Published Nov 5, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Build Apps Faster with Platform SDK


Platform SDK is a robust toolkit that accelerates building mobile and web applications. With powerful built-in capabilities like user management, data storage, APIs, and notifications, Platform SDK allows developers to launch feature-rich apps with minimal code.

Using SDKs like Platform SDK can greatly speed up app development compared to building everything from scratch. SDKs package reusable components so you don't have to reinvent the wheel for common app features. This allows you to focus on your app's core functionality instead of complex infrastructure code.

In this tutorial, we'll explore integrating Platform SDK into your apps to start building faster today. Whether new to Platform SDK or wanting a refresher, you'll learn how to leverage its capabilities for more efficient development and deployment. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to unlock Platform SDK's productivity gains.

While this guide focuses on Platform SDK, developers may want to evaluate other SDK options too based on their specific needs and tech stack. However, Platform SDK remains a robust choice for app development. Let's dive in!

Getting Started with Platform SDK

Before integrating Platform SDK, you'll need to setup a few prerequisites:

Account and Credentials

First, sign up for a Platform account which is free for small projects. Paid plans provide additional capabilities as your app scales.

Once your account is created, get the API keys and credentials for Platform SDK to access your resources. Use best practices for handling credentials securely in your code.

For production apps, OAuth is recommended over API keys for more secure authentication and seamless login. Platform SDK makes implementing OAuth quick and easy. The account docs detail authentication, users, and access control.

Development Environment

Platform SDK supports major languages like JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, Ruby, PHP, and more. It works with IDEs including VS Code, Eclipse, Android Studio, Xcode, and others.

For example, to use Platform SDK in a Node.js app:

npm install platform-sdk

Then import and initialize:

const platformSdk = require('platform-sdk');

  // auth credentials  

See the SDK docs for code snippets to get started in your language and IDE. Enabling autocomplete accelerates development by showing available SDK methods.

Overall, Platform SDK setup is straightforward compared to configuring multiple services yourself. But install guides provide step-by-step instructions if needed.

Core Platform SDK Features

Now that you're set up, let's explore some of Platform SDK's powerful built-in capabilities to accelerate development.

User Management

Platform SDK makes implementing user registration, authentication, authorization, sessions, profiles, and account management simple.

For example, registering new users is as easy as:

const user = await platformSdk.users.register({
  name: 'John Doe',
  email: '', 
  password: 'securepassword'

Password resets, email verification, access controls, and more take just a few lines of code each.

Building user flows from scratch can take weeks of complex code. Platform SDK's out of the box user management provides a major head start. But you still have flexibility to customize and extend core functionality.

See the user docs for more examples of working with users, profiles, auth, and access control.

Data Storage

Platform SDK includes a versatile built-in database and ORM for structured and unstructured data. It handles schema complexities, queries, indexes, and more so you don't have to.

For example, creating a User document and loading all Users is simple:

// Create
const user = await platformSdk.db.create('User', {
  name: 'John Doe', 
  email: '' 

// Read all  
const users = await platformSdk.db.findAll('User');

From PostgreSQL to MongoDB, choose from various storage options, but Platform SDK makes getting started fast and easy. You still get access to raw queries, relations, and advanced functionality.

See the data docs for more CRUD examples, querying approaches, and customization options.

API Requests

Accessing APIs is critical for most apps today. Platform SDK eliminates the boilerplate code normally needed for API requests.

For example, making a GET request with Platform SDK looks like:

const response = await platformSdk.api('/users/me'); 

The SDK handles auth, retries, error handling, and more automatically behind the scenes. You just point it at the endpoint and get the response data you need.

See the API reference for examples of all HTTP request types including POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. The SDK provides a clean interface for calling any API.


Push notifications are key for engaging users. With Platform SDK, you can send mobile, web, and email notifications right from your app code.

For example:

  tokens: ['deviceToken123', 'deviceToken456'],
  message: 'My notification text'   

The SDK handles delivering notifications across platforms and devices without extra work.

While solutions like Firebase Cloud Messaging work, Platform SDK provides an easy cross-platform system out of the box.

