Published Oct 29, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Build Fast with these Open Source Web Frameworks


Modern web applications have increasingly complex requirements - they need to render dynamic content swiftly, adapt layouts responsively, and manage state seamlessly. Open source JavaScript frameworks have evolved over the past decade to meet these needs. They provide benefits like faster rendering through virtual DOM diffing, reusable UI components for productivity, and simplified application state management. This post provides an overview of popular open source frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte. We'll compare their performance, capabilities, learning curves, and other key factors. Understanding the differences between these frameworks allows developers to make informed choices for their projects and hit the ground running. With mature open source options now available, web development is faster and more productive than ever.

A Brief History of Open Source Web Frameworks

Today's leading frameworks represent a culmination of key innovations and ideas over the years. Advances in rendering optimization, reactivity, and component architecture have shaped the frameworks we rely on today.

The Rise of JavaScript Frameworks

In the early 2000s, frontend developers relied on jQuery for DOM manipulation. But as web apps grew more ambitious, limitations emerged. MVC frameworks like Backbone were released, laying the foundation for more robust solutions. In 2010, Google open sourced AngularJS, one of the first full-featured JavaScript web app frameworks. But the biggest shift came in 2013 when Facebook open sourced React, pioneering the concept of the virtual DOM.

Modern Frameworks and Architectures

React introduced the virtual DOM, allowing it to efficiently calculate minimal DOM updates for better performance. New state management architectures like Flux also emerged. Frameworks increasingly embraced component-based architectures for modularity. Vue, React and the rewritten Angular all implemented these ideas in different ways. These innovations drove the component-based architectures we see in leading frameworks today.

Comparing Leading Open Source Frameworks

There are now multiple mature open source JavaScript frameworks widely used in production. We'll focus this overview on React, Vue, Angular and Svelte - examining their differences and strengths. While sharing some core principles, their philosophies and technical implementations differ. React promotes declarative UIs and immutable state. Vue offers an approachable API with incremental adoption. Angular provides extensive tooling for large apps. Svelte uses a radical compile-time approach for optimal performance. Let's dive into detailed comparisons across key criteria.

Performance Benchmarks

Performance testing reveals noticeable differences in metrics like component rendering time, memory usage and bundle sizes. React's virtual DOM provides significant optimizations for minimizing DOM updates. Svelte's ahead-of-time compilation allows it to output highly optimized vanilla JavaScript. In terms of size, Svelte and Vue generally produce smaller bundle sizes than React and Angular. No framework consistently wins across all performance dimensions - tradeoffs exist. But benchmarks demonstrate that performance is a priority for these frameworks. See DevHunt's virtual DOM benchmark study for detailed comparisons.

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

Vue is well regarded for its gentle learning curve and approachable API. React is also beginner-friendly, with excellent official documentation and tutorials. Angular's complexity can make it more challenging for newer developers to pick up. Svelte has a unique syntax that involves an upfront learning curve. Regarding ecosystem, React's widespread popularity makes it easy to find solutions and developers. But all these frameworks now have abundant learning resources available. Vue's core API contains only about 30 methods, compared to React's 100+ and Angular's 400+.

Popularity and Market Share

By most measures, React has the largest user base and market share among these options. Its ecosystem is unmatched in terms of tools, libraries and talent pool. Vue and Angular have solid adoption, especially among enterprises. Svelte is newer but gaining momentum. Job postings continue to show that React skills are most in demand, with Vue a rising need. React's origins at Facebook provide industry legitimacy as well. But experienced teams can be productive in any major framework. Choosing the right framework still depends on your needs.

Key Framework Capabilities and Features

Under the hood, each framework implements core capabilities like declarative UIs, components and state management differently. Let's examine how their approaches compare.

Declarative Rendering

React popularised declarative UIs using JSX, but templating is also common. Vue uses HTML-based templates for declarative rendering. JSX allows full programming logic in components. Templates provide more constraints, but are familiar to some developers. Both approaches have merits for declarative UIs.

// JSX in React

return (
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
<!-- Template in Vue -->

    <h1>Hello World</h1>

Component Architecture

All major frameworks rely on components as reusable building blocks. Encapsulation and separation of concerns are built-in best practices. React's functional components encourage data flow down via props. Angular offers strong tooling for managing component dependencies and change detection. Vue combines templating and scripting in single-file components (.vue files). Overall components are proven as an effective architecture.

State Management

Managing state is crucial for complex UIs. React uses external libraries like Redux for state management. Vue integrates Vuex into its core. Angular uses a service-oriented approach built-in. Svelte leaves state management to the developer. Each strategy has pros and cons. External state libraries add learning curve but provide robust functionality. Built-in state management couples code more tightly. There are valid tradeoffs to consider.


We've explored the capabilities of React, Vue, Angular and Svelte - four of today's most popular open source JavaScript web frameworks. While differing in implementation, they share proven patterns like declarative UIs, component architecture and state management. For newer developers, Vue or React are often the most accessible starting points. Teams needing extensive tooling may appreciate Angular. Performance demands could lead you to Svelte. Ultimately your project's unique needs should drive your framework decision. The great news is capable options exist for building ambitious web apps on the frontend.

To evaluate frameworks hands-on, try out some starter projects on DevHunt. Their tool discovery platform allows you to easily sample and compare open source web frameworks.


A Brief History of Open Source Web Frameworks

Comparing Leading Open Source Frameworks

Key Framework Capabilities and Features
