Published Dec 22, 2023 ⦁ 18 min read
No Code App Development Open Source Frameworks

No Code App Development Open Source Frameworks

Developing apps without coding is an increasingly appealing option for many creators and businesses.

Luckily, open source no-code frameworks make app development more accessible than ever before.

In this post, we'll explore some of the most promising no code app development open source options, examining their capabilities, customization potential, and supportive communities.

Introduction to No-Code App Development

No-code app development has gained immense popularity in recent years as it enables non-technical people to build functional apps without coding. With open source no-code tools, developers can now customize and extend no-code platforms to suit their specific needs.

Decoding the No-Code Movement

The no-code movement aims to democratize app development by providing intuitive visual interfaces and pre-built components that can be dragged-and-dropped to build apps. This allows anyone to become an app developer without learning how to code. No-code tools abstract away the complexities of coding and let you focus on app logic and workflow.

The Advantages of Open Source No-Code Tools

Open source no-code tools offer certain advantages over proprietary no-code platforms:

  • Customizability: Developers can modify open source platforms to add new features or tweak existing functionality.
  • Transparency: The source code is visible so developers know exactly how the platform works under the hood.
  • Cost Savings: Open source platforms have free community editions, avoiding expensive licensing costs.
  • Community Support: Open source projects have active user communities for documentation, troubleshooting, feature requests, etc.

Why Choose Open Source No-Code App Development

Here are some of the main reasons to consider open source no-code app development:

  • Avoid vendor lock-in and have full control over your no-code platform.
  • Contribute to open source projects to help shape their roadmaps.
  • Scale no-code platforms to handle complex enterprise needs.
  • Enable deeper integration with other systems through custom coding.
  • Reduce reliance on proprietary software with free and transparent options.

Open source empowers developers with flexibility and autonomy over their no-code tools. This is fuelling rapid innovation in the no-code space.

Is no-code open source?

A no-code platform provides a visual, drag-and-drop interface for building applications without writing code. An open-source no-code platform has the source code freely available for users to view, modify, and distribute.

Some benefits of open-source no-code platforms include:

  • Community contributions: Users can submit fixes, features, integrations, and more back to the project. This allows faster iteration.

  • Customization: Developers can modify and extend the platform to suit their specific needs.

  • Transparency: The code is visible so users know exactly how the platform works behind the scenes.

  • Cost: Open-source platforms are free to use. This removes financial barriers for builders.

Popular open-source no-code projects include Budibase, NocoDB, and Forest Admin. These tools allow creating admin panels, APIs, databases, and full-stack apps visually without programming expertise.

The open-source model has powered innovation for decades. Applying it to no-code app development makes building software more accessible and customizable for all.

Is there a free no-code app builder?

Yes, there are several free and open source no-code app development platforms available. Here are some of the most popular options:


Budibase is an open source low-code platform for creating internal apps and workflows. It provides a visual builder to create full-stack web apps with minimal coding. Some key features:

  • Drag and drop interface to build the frontend
  • Integrates with various data sources and APIs
  • Hosted or self-hosted options
  • MIT license (open source)

Budibase is a great free option for companies and teams looking to build custom internal tools and workflows without coding.


AppSheet is a no-code development platform used to create mobile and web apps. The free tier provides core app building capabilities to design, build, and publish apps. Key features:

  • Drag and drop app builder
  • Connect to data sources like Google Sheets, MySQL
  • Publish apps to Android, iOS and web
  • Free tier for individual users

The free version of AppSheet allows indie developers and small teams to build functioning apps without code.


Thunkable is an open source no-code platform focused on building native Android and iOS apps. It uses a visual, drag and drop interface and requires no coding knowledge. Some notable aspects:

  • Build native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • MIT license (open source platform)
  • Active community support forum
  • Free for personal and non-commercial use

For mobile app projects, Thunkable is a capable free no-code solution with a large community behind it.

So in summary, platforms like Budibase, AppSheet and Thunkable offer free no-code tools to build a variety of apps without needing to code. Their open source and free tiers make app development more accessible.

Can a non coder make an app?

Yes, it is possible for non-coders to create their own apps without needing to write any code. This is achievable through using no-code and low-code app development platforms and tools.

Some popular options for building apps without coding include:

  • Budibase - An open source low-code platform for creating internal apps and tools. It has a visual builder and generates full-stack code behind the scenes.

  • AppSheet - A no-code mobile app development platform that allows creating apps from spreadsheets and databases. It builds native Android and iOS apps.

  • Thunkable - A drag and drop app builder for building native Android and iOS apps. It has a large library of templates and components to build apps fast.

  • Adalo - A highly visual no-code tool for building mobile and web apps. It has ready templates for common app types like fitness, ecommerce, etc.

