayPal, etc.

  • PCI compliance for credit card data security

  • SSL encrypted form connections

  • IP blocking to prevent spam

  • User authentication with passwords or SSO

  • GDPR and privacy compliance

Security is crucial when handling sensitive information. Look for 256-bit SSL encryption and data privacy certifications.

Benefits of Online Form Builders

Let's explore the many advantages of using dedicated form builders over coding forms manually:

Use Cases

Forms builders make creating the following simple and fast:

  • Customer surveys and feedback e.g. NPS surveys

  • Lead capture and email list growth e.g. popups

  • Event or course registrations e.g. collect info and payments

  • Job applications and HR forms e.g. recruit new hires

  • Online order forms for sales e.g. generate invoices

  • Patient intake and medical questionnaires e.g. telehealth onboarding

The applications are endless.

Suitable for

A wide range of users can benefit from form builders:

  • Beginners with no coding experience

  • Small business owners and solopreneurs

  • Marketers and growth hackers

  • HR professionals and recruiters

  • Health practitioners and therapists

  • Coaches, consultants, and educators

No technical background required. Empowers anyone to create forms.

Business Benefits

Form builders provide many advantages for organizations:

  • Better data collection from customers and leads

  • Faster lead generation with opt-in forms

  • Improved sales conversions with smart workflows

  • Increased customer satisfaction through feedback channels

  • Streamlined operations with workflow automation

  • Deeper customer insights from collected data

The right data can transform your business. Form builders make collecting it easy.

Cost Savings

Form builders represent significant cost savings:

  • No need to hire web developers to code forms

  • Faster setup compared to custom form development

  • Many have free tiers to get started

  • Scalable pricing tiers to upgrade as needed

  • Lower maintenance than custom coded forms

Stretch your budget further. Quickly build forms without dev resources.

Integration with DevHunt

Form builders integrate well with the DevHunt platform:

  • Discover new form creation tools on DevHunt like Typeform and Wufoo

  • Integrate forms with DevHunt to collect leads and feedback

  • Automate workflows with Zapier integrations

  • Showcase your own form builder tool to the DevHunt audience

Explore the form builders on DevHunt to find one tailored to your needs.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

In summary, online form builders allow anyone to quickly create functional forms without coding. Leading options like Formidable Forms make form design intuitive with drag and drop.

Important features to evaluate include templates, payments, conditional logic, and analytics. Form builders provide faster setup, better data collection, and lower costs compared to custom development.

Forms are incredibly versatile for uses like surveys, orders, event registration, lead capture, and more. Beginners, small business owners, marketers, and many other users can benefit from these platforms.

So explore the top form builders covered here and say goodbye to manual coding. With the right platform, you can build forms that convert visitors into customers and data into insights. The power of form creation is now in your hands!