Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Dev tools AI: Your new coding co-pilot


Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing software development. New AI-powered developer tools and assistants are providing code suggestions, detecting bugs, and optimizing workflows - almost like having another programmer at your side. This article explores the top new AI coding assistants that are poised to become every developer's trusty co-pilot.

Here at DevHunt, our mission is to feature innovative developer tools that make coding more efficient, boost productivity, and complement human creativity. These emerging AI assistants do just that by handling mundane coding tasks and allowing developers to focus on big picture thinking. Read on to learn how AI can help take your coding skills to the next level!

Background on AI Coding Assistants

AI coding assistants utilize machine learning and natural language processing to deeply understand code context. They go far beyond simple syntax checking to provide intelligent suggestions tailored to your specific project.

How They Work

AI assistants are trained on massive datasets of open source code to learn programming concepts, patterns, and best practices. Using techniques like deep learning and reinforcement learning, they continuously improve their understanding of how real developers write code based on actual usage data and workflows. The assistants analyze your codebase to recommend relevant autocompletions, error fixes, optimizations, and more based on the unique project context. Some even employ conversational interfaces for natural language guidance as you code.

Key Benefits

  • Save time by accelerating mundane coding tasks like boilerplate code, debugging, refactoring, etc.
  • Reduce bugs by surfacing issues early and suggesting fixes proactively.
  • Improve quality through recommendations that enforce best practices and design patterns.
  • Increase focus on big picture thinking by offloading syntax details to AI.
  • Augment creativity by providing a powered-up coding companion.

Open Source vs Proprietary

There is a mix of open source and proprietary AI coding assistants available. Open source tools offer transparency into the training data and models. However, proprietary tools often have access to more resources and large datasets leading to greater accuracy. Consider tradeoffs between ethics and performance when evaluating both types of tools.

Top AI Coding Assistants

Many exciting AI coding assistants have recently emerged to boost productivity for developers. Here are some of the top tools to consider:

GitHub Copilot (Proprietary)

Copilot generates whole lines and blocks of code contextually using OpenAI's powerful Codex algorithm. It suggests idiomatic code as you type based on its deep understanding of how real developers write. Copilot also features a conversational interface where you can describe code using natural language. Concerns remain around potential copying of code.

TabNine (Proprietary)

TabNine pioneered AI autocomplete for developers with its fast predictions powered by deep learning. It supports nearly all programming languages and continuously trains on millions of git repositories to improve suggestions. TabNine seamlessly integrates into all popular code editors for frictionless usage.

DeepCode (Proprietary)

DeepCode employs advanced AI specifically focused on detecting bugs, security flaws, performance issues, and other code problems. It analyzes your code in real time as you type and highlights critical vulnerabilities and bad practices to address. DeepCode also integrates with CI/CD pipelines to catch issues pre-production.

Kite (Proprietary)

Kite provides AI-powered autocomplete tailored to your code context across Python, Go, JavaScript, and more. It also surfaces relevant code examples and documentation as you type. Kite aims to supercharge coding productivity with its intelligent assistant.

Explainable AI Assistant (Open Source)

This research project from UC Berkeley focuses on "explainable AI" to provide transparency into why coding suggestions are made. It also detects potential biases in training data. The open source tool is still early stage but shows promise for responsible AI assistance.

Codex (Proprietary)

Created by Anthropic, Codex is an AI assistant that generates entire code functions on demand. It allows conversational coding by translating natural language requests into working code. Codex claims to produce more accurate and helpful suggestions compared to other tools.

Flow (Proprietary)

Flow focuses on AI-powered refactoring to improve code quality, readability, and maintainability. It analyzes context and recommends refactoring options like splitting functions, renaming variables, simplifying expressions, and more. Flow aims to spread best practices.

Criteria for Evaluating AI Coding Assistants

When selecting an AI coding assistant, here are some key factors to consider:

Accuracy of Suggestions

The most critical criteria is the relevance, correctness, and stylistic match of suggestions to your code context. Bad recommendations waste time and disrupt workflow. The assistant should demonstrate a deep understanding of app logic, concepts, and patterns to provide useful recommendations.

Integration and Ease of Use

Look for tight IDE integration with autocomplete, error highlighting, etc to enable frictionless usage. Consider CLI or browser extension options for flexibility. Focus on assistants with smooth onboarding and minimal configuration needed to be productive.

Security and Privacy

Carefully evaluate potential risks of sharing code with third-party AI services. Open source tools allow inspecting training data and models. Proprietary tools provide little visibility into how data is used despite accuracy gains.

Other factors include:

  • Languages, frameworks, and platforms supported
  • Training data size and transparency
  • Natural language capabilities
  • Collaboration features
  • Licensing options

The Future of AI Coding Assistants

In the next 5 years, AI coding assistants will likely become ubiquitous among developers. As models evolve, suggestion accuracy and code context understanding will continuously improve based on analyzing real workflows. More assistants will incorporate advanced natural language capabilities for conversational guidance. Specialized assistants focused on particular domains will emerge as well.

However, concerns remain around ethical usage, plagiarism, and properly crediting copied code. Human oversight and judgement is still critical to ensure appropriate application of AI recommendations. The future seems bright for collaboration between human developers and AI assistants!


AI coding assistants like GitHub Copilot, TabNine, and DeepCode are revolutionizing software development. By automating mundane coding tasks and providing intelligent suggestions, they enable developers to be more productive and focus on big picture thinking.

When evaluating assistants, consider accuracy, integrations, ease of use, security, and other factors. While AI will not replace human developers anytime soon, these tools can certainly augment our skills and creativity. AI coding assistants are poised to become every developer's trusted sidekick. Platforms like DevHunt serve as ideal launch pads for developers releasing new AI coding tools to get valuable user feedback. Give the latest AI assistants a try today to supercharge your coding!