Published Nov 6, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Platform SDKs Simplify App Development

Developers today have more options than ever when it comes to building apps. Rather than coding everything from scratch, many now rely on platform software development kits (SDKs) to simplify and accelerate app development. Platform SDKs like Firebase provide powerful tools to quickly build apps that seamlessly integrate with specific platforms like iOS, Android, Facebook, and more. This allows developers to focus less on foundational code and more on app innovation and logic.


Platform SDKs have become essential tools for mobile and web developers. An SDK is a set of software tools provided by a platform creator to allow developers to build applications that integrate with that platform. SDKs include APIs, UI components, authentication tools, documentation, code samples, emulators, and more.

Using a platform SDK can significantly speed up app development compared to building directly on the native platform. SDKs handle communication with the platform and provide ready-made building blocks developers can use right away. This allows them to focus on the unique logic and user experience of their app rather than low-level implementation details.

Popular platform SDK examples include the iOS SDK for iPhone/iPad, Android SDK for Android devices, Facebook SDK for social integration, and Salesforce SDK for business apps. The use of platform SDKs has exploded as developers race to build apps for diverse platforms and devices.

Platforms like DevHunt provide a centralized directory to easily find SDKs and other developer tools to evaluate.

What is a Platform SDK

A platform SDK is a collection of software tools provided by a platform creator to enable developers to build applications that work within that platform's ecosystem. The SDK serves as the interface between the app and the platform itself.

Key components of a platform SDK include:

  • APIs - interfaces to access platform capabilities like user auth, payments, location, etc.
  • UI widgets - buttons, text fields, navigation, and other interface elements
  • Auth tools - to handle user login, security, and access control
  • Docs & samples - to learn how to use the SDK and best practices
  • Libraries - pre-built, reusable code modules for common tasks
  • Emulators - simulate the target device environment for testing
  • Tools - debuggers, profilers, analyzers, and other utilities

Platform SDKs provide many benefits:

  • Faster development - leverage existing code vs. building from scratch
  • Easier integration - with platform services like payments, social, ads
  • Consistent UX - apps have native look and feel
  • Cross-platform reach - target iOS, Android, web, etc. with less code
  • Improved quality - build on robust, tested platform code
  • Reduced costs - less dev time and specialized skills needed

When to Use a Platform SDK

Platform SDKs are most useful when:

  • Building apps heavily integrated with a specific platform
  • Targeting multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and web
  • Needing sophisticated platform services like payments or social graphs
  • Quickly building and iterating on MVP versions of an app
  • Resources are limited and productivity needs maximized
  • Focus is on app innovation vs. building foundations

Types of apps that commonly leverage SDKs:

  • Mobile apps - iOS, Android, cross-platform
  • Web apps - JavaScript, React, Angular
  • Gaming apps - Unity, Unreal Engine
  • Business apps - Salesforce, Office 365, SAP
  • Industry-specific - healthcare, finance, retail, etc.

Key platform integration points include:

  • User authentication
  • Data storage
  • Notifications
  • Payments
  • Location services
  • Social graphs

Choosing the Right Platform SDK

Factors to consider when selecting a platform SDK:

  • Target user base, growth, revenue potential
  • Platform maturity, documentation quality, support
  • Capabilities needed like payments, social, cloud
  • Special performance, security, or compliance needs
  • Prototype with multiple SDKs to test fit
  • Development costs, timelines, required skills

Popular SDK options:

  • iOS - Swift, Objective-C
  • Android - Java, Kotlin
  • JavaScript - React Native, NativeScript
  • Flutter - cross-platform mobile
  • Unity - cross-platform gaming
  • Facebook - social experiences
  • Twilio - communications

Platforms like DevHunt allow browsing and comparing SDKs to find the best fit.

Key evaluation criteria:

  • Functionality, APIs, services offered
  • Documentation quality and examples
  • Community support resources
  • Release frequency for new features
  • Licensing terms and pricing model
  • Performance impact on app speed and size
  • Security protections and compliance

Developing with a Platform SDK

Steps for effectively using a platform SDK:

  • Set up required SDK tools and IDE
  • Review getting started guides and samples
  • Build a simple proof-of-concept integrating core features
  • Iteratively expand POC into a full-featured app
  • Leverage SDK utilities like debugging and monitoring
  • Follow platform's UX design guidelines
  • Manage dependencies and version control

Best practices:

  • Thoroughly read docs before starting
  • Start small and incrementally add complexity
  • Isolate platform-specific code for easier porting
  • Use emulators for quick testing iterations
  • Follow samples but don't copy-paste blindly
  • Enable SDK logs for easier debugging
  • Build for performance and security

Troubleshooting issues:

  • Search documentation and communities
  • Isolate problem with targeted tests
  • Enable SDK debug modes for more info
  • Check for SDK updates that may have fixed issue
  • Report new issues to the SDK developer
  • Simplify integration to isolate issue cause
  • Test first on emulators before real devices

Use your DevHunt profile to showcase apps built using the SDK.

Platform SDK Alternatives

Platform SDK alternatives to consider:

  • Native platform development - greater control but more work
  • General cross-platform frameworks - React Native, Flutter
  • Hybrid mobile approaches - webviews, Apache Cordova
  • Server-side rendered apps
  • Progressive web apps
  • Custom integrations for each platform service

Pros of alternatives:

  • Avoid vendor lock-in
  • Pick best library for each task
  • Share more code across platforms
  • Reduce need for specialized skills
  • Greater control over architecture

Cons of alternatives:

  • Higher complexity to develop
  • Harder to match native UX
  • May still need SDKs for key integrations
  • Limited access to proprietary capabilities
  • Requires more generalized skills

Launch on cross-platform communities like DevHunt instead of tying to a specific SDK.


Platform SDKs provide powerful tools to build apps faster by integrating seamlessly with target platforms. Key factors in choosing an SDK are target users, features required, and available resources. SDKs allow focusing more on app innovation rather than building foundations. But alternatives like cross-platform approaches may be better suited for some projects, with tradeoffs considered.