Published Dec 25, 2023 ⦁ 14 min read
Postman Software Testing: Writing Effective Tests

Postman Software Testing: Writing Effective Tests

Most likely everyone will agree that writing effective API tests with tools like Postman can be challenging.

Well, by following API testing best practices around assertions, test organization, and error handling, you can dramatically improve the quality and reliability of your API tests in Postman.

In this post, you'll learn fundamentals around leveraging Postman for robust API testing, including:

  • Key capabilities and advantages of Postman for API testing
  • Understanding types of API tests and automating validations
  • Advanced scripting and security testing features
  • Integrating Postman into your CI/CD pipelines
  • Best practices for standardized, automated testing

Introduction to Postman Software Testing

Postman is a popular API testing tool that allows developers to design, build, test and iterate their APIs quickly. Here is an introduction to using Postman for effective software testing:

Exploring the Postman API Client

Postman began as an API client that let developers easily interact with APIs. Some key features that make Postman a go-to API client include:

  • Intuitive UI to send requests and view responses
  • Save requests to collections to organize workflows
  • Generate code snippets to integrate APIs into apps
  • Set up environments for different stages (dev, test, production)
  • API documentation support

As Postman gained widespread popularity as an API client, support for testing APIs was added to make it a complete API development environment.

Key Capabilities of Postman for API Testing

Postman provides a host of features to streamline API testing:

  • Collections help group related requests together
  • Pre-request and test scripts can execute JavaScript before/after requests
  • Collection runner runs sequences of requests in a collection
  • Environments configure different API endpoints
  • Newman provides command-line integration

These capabilities simplify tasks like automating workflows, setting up test data, and integrating API tests into CI/CD pipelines.

Advantages of Postman API Testing Online

The Postman web app offers increased efficiency through collaboration features like:

  • Team workspaces to share collections
  • Real-time collaboration through Postman's API network
  • Role-based access control for standardization
  • Historical reporting for test results

The online environment removes the need to install and configure Newman and other tools locally.

For beginners new to Postman, the in-app tutorial covers the fundamentals:

  • Sending basic API requests
  • Using variables and environments
  • Writing scripts to validate responses
  • Running collections for automation
  • Generating collection documentation

The interactive tutorial lets new users get hands-on with core features quickly.

In summary, Postman makes API testing highly intuitive through its user-friendly design and extensive feature set purpose-built for the API lifecycle. The combination of the desktop app and web environment provides flexibility to build scalable test automation.

What is Postman in software testing?

Postman is a popular API testing tool used to test APIs. It allows developers to easily send API requests and view API responses to validate that the APIs are working as expected.

Some key things to know about using Postman for software testing:

  • Postman eliminates the need to set up complex frameworks just to test APIs. You can simply send a request and get a response quickly and easily.

  • It supports testing all major protocols like REST, SOAP, and GraphQL. You can test endpoints, parameters, headers, body content, etc.

  • Postman offers built-in test automation through collections and the Collection Runner. This allows you to run sequences of tests without any coding.

  • You can write JavaScript-based tests using the Postman Sandbox. These can be used to implement complex response validation and pass/fail criteria.

  • It integrates with CI/CD pipelines via Newman, the Postman CLI, to run API tests automatically.

In summary, Postman is a very popular API testing tool because it makes it so easy to manually send requests and automate API tests without the overhead of setting up complex frameworks. This makes it a favorite for testing APIs during development cycles.

Is Postman a testing framework?

Postman includes features that help with API testing, but it is not a complete end-to-end testing framework on its own.

Specifically, Postman provides:

  • API client to manually test APIs
  • Collection Runner to automate API test suites
  • Built-in assertions for response validation
  • JavaScript sandbox for writing scripts
  • Command-line Newman CLI for integration
  • Reporting templates with Newman

With these capabilities, you can build comprehensive API test collections and automation scripts to validate your APIs. However, Postman does not provide broad test management, CI/CD integration, or non-functional testing support.

To supplement Postman's API testing features, you may want to use an additional framework like Selenium for UI testing, JMeter for load testing, or integrate with CI/CD tools like Jenkins.

In summary, Postman simplifies API testing workflows rather than operating as a fully featured testing framework. Its focus is specifically on API testing capabilities. To execute end-to-end test automation, Postman would need to be combined with other complementary tools.

Is Postman a good tool for API testing?

Postman is one of the most popular tools for API testing and development. Here are some of the key benefits it offers for API testing:

  • Easy API exploration: Postman provides an intuitive GUI that makes it easy to quickly test and explore APIs without needing to write code. You can easily send requests, add headers, form data, etc.

  • Powerful testing capabilities: Postman offers a full suite of testing features including writing test scripts with JavaScript/Node.js, creating collections of saved requests, integrating with CI tools, and automating tests.

  • Collaboration features: Teams can share Postman collections to standardize API testing processes. You can also document APIs easily in Postman.

