Published Nov 4, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Must-Have Dev Toolkits for Web Developers


As a web developer, having the right tools in your dev toolkit is essential for efficient and productive work. With the overabundance of developer tools out there, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which ones are truly must-have additions to your workflow. This post cuts through the noise to recommend some of the most indispensable dev toolkits that all web developers should have in their toolbox, whether beginner or experienced. Mastering these toolkits can significantly optimize development workflows.

From versatile code editors to browser developer tools to automation with task runners and build tools, this guide will explore the core toolkits that no dev workflow should be without. Web developers who leverage these tools will get a major boost in their productivity, collaboration abilities, and overall effectiveness. Let's dive in!

Code Editors

A good code editor is the foundation of every solid web development toolkit. It's the base from which you'll write, edit, and organize all your code. There are many great options to choose from including VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text, and others.

VS Code is hugely popular thanks to its open source nature, vast extension ecosystem, powerful editing features like multi-cursor editing and code snippets, built-in terminal and debugging, and support for a wide array of languages/frameworks.

Atom is also open source with a large community behind it. It shines with its extensive customizability and focus on extensibility. Integrated package management makes it easy to enhance Atom's default functionality.

Sublime Text takes a minimalist approach with a clean UI and snappy performance. Robust keyboard shortcuts, multiple cursor support, and broad language support give it powerful editing capabilities as well.

When evaluating code editors, consider your specific languages, frameworks, and use cases. Read DevHunt user reviews to understand the pros and cons of each option. Features like syntax highlighting, code completion, file management, customizability, and cloud sync support are key factors to weigh as well. Recommended choices are VS Code for JavaScript developers and those wanting great extension support or Sublime Text for those prioritizing speed and minimalism.

Customization and Extensions

A major benefit of modern code editors is customizability, especially through plugins and extensions. These allow you to tailor your editing environment by adding useful features like Git support, Emmet abbreviations, code linting, file icons, bracket matching, etc.

For example, some must-have VS Code extensions include ES7 React Snippets for React development, GitLens for enhanced Git functionality, Markdown All In One for Markdown editing, and more. Browse extensions in the VS Code Marketplace and click Install to add them.

For JavaScript developers, DevHunt recommends specific extensions like Prettier for code formatting, ESLint for linting, and Quokka for live feedback. These can greatly accelerate development. Explore extension recommendations for your editor to optimize your workflow.

Themes and Color Schemes

Choosing comfortable code editor themes and color schemes is also important for reducing eye strain and enhancing focus. Popular choices include Dracula, Solarized Dark, Monokai, and One Dark for dim themes as well as Solarized Light, GitHub Theme, and Light+ for lighter themes.

Install a theme extension from your editor’s marketplace, then select the preferred theme from the editor settings. Switch between themes to find ones that provide the best code readability and editing experience for you. See DevHunt's theme galleries for top picks.

Browser DevTools

Mastering your browser’s built-in developer tools is a vital skill for web developers. These include Chrome DevTools, Firefox DevTools, Edge DevTools and more. The Chrome DevTools are arguably the most fully-featured for comprehensive web development tasks.

DevTools allow you to efficiently debug and test code, inspect page elements, monitor network activity, emulate devices, improve performance, and much more. Read DevHunt reviews to identify the optimal DevTools for your needs. Some key capabilities are highlighted below.

Debugging and Inspection

The Elements panel is indispensable for live DOM/CSS inspection and modification. Set DOM breakpoints to pause execution and inspect state. Debug JavaScript in the Sources panel using breakpoints and step-through debugging. Network request inspection is also invaluable for optimizing performance.

Additional handy features include auditing for accessibility, SEO, and best practices. Problems can be quickly diagnosed in the Console. DevHunt provides tutorials and tips for mastering Chrome DevTools debugging workflows.

Device Simulation and Testing

Test responsiveness across real devices with DevTools device mode. Set exact dimensions with the Device Toolbar. Throttle CPU and network speeds under Performance to simulate slower connections.

Generate screenshots and recordings to document interactions. Use these cross-browser and cross-device testing workflows to build robust web apps and sites. Refer to DevHunt's device testing guide for Chrome DevTools to leverage these powerful capabilities.

Task Runners and Build Tools

Automating workflows through task runners like Gulp and Grunt can greatly improve efficiency. Similarly, using build tools like Webpack and Parcel to bundle assets can simplify deployment.