Learn more about Platform SDK's notification capabilities like channels, templates, and targeting in the notification docs.

Advanced SDK Features and Customization

In addition to the core capabilities above, Platform SDK has many advanced features to take your app development further:

Analytics and Reporting

Robust analytics are critical for understanding user engagement and behavior trends. Platform SDK has built-in analytics integrating directly with your app.

For example, you can track events like:'Item Purchased', {
  itemId: '123',
  price: 19.99

Segment users, analyze trends, and build custom metrics on top of Platform SDK's analytics foundation.

Popular tools like Google Analytics provide analytics, but Platform SDK's deep integration enables unmatched flexibility.

See the analytics API for details on audience segmentation, custom metrics, and reporting.

Localization and Internationalization

Platform SDK has localization support so you can easily translate your app into other languages.

For example:

platformSdk.i18n.translate('WelcomeMessage', {
  en: 'Welcome!',
  es: '¡Bienvenido!'  

The SDK handles plurals, regional formats, and translation workflows. While you could build translations yourself, Platform SDK accelerates globalizing your app.

See the internationalization guide for details on translating UI text, currencies, date handling, and localization best practices.

Theming and Customization

Easily customize and brand your app UI through Platform SDK's flexible theming system.

For example:

  colors: {
    primary: 'blue' 

This applies a "blue" primary color theme across your app. The SDK propagates style changes across components for a consistent look.

Building a custom theming engine from scratch is complex. Platform SDK's built-in theming capabilities provide a major head start. See the theming reference for more examples.

Configuration and Extensibility

Platform SDK is designed for customization. You can configure it to fit your stack and workflows.

For example, you can provide custom storage engines, logging plugins, auth integrations, and more via the modular architecture. Extend the SDK with middleware and advanced developer tools.

Rather than forking and modifying the SDK source, its extensible design enables endless customization options for your unique needs.

See the customization guides for examples of building extensions, plugins, custom modules, and more on top of Platform SDK.

Deploying Your App

Once your app is ready, Platform SDK makes deploying across platforms simple whether it's mobile, desktop, or web.

Desktop Applications

For desktop apps built with Electron, Platform SDK integrates seamlessly to produce native macOS, Windows, and Linux executables.

For example, to make a macOS app:

electron-packager . MyApp --platform=darwin

Platform SDK handles optimizations like pruning dependencies and minifying code during bundling to keep your app lean.

See the desktop deployment docs for details on building and releasing desktop apps on all major platforms.

Mobile Applications

Build native Android and iOS mobile apps with minimal overhead using Platform SDK.

For Android, you can generate release APKs/ABIs like:

platform-sdk build android --release

For iOS, create App Store packages such as:

platform-sdk build ios --bundle

Platform SDK maximizes performance and minimizes app size through code minification, image optimization, and other build enhancements.

Check the mobile deployment guides for details on building, signing, and releasing your native iOS and Android mobile apps.

Web Applications

For web apps, Platform SDK optimizes bundling, minification, and other build processes for production-ready Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

For example:

platform-sdk build web --production

You'll get optimized bundles tailored for modern browsers while leveraging Platform SDK's full capabilities.

See the web deployment docs for details on building assets, service workers, performance optimizations, and hosting.


Platform SDK accelerates building robust apps by providing powerful ready-made backend functionality like user management, data storage, APIs, notifications, analytics, theming, translations, and more.

It eliminates vast boilerplate code needed to build these features from scratch, allowing you to focus on your app's unique value.

Platform SDK boosts developer productivity and app performance while retaining flexibility. Whether building mobile, desktop or web apps, Platform SDK streamlines the entire development and deployment workflow.

This tutorial covered Platform SDK's key capabilities, use cases, and how to integrate it into your projects. Be sure to consult the official docs for configuration details, APIs, customization guides, and next steps.

Now equipped with knowledge of Platform SDK's powerful functionality, it's time to start building your apps faster and smarter. Integrate Platform SDK today to unlock productivity gains and launch feature-rich apps in record time!

Want to build apps 10x faster?

Discover how Platform SDK supercharges development.