  • Bubble - A web app builder that allows creating database-driven web apps without code through a visual programming interface.

The key benefit of these no-code platforms is that they abstract away the need to write code. Instead they provide intuitive drag and drop interfaces, pre-built components and templates to build full working apps.

So in summary, with the proliferation of no-code tools, it's entirely possible for non-coders to build their own functioning apps without needing to code. The no-code revolution has opened app development to a much wider audience beyond just developers.

Are no-code apps worth it?

No-code app development platforms can provide a lot of value for certain types of applications. However, they may not be the best approach for every scenario. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating if a no-code platform makes sense:

Simplicity Over Customization

No-code platforms excel at building simple database-driven apps quickly. However, they can lack flexibility for complex custom logic. No-code is great for basic CRUD apps, but not for advanced gaming or AI.

Quick Iteration

Rapid prototyping and iteration is a strength of no-code tools. Changes can be pushed instantly without compiling code. This supports agile development with continuous user feedback.

Citizen Developer Enablement

Enabling non-technical staff to build their own apps aligns with low-code goals. But governance and oversight is still needed on enterprise-wide platforms to ensure quality and security.

Cost Savings

While subscription fees can add up over time, no-code platforms save engineering costs upfront. For simple apps that can launch faster without a dev team, it makes economic sense. But custom programming can become more cost-effective long-term for complex projects.

In summary, no-code platforms bring simplicity, speed, and cost savings to basic database apps where customization needs are low. For advanced logic or products, custom code still reigns supreme. Evaluate each project's unique requirements to determine if no-code tools are the right fit.


Best No-Code App Builder Open Source Platforms

Open source no-code app development platforms empower developers and non-technical users to build web and mobile applications faster through visual, low-code interfaces instead of traditional coding. These tools provide drag-and-drop workflows, prebuilt components and templates to accelerate app creation without compromising sophistication.

As open source platforms, they offer greater customizability and community-driven development compared to proprietary no-code tools. Developers can extend functionality through APIs and plugins. Businesses gain more control with the ability to host the platforms on-premises.

Exploring Budibase for Web Application Development

Budibase is an open source low-code platform for rapidly building internal apps and workplace tools. Its key highlights include:

  • Visual Builder: Drag and drop UI components to design responsive web apps. Supports dozens of customizable widgets like data grids, charts and user authentication.

  • Developer API and Plugins: Integration with external APIs, ability to develop plugins and custom components using JS, CSS and Budibase API.

  • Built-in Authentication and Authorization: Role based access control, social logins, single sign-on and user management.

  • Self-Hosted or Budibase Cloud: Available as a self-hosted open source tool or fully managed plans on Budibase Cloud starting at $16 per month.

Budibase is great for startups and companies that want to digitize business processes with easy-to-use web apps built by low-code automation instead of traditional development.

AppSheet: The Versatile No-Code Tool

AppSheet is a versatile no-code mobile and web app development platform for business teams. Key features:

  • Spreadsheet-like Interface: Instantly turn spreadsheets or databases into mobile/web apps. Support for data sources like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Salesforce and more.

  • Robust Integration Capabilities: Workflows, business logic, payment systems integration, real-time data sync and more for sophisticated apps.

  • Enterprise Security and Management: Advanced admin controls, SSO, data encryption, user management and scalability features.

  • Free and Paid Plans: Free for individual use. Paid plans start at $5/month per user for teams.

AppSheet is an enterprise-ready low-code solution to transform business data into full-fledged apps quickly with little to no coding.

Thunkable: No-Code App Development for Android and iOS

Thunkable is a mobile-first no-code platform for building native Android and iOS apps using visual programming.

  • Drag and Drop Modules: Swiftly build mobile UI and logic by connecting prebuilt blocks with minimal coding needed.

  • Native Architecture: Outputs real mobile apps, not limited web apps, leveraging native device capabilities.

  • React Native Export: Thunkable was built on React Native. Convert projects into React Native code.

  • Free and Paid Plans: Free for personal use. Paid plans start at $6.25/month per developer.

Thunkable enables anyone to rapidly convert app ideas into production-ready iOS and Android mobile apps without intensive coding knowledge.

Bubble: Powering Sophisticated Web Apps Without Code

Bubble is a visual programming platform for building complex, scalable web applications without code.

  • Extensive Plugin Ecosystem: Add advanced functionality like payments, logins, APIs, bots and more through the Bubble plugin store.

  • Responsive Design: Apps work on any device. Optimized designs for web, iOS and Android. One build publishes everywhere.

  • Data and Logic Visually Programmed: Develop complete apps by connecting workflow blocks and database interactions.

Bubble provides all the tools necessary for complete web application development done completely visually without code. Pricing starts at $25/month per user.

