Published Nov 4, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Resolving 400 Bad Request Errors in REST APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the glue that holds our digital world together. Whether it's ridesharing services, social media apps, or online retailers, APIs power the seamless integrations we rely on daily. But when things go wrong, cryptic 400 bad request errors can bring these integrations to a grinding halt.

400 errors indicate the API server cannot understand or process a client's request, often due to improper syntax, missing data, or invalid formats. For developers building or consuming APIs, these vague 400 bad request errors can be incredibly frustrating to diagnose and fix.

This article will provide an in-depth guide on the various causes of 400 errors and actionable techniques to handle them gracefully. Following API design best practices around validation, thoughtful error handling, and comprehensive documentation is key to avoiding the headaches these errors cause. By understanding the root causes and implementing robust solutions, we can build more reliable APIs that are ready for production.

Why 400 Errors Matter

400 bad request errors are one of the most common issues developers face with APIs. A recent survey by Postman found that 400 errors accounted for around 20% of all API errors reported. The impact ranges from minor annoyances to breaking critical workflows.

For example, an e-commerce site might suddenly stop processing orders due to their API client sending malformed requests. A mobile app could crash mid-use as a result of a 400 error when retrieving data from the backend API. Errors like these erode user trust and satisfaction.

Gracefully handling 400 errors provides a better experience and prevents disruptions. For internal APIs, robustness and uptime are even more critical to ensure teams can work efficiently. Simply put, minimizing 400 errors results in happier users and developers.

Malformed Request Syntax

One prevalent trigger of 400 errors is sending requests with improper syntax that don't match what the API expects. Let's explore some examples:

Invalid JSON

REST APIs typically accept payloads formatted as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). However, malformed JSON with incorrect syntax like missing commas or brackets will get rejected:

// Missing bracket
  "name": "John Doe"  
  "age": 35

// Missing comma
  "name": "Jane Doe"
  "age": 29  

For example, the GitHub API for creating a new repository expects a well-formed JSON request body. But if the JSON is invalid, it results in a 400 error:

HTTP 400
  "message": "Problems parsing JSON"

Linting JSON before sending requests using tools like JSONLint can catch these issues early. For JavaScript developers, validation libraries like Joi are very useful for catching malformed payloads programmatically.

Invalid XML

Similarly, XML payloads with structural problems like missing closing tags or improper nesting will also get rejected with 400 errors:

<!-- Missing closing tag -->

<!-- Improper nesting -->

Defining XML schemas using XSD (XML Schema Definition) and validating against them with libraries like libxmljs in Node.js helps enforce correct structure.

The bottom line is leveraging schema specifications like OpenAPI and taking advantage of validation libraries catches a wide range of malformed payloads early, preventing them from triggering 400 errors.

Missing Required Parameters

Another common source of 400 errors is missing parameters or fields that an API requires to execute properly.

For example, the GitHub API endpoint for getting a user profile expects the username path parameter:

GET /users/:username

But sending the request without the username parameter results in an immediate 400 error:


HTTP 400 
  "message": "Missing username parameter"

The best way to avoid these is validating required fields on the client-side before sending requests. For APIs you control, validating presence of parameters on the server-side is also useful.

Of course, clear documentation around mandatory parameters makes integration much smoother. Using client libraries that enforce required fields via static typing or otherwise also improves robustness.

Invalid Data Types

APIs usually define specific data types like strings, integers, booleans etc. for parameters and payloads. However, incorrect types passed by the client will often trigger 400 errors:

GET /users?age=twenty-five

POST /items {
  "price": "10 dollars" 

Strongly typed languages like TypeScript catch these mismatches early through compile-time checking. Robust server-side validation using JSON Schema or custom checks also helps reject improper types.

Paying close attention to documentation around expected types is crucial. For example, the Twitter API requires tweet IDs to be valid 64-bit integers. Passing a string ID would result in a 400 error.

Outdated API Versions

As APIs evolve, they often deprecate old versions and introduce breaking changes like removing endpoints or altering request formats. Using outdated versions results in 400 errors.

For example, Stripe's API v1 expected the exp_month and exp_year fields for cards. But in v2, this changed to just an exp_date field. Requests using the old v1 format would now get rejected by Stripe's servers.

