Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

iOS Dev Tools for Building Quality Apps

Developing high-quality iOS apps requires using the right developer tools. The proper IDE, debugging, automation, and monitoring tools can greatly improve development workflows and app quality. With the oversaturation of options available, it can be challenging for developers to determine which tools are the best fit for their needs. This post compares some of the top iOS dev tools across key categories to help readers discover tools that will enable them to build better iOS apps faster.

Specifically, we will look at critical factors like effectiveness, usability, integration, and pricing when evaluating various developer tools. The goal is to provide an overview of the leading options so developers can make informed decisions on assembling the optimal toolchain for their iOS projects and development environment. Whether working solo or with a team, using the right tools is essential to develop stable, user-friendly iOS apps efficiently.

Let's dive in and compare some of the top iOS developer tools and platforms across the categories of integrated development environments (IDEs), debugging and testing, build automation, and monitoring/analytics.

IDEs for iOS Development

The first key component of any iOS developer's toolkit is a robust integrated development environment (IDE) to code, build, and deploy iOS apps. Xcode is the default IDE for native iOS development, but many alternatives exist with useful features for improving productivity.


As Apple's official IDE, Xcode is seamlessly integrated with iOS SDKs and simulators out of the box. It includes everything needed for building iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS apps in Swift and Objective-C. Xcode provides convenient GUI project configuration, code editing with syntax highlighting and code completion, built-in Git support, and a visual debugger. Its tight integration with Apple's developer tools and simulators makes it an easy choice for iOS developers. However, Xcode is Mac-only and proprietary.


AppCode by JetBrains provides a robust cross-platform IDE optimized for Swift and Objective-C projects. It has excellent code analysis and completion capabilities powered by machine learning. AppCode helps developers quickly navigate large codebases and makes refactoring easy. While less beginner-friendly, it offers powerful customization for experienced devs.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio enables cross-platform mobile development for iOS using Xamarin. It allows building native iOS apps with .NET using C# or F#, sharing code across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. Visual Studio combines an advanced editor, debugger, and project templates in a streamlined interface.


The DevHunt platform showcases developer tool recommendations to help match tools with specific project needs. Its iOS development section can help developers evaluate options based on use case, budget, language, and other key criteria.


CodeRunner is a lightweight IDE focused on fast coding over complex project management features. It has syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and other coding assistance but skips advanced functionality like deep debugging. CodeRunner is easy to use for simple iOS apps.

When evaluating IDEs for iOS development, some key features to compare include:

  • Interface and design - An intuitive, customizable interface improves efficiency. Easy project configuration and logical layout streamline iOS app development.

  • Coding assistance - Code completion, error checking, and refactoring speed up development. Advanced analysis and quick navigation help build apps faster.

  • Debugging - Built-in iOS simulators, visual debuggers, and inspection tools accelerate finding and fixing bugs.

  • Integration - Integration with source control, testing suites, CI/CD pipelines, and collaboration tools maximizes productivity.

  • Community and support - Strong documentation, tutorials, forums, and developer responsiveness simplify getting started and resolving issues.

Some top factors to weigh when selecting an iOS development IDE include:

  • Application type – Options like Xcode are tailored for native iOS development, while others enable cross-platform development using technologies like Xamarin.

  • Development language – Objective-C vs Swift support, as well as options for using C#, Python, JavaScript, etc.

  • Team collaboration – Shared workflows, repositories, and debugging streamline development with distributed teams.

  • Application complexity – Advanced IDE features may not be necessary for simple apps. Evaluate needs against IDE capabilities.

  • Budget – Proprietary tools like Xcode have no cost but limit OS support, while paid options like AppCode offer more customization and functionality.

  • Existing workflows – Choose an IDE that integrates well with other tools already in use to maximize efficiency.

Debugging and Testing Tools

In addition to a solid IDE, having robust debugging and testing tools is critical for identifying issues early and ensuring iOS apps function as expected across devices.


Xcode comes integrated with Instruments for profiling iOS apps and built-in simulators for mimicking real devices during testing. These tools enable debugging and testing iOS apps without requiring additional platform purchases.


Reveal allows developers to visualize and interact with UI components in real-time for iOS and tvOS apps. Inspecting views dynamically aids debugging layouts, gestures, animations and more.

Charles Proxy

Charles Proxy can monitor all network requests between an iOS device and backend servers. Inspecting this traffic is helpful for debugging network-related issues and ensuring APIs are behaving as expected.


Frank provides a declarative framework for writing automated UI tests for iOS apps. Frank aims to simplify writing reliable tests that run fast. It is optimized for testing iOS apps during the development cycle.


The DevHunt platform features highly rated debugging and testing tools designed specifically for mobile developers. Options can be filtered based on specialty area, platform, language, and other variables.

Some key testing types to incorporate for iOS apps include:

  • Unit testing – Validates individual classes and methods work in isolation as expected.

