Published Nov 12, 2023 ⦁ 4 min read

Say Goodbye to Boring Forms: The Best Web Form Design Software of 2023

Introduction: The Need for Better Web Forms

Generic, poorly designed web forms are still common on many websites today. These cookie-cutter forms hurt user experience and lead to lower conversion rates for actions like email signups, purchases, and content downloads. For example, forms with tiny text boxes, confusing narratives, and harsh color schemes frustrate users and cause high abandonment.

However, web forms play a crucial role in lead generation, sales, and customer engagement. With new web form design software solutions, creating sleek, engaging online forms that convert is now quick and intuitive. These tools empower both designers and non-designers to build custom web forms with beautiful themes, flawless mobile responsiveness, and streamlined multi-page workflows.

Well-designed web forms greatly improve user experience and increase conversion rates by reducing friction during signups and checkouts. This article will highlight ten top web form design software options to try in 2023 based on features, flexibility, integrations and more. Read on to discover new ways to say goodbye to boring forms and boost conversions!

Key Evaluation Criteria

When researching and comparing web form design software, there are several important criteria to analyze:

  • Drag-and-drop form builders for quick editing without code
  • Mobile responsiveness across devices for optimal UX
  • Custom themes and templates to match brand style
  • Workflow integrations to connect form data across apps
  • Analytics and reporting to understand and optimize conversions
  • Affordable pricing and free trials to accommodate diverse budgets

Top 10 Web Form Builders for 2023

Here are 10 of the most powerful yet easy-to-use web form design software options for creating stunning, high-converting online forms this year:

1. Formspree

The free plan up to 50 submissions per month makes Formspree a great starting point for simple contact forms. Easy embedding and quick setup, but design customization is limited.

2. JotForm

JotForm offers a form builder with hundreds of templates, themes, integrations and payment options, making it a top choice for marketing and sales teams. Robust capabilities, but at a higher price point.

3. Typeform

These conversational, interactive web forms deliver an exceptionally sleek user experience with gorgeous designs, flawless mobile responsiveness and in-depth analytics.

4. Gravity Forms

The premium form builder specifically for WordPress sites, Gravity Forms is renowned for flexible workflows and conditional logic plus third-party integrations.

5. Formidable Forms

Another popular WordPress form builder with an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, great reporting capabilities and seamless connections to CRMs, email services and more.

6. Google Forms

The free, lightweight option for basic forms and surveys, best for small teams and individuals. Limited in advanced features but highly usable and integrated with Google services.

7. Wufoo

Straightforward form building with a wide range of field and design options. Best for contact forms, customer surveys and simple lead captures with easy embedding.

8. Zoho Forms

A full-featured form builder with workflow automation, embedded surveys and payments. Integrates tightly with the wider Zoho ecosystem of business apps and CRM.

9. Cognito Forms

A user-friendly form option for small to medium businesses, includes built-in payments, calculated fields, data integrations and analytics.

10. Formstack

Sophisticated, enterprise-grade form building for large businesses and teams. Advanced branding, workflows, security and analytics capabilities.

Real-World Examples

Companies like Mailchimp, Typeform, and HubSpot use their own web form products to capture leads from their website in style. Great real-world examples of how optimized web form design can increase conversions.

Designing High-Converting Web Forms

Follow these proven tips to maximize conversion rates from your web forms:

Keep forms short and scannable

Only request essential information to reduce friction. Use clear, succinct language.

Offer incentives for completion

Discounts or free gifts motivate users to complete forms.

Use progress trackers

Progress bars reassure users and reduce abandonment.

Test extensively

A/B test form layouts, designs, placements to see what works.

Ensure mobile responsiveness

Forms must work flawlessly on all devices. Mobile-first approach.

Strategic placement

Place forms on key landing pages and during the sales funnel.

Highlight value exchange

Explain how completing the form will benefit the user.


Creating engaging, optimized web forms is crucial for lead generation and conversions. Modern form builders like JotForm and Typeform make crafting beautiful, functional online forms easy and intuitive. When evaluating options, consider factors like mobile responsiveness, analytics, and ease of use.

Well-designed forms greatly enhance user experience and improve conversion rates. The tools showcased above provide powerful options to meet diverse needs on any budget. Say goodbye to boring forms, and hello to more leads!