Published Oct 10, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Say Goodbye to Coding: Build Forms Visually with Online Form Creators

Have you ever found yourself wasting hours trying to code online forms by hand? Or searching without luck for a form plugin that has the features you need? Creating customized online forms from scratch can be a frustrating, time-consuming process even for experienced developers.

Fortunately, a new breed of online form builders now allow anyone to ditch coding and easily build customized forms through intuitive drag-and-drop editors. These visual form creators have exploded in popularity by giving companies, developers, and everyday users an easier way to quickly gather information, registrations, payments and more through forms - no coding required.

With a no-code form builder, you simply select desired form fields from a menu, customize the wording and settings through a WYSIWYG editor, then rearrange and style the form visually. The key benefit is the ability to create fully functional online forms without needing to code every layout, style and interaction manually. Form builders handle all the complex logic behind the scenes while you focus on design.

This article will explore the unique features and use cases of top platforms like Typeform, JotForm, Wufoo, and DevHunt Form Builder to help you decide which solution best fits your needs. We'll cover must-have capabilities like templates, themes, conditional logic, payments, and analytics. By the end, you'll understand how online form builders can save you time, energy, and frustration compared to coding forms.

Top Form Building Platforms

Here are the most widely-used and full-featured online form builders on the market today:


  • Sleek, engaging forms with conversational interactions
  • Advanced conditional logic enables smart branching
  • Optimized for incredibly smooth mobile experience
  • Free plan but limits number of form responses
  • Wide range of integrations with other software


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop builder needs no coding expertise
  • Offers HIPAA compliance for healthcare forms
  • Conditional logic improves user experience
  • Library with hundreds of professionally designed templates
  • Mobile apps for collecting data on-the-go


  • Simple, intuitive interface for quickly building forms
  • Built-in analytics to track form performance
  • Accept payments directly through online forms
  • Seamless integrations with MailChimp, Salesforce, Slack, etc.
  • Flexible pricing plans including a free option

DevHunt Form Builder

  • Visually build forms with easy-to-use no-code editor
  • Customize forms with different themes, fonts, layouts
  • Accept payments, file uploads, signatures, and more
  • Connects with Zapier, Slack, Airtable, and hundreds of other apps
  • Free plan allows unlimited forms and responses

When comparing top contenders, factors like usability, flexibility, integrations, and pricing models should align with your specific requirements. While most offer free versions, Typeform limits responses while DevHunt's free plan does not. JotForm provides a massive template library for quick customization, while DevHunt focuses on smooth app integrations. Overall each platform has unique strengths to consider.

Must-Have Features for Online Form Builders

All capable form creators should have these essential features:

  • Drag-and-drop editor to visually build forms without coding
  • Templates and themes for quick customization
  • Validation and conditional logic to improve user experience
  • Integrations with apps like MailChimp, Zapier, Google Sheets
  • Analytics to track form performance

Form Templates and Themes

Pre-designed templates allow you to quicky build forms by modifying existing designs instead of starting completely from scratch. Themes customize the look and feel with different colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.

  • Templates available for most common needs like contact forms, surveys, etc.
  • Libraries typically offer both free and paid premium templates
  • Easy to tailor templates to match your brand styleguide

For example, Wufoo provides templates for user registration, online orders, and event RSVPs.

Integrations and Workflows

Form platforms integrate with other apps to automate workflows and transfer data seamlessly.

  • Connect to CRMs, email services, cloud storage, etc.
  • Build workflows between apps with Zapier, Integromat
  • Send form data directly to Google Sheets, Airtable, Dropbox, etc.
  • Integrate with PayPal, Stripe, etc. for payments
  • Eliminate manual data transfer between apps

JotForm, for example, offers over 100 direct integrations with tools like MailChimp, Dropbox, and Slack to streamline workflows.

Form Analytics

Analytics provide visibility into form performance by tracking activity over time.

  • Monitor form views, submissions, conversion rates
  • Identify drop-off points or pain areas
  • Segment response data by factors like location, device, etc.
  • Optimize form design and UX based on findings
  • Track changes and improvements

Analytics in Typeform deliver a clear picture of form engagement and conversions.

Real-World Use Cases and Examples

Online forms are extremely versatile and can fulfill many business needs:

Lead Generation

  • Add contact forms to landing pages to capture prospect info
  • Integrate with CRM to automatically organize new leads
  • Offer gated content like ebooks or webinars in exchange for emails
  • Send automated follow-up emails to hot leads
  • Track conversion rates from prospects to customers

For example, use Wufoo to create a lead gen form that gates access to an ebook in exchange for contact details. Integrate with Hubspot CRM to manage new leads.

Event Registrations

  • Collect signups for events or webinars with custom registration fields
  • Accept payments for tickets directly through the form
  • Automatically send confirmation and reminder emails
  • Limit seats through conditional logic

Services like Eventbrite integrate directly with Typeform to easily manage event registrations.

Online Orders

  • Build order forms to sell products or services
  • Securely accept credit card payments via integrated processors
  • Calculate totals, taxes, shipping dynamically
  • Auto-send order details to staff upon submission
  • Allow file uploads for specs like customization requests

For example, use DevHunt's form builder to create an online order form that integrates with Stripe for payments and Zapier for order notifications.

Key Takeaways

  • Online form builders allow anyone to create customized forms visually without coding
  • Essential features include drag-and-drop editors, templates, conditional logic, analytics, and app integrations
  • Leading platforms like Typeform, Wufoo, JotForm, and DevHunt each have unique strengths
  • Form creators can fulfill needs like lead capture, event registration, accepting payments, and more

So don't waste another minute wrestling with code just to build an online form. The no-code form builders of today provide unmatched ease of use along with serious capabilities. Ditch the endless coding and give DevHunt's visual form builder a try to create your next online form!