Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

Download the Android SDK for App Development


The Android SDK (Software Development Kit) is the essential toolkit for anyone looking to build and publish apps for Android devices. Downloading the latest SDK provides access to all the official tools you need to start coding, debugging, and testing fully-featured Android apps using Java or Kotlin.

In this guide, we'll cover everything involved in getting the Android SDK set up on your system, from meeting system requirements to configuring SDK components to validate your installation. By the end, you'll be ready to start developing and releasing your own Android apps to the Google Play Store! Best of all, the SDK is completely free to download and use without licensing fees or subscription costs.

Preparing Your System

Before you can download and install the Android SDK, it's important to make sure your system meets the minimum requirements. Here's what you'll need:

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10, macOS 10.10 or higher, Linux (deb/rpm-based)
  • RAM: Minimum 4GB, 8GB+ recommended
  • Hard Disk Space: Minimum 1GB, 4GB+ recommended

In addition, you'll need:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or 11 - The JDK provides the tools and runtime environment for building apps in Java.
  • Android Studio or other IDE - The IDE is where you'll write, test and debug your app code. Popular options include Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio.

The SDK requires an x86 or x64 architecture system. It does not work on ARM-based chips. Most modern laptops and desktops are x64, but double check to be sure!

To target the widest range of Android devices currently in use, build your apps for Android 8.0 (API level 26) and above. The latest SDK fully supports API level 26 and newer.

For a quick compatibility check, try DevHunt's Android SDK Compatibility Checker. It verifies your system meets minimum requirements.

Installing the Java Development Kit

Since Android apps are written in Java, you need the JDK before downloading the SDK. The JDK includes essential tools like javac and the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).

You can download the latest JDK here. Oracle recommends using JDK 8 or JDK 11 for Android development.

Follow the installation process for your operating system:

Windows: Run the EXE installer and follow prompts. Install to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-version or similar location.

macOS: Download the DMG archive, double click to mount, then drag and drop the JDK folder into Applications.

Linux: Download the TGZ tar archive, extract contents into /usr/lib/jvm or another standard location.

Once complete, verify the JDK is set up properly by running java -version on the command line. It should print details on the active Java version.

See DevHunt's JDK troubleshooting guide if you run into any issues getting Java configured correctly.

Choosing an Integrated Development Environment

You'll need an IDE like Android Studio for coding, building, debugging, and testing your Android apps. While Android Studio is the official IDE for Android, alternatives like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Visual Studio also work.

Here are some popular IDE options to consider:

  • Android Studio - The official IDE for Android from Google.
  • IntelliJ IDEA - Java IDE with Android support from JetBrains.
  • Eclipse - Open source IDE with Android plugins available.
  • Visual Studio - Microsoft's IDE, with Android development possible via Xamarin.

We'll focus on Android Studio installation, but the process is similar for any IDE. Simply download, run the installer, and select Android components when prompted.

Check out DevHunt's IDE comparison guide for help choosing and setting up your preferred environment.

Downloading the SDK

Now we're ready to actually download the Android SDK. Navigate to the Android Developers SDK download page.

You'll see packages for tools, platform-tools, build-tools, system images, and more. We recommend starting with the "Command line tools only" package to get the SDK tools.

You can download the SDK tools package here: SDK Tools .zip Download. It's completely free.

Once downloaded, extract the .zip to your desired SDK install location on your system. For example, C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk on Windows.

The SDK tools package includes essential components like sdkmanager, avdmanager, and adb for installing other SDK packages, managing emulators, and interfacing with devices.

Configuring the SDK

Navigate into the sdk/tools/bin directory from your extracted SDK tools folder. Here you'll find the sdkmanager tool for installing and updating SDK components.

Run sdkmanager to open the full SDK Manager interface. From here, you can install:

  • SDK Platforms and API Libraries - Needed to target specific Android versions.
  • System Images - To test on the Android Emulator for different OS versions and devices.
  • Build Tools, Platform Tools, Tools - Essential SDK tools for development and debugging.
  • Sample Code - Official Google example projects and code snippets.
  • Documentation - Android SDK technical documentation and references.

The SDK Manager also lets you create and manage Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) to test your apps. Check out DevHunt's guide to setting up AVDs in Android Studio.

Installing SDK Platforms

Within the SDK Manager, install SDK Platforms for the API levels you want to target. This provides the required libraries for that Android OS version.

Aim to install the latest 1-2 platform versions like Android 12 and Android 13. You'll also need to install platforms matching any system images you plan to use.

Most developers will be fine starting with just the latest one or two Android releases. Older platforms can always be added later if needed.

Setting up the Android Emulator

The Android Emulator lets you test apps right on your development machine without a physical device. Use the avdmanager tool to create AVDs with different API levels, screen sizes, hardware, and more.

Key features of the emulator include:

  • Camera, GPS, sensors, multi-touch
  • Hardware profiles for Pixel, Nexus, Galaxy, and more
  • Custom skin designs and device frames

Check out DevHunt's guide to optimizing emulator performance with quick tips and tricks.

Once created, launch your AVDs from the command line:

emulator -avd <avd_name>

Validating the Installation

With the SDK downloaded and configured, validate everything is working correctly by building a simple "Hello World" app.

Create a new project in Android Studio/your IDE and build a debug APK. Install and launch it on an AVD or physical device with:

adb install path/to/debug.apk
adb shell am start -n com.example.hello/.MainActivity 

The app should now launch and display Hello World! This confirms you have everything set up properly to start building.

As you develop more advanced apps, tools like adb and logcat become indispensable for debugging issues and understanding runtime execution flows.

For a deeper look at leveraging the SDK during app development, check out DevHunt's growing library of Android SDK video courses and coding tutorials. The SDK unlocks exciting possibilities for building feature-rich Android apps.

Next Steps

In this guide, we walked through downloading the essential Android SDK tools package, installing additional platforms and components with the SDK Manager, setting up AVDs for testing, and validating the installation by running a sample app.

With the SDK downloaded and configured on your system, you now have access to all the official tools needed to start developing quality Android apps. Be sure to take advantage of the extensive documentation and learning resources to get the most out of the SDK's capabilities.

The Android SDK opens up a world of potential for creating great mobile experiences. Now it's time to start brainstorming and coding your next killer Android app idea! Let us know if you have any other questions. And for more Android development tips, check out the mobile section over at DevHunt.