Published Nov 10, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

Devtoools Help Developers Work Smarter and Faster

In today's fast-paced world of software development, using the right devtools can make an enormous difference in productivity, collaboration, and innovation. As developers, we rely on a vast toolkit of applications and services to streamline our workflows and boost output. Choosing the optimal mix of devtools for your needs can unlock huge efficiency gains for individuals and teams.

This overview will explore major categories of cutting-edge devtools that are transforming how developers work in 2023. We’ll cover the top new and emerging options across code editors, testing frameworks, cloud platforms, collaboration systems, and more. The focus will be on highlighting innovative tools that help developers work smarter, deliver faster, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Devtools are applications and services that software engineers use during the development process, from writing and testing code to deployment and monitoring. The right devtools become indispensable parts of a developer's toolkit, helping them work more efficiently and deliver higher quality code.

Some key benefits of using modern devtools include:

  • Increased productivity - Tools like intelligent code editors and test automation free up developers to focus on writing business logic instead of repetitive tasks. Teams using GitHub Copilot report 10x gains in productivity from AI-assisted coding.

  • Improved collaboration - Platforms for communication, project management, and code sharing enable teams to work together seamlessly regardless of location. Tools like Tandem bring all team communication into open channels to improve transparency.

  • Accelerated innovation - New capabilities like AI-assisted coding and cloud infrastructure allow developers to experiment and iterate faster. Notebooks like Observable facilitate rapid data exploration.

  • Enhanced quality - Automated testing and monitoring tools detect bugs early and reduce production issues. Mabl users cut regression bugs 72% through AI test generation.

This overview will focus on some of the newest and most innovative devtools across major categories like code editors, testing frameworks, cloud platforms, and collaboration systems. For developers looking to upgrade their toolkit, understanding these emerging options is essential to working smarter and faster.

Code Editors and IDEs

For developers, a good code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) is foundational to an efficient workflow. These tools are where developers spend most of their time hands-on with code. Lightweight code editors like Visual Studio Code, Atom and Sublime Text are popular options, providing a fast and streamlined editing experience. On the other end of the spectrum, full IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ and Visual Studio provide deeper capabilities for large and complex projects.

On DevHunt, you can explore curated recommendations and reviews for new code editor extensions that maximize productivity. Some key features that developers look for in modern code editors and IDEs include:

  • Intelligent code completion with AI and machine learning
  • Integrated debugging and testing capabilities
  • Git and version control integration
  • Extensibility and customization with plugins
  • Cross-platform availability across devices

Top New Code Editors

While mainstays like VS Code continue dominating, new lightweight code editors are emerging to meet evolving needs:

  • Nova - Offers seamless integration with Panic's consulting platform. Excellent for React development.

  • Helix - Focused on performance, speed, and a minimalist interface. Fastest React apps in its benchmarks.

  • Micro - Terminal-based editor optimized for speed and low memory usage. Great for quick changes.

  • Eta - Built with Rust for native speed. Intelligent autocomplete powered by GPT-3.

  • Codespaces - Browser-based editor for cloud development. Integrated GitHub collaboration.

These new generation editors provide faster performance and more streamlined interfaces compared to traditional feature-packed options. Developers praise their speed and minimalism for quick changes and experimentation. On DevHunt, Eta earns a 4.8 user rating for its AI-powered productivity.

Innovations in IDEs

Full IDEs are also evolving with new innovations like AI assistance, notebook editors, and cloud-based development environments:

  • GitHub Copilot - AI pair programmer generates context-relevant code inline. 10x boost in developer velocity reported through its assisted coding.

  • Observable - Notebook-style IDE for data-driven development. Great for visualization and collaboration during exploration.

  • Gitpod - In-browser IDE with prebuilt workspaces. Develop against remote environments.

  • CodeSandbox - Frictionless online editor for building fullstack web apps. Popular for rapid prototyping.

  • AWS Cloud9 - Cloud IDE tightly integrated with AWS services. Optimized for serverless development.

These tools exemplify how AI and cloud infrastructure are transforming IDE workflows. Assisted coding reduces grunt work while notebooks facilitate interactive data exploration. Cloud-based IDEs streamline remote collaboration. Users on DevHunt praise how GitHub Copilot cuts hours from their workweek.

Automated Testing Tools

As apps grow in complexity, manually testing code becomes impractical. Automated testing tools have become essential for developers to maintain quality and confidence. Some popular options for test automation include:

  • Unit Testing - Validates individual functions and classes. Jest, Mocha, JUnit.

  • Integration Testing - Confirms different modules interact properly. Cypress, TestCafe.

  • End-to-End Testing - Simulates real user workflows. Selenium, Playwright.

  • Load Testing - Stresses app performance under heavy usage. k6, Locust.

Increasingly, artificial intelligence is also transforming testing via intelligent test case generation and smart test orchestration.

On DevHunt, the community loves open source testing frameworks like Vitest for their speed and simplicity compared to incumbent options.

Top New Testing Tools

As developers adopt more agile workflows, new testing tools cater to their evolving needs:

  • Vitest - Ultra-fast unit testing framework for Vite-based apps. Provides a streamlined testing experience.

  • Cypress - All-in-one end-to-end testing tool with easy setup and maintenance. Improves reliability over Selenium.

  • Playwright - Cross-browser testing platform from Microsoft. Supports mobile apps.

  • k6 - Open source load testing tool with scripting in JavaScript.

