Published Nov 5, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK Simplifies Feature Flag Management

Developers today need the ability to deploy code quickly while minimizing risk. As applications grow in complexity, controlling feature releases becomes critically important. LaunchDarkly provides a powerful platform for managing feature flags that enables development teams to release new features faster and more safely. At the core of the LaunchDarkly platform is an easy-to-use JavaScript SDK that makes it simple to control feature flags and conduct advanced capabilities like A/B testing and canary deployments in JavaScript web applications.

Introduction to LaunchDarkly and Feature Flags

LaunchDarkly is a leading feature management platform that allows developers to deploy new code while controlling which users get access to those features through feature flags. Feature flags are a powerful technique that lets you toggle functionality on or off without having to re-deploy code.

Some key benefits of using LaunchDarkly and feature flags include:

  • Faster time to market - release code even if a feature isn't fully tested yet.

  • Reduce risk - test new features with a percentage of users before rolling out to everyone.

  • Powerful targeting - target specific user segments to customize experiences.

  • Progress monitoring - track key metrics on feature flag performance.

  • Rollback control - quickly disable a feature if issues arise.

For example, you could deploy a new checkout flow but only enable it for 10% of users at first. Based on metrics and feedback, you can gradually increase the percentage over time with no code changes. If problems occur, disabling the flag prevents further issues.

LaunchDarkly provides SDKs for all major languages and frameworks to make it easy to implement feature flags in apps. Their JavaScript SDK is fully-featured and perfect for enabling control over feature flags in JavaScript web apps.

In this post, we'll take an in-depth look at the LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK including how to get started, key capabilities, and examples of how to integrate it into web apps to manage flags.

Key Capabilities of the LaunchDarkly JS SDK

The LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK provides a full-fledged interface to the LaunchDarkly platform that allows for complete control over feature flags right from client-side JavaScript. Here are some of the main things you can do:

  • Turn features on/off dynamically without code changes.
  • Roll out features gradually to certain user segments.
  • Run A/B tests by targeting users to flag variations.
  • Conduct canary releases by giving a feature to a small percentage of users.
  • Manage flags across platforms with a consistent API.
  • Integrate easily with popular frameworks like React and Angular.

Let's look at some of the key SDK capabilities in more detail:


Getting started with the SDK is easy. You can install it via NPM:

npm install launchdarkly-js-client-sdk

Or load it from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Then initialize the client with your SDK key:

const ldClient = LaunchDarkly.initialize("YOUR_SDK_KEY", {
  user: {
    key: "user1"

You can configure options like feature flag polling intervals, caching behavior, and more.

Feature Flag Evaluation

To evaluate a feature flag, use the variation method:

const showFeature = ldClient.variation("show-feature", false); 

if (showFeature) {
  // feature is enabled
} else {
  // feature disabled

You can pass custom user attributes to target specific users:

const ldUser = {
  key: "user1",
  custom: {
    group: "beta" 

const showFeature = ldClient.variation("show-feature", false, ldUser);

This lets you do targeted rollouts and A/B tests. For example, you could enable the feature for all users in the "beta" group.

Event Tracking

The SDK makes it easy to track custom analytics events:

ldClient.track("placed-order", {orderValue: 99.99}); 

You can track events like button clicks, form submissions, and anything else to understand user behavior.

You can also track page views and user sessions out of the box.

LaunchDarkly JS SDK Examples and Use Cases

Now let's look at some examples of how to use the LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK for real-world use cases:

React Example

Here's how to add LaunchDarkly to a React app:

// Initialize SDK
const ldClient = LaunchDarkly.initialize(...);

function Main() {

  // Check feature flag 
  const canAccess = ldClient.variation("new-feature");

  return (
      {canAccess && <NewFeatureComponent />}
      <h1>My App</h1>

Now you can enable/disable features right from LaunchDarkly without touching code!

For example, you could gradually roll out a new sidebar to more users over time by increasing the flag percentage. If bugs appear, you can dial it back immediately.

A/B Testing Example

A/B tests are easy with LaunchDarkly. Create a flag:

const abTest = ldClient.variation("ab-test", "a");

Target 50% of users to variant "b":

const ldUser = {
  key: "user1",
  custom: {
    abTestGroup: Math.random() < 0.5 ? "b" : "a"

Track clicks, conversions, or whatever matters to see which variant performs better. You get complete control over targeting and rollouts.

Canary Deployment Example

Use LaunchDarkly to slowly roll out a new checkout flow:

  1. Create a feature flag for the new checkout flow.
  2. Target 1% of users to evaluate the new experience.
  3. Monitor performance and watch for issues.
  4. If successful, gradually increase the rollout percentage over time.

This lets you test the checkout flow and control the blast radius. If anything goes wrong, you can simply turn the feature flag off rather than re-deploying.

Why Choose LaunchDarkly for Feature Flags?

LaunchDarkly stands out from alternative feature flag solutions with:

  • Powerful targeting options for granular control over user segments.
  • Flexible SDKs for all major languages and frameworks.
  • Robust data collection for measuring feature flag impact.
  • Intuitive UIs across mobile, desktop, and CLI.
  • Enterprise-grade security and compliance.
  • Dedicated customer support.

Thousands of engineering teams rely on LaunchDarkly to deploy code faster and more safely. See how LaunchDarkly customers like Atlassian and IBM leverage feature flags in their development workflows.

Integrating LaunchDarkly into JavaScript Web Apps

To see LaunchDarkly in action, check out this 5-minute tutorial on fully integrating the JS SDK into a React app with code snippets:

This walkthrough demonstrates:

  • Installing the LaunchDarkly React SDK.
  • Initializing the client.
  • Fetching feature flags.
  • Reading flag values.
  • Customizing based on flag state.
  • Tracking events.

Following these steps allows you to start controlling feature releases via flags in your own React apps!

The same concepts apply for any JavaScript framework like Angular or Vue.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

The LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK provides a powerful platform for controlling and managing feature flags directly from client-side code. With LaunchDarkly, development teams can deploy code faster with less risk.

Key capabilities of the SDK include:

  • Dynamically turning features on/off.
  • Targeting specific users for gradual rollouts.
  • Running A/B tests and canary releases.
  • Tracking custom events and analytics.
  • Providing a consistent API across platforms.

The SDK integrates seamlessly with JavaScript apps and frameworks like React and Angular. With just a few lines of code, you can implement feature flags and advanced workflows like canary deployments that reduce risk and accelerate development cycles.

Overall, the LaunchDarkly JS SDK is an invaluable tool for engineering teams looking to build better software through advanced [feature flag management]( Check out LaunchDarkly today to start deploying with more control, speed, and safety!