Published Nov 5, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

Rapid app development without coding: Create web apps on your own


Rapid app development refers to the ability to quickly build, iterate on, and deploy applications without traditional coding. The rise of intuitive no-code platforms has opened up app development to non-technical people, enabling anyone to create their own web apps.

With no-code tools, you can build complete web applications with professional designs and complex functionality through visual editors and pre-built components - no programming required! This empowers entrepreneurs, small teams, and even hobbyists to create prototypes and minimum viable products in days instead of months.

Some popular no-code platforms include AppMaster, Bubble, Adalo, Thunkable, and Glide. Each platform caters to different use cases like mobile app development, web apps, database apps, and more. The no-code movement has exploded in popularity recently, with adoption growing rapidly as both startups and enterprises realize the benefits.

Overview of Leading No-Code Platforms

Here's an overview of some of the top no-code platforms that allow you to build fully-functional web applications without writing any code:


  • Generates source code for web, mobile, and backend apps for greater ownership.
  • Includes visual designers for database modeling.
  • Uses AI for automatic code generation to accelerate development.
  • Integrates with 3rd party services via API.
  • Used by businesses to launch customizable internal apps.

AppMaster is a robust platform that empowers developers to build web, mobile, and backend applications through automated code generation and visual modeling. The generated source code provides more control than traditional no-code tools. AppMaster accelerates development using AI while still enabling customization via APIs.


  • Focuses on building responsive web applications that work across devices.
  • Has a visual programming interface to design application workflows.
  • Contains pre-built components like charts, forms, alerts etc.
  • Includes a plugin marketplace to extend functionality.
  • Used by startups and agencies to build and launch MVPs.

Bubble is a leading no-code tool for web application development. Its drag-and-drop workflow editor and library of reusable components help startups and agencies quickly build responsive web apps, websites, online stores, and MVPs.


  • Specializes in building mobile and web applications.
  • Features a drag-and-drop editor with various customizable components.
  • Provides templates for building common app types quickly.
  • Has automation features to connect components together.
  • Used by small teams and individuals for creating consumer apps.

Adalo empowers anyone to build great mobile and web apps through its intuitive visual editor. It focuses on making app development easy for non-coders with drag-and-drop prebuilt components and templates.


  • Enables building native Android and iOS mobile apps without coding.
  • Uses a visual workflow editor to connect screens and app logic.
  • Provides access to native features like geolocation, camera, sensors.
  • Can build custom native components by writing JavaScript code.
  • Popular among students and hobbyists for learning app development.

Thunkable allows anyone to create their own native mobile apps for iOS and Android. It uses a visual programming interface for connecting app screens and accessing device features like the camera. Thunkable is great for beginners starting out in app development.


  • Focuses on creating CRUD (create, read, update, delete) database apps with templates.
  • Includes pre-built components for forms, tables, calendars, chatbots etc.
  • Integrates easily with Zapier, MailChimp, Stripe and other APIs.
  • Manages users, authentication, permissions and access control.
  • Used by non-profits and local businesses to build workflow apps.

Glide provides a fast way to create web database applications for managing workflows. It has pre-built templates and components that integrate with popular services like Zapier and MailChimp out of the box.

Key Differences Between Platforms

While all no-code platforms aim to enable app development without coding, they have some key differences:

Web, Mobile, and Backend Development

  • AppMaster generates full-stack code for web, mobile, and backend applications.
  • Bubble is limited to building web applications.
  • Adalo creates mobile and web apps.
  • Thunkable focuses only on native mobile app development.
  • Glide is mostly for developing web database applications.

For example, if you need to build apps beyond just websites, AppMaster and Adalo support mobile app development, while Thunkable is mobile-only. Glide does not cover mobile.

Ease of Use for Non-Coders

  • Bubble and Glide are very easy for no-code beginners to learn.
  • Adalo and Thunkable have slightly steeper learning curves.
  • AppMaster is more complex but automates a lot of the backend coding.
  • All platforms use visual workflow editors for building apps.
  • Adalo uses a simple drag-and-drop editor model.

For someone totally new to app building, Bubble and Glide have the most beginner-friendly interfaces. Adalo and Thunkable are geared more towards users with some prior experience. AppMaster has a steeper learning curve but handles more complexity behind the scenes.

Flexibility and Customization

  • Thunkable allows writing native code for adding custom features.
  • The backend code generated by AppMaster can be extended.
  • Bubble has a plugins marketplace to add more functionality.
  • Adalo limits customization but offers premade templates.
  • Glide mostly uses predefined components with less flexibility.

If you need to build highly customized experiences, Thunkable enables writing native code modules. AppMaster generates backend code that you own and can modify. Bubble supports extensions through its plugins. Adalo and Glide offer less control for customizing beyond pre-built components.