Fliplet's Enterprise Focus in No-Code Solutions

Fliplet is a enterprise no-code platform for businesses to quickly launch web and mobile apps tailored for workplaces.

  • Digital Workplace Apps: Tools for communications, task management, onboarding, training and more.

  • Advanced Data Visualization: Interactive dashboards, charts and reports connected to data sources.

  • Robust Security: Enterprise-grade security, governance and advanced permissions built-in.

  • On-Premise Options: Ability to self-host for enhanced data privacy and operational control.

Fliplet enables businesses to empower employees with intuitive web and mobile apps that improve productivity and engagement without draining IT resources.

Selecting the Best Open Source Backend Services for No-Code Apps

Open source backend services can provide powerful foundations for no-code applications. By handling complex functionality like authentication, databases, file storage, and APIs behind the scenes, they enable developers to focus on building application logic and UIs. Here are some top open source options to consider:

Hasura: GraphQL APIs for No-Code Apps

Hasura instantly generates a production-ready GraphQL API based on your Postgres database. It provides realtime query capabilities out of the box, allowing no-code apps to subscribe to database changes. Hasura also simplifies authentication by integrating with auth providers like Firebase and Auth0.

With Hasura handling the GraphQL API layer, no-code developers can focus on building application frontends using tools like Bubble or Adalo. Key benefits include:

  • Auto-generated GraphQL schemas and resolvers based on Postgres
  • Realtime queries and subscriptions for reactive UIs
  • Fine-grained access control rules for security
  • Metadata API to manage GraphQL APIs as code

Appwrite: The Foundation of Your No-Code App

Appwrite offers a set of open source backend building blocks for web and mobile apps. Its REST APIs provide user authentication, database storage, file hosting, functions, and more.

As an all-in-one backend server, Appwrite reduces the need to integrate multiple services. No-code developers can connect tools like Thunkable or Baserow directly to Appwrite for storage, auth, and APIs. Key features include:

  • User authentication with OAuth and JWT
  • MongoDB database with REST API
  • File storage with 10GB free tier
  • Serverless functions to run custom code
  • SDKs for web, mobile, Flutter apps

Supabase: An Open Source Alternative for No-Code Development

Supabase provides open source alternatives to Firebase products. For no-code developers, it offers Postgres databases, authentication, storage, and auto-generated REST APIs.

Supabase's realtime subscriptions allow building reactive apps with no-code tools like Budibase or Adalo. Its fine-grained access control also helps manage permissions. Key capabilities:

  • Managed Postgres databases
  • User management and authentication
  • Realtime subscriptions for database changes
  • Auto-generated REST APIs from SQL tables
  • File storage with CDN hosting

With powerful backends like these, no-code developers can focus on crafting application UIs and logic instead of complex infrastructures.

Community Insights: No Code App Development Open Source on Reddit and GitHub

No Code App Development Open Source Reddit Discussions

The no-code community on Reddit is quite active in discussing the latest developments in open source no-code tools. Some popular threads focus on comparing the capabilities of tools like Budibase, AppSheet, and Thunkable for building web and mobile apps without code.

There are also good discussions happening around integrating open source no-code tools like Baserow and Forest Admin into existing tech stacks. The community shares tips on building admin panels, CRUD apps, and workflows with these tools.

Some key takeaways from Reddit threads on no-code open source tools:

  • Budibase, Baserow, and Forest Admin emerge as popular picks for open source no-code tools.
  • Most discussions revolve around using these tools for internal admin panels, workflows, and CRUD apps.
  • Community members actively share their experiences with limitations and workarounds for no-code tools.

There appears to be a general appreciation for the continued evolution of open source no-code tools on Reddit. The community recognizes the early stage of this technology but remains excited about its potential.

Collaborative Projects on GitHub for No-Code Development

On GitHub, many developers are collaboratively building exciting projects focused on no-code technology using open source tools.

Some popular projects worth highlighting:

  • Budibase CLI - A command line interface that extends Budibase's capabilities for automated app building. Already has over 300 stars on GitHub.
  • Baserow addons - Plugins and addons created by the community to add functionality in Baserow no-code apps. Addons for authentication, file management, and more.
  • Open source app templates - Pre-built open source no-code app templates for tools like Thunkable, Appsmith, and Adalo. Great for kickstarting projects.
  • Data modeling tools - Projects like Tadabase that generate code from no-code data models for portability across backends.

The open source ethos is helping drive collaboration and innovation for no-code app development tools. With so many developers contributing, the space will likely see rapid progress.

No Code App Development Open Source Examples and Case Studies

Open source no-code app development frameworks provide developers with the tools to build full-featured applications without writing code. These frameworks are being used by innovative companies across industries to streamline development and quickly deliver solutions.