However, Postman may be overkill for teams that need only simple API testing capabilities. The tool offers advanced functionality for developers, but has a steep learning curve. For QA professionals focused exclusively on API testing, simpler and more affordable tools may be preferable.

In summary, Postman is extremely versatile and powerful, arguably the most fully-featured API testing tool available. But it requires an investment in ramp-up time and its pricing may not suit every team's budget. Teams should evaluate their specific API testing needs before deciding if Postman is the right solution.


What are the 3 types of testing in API?

API testing can be categorized into three main types:

Validation Testing

This type of testing ensures that the API is returning the expected results and in the correct format. Some examples include:

  • Status code validation - Checking that the API returns the appropriate status codes for different requests. For example, a 200 OK for a successful GET request.
  • Response format validation - Validating that the response body is in the expected format like JSON or XML.
  • Schema validation - Validating that the response conforms to a defined schema.

Functional Testing

This testing focuses on the core business logic and workflows. Some examples are:

  • Endpoint testing - Checking that each endpoint works as expected by sending different requests.
  • Integration testing - Testing how the API integrates with other systems like databases and microservices.

Security Testing

This testing deals with security aspects like authentication, authorization, data security, etc. Some examples are:

  • Authentication & authorization - Testing authentication mechanisms and access controls.
  • Input validation - Checking inputs are properly validated and sanitized.
  • Penetration testing - Checking for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, DDoS, etc.

In summary, the three main types of API testing are validation testing, functional testing, and security testing. Each type addresses a different aspect of the API.

Fundamentals of API Test Automation with Postman

Understanding Types of API Testing

There are several key types of API testing to ensure application quality:

  • Functional testing validates that API functionality works as expected by sending requests and examining responses. This includes testing endpoint paths, HTTP methods, status codes, response bodies, authentication, etc.

  • Performance testing focuses on speed, scalability, and reliability by load testing APIs under different user volumes. Key metrics like response times, throughput, and error rates are measured.

  • Security testing evaluates API vulnerabilities, checks authorization controls, scans for common issues like SQL injection or XSS, and validates encryption is properly implemented.

  • Compatibility testing verifies that the API works as expected across different operating systems, browsers, devices and software versions. This ensures a consistent experience.

Automating Response Validations with Assertions

Postman provides a built-in assertion library to automatically validate API responses in your test scripts, preventing regressions:

  • Validate status codes to check if API calls are successful.
  • Check response bodies using JSON schema validation.
  • Assert response times meet performance benchmarks.
  • Confirm headers contain expected values.

Assertions run after each request, flagging any discrepancies. This removes manual validation work and provides immediate feedback on potential issues.

Leveraging Sample API for Testing in Postman

Postman offers a sample API server with endpoints covering various use cases like weather data, currency conversion, flight search etc.

This simulated API server is useful for:

  • Learning API testing by experimenting with requests.
  • Testing Postman features like collections, environments, authorization workflows.
  • Mocking an API server during development when backends are unavailable.

Using Postman's sample API accelerates the learning curve for API testing.

Postman Automation Scripts for Enhanced Testing

Postman supports writing test automation scripts using JavaScript, allowing engineers to:

  • Set up variables and environments to handle dynamic data.
  • Execute conditional logic for sophisticated tests.
  • Chain requests together to simulate workflows.
  • Implement data-driven testing by importing large test datasets.
  • Integrate with CI/CD pipelines using Newman CLI.

These scripts complement assertions by handling use cases that go beyond simple response validation.

API Monitoring and Observability in Postman

Postman can monitor APIs in production to track:

  • Performance metrics like error rates and response times.
  • Usage patterns to analyze customer behavior.
  • Availability by pinging critical endpoints.
  • Alerting for proactive notification of problems.

This provides development teams observability into how APIs are operating post-deployment, beyond just testing them pre-launch.

Advanced Postman Features for Robust API Testing

Exploring advanced features in Postman that help in writing more comprehensive and effective API tests.

Postman: Pre Request And Post Request Scripts

Pre-request and post-request scripts allow you to execute JavaScript code before and after API requests.

Pre-request scripts are useful for:

  • Setting up test data and prerequisites
  • Modifying request parameters before sending the request
  • Importing external modules and initializing variables

Post-request scripts help in:

  • Validating API responses
  • Processing response data for assertions and visualizations
  • Tearing down test data after execution

For example, you can use a pre-request script to generate a random user ID and add it as a parameter. The post-request script can then verify if the user was correctly created by querying the API.

Postman Advanced Scripting Capabilities

Postman provides full access to the underlying Node.js environment, allowing you to leverage JavaScript to its full potential.

Some advanced scripting use cases include:

  • Complex response validation using JSON schemas
  • Dynamic data generation for parameters
  • Importing and calling external libraries
  • Integrating with external systems through REST calls
  • Writing test reports and logs to file

This makes it possible to perform end-to-end scenario testing without having to switch between multiple tools.