Proper versioning and clear documentation around changes helps avoid these frustrating regressions. Using client libraries that allow pinning to specific API versions also prevents unintentional breakage.

Authorization Issues

Modern APIs rely on secure authorization via API keys, OAuth, JWTs and other mechanisms. But requests with missing, invalid or expired tokens result in 400 unauthorized errors:

GET /data?api_key=abcdef123

POST /orders {
  // Missing Authorization header

Following security best practices like HTTPS, rotating API keys, and implementing short token expiration is important to avoid unauthorized access. Client libraries that gracefully handle token refresh help minimize failures due to expired credentials.

Rate Limiting

To prevent abuse, APIs often enforce limits on requests. Going over defined thresholds for an endpoint returns 400 errors:

GET /reports // After hitting monthly quota 

POST /bulk-upload // After exceeding daily limit

Carefully tracking usage and planning for traffic spikes helps avoid slamming into limits. Strategies like queuing, backoff/retry, and traffic shaping also smooth out usage bursts.

The GitHub API has a 5,000 hourly request limit. Spiky traffic can easily hit this ceiling and trigger 400 rate limit errors.

Unhandled Edge Cases

Despite robust validation, it's impossible to predict every edge case. Complex logic can miss validating certain unexpected values that then trigger 400 errors:

POST /users {
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": -5 // Validation missed negative number

Thorough unit and integration testing helps cover more scenarios. Defensive coding practices like design-by-contract make code more resilient. Analyzing production logs and iterating based on real-world data is also invaluable for finding and fixing edge cases over time.

Fuzz and property-based testing tools like American Fuzzy Lop and FastCheck are especially helpful for exposing edge cases.

Monitoring and Debugging

To diagnose 400 errors, comprehensive monitoring and logging is essential. Centralized logging aggregated in tools like Splunk makes debugging easier by enabling log search.

APM platforms like Datadog and Honeycomb provide visibility into error rates and patterns. Effective tracing using correlation IDs reconstructs the steps leading to 400 failures. Monitoring for spikes in 400 errors can indicate new issues requiring investigation.

These monitoring best practices coupled with the ability to replay problematic requests are invaluable in resolving 400 errors.

Client-Side Prevention

The best defense is preventing malformed requests from ever being sent:

  • Validate payloads and parameters before serializing requests
  • Use wrapper libraries that handle formatting, encoding, auth etc.
  • Leverage mocks and sandboxes for testing
  • Build in resilience with retries and graceful handling

This pushes the burden of proper validation onto clients and lightens the load on APIs.

For example, the Stripe client libraries in various languages handle serialization, authentication, and validation out of the box. This avoids many preventable 400 errors.

Server-Side Robustness

That said, well-designed APIs should implement:

  • Input validation on required fields, data types, format etc.
  • Custom error handling with descriptive exceptions
  • Fail fast to avoid cascading failures
  • Defensive checks and design-by-contract

The more APIs can prevent bad requests from entering downstream logic, the more robust they become.

Frameworks like Express in Node.js make it easy to validate and sanitize requests before handling them. This stops issues early.

Creating Clear Documentation

Concise, thorough documentation explaining common errors smooths out the developer experience. Best practices include:

  • Providing specific examples for all error statuses
  • Interactive docs using OpenAPI and Swagger UI
  • Easy access to communication channels like forums
  • Strong focus on usability and convenience

Transparency into how the API handles validation, edge cases, and malformed requests avoids unpleasant surprises.

Stripe's excellent API reference sets the gold standard for clear, useful documentation.


While 400 errors are often unavoidable, we can minimize their impact through:

  • Extensive validation of requests on client and server side
  • Secure and robust authentication mechanisms
  • Thoughtful error handling and defensive coding
  • Comprehensive monitoring and debugging capabilities
  • Clear communication and top-notch documentation

By following web API design best practices, we can build more seamless experiences and empower developers to create incredible products powered by APIs.

Understanding the root causes and implementing strategic solutions puts us on the path to robust APIs ready for the challenges of production.

APIs are the engines that drive today's most innovative companies. If you're looking to build or launch your own developer API, a platform like DevHunt makes it easy to get up and running quickly. DevHunt handles all the complexities so you can focus on creating a great API. Learn more about their API launch services today!