Success Stories: Businesses Leveraging No-Code Open Source

No-code open source tools like Budibase and Forest Admin make it possible for companies to empower their employees to create internal apps and automate workflows without an army of developers.

For example, an accounting firm used Budibase to build a custom CRM system tailored to their sales process in just two weeks. With easy drag-and-drop interfaces and customizable templates, their team can now manage leads and track revenue without any prior coding skills.

Another great example is a non-profit that used Forest Admin to quickly create an internal tool for coordinating volunteers. By leveraging open source no-code technology, they saved significant time and resources.

"We built our entire volunteer management platform in just one month with Forest Admin. This allowed us to dedicate more funds directly to our cause." - Non-profit Director

Innovative No-Code Solutions in Various Industries

No-code open source frameworks are being used across industries to solve a wide variety of challenges:

  • Healthcare: Appsmith and NocoDB to build patient portals and centralized medical records.
  • Education: Thunkable and Baserow to create training tools and share educational resources.
  • Finance: Bubble and Hasura to analyze data and automate reporting.
  • Retail: Adalo and Metabase to manage inventory and gain customer insights.

The flexibility of these no-code open source tools allows for innovative use cases limited only by imagination. For example, a zoo used Thunkable to create an interactive map to help visitors easily navigate enclosures.

As no-code technology advances, virtually any industry can benefit from faster and more affordable development. Open source solutions make this possible without proprietary lock-in.

Leveraging Open Source No-Code Tools for Free App Development

Open source no-code tools provide a unique opportunity for developers and entrepreneurs to build apps without financial barriers. By utilizing free platforms, you can launch an app MVP to validate ideas and gain early traction. This section explores the landscape of no-code open source options and strategies to leverage them effectively.

Several excellent no-code open source platforms exist for building web and mobile apps:

  • Budibase - An open source low-code platform for creating internal tools and admin panels. Builds web apps with integrated backends. Great for CRUD apps.
  • Thunkable - Drag and drop app builder for creating Android and iOS apps. Has a large library of native components and plugins.
  • Bubble - A visual programming editor for building web apps without code. Has options to host apps on Bubble's cloud or self-host.

Other popular options include Adalo, Appsmith, Baserow, and more. Each platform has strengths in app types, components, and tooling.

When evaluating these platforms, consider:

  • App types supported - Web, mobile, etc
  • Built-in components and plugins - Do they have what you need to build your app?
  • Hosting and deployment options - Can you self-host or use their cloud?
  • Customization and extensibility - Can you modify source code if needed?
  • Community and support - Is there an active user community for help?

Choosing the right platform depends on your app requirements and technical abilities.

Cost-Effective App Building with Open Source No-Code Platforms

Open source no-code tools enable creating apps with little to no upfront costs:

  • Avoid vendor lock-in - You control the platform and source code, allowing you to easily switch tools if needed. Proprietary no-code tools often lock you into their stack.
  • Prevent recurring fees - Self-hosting open source platforms removes reliance on vendor cloud hosting and subscriptions.
  • Leverage free tiers - Some vendors like Bubble offer free hosting tiers for small workloads.
  • Scale organically - Start small and add capabilities over time instead of over-engineering upfront.

However, be aware that self-hosting and scaling still requires dev ops skills. Consider working with a technical co-founder or outsourcing ops tasks if needed.

In summary, open source no-code tools empower bootstrapped developers to cost-effectively build their visions. Choose an adaptable platform aligned with your app concept and leverage communities to fill knowledge gaps.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

The No-Code Revolution: Empowering Creators

The no-code movement has opened up app development to a whole new category of creators without coding skills. By providing intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, platforms like the ones covered here allow anyone to build fully-functional web and mobile apps. This democratization of technology is empowering entrepreneurs, small businesses, students, and hobbyists to bring their ideas to life.

The Open Source Edge: Customization and Community

A key benefit of open source no-code tools is customizability. Developers can modify the codebase to add new features or tweak existing functionality. The transparency of open source code also fosters trust. Additionally, the collaborative communities surrounding projects on GitHub and forums enable knowledge sharing and innovation.

Top Open Source No-Code Tools Recap

  • Budibase - An open-source low-code platform for creating internal apps and tools. It shines for its flexibility and developer experience.
  • AppSheet - Focuses on no-code mobile app development using Google Sheets as the backend. Great for non-technical users.
  • Thunkable - Top choice for building Android and iOS apps with a drag-and-drop interface. Very beginner-friendly.
  • Bubble - Feature-packed web app builder with a large marketplace of plugins. Leading no-code tool.
  • Appsmith - Sophisticated open-source framework tailored for admin panels, CRUD apps, and workflows.

The no-code revolution has opened the floodgates for innovation by non-coders. Open source options like the tools covered add the edge of transparency, customizability, and community. The future looks bright for no-code!