Securing APIs with Postman API Security Tests

Postman can run automated security tests on your APIs to identify vulnerabilities.

It supports validating:

  • Authentication - Ensure login mechanisms cannot be bypassed
  • Data exposure - Detect information disclosure risks
  • Rate limits - Check if rate limits are imposed properly
  • SSL certificates - Verify certificate validity and configuration

Fixing these issues early improves API security posture.

Postman – Creating and Managing API Documentation

Postman can autogenerate API documentation from your collections.

Key features include:

  • Auto-generated documentation from requests
  • Customizable templates
  • Real-time API monitoring status
  • Team collaboration for feedback
  • Public or private hosting

Documentation stays synchronized with underlying changes and can be extended with custom content.

Utilizing Variables for Environment-Level Customization

Postman supports variables at collection and environment level for better test reusability.

Use cases:

  • Base URLs
  • API keys
  • Test data
  • Common header values

This avoids hardcoding values in requests and scripts. Changing environments allows switching contexts easily without modifying underlying requests.

Integrating Postman with CI/CD and Version Control Systems

Postman provides seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines and version control systems to enable automated and consistent API testing.

Scheduling Test Executions with Postman Monitors

Postman Monitors allow you to schedule collections to run at defined intervals. Monitors can check for test failures and notify teams via email or Slack.

To create a monitor:

  • Navigate to the collection you want to monitor
  • Click on the monitor icon in the top right
  • Configure monitor settings like frequency, regions to run tests from, alerts, etc.
  • Save the monitor

Monitors ensure collections are run automatically at regular intervals to catch API issues early.

Postman – Command-Line Integration with Newman

Newman is Postman's command line collection runner that allows you to integrate API tests into CI/CD pipelines.

Key benefits of using Newman:

  • Automate test execution without needing the Postman UI
  • Run tests on the command line using CI tools like Jenkins, Travis CI etc.
  • Generate test reports in JSON or HTML
  • Integrate with all major scripting and programming languages

To use Newman:

newman run my-postman-collection.json -e my-env.json --reporters cli,html

This executes the collection, applying the environment, and generates CLI and HTML reports.

Postman – Reporting Templates with Newman

Newman offers built-in reporting templates to easily generate detailed test reports in different formats like JSON or HTML.

Some examples of Newman's reporting capabilities:

  • Custom branding for reports
  • Test metrics like pass %, total tests, pending etc.
  • Easy integration into CI/CD pipelines
  • Shareable HTML reports for stakeholders

Using reporters with Newman automates report generation without needing separate tools.

Connecting Postman with Version Control for Team Collaboration

You can sync Postman collections with Git and other systems via the Postman API to enable better team collaboration.

Benefits include:

  • Collections remain up-to-date with remote repo
  • Developers work from single source of truth
  • Changes reflected across Postman instances

To integrate:

  1. Generate a Postman API key
  2. Connect repo and set sync options
  3. Collection changes will now sync automatically

This allows seamless version control integration for better team collaboration.

Automating API Endpoint Testing through Collection Runner

Postman's Collection Runner allows you to easily automate endpoint testing by executing a series of requests in a collection.

Key features:

  • Run multiple requests sequentially or in parallel
  • Pass data between API calls using scripts
  • Run specific folders or the entire collection
  • Automated endpoint testing without scripts

Collection Runner is a simple way to test a series of API endpoints quickly without needing test code.

Integrating Postman with CI/CD and version control enables increased automation, better collaboration, and streamlined API testing.

Key Takeaways and Best Practices

In summary, adopting Postman enables standardization and automation of API testing leading to faster development cycles and higher quality APIs.

Standardizing API Testing Across Teams

Postman promotes collaboration and standardization of API testing across teams with shared collections. Teams can build a library of reusable test suites to validate core functionality and edge cases. By centralizing tests, Postman facilitates consistency in testing approaches across projects.

Automating and Scheduling Test Execution for Continuous Feedback

Automated test runs via scheduled monitors and CI/CD integration result in faster feedback. Tests can run on a regular basis or upon each code commit to provide rapid validation of changes. This constant feedback loop leads to early detection and resolution of issues.

Ensuring High-Quality APIs with Postman

Detailed test reporting and debugging capabilities enabled by Postman improve overall API quality. Granular insights into specific endpoints and test cases allow developers to quickly troubleshoot failures and analyze performance. Postman equips teams to build robust, production-ready APIs.

Reflecting on API Observability and Monitoring

Discussing the importance of API observability and monitoring in maintaining a healthy API ecosystem. Tracking overall API traffic, performance metrics, errors, and outages provides crucial operational visibility. As APIs grow in complexity, observability is key to managing reliability and preventing downstream impacts.

Exploring upcoming features and trends in API testing that could further enhance the capabilities of Postman. As APIs continue to proliferate, innovations like AI-assisted test case generation, self-healing tests, and integrated mocking could push automated testing to the next level. Postman is well-positioned to lead the cutting edge of API test automation.