Published Nov 5, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Learn API REST JSON Example for Rapid Prototyping


REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs that exchange JSON data have become the standard for building scalable web services. Their simple and lightweight nature makes them perfect for rapidly prototyping and iterating on new ideas. In this hands-on tutorial, we'll walk through building a sample REST API from scratch using Node.js and Express to demonstrate a practical API REST JSON example.

By actually building a real working API step-by-step, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how the various pieces fit together. Once you grasp the core concepts, you can apply them to start building your own APIs and web apps more efficiently. Rapid iteration allows you to test ideas quickly and evolve the API based on real user feedback.

REST APIs exchange data between client and server using simple HTTP protocols. Their stateless nature, combined with human-readable JSON payloads, make them easy to understand and modify. This allows developers to quickly build and modify web services.

Here's what we'll cover in this tutorial:

  • Initializing a Node.js project and configuring the Express framework
  • Organizing the project structure and routes
  • Defining API endpoints and validating input
  • Persisting data to a MongoDB database
  • Writing comprehensive tests
  • Deployment, hosting and monitoring considerations

By the end, you'll have a functioning REST API that performs CRUD operations and serves JSON responses. Let's get hands-on and start building!

Setting Up the Project

First, we need to set up a new Node.js project. We'll use the Express framework for routing and middleware capabilities:

npm init
npm install express

The main application entry point is app.js where we'll instantiate Express:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

Choosing a Framework

For Node.js, the most popular web frameworks are Express, Hapi and Koa. Express is by far the most common choice due to its simplicity, unopinionated approach and extensive community support. It allows rapidly building REST APIs compared to alternatives.

DevHunt offers a Node.js Express Starter Kit to help you kickstart your app quickly.

Key features of Express include routing, middleware, templating engines and easy integration with other libraries. Check out the Express documentation for detailed usage guides.

Project Directory Structure

A typical Express project structure looks like:

  • app.js - The main app entry point
  • routes/ - Separate route files for each resource
  • models/ - Data models and validation
  • controllers/ - Route handlers and business logic
  • tests/ - Unit and integration tests
  • public/ - Static assets like CSS/JS
  • views/ - Template files if using a templating engine

This keeps the code organized as the app grows. See DevHunt's guide on Structuring Express Apps for best practices.

Logging and Error Handling

It's essential to have good logging and error handling in place during development. Use Morgan to log HTTP requests and implement a global error handler:

const logger = require('morgan');

// Custom error handling middleware
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  // Log error to console 
  // Send error response
  res.status(500).send('Something broke!'); 

Log errors to file and external services as well. Having good observability here will help identify issues as they emerge during testing.

Defining the API Endpoints

Now we can start defining the API endpoints (routes) for each resource and operation. For example:

GET    /api/users
POST   /api/users
GET    /api/users/:id  
PUT    /api/users/:id
DELETE /api/users/:id

We'll use the Express Router to break the route definitions into modular files:

// routes/users.js

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();

// GET /api/users
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
  // ... 

module.exports = router; 

API Design Best Practices

Follow these API design principles for clean, consistent and useful APIs:

  • Logical nesting and predictable resource URLs
  • Use appropriate HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • Return useful error messages for failures
  • Document with OpenAPI or Swagger specs
  • Support filtering, pagination and sorting
  • Enforce rate limiting to prevent abuse
  • Require authorization for modifying resources
  • Monitor usage with Postman

Input Validation

To validate incoming data, we can define a JSON schema for the model using Joi:

const Joi = require('joi');

const userSchema = Joi.object({
  name: Joi.string().required(), 
  email: Joi.string().email().required()

function validateUser(user) {
  return userSchema.validate(user);

This allows catching validation errors early and returning a 400 response. We can extract validation into a reusable middleware layer.

Authentication and Security

For authentication, Passport.js supports many strategies including API keys, OAuth and JWTs. Follow security best practices like hashing passwords, enabling CORS selectively and rate limiting requests. Regularly update dependencies to avoid vulnerabilities.

Check out DevHunt's guides on Securing Node.js APIs for more details.