Third Party Integrations

  • Zapier integration is common for connecting different apps together.
  • AppMaster and Bubble provide open APIs for integration.
  • Adalo can connect to various cloud services like Stripe, Airtable etc.
  • Thunkable gives access to native device APIs and hardware.
  • Glide focuses on integrations related to forms, emails, and databases.

For integrating with external apps and services, AppMaster and Bubble offer flexibility through custom APIs. Adalo connects with popular SaaS platforms out of the box. Thunkable unlocks native mobile device capabilities. Glide is tailored for workflows involving forms, emails and databases.

Pricing Models

  • Bubble and Glide offer generous free tiers for anyone to get started.
  • AppMaster provides a free trial then paid monthly subscriptions.
  • Adalo has both free and premium monthly subscription plans.
  • Thunkable is free while in beta testing phase.
  • Most platforms offer discounted annual plans as well.

If you want to try building apps at no cost, Bubble and Glide have the most generous free offerings. Adalo offers limited features for free. AppMaster requires upgrading from its free trial to unlock full capabilities. Thunkable is currently free in beta.

When to Use No-Code vs Traditional Coding

While no-code platforms empower rapid app development, traditional coding still has its place in many scenarios:

Simple Database Apps

No-code tools are perfect for basic forms, tables, dashboards and other database apps used internally. You can quickly build business workflow apps without coding expertise. Changes and new features can be added iteratively without engineers.

For example, an HR manager could use a no-code platform like AppMaster to build a leave management system for employees without needing developers. Updates to forms and workflows can be handled directly in the visual editor.

Complex Logic and Algorithms

For advanced logic, unique algorithms, AI/ML apps, games etc. traditional coding is still essential. No-code platforms have limits in exposing lower-level device APIs and optimizing performance.

If you are developing a custom 3D video game or stock trading algorithm, it requires the depth of coding languages like C++ or Python. No-code tools cannot provide the same level of control and performance for complex logic.

MVP and Prototyping

No-code platforms enable validating concepts quickly by building prototypes rapidly. You can demo your app idea to users for feedback without coding. This helps prove product-market fit before hiring developers.

For example, an entrepreneur can use Adalo to mock up their e-commerce business idea as an app prototype to test with focus groups. This provides validation before investing in a full engineering team.

Highly Customized Experiences

For highly customized and fine-tuned user experiences, coding provides more control and flexibility. But some no-code apps allow adding custom code modules for unique components.

If building a social app with innovative UI animations, developers will need coding for finer-grained control over customized UI components. Though some no-code tools like Thunkable allow adding custom native code modules.

Faster Iteration and Testing

No-code tools make it easy to quickly iterate on app ideas based on user testing. New features and changes can be added without recoding, enabling faster feedback loops.

Consider an edtech company that creates a courseware app. With no-code, they can rapidly add new interactive learning features and update content without dependency on developers.

Criteria Coding No-Code
Speed Slower Very Fast
Flexibility Very High Moderate
Cost Higher Lower
Expertise Required Developers Anyone

The no-code revolution is accelerating exponentially:

Expanding Industry Growth

Forrester predicts the no-code industry will be worth $21 billion by 2022. COVID-19 drove increased demand for digital solutions. Leading research firms expect most large companies to adopt no-code tools within a few years.

According to Gartner, 75% of large enterprises will be using at least 4 no-code tools by 2024. The pandemic necessitated digital transformation at unprecedented speeds.

Empowering Citizen Developers

No-code democratizes app development by enabling non-technical people to build applications. This expands capabilities beyond just computer science graduates.

For instance, a marketing manager can use a no-code tool like Thunkable to build a simple mobile lead capture app without coding expertise. This "citizen developer" movement opens up new opportunities.

Accelerating MVPs

Startups use no-code to quickly validate concepts by launching MVPs in days or weeks. This allows rapidly testing product-market fit early on.

Bubble enables a startup founder to build and deploy a website MVP for their e-commerce idea over a weekend. No-code allows validating and iterating on concepts incredibly fast.

Digital Transformation for Enterprises

Enterprises use no-code to transform legacy systems and workflows. IT teams use it to build internal tools and automations. No-code improves productivity in remote/hybrid work environments.

Large companies use platforms like AppMaster to quickly build cross-platform internal apps for improving workflows. This rapid development empowers digital transformation initiatives.


No-code platforms empower anyone to start building their own professional web and mobile apps quickly without coding expertise. Each platform caters to different use cases with unique strengths and tradeoffs. No-code tools excel at rapid prototyping and basic database-driven apps, while traditional coding is still preferred for complex logic. The adoption of no-code platforms is accelerating exponentially as organizations realize their benefits for empowering citizen developers, accelerating digital transformation, and keeping up with rapidly evolving demands in the digital age.

If you're interested in exploring no-code app development, DevHunt allows developers to easily showcase their own no-code tools and platforms. Check it out to discover the latest innovations in this rapidly growing field.