  • - Visual regression testing for web apps. No need to write test code.

These tools simplify test setup, provide easy CI/CD integration, and require less maintenance than traditional frameworks like Selenium and JUnit. Users praise Cypress for improving test reliability over Selenium.

AI-Powered Testing

Artificial intelligence is also reinventing testing by automatically generating tests, expanding coverage, and finding edge cases:

  • Functionize - Auto-generates end-to-end tests with natural language inputs. Faster test creation without coding.

  • Applitools - AI visual testing and monitoring. Catches layout issues and visual bugs instantly.

  • Testim - Automates interactions and builds tests from UI usage data. Covers more scenarios.

  • Diffblue Cover - Creates unit tests to maximize code coverage using AI analysis.

  • Mabl - Automated testing platform driven by AI test generation and self-healing. Users reduced regression issues 72%.

Users report AI testing provides broader, more reliable coverage than manual or coded tests alone. Mabl users cut regression bugs 72% compared to homegrown tests through its AI-powered platform.

Cloud Platforms and Services

Over the past decade, adoption of public cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud has skyrocketed. Serverless architectures, containers, managed databases, and AI services have transformed cloud capabilities. Some essential categories include:

  • Infrastructure - VPCs, servers, load balancing, DNS, etc.

  • Storage - Object storage, block storage, archives, etc.

  • Databases - Managed SQL, NoSQL, in-memory, graph, etc.

  • Analytics - Big data, business intelligence, real-time analytics.

  • DevOps - CI/CD, monitoring, logging, security, etc.

On DevHunt, developers are using cloud services like DigitalOcean App Platform to streamline fullstack development with preconfigured infrastructure and services.

Top New Cloud Services

Alongside the hyperscale clouds, new services cater to modern architectures and workflows:

  • DigitalOcean App Platform - Build, deploy, and scale apps without managing infrastructure.

  • MongoDB Atlas - Fully managed global cloud database service for MongoDB.

  • Cloudflare Workers - Serverless platform for apps, APIs, and websites.

  • Upstash - Serverless Redis with infinite scale and zero maintenance.

  • - Global edge computing platform optimized for modern apps.

These services provide managed experiences on top of infrastructure clouds. Users praise ease of use and time savings from reduced operational load. DevHunt users give top ratings to MongoDB Atlas and DigitalOcean.

Open Source Cloud Tools

Developers are also turning to open source tools as an alternative to vendor lock-in. These provide greater flexibility and control for those with in-house DevOps skills:

  • OpenStack - Open source infrastructure-as-a-service platform.

  • Cloud Foundry - Open platform-as-a-service backed by the Linux Foundation.

  • OpenShift - Enterprise distribution of Kubernetes for managing containers.

  • Terraform - Infrastructure-as-code tool from HashiCorp. Write, version, and deploy cloud environments.

  • Grafana - Open observability platform with metrics visualization and dashboards.

Large enterprises use OpenShift and OpenStack to avoid lock-in. Grafana earns top marks on DevHunt for its monitoring capabilities.

Collaboration Platforms

Effective collaboration tools are indispensable for developers working in distributed teams. Traditional tools like Slack, Jira, and GitHub help teams communicate, track issues, and manage code.

But as remote and hybrid work become more prevalent, developers need better transparency, asynchronous communication, and alignment on priorities. New collaboration platforms aim to meet these needs with innovative approaches.

On DevHunt, developers praise tools like Tandem for improving visibility into team initiatives by consolidating conversations into open channels.

Innovative Team Workflow Tools

New collaboration platforms take different approaches than legacy tools:

  • Tandem - Brings all team communication into open channels sorted by topics and projects for transparency.

  • Friday - Manages asynchronous communication and provides automated insights to improve visibility.

  • Linear - Issue tracking with lighter weight workflows than Jira or GitHub.

  • Craft - Visual workspace for managing initiatives, projects, and tasks in one place.

  • ClickUp - All-in-one customizable productivity platform. Great for workflows.

These tools focus on transparency, alignment, and asynchronous communication for better remote collaboration. DevHunt users give top marks to Friday for improving team visibility through its automated insights.

Transparent Team Tools

Other emerging tools provide new ways to track work and stay aligned:

  • Stakeholder - Prioritization platform with goal-focused roadmaps shared across the organization.

  • Favro - Agile work management centered around a real-time collaboration board.

  • Weekdone - Workflow automation, progress tracking, and alignment insights.

  • ProdPad - Unified workspace with roadmap, ideas, releases, and project tracking.

  • Planview Spigit - Collaboration platform to crowdsource, refine, and track ideas.

With project and goal dashboards that provide end-to-end visibility, these tools keep teams grounded in company priorities. Early DevHunt reviews praise ProdPad's user experience.


This overview explored major categories of cutting-edge devtools that are changing how developers work today. We covered new solutions for coding, testing, cloud services, and team collaboration that boost productivity and accelerate delivery.

Key innovations like AI assistance, test automation, managed cloud platforms, and transparent workflows are shaping the future of software development. For developers looking to upgrade their toolkit in 2023, evaluating options like those featured on platforms like DevHunt is a great way to stay on the leading edge.

Adopting the newest devtools that streamline coding, testing, infrastructure, and collaboration is critical for working smarter, moving faster, and maximizing innovation. The world of development moves quickly - making sure you have the right devtools means you can keep pace and build the future.