  • Integration testing – Verifies combinations of components function correctly together.

  • UI testing – Simulates user interactions via automated UI tests to validate behavior.

  • Load testing - Checks performance under heavy usage and identifies capacity limits.

  • Security testing – Uncovers vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS attacks, etc.

Some tips for streamlining the debugging process include:

  • Reproduce bugs reliably before attempting to debug to isolate causes.

  • Trace unexpected values and state changes backward through code to pinpoint root issues.

  • Use strategic logging statements and breakpoints to narrow down problem areas in code.

  • Verify fixes in all relevant environments like simulators and real devices.

  • Document bugs clearly with steps to reproduce to aid future developers.

Building and Deployment Automation

Automating build, test, and release processes is invaluable for iOS developers to accelerate delivery and eliminate manual errors. There are robust open source and cloud tools available for implementing CI/CD pipelines.


fastlane streamlines iOS deployment automation using a domain-specific language for defining build, test, and publishing steps. It integrates with services like TestFlight and the App Store to automate the entire release cycle.


The open source Jenkins automation server is a widely used solution for building continuous integration and delivery workflows. Its highly customizable pipeline facilitates implementing automated processes.


Buddy offers a cloud-based automation and continuous integration platform optimized for mobile developers. It integrates with GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab to automatically build, test, and deploy iOS and Android apps.

Microsoft Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps provides an integrated set of services for version control, agile planning, CI/CD pipelines, testing, monitoring, and more. It seamlessly enables comprehensive build automation for iOS apps.


The DevHunt platform allows mobile developers to discover top services and open source tools for automating app workflows. Options can be filtered based on specialization, integrations, pricing, and other key criteria.

Some key capabilities to evaluate in build automation solutions include:

  • Building and packaging apps from code repository

  • Running automated test suites

  • Automatically signing builds and managing certificates

  • Distributing beta builds to testers

  • Deploying to the App Store or enterprise app stores

  • Integrating with issue tracking and collaboration systems

Implementing build automation provides many benefits including:

  • Faster release cycles and continuous delivery of features

  • Consistent, repeatable build processes reduce variability

  • Early identification of integration issues through automated testing

  • Risk reduction by eliminating manual errors

  • More time for developers to focus on writing code vs builds

  • Improved app stability and quality

Monitoring and Analytics

In addition to building and testing iOS apps effectively, monitoring tools are essential for understanding app health and user engagement. Analytics identifies issues and guides development.

App Center

App Center by Microsoft consolidates app usage metrics, crashes, and user feedback in one actionable dashboard. Developers get real-time crash alerts plus API for custom analytics.


Mixpanel offers a full-featured mobile analytics platform with funnels, A/B testing, and user cohort segmentation. It has SDKs for all major platforms including iOS and Android.


Google Firebase provides unified app infrastructure including crash reporting for iOS. It integrates tightly with other Firebase backend features for building robust apps.


Raygun offers detailed performance monitoring and crash reporting for web and mobile apps. It has an iOS SDK that is easy to implement with advanced real-time alerting capabilities.


The DevHunt site allows mobile developers to find the most highly rated crash and bug monitoring tools for iOS development. Products can be evaluated and compared side-by-side.

Some key monitoring and analytics capabilities for iOS apps include:

  • Detailed crash reporting with stack traces and reproducibility metrics

  • User behavior analytics like cohorts and funnels to understand workflows

  • Performance monitoring for memory usage, CPU, network calls, etc.

  • Real-time alerting when new crashes occur or issues are detected

  • Built-in user feedback collection through surveys and ratings

  • Data export to enable custom analysis and integration with BI tools

Leveraging monitoring and analytics data helps improve apps by:

  • Identifying high crash rate areas and prioritizing fixes to stabilize apps

  • Finding usage bottlenecks and weak points to optimize user workflows

  • Comparing user cohorts to guide future development and marketing decisions

  • Proactively addressing performance regressions before users notice

  • Validating that newly released features are being adopted and utilized

  • Benchmarking key metrics over time to quantify team progress and ROI


The right developer tools are essential for building high-quality iOS apps efficiently. Using a modern IDE accelerates coding while debugging and testing tools quickly identify issues. Automating release cycles enables continuous delivery and monitoring provides the insights needed to continuously improve apps.

Factors like use case, budget, team structure, and existing infrastructure impact the ideal toolchain for a given project. However, options like Xcode, AppCode, fastlane, and Mixpanel represent some of the top solutions across categories. The DevHunt site provides mobile developers a resource to evaluate and compare iOS developer tools to assemble their optimal toolkit.

Leveraging the right mix of dev tools directly translates to better engineered iOS apps that can be developed faster with fewer headaches. Explore some of the top recommended options today to improve your iOS workflows. What other must-have iOS tools have you found indispensable? Let us know in the comments!