Published Oct 28, 2023 ⦁ 4 min read

Dev Tools iOS Developers Need in 2023

Building high-quality iOS apps requires having the right developer tools. In 2023, iOS developers have hundreds of options for optimizing workflows. This overview covers the top Xcode plugins, debuggers, testing frameworks, CI/CD tools, and dependency managers to accelerate your iOS development.

Xcode Extensions Every iOS Developer Should Try

Xcode 14 brings improvements like enhanced debugger visualizations and Swift support. But Xcode plugins extend functionality even further:

  • Alcatraz - Discover and install plugins directly within Xcode. Huge library of plugins.
  • XVim2 - Vim key bindings for Xcode workflows.
  • FuzzyAutocomplete - Intelligent code completion powered by machine learning.
  • SwiftLint - Linter that enforces Swift style and conventions.
  • KSImageNamed - Autocompletes image names and adds missing assets.

Alternatives like AppCode provide a full IDE for iOS development. Plugins extend Xcode in powerful ways.

Top Debugging and Profiling Tools for iOS Apps

Fixing crashes and diagnosing issues is critical. Chisel makes LLDB debugging more intuitive:

  • Chisel - LLDB frontend by Facebook for easier iOS debugging.
  • Instabug - Robust crash reporting and video reproduction of bugs.
  • PonyDebugger - Remote JavaScript debugging for React Native.
  • Bugsee - Records videos of your app to visualize and resolve issues precisely.
  • Instruments - Built-in profiling to optimize iOS app performance.

This debug toolkit surfaces the root causes of crashes faster.

Top Testing Frameworks for iOS

Comprehensive testing is vital for catching issues pre-release. Xcode has the built-in XCTest framework. Additional options like Frank enhance test automation:

  • Frank - Expressive Swift UI testing framework using accessibility.
  • Bitbar Testing - Cross-browser automated testing on real devices.
  • Scan - Fastlane tool executing tests on CLI and CI.
  • Appium - Open source test automation for native and hybrid mobile apps.

From unit to UI testing, these frameworks boost coverage.

Continuous Integration/Delivery Services for iOS Workflows

CI/CD services like GitHub Actions and Bitrise accelerate iOS development by automating mundane tasks:

  • GitHub Actions - Built-in iOS CI/CD tightly integrated with GitHub.
  • Bitrise - Mobile-first CI/CD optimizing iOS workflows.
  • fastlane - Open source automation framework with 170+ iOS tools.
  • CircleCI - Flexible CI/CD with Xcode and fastlane integration.
  • Buddy - User-friendly iOS CI/CD with free tier.

These platforms enable pushing updates faster and more frequently.

Effectively Managing iOS Dependencies and Configs

Dependency managers like Swift Package Manager simplify adding libraries:

  • Swift Package Manager - Apple's official tool integrated into Xcode.
  • Carthage - Decentralized dependency manager building frameworks.
  • fastlane match - Synchronizes signing certificates and profiles.
  • Nomad CLI - Suite of CLI tools for generating projects.
  • CocoaPods - Mature dependency manager for iOS ecosystems.

Robust dependency management streamlines development.

Key Factors When Evaluating iOS Dev Tools

With so many options, focus on tools that integrate into your existing workflows. For Xcode plugins, review compatibility and supported features.

When comparing debuggers, ensure they provide crash insights and integrate with Xcode. For testing, consider automation capabilities and framework coverage.

For CI/CD, assess configurability, iOS signing features, and pricing. And know dependency manager support for frameworks like Swift Packages.

Top Tool Recommendations for iOS Developers

Here are some of the top iOS dev tools to consider in 2023:

Best Xcode Plugins

  • Alcatraz - Discover and install plugins directly within Xcode.
  • XVim2 - Vim key bindings for Xcode.
  • FuzzyAutocomplete - Intelligent autocomplete powered by AI.

Top Debugging Tools

  • Chisel - Intuitive LLDB frontend for debugging iOS apps.
  • Instabug - Robust app monitoring and crash reporting.
  • PonyDebugger - Remote JavaScript debugging for React Native.

Leading Testing Frameworks

  • XCTest - Xcode's built-in unit and UI testing.
  • Frank - Expressive Swift UI testing using accessibility.
  • Bitbar Testing - Automated cross-browser testing on real devices.

Top CI/CD Platforms

  • GitHub Actions - Built-in iOS CI/CD integrated with GitHub.
  • Bitrise - Mobile-first CI/CD optimized for iOS.
  • fastlane - Open source automation with 170+ iOS tools.

Best Dependency Managers

  • Swift Package Manager - Apple's official tool integrated with Xcode.
  • Carthage - Decentralized dependency manager building frameworks.
  • CocoaPods - Mature dependency manager for iOS ecosystems.

Jumpstart Your iOS Development by Trying DevHunt

With an overview of the top iOS developer tools for 2023, you can build higher quality apps faster. Try out DevHunt to discover and compare thousands of developer tools tailored for your needs. The all-in-one directory makes it easy to jumpstart your workflows with the right dev tools.