Gulp leverages streaming for efficient piping and chaining of tasks. Grunt uses a configuration-centered approach. Both allow automating optimizations, but Gulp's streaming often makes it faster for common tasks. Webpack bundles modules and static assets using its enhanced dependency graph model. Parcel has a simpler configuration using conventions over configuration.

For many developers, Gulp + Webpack form a powerful combination. Gulp handles real-time workflow automation like Sass compilation and image optimization while Webpack bundles the modules. DevHunt provides tutorials for integrating these tools into your workflow.

Asset Optimization and Processing

Gulp can automate processing and optimization of stylesheets, scripts, images, fonts, and more. For example, use gulp-sass to compile SCSS, gulp-autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes, and gulp-concat to combine files.

Optimize images with gulp-imagemin and fonts with gulp-fonter. Build scripts bundle and process assets into optimized bundles using features like tree shaking and minification. Follow DevHunt's open source asset optimization recipes.

Deployment and Release Automation

By integrating task runners with Git and hosting providers like Netlify or Vercel, you can enable continuous deployment pipelines. For example, run gulp tasks on commit to optimize assets, then use gulp-gh-pages to deploy the output folder to GitHub Pages.

Set up GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Travis CI, or other platforms to automatically build, test, and deploy on git push. Follow DevHunt guides for automating releases with Gulp, Webpack, and CI/CD.

Package Managers

Package managers like npm, Yarn, and pnpm are essential for managing dependencies in modern JavaScript projects. npm is the default package manager for Node.js while Yarn is a popular alternative with slightly faster installs and better security.

Package managers allow installing libraries from the npm registry with a single command e.g. npm install react. Easily update dependencies and publish your own packages. DevHunt aggregates millions of downloads stats, ratings, and reviews to evaluate packages.

Dependency and Project Management

List project dependencies and versions in package.json. Install missing ones with npm install. Use semantic versioning patterns like ~ and ^ to safely upgrade packages. Generate package-lock.json to lock dependency versions.

Follow best practices like regular auditing and pruning for dependency hygiene and security. DevHunt helps identify trending packages and trusted favorites to build on.

Publishing and Sharing Packages

Make your modular, reusable code easily shareable by publishing it as a package. Initialize a Node.js package with npm init and git init, then develop while incrementing the version. Finally, publish with npm publish.

Use descriptive tags, categories, and READMEs so others can easily find and use your package. DevHunt showcases thousands of open source packages and is a great way to promote your quality work.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems like Git are indispensable for organized, collaborative development. Git's distributed model sets it apart from alternatives like SVN and Mercurial. GitHub and GitLab provide robust hosting and collaboration features.

Git is a modern developer's source control skill powerhouse. Master essentials like committing locally, pushing and pulling remotes, branching and merging. DevHunt integrates with GitHub and GitLab to showcase popular open source repositories.

Workflows and Collaboration

Leverage Git workflows like Gitflow or Feature Branch for organized team collaboration. For example, create a feature branch with git checkout -b new-feature, develop the feature locally, then open a pull request on GitHub for code review and discussion before merging into main branch. This allows working in isolation without disrupting the main code.

Use clear commit messaging conventions and document with READMEs. DevHunt highlights trending open source projects on GitHub to learn from and potentially contribute to.

Hosting and CI/CD Integration

Host and backup your Git repositories on GitHub or GitLab. Integrate these with hosting providers like Netlify and Vercel to enable continuous deployment. Set up platforms like CircleCI for continuous integration and delivery.

Following DevHunt's CI/CD and deployment guides can help streamline releasing new features. Keeping your Git workflow integrated with hosting and CI/CD is key for an automated, collaborative process.


Having the right dev toolkits can set you up for success as a web developer. Code editors, browser DevTools, task runners, package managers, and version control systems make up some of the most essential and productivity-boosting toolkits highlighted here.

Mastering these tools will allow you to create efficient workflows optimized for the modern web landscape. Whether just starting out or an experienced developer, integrating the toolkits covered here will take your effectiveness to the next level. Check out DevHunt for more resources on selecting, learning, and integrating the best dev tools for your needs. Curating your optimal dev toolkit is a key step on the journey to becoming a productive, empowered developer.