Persisting Data

For data persistence, we'll use MongoDB and the Mongoose ORM. First, install Mongo:

npm install mongoose

Then define data models and schemas:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  email: String

const User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);

This hooks up the User model to CRUD operations so we can call:

// Create user
const user = new User({ name, email });

// Find user
const user = await User.findById(id);

Choosing a Database

MongoDB is a popular document database with dynamic schemas, great scalability and flexibility. Many large apps use it in production like eBay, Forbes and Uber.

For rapid prototyping, MongoDB makes it easy to iterate on data models quickly. DevHunt has MongoDB installation guides, managed services, ODMs, GUI tools and more.

Using an ORM

ORMs like Mongoose provide helper methods for CRUD operations while allowing executing custom queries. Defining schemas gives validation for free. We can encapsulate data access:

class UserRepository {

  async create(user) {
    // Create user 
  async findById(id) {
   // Get user by ID


This keeps the DB logic separated from API route handlers.

Seed Data

For sample data, we can write scripts to import datasets from JSON or CSV files. Faker.js can also auto-generate large volumes of fake data for testing purposes. This gives realistic data for development. Just clear data between test runs to avoid duplicates.

Testing and Debugging

Comprehensive testing is critical for identifying bugs and building a robust API. Start by writing unit tests for individual functions and modules. Then create integration tests that call the API endpoints and assert on the responses:

const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('../app');  

it('gets a list of users', async () => {
  const res = await request(app).get('/api/users'); 
  expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10); // 10 seeded users

Seed the test database with sample data to test real world scenarios.

Types of Tests

Some other types of tests to consider adding:

  • Functional tests - Simulate user journeys
  • Load tests - Stress test performance
  • Security tests - Inject bad data to find vulnerabilities
  • Visual regression tests - Compare UI screenshots
  • Accessibility tests - Validate screen reader usage

Check out DevHunt's guides on API Testing for more techniques.

Test Coverage

Aim for at least 80% test coverage for confidence. Check which parts of the code aren't covered to focus testing efforts. Enforce minimum coverage through CI/CD.

Debugging Tricks

  • Use console.log statements liberally
  • Debug with breakpoints in VS Code
  • Handle uncaught exceptions
  • Enable sourcemaps for TypeScript
  • Profile performance

Deployment and Hosting

Once the API is complete, we need to deploy it. Docker containers are a good option for portability. CI/CD pipelines automate deployment when we push code changes.

Popular hosting options include cloud platforms like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Mongo can run in a managed service like MongoDB Atlas. Make sure to configure monitoring, logging and alerts as well.

Infrastructure Options

Some common infrastructure configurations:

  • Traditional servers - Dedicated or virtual machines
  • Serverless - AWS Lambda functions
  • Containers - Docker and Kubernetes
  • Cloud services - Fully managed by cloud provider
  • Hybrid - Mix of self-managed and cloud

For REST APIs, managed cloud services provide easy scaling, high availability, and reduce ops overhead. See DevHunt's guide on Cloud Hosting to compare options.

CI/CD Pipeline

A CI/CD pipeline automates steps like:

  • Install dependencies
  • Run tests
  • Build containers
  • Deploy to environments
  • Rollback failed deployments

Promote releases across dev, test, stage, prod. Support canary releases for testing.


Important metrics to monitor:

  • Performance - Requests, latency, errors
  • Usage - Traffic, growth
  • Dependencies - External services
  • Logging - Centralized aggregation
  • Tracing - Requests across services

Set up alerts for outages and configure on-call rotations. Check out DevHunt Insights for easy API monitoring.

Recap and Next Steps

In this hands-on tutorial, we built a sample REST API with Node.js and Express from start to finish. Key steps included:

  • Initializing the Express app
  • Defining routes and endpoints
  • Validating input data
  • Persisting to MongoDB
  • Writing comprehensive tests
  • Deployment considerations

By actually building a real working example, you can now apply these skills to start rapidly developing your own APIs. Use the API REST JSON example in this post as a foundation.

We invite you to start building APIs and share them on DevHunt to get feedback from other developers. For more in-depth learning, explore DevHunt's many other Node.js, Express and MongoDB tutorials. Let us know if you have any other topics you'd like to see covered!