Published Nov 6, 2023 ⦁ 4 min read

LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK Unlocks Feature Flags


LaunchDarkly is a popular feature management platform that provides developers fine-grained control over releasing new features in their applications. At its core, LaunchDarkly utilizes feature flags that act as toggles to enable or disable parts of an app without redeploying code.

The LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK brings the power of feature flags to client-side JavaScript code. It allows developers to evaluate flags directly in the browser to show or hide features on the frontend. This opens up possibilities like progressive delivery, A/B testing, canary releases, and much more. Using feature flags reduces risk when shipping changes by limiting blast radius and gradually exposing users to new code.

Overview of the LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK

The LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK allows developers to leverage feature flags within their client-side JavaScript code. Its main capabilities include flag evaluation, user targeting, event tracking, and support for major frameworks.

Compared to using server-side SDKs, evaluating flags on the client gives more control and flexibility in the browser. The SDK seamlessly integrates with the LaunchDarkly management UI for a complete feature flag platform.

Easy Setup and Configuration

Getting started with the LaunchDarkly JS SDK is simple. It can be installed via NPM:

npm install launchdarkly-js-client-sdk

Then the client is initialized by passing your LaunchDarkly project ID and environment:

const ldClient = LaunchDarkly.initialize('YOUR_PROJECT_KEY', {
  environment: 'production'

User properties like key, name, email can be configured for targeting rules. Event tracking for analytics and monitoring is enabled like this:

const ldClient = LaunchDarkly.initialize(..., {
  send_events: true

There are additional options for customizing caching behavior, offline support, and more.

Reading & Updating Feature Flags

The SDK allows evaluating feature flags to get their values for a specific user. For example:

const showFeature = ldClient.variation('show-feature', false);

This makes it easy to build a toggle interface that abstracts the flag checking:

function featureEnabled(key) {
  return ldClient.variation(key, false);

if (featureEnabled('show-feature')) {
  // Show feature
} else {
  // Hide feature

The SDK handles real-time flag updates from the LaunchDarkly UI. A configrable cache helps ensure fast performance.

Tracking User Events & Goals

Analytics events allow analyzing user behaviors. Common events like page views, clicks, and transactions can be tracked:

ldClient.track('checkout', {revenue: 39.95});

Conversion goals let you measure metrics like signup rates. Custom data can be attached:

ldClient.track('registered', {
  plan: 'Pro'

The LaunchDarkly SDK integrates with analytics tools like Google Analytics and Segment.

Key Capabilities and Use Cases

The LaunchDarkly SDK provides capabilities like progressive delivery, A/B testing, user targeting, and multivariate feature flags.

Progressive Delivery

Progressive delivery allows incrementally rolling out a feature to reduce risk. For example, showing to 10% of users at first, then 25%, then 50%, and finally 100%.

// Show to 10% of users
const percentage = ldClient.variation('new-checkout', false, {
  percentage: 10 

Specific user segments can be targeted through the LaunchDarkly UI. Flags can quickly be disabled if issues arise.

A/B Testing

A/B tests allow comparing feature flag variations. Users are automatically assigned to variants A or B:

const variant = ldClient.variation('checkout-button-color', 'blue');

if (variant === 'blue') {
  // Show blue button
} else {
  // Show green button  

By tracking conversion rates, the best performing variant can be determined.

Multivariate Feature Flags

Users can be targeted based on custom attributes like account type, location, signup date, etc. For example:

// Show to users in Canada  
const canada = ldClient.variation('ca-only-feature', false, {
  country: 'Canada'

Complex targeting rules can be created through the LaunchDarkly UI without coding. Rules can also be reused across multiple feature flags.

Integrations and Extensions

The LaunchDarkly platform integrates with other tools for end-to-end feature management.

Frontend Framework Extensions

Extensions help simplify integrating feature flags in frameworks:


const showFeature = useLDClient().variation('show-feature');

return (
  {showFeature && <NewFeatureComponent />}  


<div *ldFeatureToggle="'show-feature'">

CI/CD Tool Integrations

Integrations with CI/CD tools like GitHub and CircleCI allow automating flag rollouts. Flags can be configured per environment:

# feature enabled for production  
- name: show-feature 
  environment: production
  on: true

# disabled for lower environments  
- name: show-feature
  environment: dev
  on: false   

This prevents bad code from impacting real users in production.


The LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK provides a robust platform for implementing feature flags client-side. Capabilities like targeting rules, A/B testing, and progressive delivery reduce risk. Integrations with frameworks, analytics, and CI/CD tools offer an end-to-end solution.

To learn more about how LaunchDarkly's feature management platform can help accelerate your development workflow, check out DevHunt.